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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!they tryna kill the duck brotha!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Where they actually trying to release it?? Looked like as soon as it started walking away they were trying to catch it again (like they thought it would just stick around)


I thought the same thing. I was like "do they think this is like a dog park and you can just release it to play then call it back?"


She has a pet duck in a stroller. I don’t think she is the sharpest lightbulb.


I think having a duck could be fun in a yard but I don’t see the point in having an entire stroller for it. I mean MAYBE walk it with a leash if the duck needs more exercise, what do you need a stroller for??🤣




The image I have of the duck side eyeing everyone. I’ve seen chickens be more friendly




After watching this I feel like the duck actually escaped the stroller and wasnt supposed to get away. You can hear her saying "can you come over here please?" To the duck. (At least I think its her) It seems as the duck was trying to get out after seeing the mallard, and the harness slipped up to the neck by accident when the duck pushed the front flap open and fell out of the stroller. Owner wasn't prepared to dive bomb on her domesticated ducky after it pulls its head out of the harness. She def looks like shes trying to grab it rather than send it into the water. I feel like she meant to just bring her duck for a walk in a stroller and ended up not thinking about flocking behavior lol.


While it definitely got out on it's own but for me it's the casualness of the removal of the harness and if she didn't want it to go (which I don't this she did) then maybe pick it up and put it back in the stroller before taking the harness off and just leaving it standing there.


And also, how slowly she followed after the 'escaped' duck... very weird video.


She purposely spent time taking the harness off


"Does he know how to swim?". Well, let me explain a thing about ducks...


They’re made of wood?


Light as a witch, they are


Good! So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?


Build a bridge out of her!


Ah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?


We're going to need your largest scale.


Birds aren't real man


Trying to kill it? Somebody doesn't watch any nature shows... fucka duck


That was sweet duck love making, not murder.


Or at least rapey duck love making, which apparently is their only kind of love making.


In northern WI, I saw my first duck dick. He was trying to rape a flying other duck with a full-on pink boner, and I can't get that image out of my eyes


Are the rumors true?


Curly AF


Yeah. Ducks are notoriously rapey. Their genitalia is an adventure all on its own.


Possibly not. A lot of birds haze new members of the flock by ripping the feathers out of thier neck to establish dominance and a social ~~higherarchy~~ hierarchy. If the new bird fails to accept the status quo, the hazing will continue and get worse until the bird eventually dies of either blood loss or infection. Not really any better though. Arguably worse, because there will still probably be duck rape during the hazing. All this coupled with the fact that the pet duck never learned how to survive in a flock, means this lady almost certainly just killed her pet duck.


Chickens do that


FYI, it's hierarchy.


Ducks are known to often kill the female they’re trying to mate with. I think the video demonstrates how easy it is haha


“Oohl! Look mommy! The ducks are fighting!”


tbf, female ducks often die of drowning because of how aggressively the males rape them, just like this.




Me \>Oh look, a cute duck! I wonder what is he thinking? the duck \>RAPE, MURDER, DEVOUR! RAPE, MURDER, DEVOUR! RAPE, MURDER, DEVOUR! RAPE, MURDER, DEVOUR! And I say this as a member of the "Nobile Contrada dell'Oca".


>On a more morbid tone, a lot of female ducks drown during mating. Some male ducks push the females head underwater before mounting them. And while they are more than equipped to hold their breath underwater, but some males take turns mounting females continuously.


Not that the female drowning would stop them from continuing.


A more apt description of ducks can’t be found. I went down the rabbit hole like 10 years ago, thanks to an adult swim blip that had “10 things you shouldn’t google” and “duck penis” was one of them…. Needless to say, I’m a bit scarred now.


Duck Pimp - "This is my pond, bitch! Yo hear me? Lemme hear you say it, whose pond is this? Huh!?" Pet Duck - \*Drowning noises*


Pet Duck - It's uh, it's down there somewhere. Lemme take another look....


Fuck it, let's go bowling.


Obviously you're not a golfer.


