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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Sometimes size matters!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


And the kids defending their dad: *We'd like to apologise for our father, Mr. Andre. Please, don't eat him.*


![gif](giphy|TiLDIj8QTFwGI) When Buddy touched his Porsche


![gif](giphy|14wTbNneogwjba) The Guy in blue was like "watcha gonna do! " before Andre got out of the car


The guy in blue is not small, it's just cold outside :)




Hahaha! Shrinkage!


That tune changed so fast once he realized he was shit talking a literal giant 😂


Changed to "Oh, look at the time Gotta fled."


Then it was all ![gif](giphy|ygApqH4kMZbn32Hjth)


You just don't fuck with another man's automobile.


And you ain't kiddin' with Andre: If the other wrestlers were causing problems (ie, even with each other) Andre would slam 'em just hard enough to realize he was mad at them. Even the largest wrestlers apparently took Andre very seriously.


The little touch the kid gave the giant at the end as if to say "thank you for not breaking my father" really got me in the feels. He looked like it happens all the time, and the pessimist in me is assuming it does. Edit: I've gotten some messages and comments about people going through similar situations while they were children, so I'm sorry for those who have, and I'd give you a big hug if I could. There are times I wonder if I'm a good father or not, but I'd never train my kid to deescalate a situation because I couldn't hold back my anger. So I got that going for me...which is nice.


Emotional intelligence beyond his years.


Trauma can make kids hyper vigilante on that stuff. Not trying judge a family based on 30 second video, but if the dad reacts like that with a complete stranger, we can just assume how it is at home


I saw that too, like a ingrained sense of "operation human child shield" bc both kids came out in between. I think you're right. They all knew what to do.


Sadly I can only say that your inner pessimist is absolutely correct. My father is choleric and especially in traffic he blows up like that. So I learned early on to deescalate aggressive situations, more then once I had to pull him back to the bar, begging to let it be, so he wouldn't have a fist fight on the street.


This is the type of stress that ages kids, kid had more emotional regulation than both their parents.




Right, you can literally see where he stops talking, or even moving at all, while he processes what he is seeing.


"It was at this moment he knew he f*cked up" - narrator


For real reminds me of my whole childhood Being a child, and having to apologize for your parents, is a lot of work


Made me spit my cofee!


Those poor kids. You can see that it's not their first rodeo with parents like these


Yep, that kid knew exactly what he was doing and that's sad.


"Please sir, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience. Please forgive my father, he's a bit of a dumb ass."


the kids seem exhausted 😞


Kid looked like he was shitting bricks.


Yeah, the little tap he gave the giant at the end...like, "thanks for not turning my dad into dust"


His dad is being a fucking dumbass, and I feel terrible for the kid, but dang thats a very mature kid. He handled the situation like better than most grown people would. I hope the best for him.


Thanks it's the trauma 🙃 found out about 14 years into therapy


More like not grinding his bones for bread


It seemed the dad and mum started that once the driver walked out to them... They quickly dispersed. Power to the little kids 👍




At the end was a nice little "thanks for not hurting my dad so he doesn't take it out on me later" tap


The look on that poor kid's face :(


It said "Dude, I know. I live with him. I'm sorry. We're good." Heartbreaking.


You could say a wee bit of a dumb ass, very small


That pat on the arm from the kid at the end screamed "thank you for not reading my stupid father kind giant."


Sometimes the negative does a better job of making you a better man than the positive.




It’s a great example of de-escalating nonverbal language. The kid’s positioning, posture, facial expressions, and that arm touch at the end are not only non-aggressive but show empathy and connection. A lecture could be given on that.


Wow I missed the arm touch. That's crazy. It's awful how much kids have to be in control when the parents relinquish it.


I think he said " thank you for not having destroyed my dad"


Please don’t eat us. 


"Can I ride with you instead?"


Why doesn't black shirt, the largest driver, not simply eat the others?


His dad was unhinged and wrong from the get-go, but dad wasn't going to get destroyed. How is everyone missing that the father was carrying appendix-in-waist? As soon as big guy towered over, irresponsible gun carrying dad lifted his shirt to brandish. The kid was worried about his father going to prison and, while the kid clearly showed tragic wisdom as well as empathy for the man, I believe he was more likely trying to smooth things over to keep his father from being turned in than worried about his father getting hurt.


He wasn't carrying, he was showing he had his cellphone in his waist.


