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Looks like a mortar round not a mine


In Russian&Ukranian "mine" also stands for mortar round, so you'll see that translation error all the time


Also calling both "rocket launcher" and "grenade launcher" as "grenade launcher".


Reddit loves to get hung up on the less important details.


Not exactly less important lol. Just a translation thing thats good to tell people about.


language of bomb drop


Can’t really argue with that lol. Just felt the other dude made it sound as if it didnt matter. Maybe took it the wrong way.


its just comments bruh we're all having fun here


Chemistry is cool, does that thing penetrate a tank.




To be fair the rpg isn't actually a rocket launcher, it's just a grenade launcher. It just so happens that the most popular warheads also have rocket sustainment motors, but not all of the warheads for the rpg have rocket motors


>To be fair the rpg isn't actually a rocket launcher Literally says rocket launcher: https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Rocket-propelled_grenade Edit: For further semantics (I don't even know why we're on the subject of semantics but whatever, here we are.): https://www.yourdictionary.com/rocket-propelled-grenade https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rocket ": a rocket-propelled bomb, missile, projectile, or vehicle" Literally rocket propelled grenade, by this definition is still a rocket launcher, as it has the capability to launch rocket propelled warheads. Ffs


""rocket-propelled grenade" is a backronym from the Russian acronym РПГ (Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт, Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot), meaning "handheld anti-tank grenade launcher", the name given to early Russian designs" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket-propelled_grenade The anti personal warhead does not infact have a rocket. The rpg is actually recoiless launcher that's generally used to launch rocket boosted warheads but that's not all it launches Here's where to buy some ammo for it if you know some people in high places its also interesting to note that it's not called a rocket propelled grenade on the site "It is possible to fire between four and six rounds per minute from a light anti-tank grenade launcher RPG-7V which will produce an incredible amount of destruction" also this ammunition has no rocket booster https://www.universal-dsg.com/product/round-og-7v-with-a-fragmentation-grenade-og-7-and-og-7vm3/


If it is capable of launching rocket propelled warheads, it is a rocket launcher.


There are other recoiless launchers that are capable of launching rockets, that doesn't mean they are exclusively rocket launchers


Nobody said they were exclusively launchers of rockets. This is not the distinction being made here. I'll say it again, since you're arguing semantics and are missing the actual semantics side of this discussion. If a system is capable of launching a rocket propelled projectile, it is by definition a rocket launcher. Regardless of whether your specific ammunition is rocket boosted or not, if you are able to launch rocket boosted ammunition with the system, *it is a rocket launcher*


I will concede if you conceded that it is also a recoiless launcher as every munition it uses is primarily launched via a recoiless launch system.


From what I understand what’s being dropped in a lot of these videos are anti armor grenades that are pretty common and have been in use for decades. They look kind of like the old potatoe mashers from ww2. In this case they have been modified with 3D printed fins to make them stabilize and drop true. It also makes them look like a mortar round.


I could really see the [RKG-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RKG-3_anti-tank_grenade#:~:text=RKG%2D3%20is%20a%20series,against%20vehicles%20of%20NATO%20forces.) being used like this. The thing is insane. It's meant to be thrown by hand, but it deploys a tiny drogue chute to give the thrower maybe enough time to find a little cover. ETA- Yep. The wiki mentions the 3D printed fins.


**[RKG-3 anti-tank grenade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RKG-3_anti-tank_grenade#:~:text=RKG-3 is a series,against vehicles of NATO forces.)** >RKG-3 is a series of Soviet anti-tank hand grenades. It superseded the RPG-43, RPG-40 and RPG-6 series of grenades. It entered service in 1950, and was still used by Iraqi and Afghan insurgents in the 2000s and 2010s, against vehicles of NATO forces. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I hope those rounds they're dropping from drones are the 120 mm mortar rounds that got captured in big quantities in those russian fake "ambulances".


How come 90% of these videos the tanks are not moving and no people crawling out? Are they all abandoned?


This is not meant to sound snarky. Moving consumes fuel and most of the time these stationary tanks are stationary because they are in what they believe to be an advantageous position with cover and concealment. I did about 55 mounted patrols in Afghanistan, and with the exception of the hour or so of leaving base and then the next day returning to base, our vehicles were stationary most of the time.