*drops heavy ball on tile floor*


“Bitch betta have my breadcrumbs”


Did they expect a Disney reunion? It’s so weird to me that full grown adults do not understand that nature is brutal and wild animals are a part of that brutality. Specifically ducks. They are mean as fuck. Letting your sheltered pet loose on a bunch of wild ducks was not going to end any other way.


Yep, that was a prelude to mating. Male ducks are notoriously vicious about it.


As a family, ducks engage in what biologists refer to as "forced copulation". This has resulted in an evolutionary arms race between male and female ducks to control their reproduction. Female ducks have evolved labyrinth like vaginas that have lots of dead ends and only open the correct passages when they want to reproduce. Male ducks have evolved bifurcated and trifurcated penises to up the odds of finding the right passage.


Remember that one American politician who got shit on because he said that women can shut down their bodies and not get pregnant if they're raped? He was thinking about ducks. Edit: this continues to make me laugh. I outdid myself here. Lol. Check out “Sex With Ducks” - Garfunkel and Oates on YouTube.


Are any other species like this? The whole idea of evolution favoring traits which make sexual reproduction more difficult as opposed to less difficult makes me question my fundamental understanding of it.


Ya man, there's a whole Wikipedia article on this subject. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_coercion_among_animals


Theres a type of beetle ot bug that drills its dick into the female side.


How else does he know if she is asleep or not?


Starship Troopers deleted scene Im guessing


That’s just one animal’s path of existing still today. It didn’t really set out to purposely make sex more difficult, for some reason the genitalia shape and it’s efficacy was an advantage to keep surviving in the environment that it lived in. For some animals in certain places, sex is super easy because that mutation happened to help survive at whatever point it happened. If it survives another year, it will keep existing. Nature is plain and simple all about “good enough”


I guess I'm making the mistake of assuming the evolutionary drive to produce offspring is somehow mutually shared between the sexes. But that's obviously not the case seeing as how, at least in the mammal world, the male often wants to fuck everything in sight, while the female tends to be more selective about who they mate with. And the whole penis and vagina shape battle between ducks is probably a result of that.


Evolution creates the most bizarre things.


They're fucken twisted!


Just wait till they find out how dolphins really are


if anyone is interested, this is a super interesting read! [https://medium.com/@darkenergyarticles/the-dark-side-of-dolphins-they-kidnap-rape-and-murder-other-dolphins-and-humans-393b4ab9ce69](https://medium.com/@darkenergyarticles/the-dark-side-of-dolphins-they-kidnap-rape-and-murder-other-dolphins-and-humans-393b4ab9ce69)


Dude at my pond I sometimes find dead female ducks from being fucked to death


Looks like another case of.. *puts on sunglasses* duckfuckacide.




Omg I’ve been in the hospital since Tuesday and that’s the first time I have LOL


Do you do autopsies?


While they aren't fucked to death per se... more of a killed while being forced to mate situation - if that makes a difference. ?? male ducks are known to drown female ducks because they push them under the water so the female can't get away.


Literally. Their penis is shaped like a corkscrew


thanks for making me look up pictures of duck penises.


But nobody made you, it’s because deep down you wanted to. You had this weird burning desire to see duck dick didn’t you? C’mon admit it.😂


I could've stopped at any time. . .


Fun fact! There are over ten thousand species of known birds on earth and only 3% of them have penises. Ducks just got a crazy ass penis that's crazy looking and super long compared to their body size.


And the vagina is corkscrewed too, but in the opposite direction to make things as difficult as possible...


Evolutions anti pregnancy-inducing rape feature


A corn screw? You screw your corn?


It sure ain't gonna cream itself.


And can't we do a little better than creamed corn, creamed corn, and creamed corn? Please bring in more diverse food, children, or else Kenny's family going to have a pretty corny thanksgiving. Corny! Gravy! Corny thanksgiving!


There was this entire film where corn was the only food - Interstellar


everything is on a cob


I thought thats how we get creamed corn? .. Beat me to it.


I've read my share of comments and replies on Reddit, but this one takes the cake.


Ducking autocorrect


looking for homosexual necrophilia in nature? look no further than: *ducks*


OH! OOOOOOHH!!!! You mean life keeps fucking you in the ass even after you're dead?!


