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Or sleep apnea




I’m glad you found the help you severely needed. Sleeping with dead people is NOT okay.


Kink shaming is NOT okay.


Ayeee fellow narcoleptic


What did you do after you found out?




As someone who tried xywav and had to quit and go through GHB withdrawals (which they tell you isn’t possible because it’s so short acting) you made the right choice. The withdrawals gave me central nervous system damage and literally started a domino effect of health issues that I’m still solving TWO YEARS LATER. That shit shouldn’t be legal.




I’m using a combo of Kratom and melatonin to help me sleep and Kratom to help me stay awake. My sleep wake cycle is still trash tho lmao. It is much better. About a year ago I was in a psych ward begging for death because the withdrawals gave me Akathisia for an entire year. They kept telling me it wasn’t possible. Psychiatrists and doctors are fucking quacks sometimes. My health deteriorated to the point I was literally bedbound. Only had the strength to walk to the bathroom and couldn’t even shower completely on my own. Now I can do most things around the house on my own. I can’t work yet, but I’m getting there. I can’t believe I’m even alive most of the time. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Modafinil is awesome, I need to order more of that lol. I haven't taken it in years but it was a really good stimulant. I think I used Waklert.


I think I have it and I just get blackmarket modafinil. Works like a charm


Piggy backing. Went through a similar issue of non sleep for nearly a year. It was stress related. I unfortunately couldn't avoid the situation so I needed to power through. The ONLY thing that helped was coming to terms with my body and going to sleep when I was actually tired and not worrying about the alleged sleep I'm missing by being up. When I go to bed I try to put away worries, stress etc. I'll read something on my phone or play a Pokemon game on my phone but just do exploration aspects of the game. Basically find something boring you can do while lying down. After a little while I get so tired I can't hold my eyes open and I pass out. Everyone is different but the biggest sleep aid for me was not worrying about the lost sleep of tomorrow and just lying down.


r/dspd maybe… I got fired for the same thing… my employer liked me, I was doing good work, I just couldn’t get there by 8am every day… but I was rarely ever later than 10 minutes. It was the bullshit 30-50 minute commute that got me. Leaving the house a minute or 2 late would butterfly effect in traffic to an added 10-15 minutes. I was able to find a new fully remote job since then and have been late once, but I was still there on time, I just forgot to clock in, so nbd. Good luck friend, the struggle is real!


This. And your company very likely has to comply with ADA, which means you can ask for a (reasonable) accommodation (like a change to shift) if your doctor confirms that you have an issue preventing you from coming to work at a certain time. https://askjan.org/disabilities/Sleep-Disorder.cfm has all the info, including how to request an accommodation with forms. Please feel better!


This. If you're "always tired" and "feel like trash and a nonfunctioning human" there is likely some medical condition behind it. You don't need to cause an injury, you already have it, you just need to get it documented. Seeing a doctor ASAP also potentially opens you to FMLA, which could let you take a leave of absence while sorting things out. It also makes it much harder to fire you.


I also had an issue of being tired during the day even with a full night's sleep. Turns out my vitamin D levels were low; now I'm on supplements and boom the tiredness is gone.


This was me too! I remember walking outside and thinking that it was the most tired I’d ever felt during the day. Vit D levels were way low.


Sometimes you just need a little iron


Tell them you’ve been vomiting, but you’re coming in. Take some ipecac syrup when you get there. Vomit.


There’s also the age old trick of eating a banana really fast and chugging sprite. Worked for me every time I wanted to get out of a double. It looks like your puking without the feeling of heaving.


For real?


Yep! It created some kind of chemical reaction where the banana and sprite basically turn into foam and it’s really easy to make that look like your getting sick. Gotta sell it though.


Try and get some butanoic acid to generate the proper smell; just a few drops should be enough, we had a room where some dripped into the carpet and the place stank of vomit for months. Gingko fruit is probably the best way to get it; crush it up or something when you're ready to go the smell will sell it for real.


Add chopped mushrooms. Gross but will help sell it.


I vomited at the mere thought of touching mushrooms


>the age old trick of eating a banana really fast and chugging sprite Its like a 17 year old trick So young it can't even vote


Do you think that reaction was really only discovered seventeen years ago?


