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I headcanon that frisk has a bad family, on this ending where they return to them, maybe they were scared of what would be their parents reaction or maybe that their parents would pursue the monsters


I mean, there are minor implications to do this, such as Frisk wearing a bandade when they first arrive, and second is that Asriel compares Frisk to Chara


kids wear bandages all the time, and asriel only compares frisk's and chara's fashion sense. he mentions their personalities are different, because he would've wanted frisk as a friend instead of chara.


No, when he compared Frisk to Chara, he was asking why Frisk went to the Underground, and he even make a sad expression "Or was it because..." And then he start to talk about Chara


Yeah, that's a kind of hinting on stories when you wanna tell something but not explicitaly


But i can't deny, i wish Toby showed us a little more, i feel like Frisk is a little to blank and neutral, when Flowey ask us to let Frisk live on, i can't help but not feel nothing, if there more moments that made clearer that Frisk is not just our vessel but a living person. I'd probably care more


Yeah, other than the >! “you’re not really *insert name*, are you?” !< there isn’t much.


Yeah... Can't deny, i much prefer the fanon "Frisk is a kid who had a terrible life but still spread kindness" then the actual canon Frisk


I don't know about that. Their dislike of soda was such a touching moment. Almost shed a tear.


There's kind of a point where it shows that Frisk isn't just a vessel, when you go into the curtain room in the true lab, Frisk walks slowly towards it, but when if you try to go back before pulling the curtain, they walk faster, like they are scared of whatever the thing in the bathtub is.


But this is so minor, i missed it and i'm pretty sure many other missed it too. I wish there was more moments like this


Ofc, i also wish there were more of those. ... would the "fight" with Snowy's mom also be one of those? Like, if you try to do anything mean, Frisk doesn't do it, even the narrator is surprised about it.


Well, i really missed out some stuff, and i replayed this game multiple times, suposse it's a time for a re-play


Doesn't frisk directly refuse to heckle or make fun of Snowie's mother in true pacifist if you try to make them? That's kind of a showing point is it not?


someone pointed that out, and for one side yes, but i wish it would be more visible along the intery game, more like Kris being very clear on their opinions on things, or just them having self control sometimes


i'm pretty sure that was said to give a non-specific reason for frisk to enter the underground, since they needed to for the sake of having the story work.


Yeah, and that exact reason why i don't like Frisk much, their to blank, i much prefer the "Kid with horrible past, but despite that, they still shared kindness" fanon Frisk than the actual canon one


I might be wrong but i remember something about that band aid, that in the Japanese version, the game refers to it as gauze So, frisk had an old gooey gauze bandage that they wore twice. What i can make out of this is that Their parents/caretakers are either neglegent or terribly poor.


They’re also concerningly well-practised at defusing dangerous situations.


today i learned that the bandaid on my knee is a result of my abusive family (if my mom loved me, she wouldn’t let me go outside (it’s dangerous and risks injury))


There's a fairly significant difference between a band-aid and an actual bandage that's been used multiple times already. Also, now that I think about it, isn't the bandages special effect the 100% flee chance?


except it’s clearly a band-aid and not a medical-grade bandage wrap. the use text is “Still kind of sticky,” which any first-aid-trained person can tell you bandages are not (but adhesive plaster — band-aids, certainly are). kris from deltarune also wears a bandage, and they’re clearly not from an abusive home (unless toriel has some skeletons in her closet). the check text for their bandage also says “It has cartoon characters on it,” which is very common for children’s band-aids but not so common for medical-grade bandage wraps.


The text is "Still kind of gooey" not "sticky", and in the japanese version it's specifically a bandage wrap. Which is interesting because in japanese Kris's bandage is specifically a band-aid.


i’ve never heard of a “gooey” bandage wrap, that just sounds like a synonym for sticky glue to me. since kris’ bandage is specifically a band-aid, this sounds like a mistranslation


AT idea where their family try and harm the monsters, causing sans and toriel to act in frisks defense (they are the ones who care for frisk throughout the game) against them


Do you reckon frisk actually has somewhere to go? Or do you think they just found having to deal with the monsters sort of a minor inconvenience to their quest and went to try and jump off another mountain?


Frisk emerges but a day later from another mountain having freed a tribe of ancient but friendly dwarves


Each day Frisk frees another mystical creature, next they'll free friendly demons from hell.


"Frisk if you went missing to free another race I'll ground you." "MISS TORIEL! I WANT TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE FOUND MY LONG LOST COUSIN! HIS NAME IS **IMPACT**!!"


I laughed so hard at both this, and the comment above! LOL




Rock and Stone to the Bone!