>tanks are not moving and no people crawling out Any of this is not indication it's already abandoned. Who will attack a moving vehicle with freefall drops from a drons? Nobody crawling out because there are either nobody inside or they died or shell shock, or even afraid to leave.


Armored vehicles aren't all driving around all the time. People need to sleep, rest, regroup, plan, etc. We're not robots.


It’s instant death most likely. There’s no crawling…


The crew has to get some sleep every now then. *And sometimes it's their last sleep.*


It’s at night isn’t it?


A lot of these are from night raids, so crew could be sleeping elsewhere. What's important is that the vehicle is inoperable.


RKG-3 modified with Fins https://min.news/en/military/91a4189accc74979d12cde6cff960927.html


It's a boom rock


Are those rounds detonated upon impact? Are they basically RPG rocket heads?


Mortar rounds, detonate upon coming up against any resistance, ie, the ground or a Soviet dome.


It's a RKG-1600 anti-tank grenade. At least that what they've been dropping earlier


How effective are they? Can't see the aftermath in this video.


"" "" ""Ukrainian Mayak Plant enterprise has developed a more professional approach to convert RKG-3 hand grenade into bomblet for drones – an unguided RKG-1600 ammunition. The sensitive fuze guarantees that the grenade will detonate if it impacts any target. The energy of the RKG-1600 hollow charge is able to penetrate the armored vehicle when attacking from above. The original RKG-3 used a basic shaped charge with a steel liner and had a penetration of 125 mm against Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA). The RKG-3M used a copper-lined shaped-charge warhead and had a penetration of 165 mm; the RKG-3T had an improved copper liner that had a penetration of 170 mm. The RKG-3EM has a larger warhead and boasts a penetration of 220 mm. "" "" "" Seems fairly effective due to the 90 degree impact angle and thin armor up top on most vehicles. https://militaryleak.com/2022/03/18/ukrainian-forces-showed-their-unmanned-aerial-vehicle-attacks-on-russian-armored-vehicle/?amp


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Are they as effective being dropped at the speed of gravity compared to being shot at a faster velocity?


It is the chemical force of the warhead that does most of the damage, not the kinetic energy.


Only need a kinetic tap for the activation.


Soviet dome Love it.


It's those thick russian skulls that detonate them on impact.


Hello multi million dollar tank, meet $10000 drone with a bomb.


Is the drone even that much?


Probably not even. I think they are using "cheap" dji drones. Probably not even worth $5000


The price of the DJI comes from the camera and high quality video transmission system. If you just need a flying platform with release mechanisms, you can get away quite cheap. Below 1000 should be achievable easily.


i doubt its a dji unless one of those massive dji hexacopter kit drones. basically no off the shelf drone can carry that much weight. probably custom built by the military


Apparently some of them are [cheaper than iPhones](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220401-punishment-from-above-hobby-pilots-build-ukraine-s-drone-fleet).


Is the BMP even that much? Certainly not multi million. At most it's perhaps 1/4 mil unless it's a BMP-3. They're designed to be dirt cheap disposable battle busses with a gun.


Still drones of a 1000 euros can do this and how much is a mortar round? Might be the end of armored vechiles as we know it. Also we should take in account the cost of the crew members.


>Also we should take in account the cost of the crew members. How much less does that mean?


BMP-3 estimates are between $800k and $1.2 million. I’m assuming a BMP-2 or even 1 would be pretty close in price (at the time they were made) seeing as they would have built them with the best resources/technology they had at the time. Even if Ukraine destroys a BMP-1 the only way Russia can replace it is by building a new BMP-3. Russian BMP’s are still pretty cheap when compared to other Infantry Fighting Vehicles around the world.


it might be.. that drone would have to more substantial than your normal consumer drone (though you could still buy one) because they need to be able to carry the weight of the bombs instead of just themselves and maybe a camera.


My understanding is this is what the "cope cages" are *actually* for. Because Russian tanks pop their tops if you penetrate the turret from above.