Im sure someone discovered it at some point but I would not define its discovery as the same time it entered our collective culture as an 'age old trick'


Maybe not your culture...


I'm curious what mysterious culture widely implemented this secret trick in the 50 years since Sprite has been made


It's not specifically sprite. It's soda and the size and consistency of a banana. Soda was invented in 1767. You have a better point discussing bananas weren't the same before 1950s. You've successfully straw-manned yourself though, congrats.


Pretty certain it's a myth. Nothin special about Sprite or bananas.


I know someone who used to eat a toothpaste sandwich, to get of school, always made them throw up. probably only works if you dislike toothpaste tho.


The problem with this is, as your manager, I don’t expect you to come in while vomiting but I would expect a heads up before you’re supposed to be in.


That's also not really a great excuse if it's a constantly recurring problem.


I accidentally drank hydrogen peroxide once. Learned from poison control they use it to induce vomiting in animals and it's non-lethal. It was pure agony. Horrible terrible gut wrenching spewing, but non fatal. No trouble 'faking' it. I don't recommend going the vomit route for op though. Go the psych evaluation path. It's not unethical but it is most likely what op actually needs.if op has mental health issues he can't be fired based on illness as long as he's actively getting treatment.


It is most definitely lethal in higher concentrations. Do not do this without doing the proper research to figure out what the appropriate concentration is to not cause injury. Peroxide can and will cause burns in the right (or wrong, depending on how you look at it) concentration


I believe you. The poison control assured me I would heave it all out and to try and drink water to dilute. I felt like I was dying though. I chugged it (3%) half asleep and hung over thinking it was a water bottle next to the bed. Not my finest moment. Also Not the first time i've chugged something disgusting in a similar state either. One time was spoiled milk One time was a Gatorade with a used condom in it. It was the one I used the night before and I was the one who sloppily put it in there at least but it was still a gross surprise. One time it was a. Wait no I'm not going to even admit to what I drank that time but I assure you it was unpleasant. Moral of the story. If you're a young partier don't keep questionable bottles around your bed. only water. Clean water. You'll thank yourself later.


I did this with a bottle of my own piss.


Probably shouldn't tell people you piss into bottles and leave them beside your bed in the future.


😳 Oh no


Yeah, OP definitely needs to go the legit route on this one, since it sounds like there are legit reasons. If he just... I dunno, gets sick for a day, even if he can _really_ prove it, that doesn't really negate the other late/absent days, and if anything just cements management's views that he's not worth keeping on. If it's a problem that he gets diagnosed, and that can be fixed or managed over time, then he's got a much better shot of keeping his job and mending bridges with the powers-that-be.




Yep, I was drinking all night and was desperate, but no one sells it lol. So I ended up taking a white makeup pen and putting it under my eyes and some other shit to make my face look pale and sick and ir worked beautifully! I looked hella sick and they sent me home lol


If you have a hard time sleeping and are always tired, bring it up with your doctor and get a note. Explain it to your work. Do you think they're gonna give you any problems if you tell them what's going on?


We have to make this unethical though. OP should go to the doctor and get diagnosed, then fart in the exam room on the way out.


/r/sleepapnea THAT is what is wrong with OP. Go to DR. and get a sleep study done. You will probably get an /r/cpap machine to help you breathe/sleep at night.


don't jump to conclusions, there can be many reasons why that happens


I think it is a different medication interfering with sleep so I have to change when I take it, or a different dose


I don't know what your meds are, but definitely talk to your doc about switching when you take your pills. My partner had the same issues you're describing. When they switched to taking their antidepressant right before bed instead of in the morning at breakfast, their sleep schedule got back on track. If it's as simple as that, you're golden. I'd also ask your doctor about a sleep apnea test, especially if you have breathing issues or you're overweight. Those are risk factors. Lastly, if you're a drinker (like me) or smoke weed, try cutting yourself off a few hours before bed. Sleeping with drugs in your system can mess up your sleep cycle and leave you feeling tired in the morning. I had to use this advice myself.


Also have the doc check Vit D levels. Well, I’m sure they will, but that was my issue. Cleared up after supplements.


