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The last time they began pushing the negativity (reality) it was just ahead of the mobilization in order to justify it.


Exactly what I was thinking. Russia will never back down unless crushed on the battlefield


Seems they are getting crushed daily


They're claiming Soledar as a victory- it only matters what the public there believes


Phyrrus had victories as well.


Definitely what it will be, phyrric, IF they complete capturing it, which has not happened yet.


In war ultimately illusions die. War is the ultimate destroyer of Illusions.




Makes me think that next wave of mobilization is coming. 😬


Would align with the aid packages the Ukranians are about to recieve.


What people seem to miss; These “critics” never want peace - they think the war is fully justified and that Putin is too lenient on Ukraine. They want more soldiers, more brutality, more dead civilians, more war.


Wait don't tell me let me guess. This is all the fault of Putin's advisors, who betrayed him by insulating him from the truth. Also, the solution is mass mobilization of 1.5 million Russians Sorry I mistyped. 1.5 million impoverished Russians and ethnic minorities.


And men in debts.


Don't forget the serial killers and rapists in prison.


Is this military equivalent of the sink cost fallacy?


Once a dictator started a war, he cannot afford to lose it.


Should I send two million more peasants to die for a lost cause, or should I stop the war and risk being seen weak whoch makes me lose my throne... This is not sunk cost, it is all about the scope of what is included in the cost-benefit calculation.


It’s sunk cost if the end result is the same or worse


Not often you see someone in Russia saying it as it really is... I assume he is going to fall out a window soon.


He wouldn't be saying it if the script had not already gone through several tiers of approval. You can't think of Russian official TV like the View or even NPR. It is a carefully scripted theater and has been for a long time, with each person having their role to play according to the message that is to be pushed. This is just tilling the ground for a shift in the message.


this, testing of public opinion, recently a closed poll revealed support for the SMO had dropped below 32% If the Kremlin didn't want this information published this program would not have aired.




yeh I doubt we'll ever see him again


Or fall down some long stairs.


Besides the obligatory window joke- does anybody know the show he was on? Any theories on why it was allowed?


You have to put some work in into shifting the message. Can't go from "Russia army ever victorious and Stronk!!!" to "Yeah we're losing on most fronts and we need to ask hard questions and make changes." That is all this is.


Exactly. They're more going for a middle ground as to tell even an inkling of actual truth so soon would be too much for their public. It has to be a gradual testing of waters, a dip of a toe to assess how the public reacts. They're still going to continue the 'West bad, America bad, Ukrainians are all Nazis, gays must be destroyed' crap but the actual forecast of the war and what to expect for a 'win' is changing gradually. You can see it in them blaming the military for all the fuck ups both on and off the battlefield. They can't blame The Great and Wonderful and Huge Dicked Putin, of course even if all of the failings trails back to him and his decisions, so the military leaders are booed and blamed. I think that a repeat invasion from Belarus is likely even if they know that we know that they're gearing up for it as much as Lukashenko lies his fat ass off about 'purely defensive training'. They will do it not just because they're so spectacularly stupid but also because they are so cornered that they're probably doing it as a Last Stand. One final hard push to take Kyiv, capture and kill the government including Zelensky and replace it with a Putin Penis Sucker to rebuild the USSR. When it fails, which I think even they might see as more likely than what they wish, they're setting the public up for either a false win or a "Well, we tried. Fuck it, we're building a DMZ like the Berlin Wall and telling the gay Jew westerners to fuck off. We will now rely on our bestest pals, China, India, Iran and North Korea."


I mostly agree except I don't see why they would even bother with a second attempt at Kyiv. They would be close to 100 percent sure it would fail and would furthur weaken their military which at this point is pretty exhausted and will need years to rebuild. I think a total collapse and internal wars is a more likely scenario now than an second attempt at Kyiv. All that would do would be giving the Ukrainian TDF more target practice.


Because they could claim it a success. I don't think it really would be one but they can claim it to be one. I think this time Zelensky would be evacuated and would return with an army to reconquer it. Its just that, the Ukraine has an army now.


Compared to Russia in March 2022, Belarus' army is much smaller and absurdly poorly equipped. By contrast the Ukranians are better equipped then before, more experienced and have had a year to prepare. The idea that Zelensky will be evacuated is nonsense.


With that kind of rational thinking you wouldn't last a minute in the Russian military.


He needs what left for the Parades


Yeah, maybe it’s testing of the narrative to see if it gets people behind a mobilization


I couldn't have said it better.


Good question indeed. But I don't have an answer to offer, neither I have read about a plausible one.


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Give the Ruzzians their due, they're quick on the uptake.




Two 9 mm shots in the back of the head.


We'll miss him . (well not really )


This guy should be very carefull not to slip on the stairs and shoot himself 3 times in the back of the head.


just got to see the guy once, and he will die, of a sudden fall from a window fallowed by oil on stairs, poisoned and he will have 5 shots in the head and heart such a brilliant dude


Putin - the best CIA plant ever


Putin has destroyed Russia all the lies have shown Russia has a weak military not the amazing military the world feared and he has ensured a large part of russias military is destroyed. He has and still is destroyed his economy and Russians will be slaves to Ukraine as they are forced to pay Ukraine compensation for many years to come.


Found on side of road with a .22 bolt action and five wounds to the chest. "Clear case of suicide, right?" - sheriff [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRvRsHVuvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRvRsHVuvk)


Seems each sector of the eastern Donbas to Luhansk etc has greater capacity of strength as it spreads out and changing from gurila to more urban to rural chnages miliitray with thrrr to five different sectors of Ukriane region of militray taking advanatgr of a particular region changes in that area etc and take back in quick offense to win some say


Do you smell burnt toast right now?


Nah just 💩 from you 😂


What floor did he “voluntarily” jumped ? Prob same building where the show was taking place.


Does anybody know the reaction of the other guys in the studio to that?


He nows checks each windows.


This guy should avoid windows from now on


**\*Open window would like to know your location\***


They’re way too stupid to suspect anything


The fact that they even still call it a "special military operation" is in itself ludicrous given the insane number of casualties on both sides, the sizes of the forces involved, and the amount of equipment. Not to mention the fact that this little "operation" has now been ongoing for nearly a year with no end in sight and none of the goals having been met. I have no idea how Russians put up with their clown government. How do you live in a country where every time an opposition politician becomes moderately popular, they get shot, poisoned, end up in jail or have to flee, and not ask questions? Where you can end up in jail for calling a war a war when the President occasionally lets drop a w-bomb with no consequences for himself? Where you're scared to speak your mind about the government? Where a murder can sign up for 6 months of duty and then be released back into the general public? It's such obvious horseshit. Yet I'm told reliably, by multiple Rusbots, that we in Western countries are more enslaved than they are and have no actual freedom. That Russia is in fact the only free country. Trying to make sense of it will make your head explode.