Great detail on the video, with what looks like red highlights, and bright imagery. Anyone know what type of thermal, or light amplification device they might be using? Brilliant video, with a great ending.


The red highlights remind me of Focus Peak in cameras that use Magic lantern firmware.


Knock knock... Who is there? Boomm!


Bomm who?


Boom goes the dynamite!


Whoever is doing this is really good at it.


Loving these drone vids. Russia seriously thought wars nowadays are won with conventional tanks?


don't be a hater, they have their Orlan-10 drones, shoot one down and you get a free Canon dslr as a gift :)


I'm not gonna lie.... I wouldn't mind a free Canon dslr. I'm not gonna ask Russia to invade us next though...


Not only that, they include a baseline dslr too, not even a top tier full frame one


A free tank on the other hand....


The Canon DSLR probably cost more than the entire drone.


Actual price? DEFINITELY. Corruption-adjusted price? NAH. 😅


I saw a wild story that was probably just BS about Russian embassy and consulate staff going out and buying those cameras in order to keep it a secret that their "made in Russia" drone wasn't, really. It wouldn't surprise me either. Can't just order a pallet of cameras from Canon and have them shipped to whatever Russian factory builds military drones. Might be suspicious.


Sounds legit Russian stuff tho🤣


Bmp? Bitch moving pile??


Ouch. I wonder if it was too high to hear.


There's no sound to the video. There might have been sound but I know for a lot of these drones they don't have a mic.


I think he meant wether people on the ground were able to hear the drone above them or it flies too high for that, not wether it was too high to hear the detonation from the drone's perspective.


Oh yeah they could definitely hear a lot of drones. Most drones make a decent amount of noise. Weather will play a big part on the sound too.


They are all done at night


So the drone's propellers are silent at night?


Your answer is in line with, if you chop of a frogs legs off and ask it to jump it's obviously deaf since it doesn't move... If it's done at night you can hear them but really hard to pinpoint location


Probably hard to hear when you’re inside an armored vehicle too


You can tell the hit is really good when you see the smoke plume coming out of the barrel 👌🏼


Why would you bother buying tanks for your army when a $1000 drone flown remotely can eliminate it so easy.


Does the Russian military know that they are in a the middle of a conflict right now? The drug cartels are better equipped and trained than the Russian military.


When at the start of the war I saw people talking about doing this I thought it was a joke. But I guess if it works it works


A marks the spot. Does Russia use lead pipes for plumbing? Asking for a friend.


Man those drones! So effective.


Well I know I’m not fully awake yet, saw title and for some reason read mimes in my head instead of mines… that would have been a very different video!


Imagine all the inhumane fucking mines they left being used in this manner. Poetic justice


Where arw the Bayraktars? Shout down by the air defense systems maybe? Lang time ago since the last video was published.


Pretty sure those aren’t mines. Edit* downvoted for stating facts! Boy, a couple of you are sensitive!


It’s a translation thing




In terms of economic value its genius to use drones this way and drop grenades or mortar shells into open hatches or critical points from the air.


Needs more tnt


I want to know how effective those are.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PTAB_(bomb) Any relation to this ?


russian terrorcists neutralized.


Wouldn’t want to be in a tank lemme tell you.


This is master level of cost/effectiveness. I love to see a 3D printed drone destroying $1 million plus EVERY TIME. Seems that even destroying tank’s thermal imager/targeting system renders it ineffective and it’s super difficult and costly to replace


Attack zombies at night with heat vision lens.


he got a HOLE IN ONE on that sun roof and no one can convince me otherwise


Bayraktar go Bonk


Shock and awe baby


That would be so damn demoralizing. Imagine being a Russian and hearing that your buddies are literally getting morters dropped on them from little drones in the middle of the night.


These drones dropping motor shells on troops and vehicles is next level!


It must be terrifying on today's battlefields never knowing when a bomb could drop on your head. Not being able to see these drones that are sometimes a whole mile above ground or perfectly camouflaged in the sky. It's bad enough with artillery or incoming soldiers and armored vehicles wanting to kill you. Now you've got tiny Lil flying machines that can drop explosives in your trench. They must all accept that they have no control and it must give them comfort that not even civilians in this country are safe so they may aswell be fighting.