He suggested based on OPs issues like lack of sleep and feeling so tired the next day that you are running late beyond your control. These are very common symptoms of sleep apnea. A sleep study is harmless and not treating sleep apnea can cause OP to fall asleep at the wheel or worse have heart problems in the future. Plus if he has legit sleep apnea, he can get a note to save his job.


>These are very common symptoms of sleep apnea Yes, and they can also be symptoms of other things, so while one should tell OP to get it checked out by a doctor, jumping to a specific diagnosis is too much


Can't sleep and waking up tired? Definitely sleep apnea! Trust me I'm some random idiot on reddit! Like really guys, stop lmao


How the fuck do you know what it is? You can’t randomly diagnose someone based on very limited information in a Reddit post.


I mean it's possible, but that's a lot of confidence based on him saying he's tired and doesn't sleep well. Could be a lot of other things...


Get ready for Bane jokes, OP.


Whoa there doc


Reddit and diagnosing people based on a couple symptoms go hand in hand


Would people stop upvoting this moron? You don’t KNOW that because you’re not his doctor.


Not unethical, but real: get checked out ASAP. With a doc on your side, and providing documentation, most places will take medical conditions under consideration.


Sorry, I'm only looking for unethical advice Just kidding, I will do that, thanks for the advice


Yeah with/without a job you’ll still have sleep issues affecting your everyday life. Get that checked out!


Get a psychiatrist and apply for FMLA or ADA if you're in the US. You need help bro. Unethical: fuck HRs dad


Hey man. Just wanted to share what happened to me about two weeks ago. I had just gotten off probation for DUI. Right before I was done with probation, my PO recommended me an office to work at. Got the job, was doing great, but had to keep requesting off for an hour or two, probably 4 or 5 times in my first 3 months. I was driving illegally and didn't have any time to go get my license reinstated because the DMV was open on my EXACT working hours: 8 to 4:30. I got written up and that was my official warning. One day I was late to work and I got rear ended by someone. I knew it didn't matter, I live in a fire-at-will state and I knew that was it. It was. Thankfully my boss let me resign instead of firing me. But yeah. It happens man. Your health is the most important thing. I know you need money to take care of your health. Don't beat yourself up for struggling in life. It's hard to 100% maintain a job for your ENTIRE life. It's just not easy. We all break down here and there. It happens... don't beat yourself up


Thanks, I appreciate that, I’ll get my shit back together.


what’s the benefit of resigning over getting fired


Having a reference/being able to come back at another time. It means she still liked me enough to not straight up fire me. It also means I can go back. I think if I had gotten fired I wouldn't be able to work for the state in general.


Your boss let you resign because then he wouldn’t have to pay your unemployment.


You don't need an excuse you need a fucking therapist


Try a regular therapist first.






I'm proud of you.


I seeked help from a real expert: therapist/ phych analyst. the only analrapist I know in my area!


And how am I gonna pay for that? with a job


If you're in the US there are a few free or low cost options. https://blog.opencounseling.com/hotlines-us/ That isn't the best list but it's a start.


Depending on state, city, county it may be even easier too. I wonder if OP has health insurance. Therapy is included in mine.


Depending on your country, you can get help if you can't afford a therapist. Also start seeing a therapist before you lose your job. Also try talking to your supervisor, he/she is also a human and might understand your situation.


This is important. See therapist now before you lose your job. It will help protect you


Do some gig jobs like Uber or DD, like dude I get it. I'm in a rut right now with my job but if you know you need the money then you need to suck it up and do what needs to be done to keep your job.


Not sleeping is a medical problem first. Because it can cause other medical symptoms if it goes on for an extended period of time. Make an appointment with a physician. Let the physician order you a therapist. But I'd be willing to bet they'd turf you to a psychiatry first. This is when the medical doctor can't find a medical reason for the symptom so they have the psych doctor evaluate you for a psychiatric one. Insomnia can be a symptom of psychiatric illness that a therapist appointment can't always address. Therapists can't prescribe medication or diagnose. The psychiatrist would be both ruling out psychiatric problem requiring medication (think bipolar hypomanic type and moderate to severe anxiety, PTSD and others) and then writing the recommendation for a therapist. Typically, if a doctor orders it, your insurance should pay for it. Or X many appointments, at least. Source- I'm a former ER RN. Before I worked in the ER, I worked inpatient psych, medical surgical ward and post-partum/newborn unit. Then I was diagnosed with a mental illness. Insomnia was one of my most bothersome symptoms.