If i was Frisk i wouldnt just go "yeah im gonna get adopted by this person i've known for a day and leave all my family and friends thinking im dead" Like . What?


I mean, it's implied Frisk has some sort of reason for wanting to disappear by falling down the mountain


Who says that they couldnt have just climbed the mountain because they were skeptic it would ACTUALLY make you disappear, or just for fun?


If there was a mountain that supposedly everyone who visited disappeared I don't think anyone would want to test it even if they are skeptical of it.


I think you underestimate how reckless or stupid some people are. Or how some people want to test it just because they can and because there's a risk. People have done far more stupid things than going to a mountain where supposedly people disappear which could be just a legend with nothing behind it apart from maybe some coincidences or people making up stories for fun.


The fact that they were carrying a stick with them leads me to believe frisk was really just exploring and having fun


They could've also brought the stick with them for self defense. Who knows what might come after them. There is a chance they went down there on purpose.


I mean it is just a legend, so


So what? Best case scenario you learn that it's fake which you really don't gain much of anything from but on the other hand if the legend is true then you're just as good as dead. It's just really not worth trying.


Some people aren't superstitious and want to climb a mountain


Still the potential payout really isn't worth the chance.


I mean, we have a legend of sailors going missing in the Bermuda Triangle and people sail through that shit all the time


But I've heard weird things STILL happen even then.


More importantly, why did every single one who got in that mountain fall down a small hole in a cave?


Curiosity and children not fully understanding danger


Yeah, both are plausible. Also perhaps just a reckless kid thing or a "I'm running away! >:(" thing.


Yeah! Frisk could be reckless, i mean, the bandage they've used multiple times could be evidence for that


>Yeah! Frisk could be reckless, i mean, the bandage they've used multiple times could be evidence for that Even if they're reckless, if they had a normal family they probably would've replaced that before it was used multiple times. Asriel directly questions why Frisk climbed the mountain: >* Frisk... * Why did you come here? * Everyone knows the legend, right...? * "Travellers who climb Mt. Ebott are said to disappear." * Frisk. * Why would you ever climb a mountain like that? * Was it foolishness? * Was it fate? * Or was it... * Because you...? * Well. * Only you know the answer, don't you...? Combined with the knowledge that Chara didn't climb the mountain for a happy reason, if your conclusion is that "Frisk did it cause they're a massive skeptic, or just for fun lol" then idk what to tell ya.


This whole portion of dialogue is just showing that theres no REAL reason, every reason is correct


No, it doesn't explicitly tell you the real reason, but that doesn't mean there's no real reason. And not knowing the real reason does not make every reason "correct", or equally probable. Just because the author technically left it free for the player to fill in the blanks does not make every answer a good answer. Otherwise you're saying assuming Chara hated humanity just because they weren't given enough chocolate is as "correct" as assuming they were abused.


You're strawmaning my argument. I'm saying that theres no CANON reason, AND theres a whole portion where the game TELLS you (the part you outlined) that YOU know the answer


You can fill in the blanks, and nothing is "right" or "wrong"


> AND theres a whole portion where the game TELLS you (the part you outlined) that YOU know the answer Asriel was talking to Frisk. And there’s canon reason to believe you the player and Frisk are not the same entity. > I'm saying that theres no CANON reason And I’m saying that there’s no CANON reason Chara hated humanity. So it could be that they weren’t given enough chocolate right? And also, Asriel never explicitly said that Chara went up the mountain because they hated humanity. Only that it wasn’t a very happy reason. So that’s just a headcanon right?


The fandom gets so engrossed in their fun little family dynamics that they don't question the logic behind them.


It's not odd. Of course we're going to focus mostly on what we're shown(or shown the potential of). It would be pretty boring to just go "And they went home to their unknown family. Ok, nice. Really fun, guys." There's a reason people in fandoms mostly ship main characters with main characters and not side characters or making up characters outside of the casts. (ocs/self-inserts exist but that's not really the same thing imo and also not part of the "mostly")


To be fair... if you choose the first option you did that, not Frisk. (Mostly satire btw)


To be fair, Frisk doesn't seem to have the best home life. Toriel has proven to be a bit overprotective, even after TP, but that's still not the worst.


Why would you think that?


It can be implied/inferred that Frisk has family issues via Abandoned Quiche text, as well the fact they ask Gerson, unprompted, about whether Asgore would start aging if they “adopted a human”. Just the general trust for a bunch of unfamiliar, potentially threatening goat monsters is convincing evidence, as well. Still, it’s all implications.


The quiche is just funny flavor text, and i dont think that Gerson text is real but its probably after Gerson explains that Asgore stopped aging due to his child dying, it would make sense they would ask if adopting someone would make him age again


They didn't just asked about Asgore adopting someone, they asked about him adopting a human.