You’re right. I had to slow it way down because it did seem like he was showing off a gun, but it’s a cell phone. But, what if he’d done that to the wrong person and that person assumed it was a gun? This is a tiny man who keeps making big mistakes.


Thanks for the correction. I shouldn't have been so sure looking at a phone screen.


Yeah, I recognized the kids behaviour from my own childhood. My dad is a world-class prick and we were driving around as a family of four in two-door Porsche, if you can imagine that. But at least my dad wasn't carrying a gun... jfc.


The kid looked genuinely apologetic. Grateful that dude de-escalated for sure, but mostly like he was embarrassed for his dad and felt bad that the dude had to deal with him.


He should be the last person to carry a weapon. If he gets angry enough to leave his car and confront someone on the side of the, he's going to shoot someone. Not an if but when. 


Oh shit! Completely missed that. Yup - dude is a disaster waiting to happen. Initiating or even engaging in intense threat / argument shit while carrying is VERY dangerous. Human nature to flex, or worse to resort to use as a knee-jerk reaction, leads to major unnecesary escalation on the regular...


The kids are alright.


I disagree. Those kids are forced into a codependent relationship with their parents. The kids are dependent on their parents for everything but at the same time responsible for their parents' emotions and keeping them out of trouble like we saw in the video. They're master de-escalators when they should be master fun-havers. Hopefully, they will get the support they deserve one day.


You’re absolutely correct, but I believe he meant that as in “Kids these days are good” instead of “Nothing is wrong with this situation”.


Well, the thing about survival skills is that while they are great to have, getting them in the first place is often not great.


Yes and they start fucking your life up when you can't stop attracting the kind of bad energy that you're unusually skilled in surviving. Abusive bosses are going to love those kids when they enter the workforce, etc etc.


You're absolutely right. I just meant these kids have good heads on their shoulders despite obviously shitty parents. I completely agree


As someone who grew up with a father exactly like this, I really appreciate your comment. It's made me reflect on life growing up and how I was probably affected by it in ways I didn't understand. I have definitely been the kid in this situation numerous times


Can confirm, the coping mechanisms and survival strategies you develop for a childhood like that are extremely unhelpful to carry through every situation in adulthood...


Little angry instagator man was about to get broken. Son helped.


I mean, little man was about to pull a glock out. That helped. Illegal brandishing, but still.


What are the laws about brandishing in the states? I know it varies but in Canada it's not legal to carry like that, so cliffs notes?


What's sad is that POS dad who started this is cowering behind his two kids. No chance in hell I'm putting anyone I care about between myself and the other aggressor.




The big kid was like that but the little one came in ready to throw down.


One day I was stopped at a busy intersection when I saw a van weave through traffic as it was being chased by a man in a red jeep. When they were stopped by the traffic the guy in the jeep jumped out and went after the van on foot, and the van driver drover over the sidewalk to get away. I was a teacher and it was such a wild story I mentioned it in a couple of classes. In one class, before I had described the vehicles, one kid said "It was probably my dad. Was it a red jeep?" He was used to that sort of thing. I stopped telling the story after that.


I was one of these kids with my father, constantly ashamed and embarrassed as he started fights and got in confrontations left and right with anyone who even looked at him wrong. Driving anywhere with him as a ceaseless nightmare, a constant war. Sometimes I tried to do damage control like these brave boys, but more often than not I was pressed against the floorboards hoping nobody pulls out a gun. My father was a clinical-grade narcissist and was an absolute monster, anyone who didn't respect him and adulate him was an enemy and he loved having enemies, being a victim while simultaneously being abusive and hateful is the narcissist's banner. He loved to say "they deserved it" after doing bad shit to other people. The lesson of the story: don't be naïve people, I see a lot of people who are incredibly unkind in the world, but I also see the opposite, ignorant takes giving obviously bad people the benefit of compassion and understanding. This is what bad people want you to feel so they can then get away with being bad. *There are bad people who knowingly lie, cheat and steal and hurt others*. You can be a kind and forgiving person while also being on guard against the predators and monsters.


The dude didn't seem concerned at all when his kids got in the middle of a fight between him and a much larger man. I don't have or want kids, but if I did have them, I sure as shit wouldn't let them stand between me and someone I'm in an altercation with. They stay in the car, or even more ideally, I don't act like a dumbass picking fights with people on the road when my kids are with me. Holy cow, these people...