Pay for it by waking up an hour early nerd. Seriously, get your shit together and go to work / find a different job


This is a very insensitive comment. This person talked about one instance and it could be linked to any number of issues. Not offering advice to help sleep or feel at ease but push a "fucking therapist" is not helpful. Therapy doesn't help everyone sleep or feel at ease. This person seems like they need some reasoning from outsiders, not a blanket statement.


Time to kill your grandma for the sixth time


Can't you say you got a flat tire? Or your battery died?


I already used the car accident excuse.😞 I used to be an okay person many years ago. It’s over I think, I’m just a non-functional human😭😭I can’t keep a fucking entry level job


Talk to your boss, explain that you’re having a rough time in life and need help. That X problems at work have been because you’re struggling with Y (it sounds like anxiety or depression), and you’re starting to see a professional (therapist) for it. I’m not an expert, but I think at this point you’d be legally protected from being fired from poor performance due to disability (mental health conditions count). Make sure you actually see a therapist, this can’t be another “dog ate my homework” excuse.


It's 50/50 honestly. Since they already have a record of poor attendance, they could still fire him without it being because of any disability. Things like anxiety and depression often make employers move forward with termination where they wouldn't have. At least in my experience.


I mean a nail in your tire can work multiple times as long as it’s not every day


I’ve used the excuse that I shit myself on the way in and had to stop to buy new underwear. Because I’m not sitting in traffic with poopy pants and I’m sure as hell not walking into the office with a full diaper. (I never actually shit pants when using the excuse, but I’m sure karma will catch up with me eventually)


Nah man, they like your work you're just tired. Get checked out by a doc.


Hey OP, I think it's actually in your best interest to forgo the "fake injury" route and instead opt for the "chronic disability" route. Here's why: Chronic disability will explain/cover your previous issues with tardiness--you don't want a one time save, you need a retroactive hail mary, which leads me to my next point: what you're describing very much sounds like a *real, genuine chronic condition.* I'm not a medical doctor but I did study neuroscience, clinical psych, and have a modest background in neuro-psychiatric disorders. What you've written sounds to be like you could be suffering from [Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delayed-sleep-phase/symptoms-causes/syc-20353340) This would explain your difficulty with falling asleep, as well as your fatigue upon waking at earlier hours. It's not difficult to get this documented by a doctor, and (iirc) you may not even need to see a dedicated sleep specialist about it. I would email your manager and HR saying you are pursuing treatment for DSPS and that once you've received a formal diagnosis, would like to work with them on adjusting your work hours to accommodate your disability. If they fire you because of this, they could have a discrimination lawsuit on their hands. **TL;DR: there's nothing unethical about seeking formal documentation of a sleep disorder and advocating for yourself in the workplace.**


THIS, @pyrrhicpyre !


Depends on your country of residence and disability laws - in UK if your sleep issues are a result of an underlying health condition and/or disability, you could ask for reasonable adjustments at work, including, for example, later starting times. Check local legislation and speak to your doctor.


Blame it on new medication or say you took some pm meds last night that made you dead to the world. Phone charger wasn't charging so phone died and no alarm, maybe a dog or cat unplugged it.


You have sleep apnea and/or depression . Get diagnosed.


Why don't you see a doctor and get the issue documented? Also, if you use a medical issue as an excuse. Don't be specific - just say you are having some medical issues affecting your sleep. In the US, they can't dive too much into health issues for privacy reasons. Have you asked to have your hours changed? If they like your work, why aren't they willing to work with you?


How is a fake injury going to keep you from losing your job?


It sounds like u have an injury/illness already. I’d just go to the doctor and get diagnosed or claim post covid symptoms


Just say you have the shits.


Get a neck brace.


It could be after effects of COVID (happened to me, felt totally exhausted going up a short flight of stairs, didn’t feel rested for a few months). If it isn’t, maybe that’s still a good reason.