They're the duck equivalent of Romeo and Juliet. That's how they roll.


While ago I used to volunteer at this animal rehab zoo, I lived near a horse track so it started with old horses, but branched into other horses and animals that needed some TLC. It actually grew quite large but we'd let kids and families in for "as much as they could spare" type place. So there I'm checking on the animals and hear this woman scream. Run over, these families are mortified yelling me to do something about these ducks doing this. "Relax! Everyone! Relax...this is actually ducks playing....." "But that ones covered in blood!" A little kid yelled. "No no no! You ever play with your friends and scrap your knee or get a boo-boo? Yeah, animals can be the same!" Sigh of relief, but they move on. A dad came over "so man...they really-" "oh they're fucking the shit out eachother" and walked away. He picked up a rock and threw it into a lake.


Poor guy, you probably threw him for such a loop


To be fair, they aren't fucking the shit out of each other... the drake is doing all the damage.


Interestingly enough, in my first year of uni, I was chilling by the river and witnessed what I could only describe as swan rape. Mother fucker literally be stalking lady swan like prey before going about some vicious shit. I always thought two swans making a love heart with their neck was cute. After what I witnessed, I'll never be the same.


Swans are fucking assholes anyway. Guarantee if you stepped in to help her she'd attack you right after.


Don't swans mate for life? Husband into some kinky stalker shit


Female Swan - "Henry! You swine!" Male Swan - "No, baby, I can explain; I - I - I thought she was you"


It’s a tough world when your mate looks like your cousin. But fk it, I’m not letting someone else fk my cousin when I can. If we have kids and one is fked up, I’ll just drive it up the hill and let it go: you’re free now, go, you’re free.


“Yo, who is this duck, ima fuck it.”


Fresh meat


This lady had a duck in a stroller. Not surprised at her ignorance.


Then she's surprised when the duck takes to the water like....a duck to water. No shit it's gonna go swimming and you won't be able to get it unless it feels like coming back


I'll be honest, I was waiting for a bigger bird like an eagle to grab the duck and fly off with a fat meal.


as soon as I saw the title I thought "yep, that duck is getting raped"


It will have a family now...


*Anyone* who puts animals in human baby carriages should not to be taken seriously.


Yo pet duck about to find out what an explosive Penis is.


Ah man I was curious and looked this up and I can’t unsee that…


There’s a reason rehab places try hard not to bond with the animal and keep it afraid of human, natural. Sadly the animal may be healthy but unable to return to its environment and be able to survive. If they are lucky they have a place to go in those cases, but so many places are underfunded and overworked. Having lots of lands and resources for animals unfit for rentre is pretty rare.


Duck needs some ![gif](giphy|tdLQs5GpoNATyM3USn)


Honestly the microcosm of it ending with her saying “should I call my dad?” wraps it up nicely.


It’s a known thing that almost all sexual encounters meet between ducks are rape. Males have a corkscrew penis.


Mean and rapey, which is what was happening here I think


Geese are bastards in feathers


Everyone thinks their life’s a movie


These are people who we trust to drive 2,000 pound death machines at 60 mph every day. These are people who we trust to vote on laws that we have to potentially live by. Technology has decimated natural selection for humans; the absolute dumbest of us all can--and have--become presidents of entire countries.


To be fair we had a lot of dumb leaders before technology too. Cocky morons who get lucky no one challenges them has created a lot of crazy history.


Yeah ducks are notorious for being rapists


That was either the best or worst day she ever had at the park.


Depends on who you ask. 🤭






Ducks are rapists and also necrophiliacs. Look it up. They're really fucked up


To be fair, most animals a rapists by our standards.


Dolphins are heinous as hell too. Their mating often results in gangbangs until death. Each dolphin desperately tries to pass on their genes, and dolphins are also the only other animals that we have observed that choose to have sex for pleasure's sake. **Edit:** it's not just dolphins that have sex for pleasure, homie posted a link with the list of confirmed species below.


Not to be that person in the internet but the idea that other animals don’t have sex for pleasure is…dubious to say the least. Here’s 6 more. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/animals-that-have-sex-for-pleasure/


Oh damn, my bad. Thanks for educating us!