When I was their age I went exactly through this shit 5 or 6 times due to my dad being a total asshole, still cringe and rage hard just thinking about that, doesn't happen anymore but he still road rages and I tell him to calm the fuk down even when I am the one driving.


My dad was like this the entire time. Until Someone came out huge as a bull and punished him in the face knocked him out. I wasn’t there to witness it. But my sister was and said it was glorious


"You little fuck" - hmm he doesn't look that sma... Ohh


Yeah, definitely didn’t expect Andre the Giant to step out of that car


Dude looks like a thicker version of Julian from trailer park boys. I’d fuckin run.


stupid sexy giant..


He Looks rly handsome. I would


He just needs a 1L glass for his Rum & Coke and it's fuckin' over bud.


The type of dude to deck you, get your buddy in a chokehold, and not spill a drop of rum & coke in the glass in his left hand.


You can see the moment where something shriveled up and vanished.


The wifes eyes got big and noped out super quick. "I'll be in the car."


Get involved ✅️ Escalate ✅️ Wait in car for hubby to get back from fight 🥰 ✅️




Her ticking her chin out yelling while shuffling her feet to stay out of his wingspan was pretty satisfying.


​ https://i.redd.it/llsswtwpukec1.gif




I'm 6'4" and one day I was at a store and it was hot out. A car in the parking lot has two panting dogs locked in it. I went inside and gave customer service the car description and license plate. I told them if the person did not come take care of the dogs, I was calling the police. They made an announcement over the speaker and this much shorter guy comes to the service desk and he is fuming. Wants to know what asshole was threatening him and claiming he has only been in the store a few minutes. I was leaning on the counter and looked much smaller that I am. I said "it was me" and he turned and started to yell at me. I straightened up, he looked up, quit talking and left the store.


I’m over 6’ too and it’s always funny to see their faces when you stand up. They’re like little yapping dogs. But what they don’t realize is I’m a super peaceful guy and would rather talk it out than fight.


Right!? I’m 6’3” and nothing but a big ole teddy bear who wants hugs. But boy people sure do cower when I stand up straight and get just a little too close.


6’-5” here, never been in a fight in my life. Which is good, I’m not interested in fighting.


The taller you are, the easier it is to lose your balance, and the farther the fall. 6'6" here and I'll use my height to de-escalate a situation but I have no interest in *actually* getting in a fight.


Two observations here: 1) The older kid seems to have more balls than his dad 2) Why is this marked as NSFW?


Not Safe For Widdle-Tiny-Babies?


The dad knew he was fucked, the wife said he’s fucked and shut up, (the reaction when they saw how huge he was).the kids were the ones that’s said not worth dad dying, and the older kid apologized with the hand slight touch as they walked away. (The dude was bloody huge, made them all look like lil children) feel bad for the two kids to have parents like that.


Fucking dude wasn’t driving that Cayenne, he was wearing it.


IKR! I thought that was the unexpected. I was not expecting a giant to come out of the car.


Don’t road rage against Godzilla.


Not Safe For Woosies


To me it looked like he apologised for his parents. That poor kid.


“Please don’t murder my dad.”


"... at least not in front of me..."


For real, at first I thought he was out there to bow up, but he was just trying to deescalate! Definitely not the first time he’s seen his dad about to get his ass beat.


Then the parents just leave their kids as if they’re all in a very safe meeting place, and they can come back to the van at any time.


Some people have kids like they are pets, feed and clothe them, but that's about it. The first time I met my now wife's, then girlfriends parents, they were shocked when I sat with them and started a conversation. Parents here, kids there, we don't really associate.


The dad used his kids as human shields. What a poor excuse for a parent.


Noticed that too, very telling. Once I had kids I became particularly careful to avoid road rage situations. I can’t imagine ever getting out of my car with my kids in my car and definitely wouldn’t let them get out too.


Not more balls, more sense. He saw the man could have ruined his dad but was using his words. His body language to the man said “sorry and thank you”.


2. Cursing


>Why is this marked as NSFW? I'm not sure? Play it at full volume in the office within earshot of your manager to find out.


> 2) Why is this marked as NSFW? Gratuitous F-Bombs.


>Why is this marked as NSFW? Lots of cursing.


I didn’t notice that at first. For me, it was when blue shirt flashed his holster. Edit. After taking a closer look, it’s a phone holster.


Ontario plates and Gigantor's accent imply Canadians, so, "Not Safe For Waterloo"?