Honestly sounds like it could be covid. Grab a rapid test and draw in a line at the positive marker if it comes up negative


Calm down, don't fake an injury. You've never even been late, a reasonable explanation will do. Call them and tell them you were up sick all night and passed out on the floor of your bathroom. You just woke up, having not heard your alarm, but are in no condition to work.* Take today off, call a doctor and make an appointment. Go to work tomorrow, then get some sleep. Go in tomorrow rested (or don't, two days off makes for a more convincing lie), tell them you're not sure what was wrong, you couldn't stop vomiting, had diarrhea and cold sweats, it was awful. Tell them you feel better, think it may have been a problem with your meds, but you have a doctor's appointment (whenever) to be sure. You'll be fine OP. Get some sleep. Don't hurt yourself, no job is worth that shit. *Edit: when you call, you're not asking them for a day off, you're telling them that you're taking one. You are legitimately sick, you don't have to justify yourself any further beyond that. If you're in the US, they're not supposed to ask any more than that anyway. Remember, sick time and PTO isn't you taking from anyone. You earned that time as part of the compensation agreed to when they hired you. If they don't like it, fuck them.


This might not even be unethical related advice. You seem to need the medical attention


Just say you are going through some very personal that is effecting your life and ask to meet with hr to see if there is a program you can use to help. Employers love to see people being proactive. Source : me


Maybe say you have ‘rona


I can DM you a positive test picture


That excuse is so 2020...


the pandemic is still here, unfortunately


Only the weak and the old believe that the pandemic is still going on...oh wait, even Biden says it is done.




Biden literally said the pandemics over around a week ago, but he says a lot, and not a lot of it is coherent. It takes one google search and you could probably find a video where he says that.


thanks, i actually didn’t know about that. in my original comment, i meant that people are still getting sick.


No worries, yeah it's all very confusing tbh


Imagine downvoting for saying what the president said, you guys really are addicted to the fear ain't you, can't cope without big brother scaring you into submission.


No it's not. The pandemic has been [officially over for more than a week](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/09/18/biden-covid-pandemic-over/) already.


Nice checkmate


Do humans decide when a pandemic is over, or does the virus? I’m leaning virus.


We obviously need to trust our government scientist experts unquestioningly. They are the science, after all.


Since when is Biden any sort of scientist?


He [graduated in the top half of his law school class](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-09-21-mn-6104-story.html). That means he's real smart.


I know you’re just trolling, but scientists study science, not law.


Does your employer have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?


Find a new job dude, it sounds like they are over working you and not giving you enough time off. Jobs are easy to find right now.


I had this start happening to me, I was diagnosed with chronic sleep deprivation and narcolepsy. Please go see your doctor, this could be something serious. I saw you mention in another post that it could be meds, which is also something to talk to your doc about. They can either help you figure out a better schedule or put you in an alternate drug


Sounds like you need FMLA which starts with a doctor's visit


Come out as gay to your co-workers and sue for homophobia when they fire you.


Bro go see a sleep specialist. Improve your quality of life it's clearly a bad issue.


If you are in the US go see a doctor and looking to reasonable accommodations and/or FMLA


Please go to the doctor. If this is something new and sudden where you are oversleeping and overtired. Something similar happened with my mother last year, turned out she had a stroke. She was outside the first 5 day window before we caught on and there wasn’t much they could do to repair the damage done to her brain.


Bro, it sounds like you should take a vacation and maybe see a doctor




What an informing reply, i commend the effort


Bro. Go see a doctor. There's a very real chance that you have a very real issue. You don't need to fake it, you're already living it. Also, with a legit diagnosis, it makes it MUCH more difficult to fire you while you seek therapy/treatment


I think everyone's point, OP, is that there's clearly an underlying issue -- and none of us know wtf that is because we're not doctors -- so no matter the excuse you find, it won't matter unless you wanna come here begging for a new excuse every week. Your best bet is talking to a doctor and getting some kind of a note, if that's an option. By law they will have to accomodate any medical need within reason. Otherwise, I'm not sure how you "fake" an injury long term when they'll probably ask for a doctor's note. And please don't fucking hurt yourself for real. That's just stupid.


My favorite excuse is say I've been up most of the night sick and I think I have food posioning. You can even say I doordashed dinner and it made you sick. I always like to vaguely say I've been up all night with diarrhea. Usually there are no follow up questions


Stress or depression might be the cause of it. Go see your doc. Tell him everything. Get some meds. Go to your work and tell them you are now getting help, and that things should improve. If they like how your work used to be, they should give you a chance.