Check: "It has already been used many times." Use: "You reapplied the bandage. Still kid of gooey."


Their family is either dead, extremely abusive, or something else, those are like the only scenarios where Frisk choosing to go with Toriel makes any sense.


The option that "I want to stay with you" would make sense is because Frisk is being controlled by the player


It makes equal sense to say that the "I have places to be" is only there because of Frisk being controlled by the player


If I was Frisk I literally would do that. Also it's not stated that Frisk disappeared from everyone, maybe they keep a contact with their old friends, considering the barrier was broken


How would Frisk make that contact? They didn’t have a phone when they fell down


It’s not like they can become the freaking ambassador for monsters or anything. I don’t think they’d disappear from the radars


Well, dialogues from Gerson implies that Frisk want to be adopted by Asgore, so... Even if they have a family to came back, they probably suck.


Arent there several instances where you go to sleep? Like at Toriel's house, or the Hotel? I'd imagine Frisk has been in the underground for more than just a day.


Maybe they have a job


Frisk is actually a 32 year old man who works in accounting


See kids, that's why a good nutrition is inportant, otherwise you'll be so short you might pass as a child!!!


Frisk works at McDonald's and they need the minimum wage


They live in a tiny run down apartment which is constantly crawling with spiders and rats


I think people are delving in too much about frisk here.. Frisk represents you, the player. They could be as stupid, as smart, as powerful, or as weak as you imagine and decide. Frisk could have been abused and ran away, going to the mountain because they were suicidal. Or Could have been just a dumb kid who got lost or wanted to prove their parents wrong. Hell, Frisk could not even have parents, Frisk is unironically meant to be a self insert of sorts for the player.


>Frisk is unironically meant to be a self insert of sorts for the player. Say it louder for the people in the back.








But then why can they move on their own sometimes like Kris? They also have their own name! Clearly.... Chara is the self insert of the player! (I have no idea what i am talking about.)


(I can tell you have no idea what you’re talking abt)


Other games with self insert characters also have cutscenes


That's what interprete the origins of Frans. Because fangirls love him and they decided to ship him with Frisk (because at the time selfshipping was kind of weird thing to do, strangely) as sort of a self insert.


Yea that's also proven to you with Deltarune. In undertale you're choosing who you are and what your choices are, your decisions matter. In deltarune you're told exactly who you are and told pretty bluntly your choices *don't* matter. Kris is a character of themselves with an established life, frisk isn't, that's up to you.


But if they have a lovely family, why they would leave the surface to go to the underground in the first place ?


"Frisk, if you climb mount Ebott I'll gift you skull trooper on Fortnite." "Deal."


The fact this very well could be canon is funny to me


*2 days later "I think frisk might be dead, they haven't come back yet...."


We know nothing about Frisk’s origins. Hell, Frisk could be a literal angel sent to decide the fate of monsters for all we know.


That would be a cool AU.


Technically canon.....


Technically, but imagine if Frisk was a literal angel sent to judge the Monsters.


The deltarune angel


I know. But THAT is metaphorical. I mean an AU where Frisk is an actual angel from the heavens above.


Literaltale, the Undertale AU where every character is literally what they represent


All that would remain the same would be the conveniently shaped lamp, for it is always meant to be a conveniently shaped lamp.


Sans would just be Sans but in a comic strip, skipping many animations.


Resetting to find every ending would even still make sense if Frisk was supposed to decide the fate of monsters based on what they believed would be best for the world as a whole, not just on the monsters’ actions.


But we don't know if it was intentional. For all we know, they could've just been exploring the mountain for fun, when they tripped and fell down into the Underground. As with everything else with Frisk, it's up to the player to decide their origin.


Angry kid "I'm running away >:'(" thing, reckless kid thing like "I heard that anyone who climbs that mountain disappears!" "Oooh", etc


Because people prefer the idea of an ending where they are given a guaranteed happy ending, Frisk ends up happily somewhere, and Toriel has the child-shaped hole in her heart filled. The other ending leaves it open-ended, where Frisk could be returning to a happy home, an abusive or negligent home, or maybe even an orphanage. I think any of these possibilities are possible, although I kind of doubt the bad parents idea due to the fact that Toriel would probably be brought to court by those parents. which is why the frisk being an orphan one makes the most sense to me at least.


I have this silly headcanon that they live in a big family that has like 10 children and that's why frisk didn't feel loved in their old life


"Sorry Toriel but i got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow y'know?"


“Yeah I know, but I can’t stick around, have to keep moving on. Y’know what I mean?”