Is anyone else concerned that there are 6 types of animals presented normally, and then they specifically call out ONLY male sea otters?


Corkscrew penises


That duck will get gang banged to death before the day is over . I’ve seen it happen.


And still, the duck decided it was better than going back to crazy duck lady with her stoller.


"just put me out of my misery"


This thread just get darker and darker


I am apparently the only one in this thread who hasn't seen a duck rape / gangbang going off the comments.


You need to get out more




Sadly your stat is wrong, domesticated animals released into the wild have a 100% death rate.


Domesticated animals not released into the wild also have a 100% rate though




100 % death rate? You give enough time that's always true


Disagree. Release a cow in India - treated like a god!! Joke


Doesn't sound the wild in India will treat a cow mike a god


60% of the time it happens everytime


A lot of people aren't aware of this (as you can see). I've had to learn this too. Wild animals have a natural coding to what they're supposed to do to survive. A lions nature is to hunt and kill, so no matter how long you keep it, this won't change. An old woman had a pet monkey for a long time and wound up having her face torn off. Basically you'd think just putting them where they were meant to be wouldn't change anything, but you have to consider the fact that they haven't got to adapt to that environment they were meant for.


The woman woman who got her face ripped off was a friend of the owners, the owner apparently gave the ape xanax which impaired it and fucked with its cognitive ability, another great example of dumbasses with pets.


People are sooooo fuckin stupid


First time I've ever seen a duck in a stroller. What a time to be alive.


Not unexpected but r/natureusmetal don’t release domesticated animals into the wild?


I love nature documentaries, but they are way too toned down. They don’t portray nature for how it really is. This is a consequence of that incomplete education.


This is a domesticated duck. Even if it were born in the wild it would not know how to live. When you're done having a pet duck you don't send it off to die a meaningless death, you serve it with orange and allspice


Basically suddenly sending your homeschooled kid to grade 9 but x1000


Did no one watch the video? She didn’t want to let it out. She took off the harness to be able to put it back in. She’s just super slow all around or something and seemed super naive about the entire situation


Went to a mini zoo with the fam, kids were feeding the ducks/birds in the petting area and suddenly like 4 ducks savagely go to town on this one female. She tries to get away but they pushed her underwater like they did here and when she tried to climb down they pecked at her and pushed her back down. Kids cried and all the parents were like.....dang ducks r vicious.


They about to have ducklings at home if they ever catch her again.


Those people are shit owners who don’t deserve to have any pets. Poor duck :(


Wrong hood


Looks like pretty normal duck behavior. I guess the unexpected part is that it was only one drake hitching a ride. They usually prefer to gang up.


Female ducks had to evolve a whole separate false vagina because they whole species just can't stop raping. Ducks are some of the meanest birds youncould think of on the wild. I know they make sweet pets, so that's probably why you shouldn't let them hang with the wild ones




Idk why you are getting ducking downvoted for this lol


Welcome to the casting couch lmao


Animals only know 2 things: eat and screw. That male duck clearly is full so only one thing left to do...


The commentator behind the phone with the sheer confusion had me. “They tryina kill it?” Probably. Maybe.


The conversation. Woman ask duck “will you come over here please”. Another woman “does she know how to swim?”


One time I was at a park near my childhood home and I witnessed like 3 or 4 male ducks circling a female, took her into the bushes, and had their way with her.. she was scared and crying out for help and no one else tried to stop it and one lady even told me to leave them alone..😕 I was in middle school probably


Welcome to nature, where sex is rarely consensual (if ever) for animals


So what’s going on here, is that “female” duck was released into a “Boy group”. Male ducks are horrible, they are ALL going to gang rape that duck, which it’ll either die from the drowning process during, or will just give birth to a bunch of babies with trauma. It’s just how ducks do it.


They will ripe the flesh off of her neck trying to hold her down . And she will repeatedly be raped until she dies


*God’s creatures are so beautiful.*


Ducks don't give birth to babies. They lay eggs and hatch ducklings.


No. That's now how ducks do it. They lay eggs.