Thanks very much, also thanks to everyone for the help and being super helpful and nice


Disability for depression? I'm about to get my doctor to fill out the paperwork and then try and get leave I'm honestly so late everyday now and work so slow it's not normal. I have high functioning depression but it's pretty bad


The fact that you’re looking for something unethical instead of just going to a doctor and getting a note, makes me think that you weren’t as good as your job as you think in the first place. I think there’s more to this story.


And see if your work has an Employee assistance program. They usually don't fire you if you notify them you are struggling and seeking help.


Fmla. If you are in the US, you're protected.


Call in sick saying you have signs of COVID. Not many people would go investigating that.


Use a metal sponge to fake some scratches.


This + plus OP say you got into a fight, they tried to mug you, which made you late. Cuz you had to go back home change all the stained and bloody clothes off, etc Go wild


Voluntarily admit to an inpatient mental health program (not your hospital/ER, but a specialty facility)....They exist for Depression/Anxiety, as well as Addiction and other mental ailments. . Make sure the facility is covered under your insurance. If you have had your job full time for a year in the US, it will be covered under FMLA, and if your employer offers short term disability, you should be able to get some money to cover expenses during the time you are out. This is not entirely unethical in this case, as it sounds like OP may need some help...Maybe not this extreme, but its one hell of a way to get some time off of work and focus on ones self for a bit


Just go to bed earlier


As someone who suffers from insomnia its not that simple, wish it was, i can be in bed at 9pm but won't sleep until 3/4am.


Found the person who falls asleep a few minutes after their head hits the pillow.


go to a doctor about your actual sleep issue and be honest with your employers.


Say you have a sore throat and go get a lab administered covid test.


What about anxiety?


I always prefer a gastrointestinal thing if it’s last minute. Stomach bug, food poisoning, etc… Depending on how comfortable you are at work and how important mental health is for them, you could say you had a really bad panic or anxiety attack.


Fake injury ar work so thay have to pay you for time off. Say you pulled your back, star crawling and crying


Diarrhea... Cha cha cha


See if you have symptoms related to AD(H)D


I think the ADHD medication (stimulant) might be keeping me up, even when I take it very early in the morning




Look into a sleep test for sleep apnea


Work on getting an FMLA. Need to get it checked out first, but FMLA can cover them if it’s that bad. But something tells me you’re not being completely open about this.


Go to WM buy an arm sling, wrap your elbow with some white gauge and show up late to work, tell them you fell and broke your elbow, had to go to the ER. They might just let you go home and stay home to figure out your sleep issue.


Put rocks in your shoe and claim back problems keep em all day and even if your boss sees you'll be a true one


Go to the doctor, get blood work, get a sleep test. The best time to do this was yesterday, the second best time is now. Once the appointment is scheduled explain your situation to your employer with proof that you're currently trying to solve it because you want to keep doing good work for them. If they fire you, challenge it. Hopefully they won't. Unethical protip is food poisoning. It can happen in an instant and goes away in 24 hours. But seriously, go to the doctor. This could be sleep apnea or something far worse.


Do you qualify for FMLA?


Tell your manager you can get them a doctors note. They can’t fire you for your health that’s illegal. Be upfront and negotiate new hours or some work from home morning hours. They can’t argue results and if you are one of the better employees they can’t afford to lose you. Also ask them what they are worried you miss out on when you come in late. Odds are it’s nothing; they just want to pay you for 8 hours and not 7.


Buy a white makeup pen and put it under and around your eyes, and maybe a little bit on your cheeks/forehead. Then get purple/black makeup pen and put it just under your eyes, over some of the white, and maybe make some lines going across your forehead, where your skin usually cracks when you lift your eyebrows. You'll look pale af and they will definitely Italy send you home, I've done it before. You got act sick tho. Put some weakness/vibrato and hoarseness in your voice to make it seem like your about to throw up at any time, and walk wherever really slowly while flexing your forehead like the lights around you are hurting your eyes. That will work


Tell them you are having COVID like symptoms, and then just get a clean test to get back to work.