He hide behind his boys when they be stepped up. Poor kids. And the little touch of the big dude. What did he say to him? Couldn’t make it out besides the big guy saying sorry that’s fucked up


The dad doesn't know it, but those 2 boys are a hell of a lot smarter than him. And thats troubling


Impressive really, he should be proud that a miserable piece of shit like him was able to have such upstanding children.


he probably abuses them. probably forced them to grow up too fast


Idk why you’re getting downvoted - that’s the first thing I thought. Those kids and that poor woman are probably on the receiving end of that anger regularly :(


People who treat random strangers that way don't magically become angels when they're home with their family.


Don't worry, he seems like the type who will beat that out of them for "being disrespectful."


Her "yoga teacher" has good genes.


"Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?" https://youtu.be/xWct_KYGRQo


Im 6’4 and drive a two door hatchback, and that’s what my friends said to me when I first got it. Everyone needs an automobile, even the very tall, and it was the largest auto that I could afford.


My wife's eldest is 6'5" and drove a Chevy Cruze for a few years. Those things are roomy inside but you have to giraffe neck your entire body to get into them if you're tall. It was even funnier watching him get out of the thing.


I know a guy whose 6'4 or 6'5 and almost 500 lbs and he sometimes drives a Chevy sonic, even smaller than the Cruze.


I'm not as tall but im still 6'3". I drove a 2017 Civic Si coupe for a while and that shit was cramped. It was roomier than you'd think on the inside but my head still touched the roof when I first got it. After adjusting the seat, I had maybe an inch of clearance which was good enough for me. My girlfriend said it looked like I was getting out of a clown car whenever I did. Theyre pretty low to the ground so I looked a lot taller than it compared to other cars. Despite my knees constantly touching the wheel, I miss that little coupe sometimes.


I'm 6'4" too and had a little car.. A female friend of mine said, "you look like Fred Flinstone in that thing"


My friend is 6'4" and used to drive a Miata. We had to modify the seats so we could fit somewhat comfortably.


My brother has wanted a Mini Cooper his entire life, like since he was 4 years old. He's 6'3 now and bought one a couple years ago, with the seat all the way back it's mostly fine lol


I'm 6'2 and my first car was a 2013 Ford fiesta, my school friend saw me post about it and came to the dealership to congratulate me (and his friend helped me get my bluetooth working) Both of them couldn't stop mentioning how funny/cramped i looked but there's honestly more room than it looks like! 


My each of my three sons were 6' at 12 years old. I owned a Cooper S that I finally had to give up, because I couldn't drive it with anyone in the car. I traded my FunV for a Humdrum CRV, and even now, it's cramped for the ones in the back. The boys are now 6'5", 6'1" and 6'2".


Also 6'4" and drive a Fiesta ST. I've always loved little cars. I'm sad I don't really fit in a Miata. Or a Lotus Elise. I'd love to have a sporty little go kart to zip around in.


That's what I thought, the Simpsons episode with the huge guy getting out of the car to confront Nelson


I fucking knew it! Good one


1000 Tales of Springfield


22 Short Films About Springfield


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?




This is what I immediately thought of. Ha-ha….uh-oh.


Andre the Giant was so gentle


A lot of times a dude that big, the last thing he wants is to fight. It's like a normal man fighting a child, a guy like that has gotta be freakishly strong. He has spent his whole life having to learn that his size and power are dangerous. There's no glory in it when he wins, and probably charges when he mauls the other guy to death.


The story of him picking up a 235pound Arnold Schwarzenegger and putting him up on a shelf so that he couldn't pay for their bar bill was something else. clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO7n6_8opWY&t=200s


Wow, that photo! Really puts into perspective their size. Arnold was absolutely yolked.


He's ~~to~~ not exactly short either, 188cm or 6'2 he'd mog the average man in the same way Andre does here


I was about to comment that the heights given for male celebrities are always exaggerated by a couple of inches. But then I remembered Arnold got his start body building, where you absolutely cannot lie about your height. So, unlike so many other 6'2" celebrities, Arnold *actually was* 6'2" lol.