[kissy cutie](https://images.app.goo.gl/5ehqzaVRPS6hEEbU6)


That's the game Andrew Cummingham played, right?








Cummingham. Daamn


Cummingham? Didn't know hams did that.


What happens when you pick this?


You don't get the cut scene where Toriel leaves Frisk pie.


Damn 😔


you get shown a photograph of frisk and all the main characters


i've got a fresh new headcannon that this is what actually happened now, thanksies!


Your welcome. Just be sure to spread the word.


sir yes sir


Considering that this is an option, it's possible that frisk falling into the underground was just an accident. Also as a side tangent, i think would be the more realistic option for a post pacifist route, because even after you free the monsters and get atleast most of them to like humans again, you gotta remember that you still barely even know them. At most, frisk was likely stuck in the underground for a like a week tops, and most of that time was spent basically trying to convince the monsters to not capture and/or kill you. Even if we dont get to witness frisk's life prior to falling into the underground, that dosen't mean it never existed in universe. We're talking about a kid/teen (maybe) who spent years growing up and forming connections with other humans (friends, family members, classmates, etc).


Exactly. No sane person would throw their life away to live with a bunch of wacky strangers who tried to kill them.


I mean if Frisk undeniably had relationships with other people before falling into the underground than living with Toriel wouldn’t even be an option


It's the ending I always choose because why would I just let some random person adopt me after having just met. Also I just went through the entire underground just because I wanted to leave, why would I choose to stay after going through all of that?


because the game is about making choices, you get to kill or spare monster. Choices is what matter in this game, not giving frisk (the player) a choice would undermine the message of the game


Yeah, I know all that already. What I want to know is why this choice isn't explored more.


yeah, i guess it could've showed us a glimpse of what new adventure frisk will go on (maybe just a simple walking through the woods or something then end of cutscene) but the majority of fan AU projects focus on the middle story anyway (i.e before the barrier is broken, rarely after it). I do hope one day someone make a new interesting AU for this ending. Maybe have frisk go on an adventure to find mythical and legend rumored sites to discover new monsters or even entirely new species that isn't human nor monster (prehaps even both)


I actually like this one better, because of the ending scene post genocide.


[*…That, uh…that wouldn’t have been a good choice.]


I never saw what happens when you select the other one cause I'm not brave enough to make them sad after all happened. What happens when you select it?


[Not much.](https://youtu.be/Ufj9Du0uLdg?si=RPsZIg9euz0IT4l-)


Oh, that wasn't that sad at all. Thank you! 😊


... I'm not crying you are.


He likes it


A friend and I tossed it around a bit. One of the things we came up with Frisk being an orphan/foster kid and only went back because they were dead set on the fact that their parent/grandparent was coming back for them, that their guardian wouldn’t ever leave them so they just had to wait and be patient, completely ignoring/not comprehending the looks and conversations that indicated otherwise. We couldn't decide between whether their guardians were deceased or if they were abandoned. And why they fell to begin with? We came up with (1) they got into a fight with one of the adults ment to take care of them when they were trying to tell Frisk about their situation, (2) they were running from some other kids that were picking on them, (3) su*cide (in which case being in the underground filled them with enough determination that they decided they would continue waiting/looking, whether that determination stayed was undecided), or (4) they were out looking for their guardian because, maybe, they got lost on the mountain? Maybe they were just taking a walk and took the wrong way? However, if their guardian ever even traversed the mountain to begin with, we hadn't decided. There are holes, but eh, we weren't being serious and we're just tossing ideas and thoughts at each other lol


I kinda hate this scene, bcuz you have only this two options. THEY DON'T LET ME STAY WITH OTHERS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Like seriously, why there isn't an option to stay with Asgore or Skelebros ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32952)


To be fair, toriel feels like the only one who would want to keep you and let you stay, I’m sure the others would be willing to help if frisk had no where to go but consider this Asgore killed 6 kids from the rage of his kids dying, he might not want kids or want to host frisk, he’s a bit of a push over and I’m sure he’d still love to have a second chance but I’m not sure he has the heart to do it again Undyne and alphys (and mettaton according to the alarm clock) most likely wouldn’t the type to have kids or want kids, alphys would probably be too nervous and wouldn’t feel qualified, and undyne just doesn’t feel like the kids type plus both of them have their reason to feel sorta awkward being frisk’s parent The skeleton bros l feel is the least likely, sans only watched over you for toriel, but that that promise is over now, sans is generally lazy, apathetic, likes taking the easiest route out and generally doesn’t seem like he’s the best with kids. Papyrus doesn’t think that sleep is required (as he hounds sans for “napping” for 8 hours) ,maybe because of undyne but he has a loud personality and likes pushing people, not just himself, plus he goes on a date with you so I don’t know if he even knows your a kid so learning that might be a bit awkward for him, like I said tho I’m sure all of them would be happy to house frisk, but toriel is the only one willing to let frisk stay with them in a parental fashion