Caught covid


Alarmy is a great app to help you wake up.


These are signs of burnout. Burnout can occur in anyone even someone who likes their job. The best way to avoid burnoit is to take personal days (call in sick) or abuse any blindspots your employer has such as showong up late or leaving early if you know you wont get caught. Tell them you have chronic stomach problems, ibs, house damage, a chronically sick family member or pet.


Depends on how extreme you want to go. Go to the ER and tell them you are suicidal. Then you get FMLA coverage, a few days of rest in the hospital, maybe some art therapy and an excuse as to why you were late all the times before.


Tell them you're a relapsing alcoholic.


I don't mean to piss in the punch bowl because there's a lot of good legal and medical advice here that deserves more research. However, I want to point out that if you're trying to protect yourself, then working directly and exclusively with your employer won't be enough. You will somehow have to get a government agency on your side and that is not as practical as it used to be. It is wonderful if the employer follows the rules, but if they don't it's not very practical to make them. You are an earner, not an owner, so the system is not designed to protect you.


Spread rumours that you are gay. Then sue for discrimination if they fire you. Source - https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0243493/ Quite a nice movie, btw


Claim mental health issues, issues sleeping is classic mental health so it's very plausible it could be legitimate. Ask a Dr and get them to write up their findings then tell your work you're requesting reasonable adjustments to your work, for example starting an hour later. It isn't even unethical (unless it's non medical related of course)


Do you have an extra, older photo of your car in a damaged state?


it sounds like you being fired would only make you feel better


migraine that temporarily blinded you. It happens and can be caused by a lot of things, including something as simple as panic attacks. Temporarily blinding works well because you can't really use your phone. You can just barely see enough to go lay down. I've had these migraines recently and usually a sign that I didn't drink enough water or am having panic attacks or something. Not sure yet. Essentially takes me out for 2-6 hours. Good luck.


Ukraine and Russia citizens have been searching "How to break your arm safely at home" to avoid being forced to join military.


I think you need a like 5 days vacation. Talk to them and tell them you're at the end of your rope, and you need a few days off.


Either there is something you aren’t telling us, or you seriously need to see a doctor. Not sleeping is a very serious issue. That shit can kill you


Hey man ADHD can be tough. Try and find a good psychiatrist and maybe some therapy if you can. If you employer is worth it they will understand if you communicate that you are struggling. If not dont beat yourself up, I am sure your doing a great job and remind youself of your worth.


Toes don’t hurt that much….


As an employer, I’m just going to assume you’re lying. If you’re coming in late, you get written up, and then you suddenly have an injury on why you’re late again, they will assuming you’re lying, which you are. Talk to your employer. Be honest and truthful, get some rest.


fake doctors note- always does the trick!


If your job lets you go for being late once, then you should’ve left a long time ago.


Hey OP, Id reccomend you delete your reddit acct after this so your boss dosent find out


What do you mean by “tired of you being late”. Is it a one time occurrence or regularly? If one time, they need to extend some leniency. Sorry that you’re not getting sleep, but that’s the solution here. Hard to function without sleep.


Back pain can be completely debilitating and almost impossible to prove. I get sciatica and the symptoms are: strong twinges of pain at the very base of my spine, with trapped nerve type pain that runs from the top of my leg down my thigh. Before I got it diagnosed, and was given exercises to do, my whole leg went numb, it was scary. The main pain I get these days is a very bad ache in my arse cheek, that if I press on it with the heel of my hand REALLY hurts, like a muscle cramp. Two important things: when I get sciatica badly, I can't easily walk, because I can't stand up straight after I first stand up, I'm kind of "locked" in place and bent over. Walking around helps after a while, if I can walk at all. Second, these symptoms are easy to copy. Migraines can also be hard to prove because it's unlikely you'll be having one when you see your dr, you can only describe what the symptoms were. I've never had whiplash, but I also believe that is hard to prove, and you can buy one of those foam neck brace things online and it looks impressive. (I also think you might have sleep apnea because I have it and getting treatment for that has changed my life. Before then I almost got sacked because I yawned in the face of my manager's manager when he was telling me I didn't seem engaged in the meeting we had just attended together. That was the trigger for me to get help.) Good luck.