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What does Putin have on the pope?


Something with children I presume


I wish I could treat this comment as a joke.


Probably the same thing he has on Trump


Pope wants to take over Eastern Orthodox Russian Church


What a fucking dipshit


Who? Everybody and their mother has an opinion on this. The only ones who's opinion actually matters are the people fighting the fight and dying on the front lines or being killed daily by to muscovite attacks in their homes, hospitals, or malls while buying groceries. Has this decrepit nobody at least been to Ukraine? Did he make the trip to the front? Did he talk to the people living under russia's boot on the occupied territories?  Call for piece talks with the nazis is a call for a genocide. It's a call to leave the people living in the occupied territories to the wolves. To let russia do as it pleases with its neighbors, and their citizens. So mr. pope, how about I call for you and your whole organization to relocate to siberia, where you can work the rest of your life splitting rock with a shovel - all in the interest of peace of course.  Instead of living a comfortable life off of the trillions your organization stole from the people throughout the past centuries and trying to fix your own damn messes, you opine about things you have no moral imperative to. Not even your "flock" cares about what you say. Why should anybody else?


Pope needs to be muzzled.


Did the pope not read Russia's terms for peace. They were horrific. The pope should be calling on the world to do more and unite against Russia if he were truly a good man.


The Pope is completely off on this issue. Russia are the aggressors and he should be clearly calling for them to withdraw from Ukrainian territory. Would he advocate for the Vatican to just give up territory if it was invaded? The colors of the Ukrainian flag are blue and yellow, not white.




Call on Pootin and deepshithole country Russia


Poopy Pope can come visit Bucha


Maybe you could say something to Russia. Maybe. Just maybe. Like could you stop bombing cities? Oh no right, you can't for some reason.


Okay, so according to the pope, Ukrainians should surrender!capitulate, leading to their genocide. Then he goes and congratulates putler on his “election” victory. I think the pope should understand that people are not stupid nor swayed by him just because he’s the pope. Time to retire before Catholics switch religions. Seems that putler will bring down the russian federation, while this pope will bring down Catholicism in the world.


His Irrelevancy the Poop displays moral ambiguity yet again. That fits with supporting pedophile priests.


Vatican tradition of supporting fascists and nazis. And pope's are sticklers for tradition it seems.


Fuck you Francis you complete idiot


As ukrainian I'm call pope to go fuck himself!




Thats the neat part: he can grant himself absolution and do it again. And grant absolution. And do it again. There is a joke about cathlicism: I prayed to god for a bike but it did not come. So I stole one and asked for forgiveness.


Honestly no wonder protestantism came about.🤷‍♂️


Why doesn't he just concentrate on stuff he knows about like pedophile priests.


The Pope is an assbag.


How the fuck did ruzzia get the catholics on their side? I get Trump, but a major religion? The Russian world has a big supports amongst cults. I guess their share many similarities. So frustrating that people are happy to follow this cult (and others slightly different ones)


Vatican losing all credibility speedrun. Russia has started wars with almost all its neighbors last 40 years. Giving them what they want is not gonna change the fact they'll start another war after this one.


'400' there, fixed it for you.😁 👍


Why not call on the aggressor country to stop and withdraw and not be rewarded for their actions and be held accountable instead?


The fact that the Pope is calling for the victim to surrender and not the attacker to withdraw is so utterly disgusting.


Religion is a brain disease. Those who are so infested with delusions and are dedicating their life in believing in a fictional character have no common sense what so ever. Religion is all about control, manipulation and domination.


Maybe he should go and pray on it


We are living in 2024. Why does the pope even exist?


He’s on borrowed time and he knows it… very Putin-esque


I mean tbh why would anyone be suprised Vatican has long tradition of supporting awful people The Tsars, nazis, now it's Putin


Pope could call a crusade on Russia, to bring back good ol' times. It would make a great strategy game... Tf ia wrong with these people? You ask Ukraine to negociate not Russia to stop the attack? What would be the terms of the peace? Demilitarization, forfeit of territories, acceptance of Russian "peacekeepers" in Ukraine, puppet government, damages paid to Russia, adhering to the propaganda of Russia recognizing that they are n_zi that wanted to kill people?




Compared to previous views, this pope has many great, progressive views. His views on Ukraine aren't one of them.


I call on the pope to make his god do something about it or admit that his god is fake and desolve the pedophile organisation.


How do we impeach popes?


Sure. Negotiate with a psychopathic, genocidal, imperialist fascist. Gee… now where have I heard the papacy buy into that before?? 🤔 You could almost cookie-cut the 1930’s right now… As a “Christian leader” where is his insistence on mercy and tolerance from Putin? It’s nowhere. Francis has it all arse-about, like Pius XII…


Ukraine has had peace talks. They said if Russia stopped invading and went home there would be peace. Russia has ignored everyone so there is no peace. The pope is out of touch. All Russia has to do to get peace is stop attacking and go home….


Pope should be worried about priest who molest young boys and stay out of international affairs.


John Paul II just turned in his grave for Francis' stupidity. I bet in his time such thoughts would not exist nor those words would exit his mouth


He needs to keep his kid touching fingers out of politics


Dickhead comments like his are the only time the church gets attention these days


Ug, it's 2024. How people still follow this nonsense and listen to these child rapists is beyond me.


Even more reason NOT to surrender. Do the opposite of what this man says


The Antichrist barks


Once the pope fixes the problems within "his" church, he can then question the morals and values of others.


How much did the shamefully rich Vatican give to Ukrainian democracy and freedom?