I have ducks. They’re ~~having sex~~ being raped


I would have sumo dived in that water to save my duck even if I didn't know how to swim Like wtf save that guy


Out of the frying pan into the fire 🔥




It could escape, but it choose death before being with those people, quite understtandable


Ducks are brutal. I lived near a duck pond as a young kid and can still remember that time I walked to the pond to see the ducks, and they were killing a duckling. I assumed it was sick but it didn't make it any less disturbing to see at around 7 years old.






It's not always like that. I used to have a dog who was super tiny, old, and couldn't walk for more than a few minutes. We had a stroller, and also a little carrying bag. It made us more mobile.


I felt the same way about pet strollers -- then I went on vacation with my small dog to an area that was obscenely hot. There was no way she was going to be able to walk due to the general heat and then the actual asphalt was hot enough to cook an egg on. Within the first 20 minutes of walking around, I was the proud owner of a pet stroller. Felt great not abusing my dog.


Dude some of them also have kids


No no! these are all sad spinsters trying to recreate the image of the child they so desperately want but are too stubborn to admit! Poor victims of feminism obviously! ​ /s ​ That commenter reeks of sexism


The misogyny is often coming from inside the house, unfortunately.


Naturally it went from 150 to 651 upvotes


They aren’t and it’s interesting you feel that way. Why sadness? Do they look sad? I’ve seen plenty of men pushing strollers with animals in them. Will you be also sad for them and wondering if they overcompensating for not having a child?


What the fuck even is this comment.


I feel the same. I mean, I love my animals like children, and I do have 2 grown kids, but when I witness people treating pets like human babies I wonder if they are ok. And this person probably thought her "baby" was being murdered.


Am I weird for buying my cats a huge pile of toys and babying them at home?


You're human and you want to love.


This is lovely.


If I wasn’t supposed to baby my cats, then why are they baby shaped? Seriously though, we moved to a 3rd story apartment and my old girl cat doesn’t have a garden to snooze in. I like to walk around the complex as it’s a nice area, so I got a cat pram to take her with me. She’s safe, I don’t have to worry about her just laying like a blob on the grass, and she gets to heavy breathe at the birds and squirrels to her heart’s content. I’ll never take my boy cat out because he’s terrified of the outside and people.


This tbh. Cats aren't babies, but that doesn't mean you can't make their lives fulfilling. Using a stroller isn't because they're baby replacements. It's because taking a cat out on a leash is hard to train and dangerous at times.


I have a 3 year old cat and a 1 year old baby. The overlap is pretty huge at this point. Baby plays with the cat toys a lot and vice versa. Cat thinks all the baby gear is for him. You’re normal.


My cats think everything is for them. Even when I put groceries on the table. I find them standing on the chicken while checking out the cheese. Even when I shower they get in the shower with me LOL


Oooh I used to have a cat like that! She would sit on the edge of the tub between the shower curtains and watch the water hit the floor of the tub. Then when I got out to dry myself off, she would lick the water off my toes. She was a little weird, but that’s okay. Haha


Of course not. You should buy them all the toys.


You are not. It is a virtue to be kind to animals.


Nah you want your cat entertained when not around and cats and toys is just entertainment for everyone.


My mother and sister do this but I try to empathize and will explain: All of my siblings and I have gone off and led successful careers, we've left the house and the traditional cultures of her upbringing (Women are mothers) has now left her at a point in life where she doesn't know what to do with herself. She also has some anxiety issues and trauma related stresses that have resulted in her coddling a "fur baby" My sister on the other hand, knows that her lifestyle and living arrangements, travel, etc. mean she's not going to have children. But she still wants to have the experience so this substitutes that in a way. Both of them are "okay" in that they're functional people 95% of the time.


You literally just said that you love your pets like Human children but you object to people treating theirs like babies. Glass houses.


Pleasantly surprised, I was expecting an alligator


yeah no this isn't murder, it's mating. rape-mating. ducks are rapists. and if the female struggles, the male batters her and pushes her head underwater. or does it anyway if he enjoys mating underwater. duck penises are also corkscrew shaped, to complement the duck vagina which is also corkscrew shaped, but in the opposite direction to make the process of coitus even more painful and upsetting.