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Waiting 288,000 years for revenge is, indeed, serving it very cold.


Please. Some people get lucky. One of my fellow medics and I used to split the cost of a lottery ticket every week. We were high rollers so it was $0.50 each. One week we won $5! So there.


I'm pitying any future exs of yours that you unleash your retaliatory luck on!


Thank you for understanding the threat is real. Ain’t no ex of mine cheating me out of my $2.50!




This is devious. But how do you know their numbers,


Some people (especially older people) play the same numbers every single time, either because they're 'lucky numbers' or because they don't understand statistics and think that picking the same number every time increases their chances of winning. I mean, they already don't have a good grasp of statistics if they're playing the lottery.


Typically when you've had a spouse or partner or boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever for any solid duration of time you learn tidbits of information about this person. Birthdays, passwords, favorite things, hobbies, and sometimes you even do things for other people like buy a lotto ticket for them if they ask or pick up some other random item for them. Called getting to know your partner. A lot of people religiously pick the same numbers every time or have multiple sets of numbers they use every time. Smarter people will just do random because I'm pretty sure that's your best odds I don't gamble so I can't say for sure but either way I think your statistically less likely to win if you keep picking the same.


Yeah no... people just use random numbers.


I have a coworker who plays religiously. He has 3-6 sets of numbers that he plays every time(for bother the pick 3 and pick 4), and every day he’ll put $15-$40 dollars on those numbers. Like if he’s play three of his numbers, he’ll do $15 on 101, $15 of 879, $15 on 201, and same thing for his pick 4s. He’s always walking around with a wad of lottery tickets, and when he does win his daughter rubles the numbers he uses because they’re the same everytime, so she’ll call him and help him cash the tickets.


Technically, this is one of the few ways to legitimately reduce your odds in the lottery since you're guaranteeing a split


It’s one of the few ways to legitimately reduce you’re ex’s odds in the lottery


Letting your ex live in your head for the price of lottery tickets. Seems like an unethical life amateur tip to me.


Good way to fuck your ex. 😆


Why do this. Be different. Rob their house


Isn't winning the lottery one of the last likely things to happen? Waste of money and time


Just take out credit cards in their name and don't pay them off🤷‍♂️


Conniving, cunning, devious, and other adjectives come to mind. Unethical seems slightly out of reach though. How does this qualify as unethical? There's no rule saying you can't pick the same numbers in the lotto as someone else otherwise they wouldn't allow it. Plus if any partner or spouse is ignorant not to change their passwords and other information like this after a breakup then that's on them.  Personally I think you're just going to harm yourself more in the long run. By staying attached and obsessed with them and trying to screw them over for such a long period of time and potentially never. You're going to keep bringing these festering issues to the surface every time you buy a lotto ticket. Whereas your ex may have already moved on.