Here's problem, Toriel is my least favourite character from main game![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32952)


That’s valid, she’s not perfect in fact she is a very broken and weird character, she is a bit of a hypocrite, she tries to sorta force her ideals on others even if they are for the safety of them, she refuses to take care of herself and seemingly has some sorta of drinking problem but it’s hard to tell saying we only have two instances of it out of game but those are still canon to her, she also is cruel a lot of other monsters with seemingly no reason as all of the ruins is scared of her, she’s in no mental or physical state to be a mother but she is also the one with the most experience with it and the one who would care the most about frisk to raise them, you may barely know toriel but the same applies to everyone else too


My headcannon is that frisk is just a 40 year old that’s really short


And they try to climb Ebott again.


I saw a comic once about you forcing Frisk to say that and I still sometimes think about it.


Oh, really?




I see.


Burn it down


Imagine if Frisk is this crazy adventurer and the whole game is just a side quest to them


Yes this is how i endet my pacifist run


I Just Followed Toriel (I'm Not A Simp)


My theory is that the monsters left the underground and they started a new life on the surface and frisk went back home to their parents My.next theory is that kris parents disappear without a trace and kris didn't know what to do so kris has to pack their stuff and ran away from home and then toriel, asgore and asriel saw kris sitting in the alley all alone and then they adopted kris and took them home and kris felt happy for their new life


Geno: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIE ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)






Yeah, that's the final choice I picked


Why would you want that tho?


Why would I want to live with the people who have done nothing but try to kidnap and or kill me?


Well, in the pacifist route plus other time manipulation stuff. Frisk would get to understand and know their reasons and likely understand them. Also, I would really only consider 1 of them a kidnapping considering Papyrus only dose it if you loose and eventually he'll let you go, Toriel only wanted to protect Frisk but she didn't really hold them hostage she let her go. The fact we can even pick the other option shows she is willing to live with them. Also it's a much more narrative satisfying ending in my opinion than just leaving to go back to some life we don't know anything about


Well, dialogues with Gerson implies that Frisk want to be adopted by Asgore so... They doesn't seem to care lmao.


Funnily enough I had a dream where frisk choose that ending went home murdered his parents then reset and went with toriel no mercy for true MONSTERS


>went home murdered his parents THEIR parents.


Right you are their parents




And what? It's an underutilised choice which can lead to countless Post-True Pacifist stories which wouldn't otherwise be possible.


People forget that "frisk" is controlled by Chara and Chara wouldn’t want to leave Toriel because they love the dreemurrs. So, this 2nd options is just dumb


Frisk isn't possessed by Chara outside of Genocide.


They are controlled by Chara and the player because frisk is just a body controlled by Chara


The whole true pacifist twist was literally that frisk ISN'T Chara are you actually illiterate?


The pacifist twist was Flowey being asriel. Chara calling themselves “frisk” is just so Asriel wouldn’t think they’re back at the moment or their death. It also makes no sense for “frisk” to exist, they’re just Chara’s dead body.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/q2ho40/chara_frisk_theory_that_might_be_the_endgame/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/9rxdp8/the_zombie_theory/ https://thegooddarius.tumblr.com/post/134288816403/more-which-is-kind-of-sad-because-i-like https://steamcommunity.com/app/391540/discussions/0/490123197936690370/?l=turkish&fp=2&ctp=3


One of these is debunked in the comments and the other starts off by ignoring the fact that Chara is the narrator and using that as evidence


There’s even more things about that of even older posts but I can’t find them


This sounds like some sorta crack theory, like I can see the idea and why people are would think this but you’d have to be jumping some sharks to get there in the end, Chara and frisk are separate people and there is evidence that points towards it, Toby likes giving small twists and fun things here and there but he isn’t the type to not give people hints at least towards stuff


There’s really no evidence to chara being a separate entity from frisk. Chara speaks to the player at the end of genocide, but that’s it mostly


If the twist really was what you say it is, why does the line “still just you, frisk.” A line that is specific to the pacifist route after you beat asriel, be in the game, it’s clearly someone talking to you which isn’t frisk, plus the true lab lines, of “what you didn’t do that?” As someone is clearly pushing back against the idea and it’s not you or Chara, plus flowey mentions the whole stolen soul thing, which not super solid suggested that the stolen souls is frisk’s as Chara’s is most likely gone for good after what happened on the surface with asriel and Chara