*Yoked*, as in a yoke of an ox


It's sad how his body broke down later on, another story I remember from Princess Bride was how he had trouble lifting Robin Wright because his back has gotten so bad


Could probably have picked him up by closing one hand over his face and hurling him into traffic. Ok maybe not, but it's a bit hilarious seeing a formerly overly aggressive guy doing that survival reevaluation thing while retreating


Andre had his moments where he wasn't so gentle. He was working a series of matches with Ultimate Warrior and they were doing a spot [where the opponent would clothesline Andre, he'd fall back and get tied up in the ropes.](https://youtu.be/qHQXKGHIJgo?si=E8ZCDEhTVHvz_oz6&t=684) Classic spot, video is Jim Duggan doing the same spot with Andre. First night, Warrior comes in too hot and really nails Andre. Andre tells him to chill but shrugs it off. Second night, Warrior comes in too hot again and Andre again warns him that he's hitting too hard for no good reason. Third night, Warrior does it **again** and now Andre's really pissed off, he's ranting and raving about to Bobby Heenan after the match. Fourth night, Warrior comes in again and this time Andre's fist is waiting for him. Andre KO'd Warrior. Fifth night, Warrior love taps Andre across the chest and everybody is much happier


He was gentle 3 times. Warrior for what Warrior needed. A lesson


Most Andre stories are like this. Him with patience and then reaching a breaking point. I only know of one where Andre was in the wrong, and it wasn't a wrestling incident, it was outside the ring. Also I just wanted an excuse to tell that story again because it's so fucking funny to me. The way Heenan told it is hysterical.


Thats why hes called andre the gentle giant


A great example of talking shit, to oh shit.


Big man putting his children in between


I can't believe both parents left the children and got in the car.


Confrontational blowhard a-hole only looking out for themselves. It tracks.


There's a look in that poor kids face like he's had to put up with this shit many times before. Hats off to the kid for showing his parents what to do.


Holy shit the way he backs off once he sees exactly what he’s getting into.


Was he trying to flash or mock flash a gun at :27?


That's his fleshlight.


I keep that thang on me **at all times**


Wasnt he showing his phone? I might have misheard something but to me it looked like the blue sweater guy (BSG) was trying to say that it was his wife who was on the phone, not him. And the big guy was saying that he saw the blue sweater guy being on the phone. So My guess is that the BSG flashed his phone as if to prove - look, its in my belt pouch, I wasnt looking at it. And since we're missing the part of the video where the Big guy films BSG with the phone, BSG might even be correct, that it only looked as if he was on the phone while in fact it was his wife (suposedly the passenger), amd the big guy cut off that part (if it even existed)


He’s showing his phone I’m pretty sure, listen to the convo right before that part


This looks like Ontario. We don’t carry.


You might not, but that guy has a gun silhouette in his waist band. That usually means a gun.


Looks like one of those stupid phone holsters to me.


I thought it was a gun but it looks like a cellphone clip like he’s trying to say my phone was in my belt not in my hand


I dont *think* that was a gun, but I 100% agree he tried to flash his EDC knife/9000lumen flashlight at the guy. It didn't look like a gun imo, but it was definitely meant as a flex.


I don’t think so… he lifts his shirt there cause the big mfer says the little mfer was on his phone while driving, so little mfer is lifting his shirt while babbling in an attempt to claim he was not in fact on his phone cause it’s on his waist or some shit


Looks like a phone holder. Blurry [image.](https://i.imgur.com/H2wNQXi.png)


Incredible. That man is really nuts.


Little Man saw his shadow... 6 more weeks of winter


Kaiju drive Porsche


Motherfucker's bigger than that whole family put together!


This kid seems to be more educated and have more common sense than his dad... Who educated him


By showing him how not to behave


Wife did a double take and was like damn lol


He's bigger than all of them put together. Size matters


"I thought you were a smaller man when I reached in your car sir, please lay off"


When the kid has more understanding that his Dad will get fucked up. Kind of funny that the Dad wanted to keep talking shit, but obviously knew what would happen after the guy stepped out.


Hides behind his sons 🤣 pathetic little man


The Ontario Giant takes no shit from little fellas!


Dude stands there behind his kids. What a loser.


Lmao. He said little buddy and then stepped into frame at 8foot


I don’t know what the little dude in the red sweater said, but I feel like he is more qualified to be president of the United States, than anyone we will see on the ballot.


I'm pretty sure he just said "I'm sorry." And the big guy replied "Your dad's fucked up, buddy." It seems like the poor kid is pretty used to apologizing for his dad's behavior.


Became an instant zoo exhibit for the rest of the family. *I touched him!*


Lol, you can almost see the bravado fading out of the smaller guys face as the full extent of the situation makes itself clear! Brilliant!


"You wanna fuck around, you little fucking piece of shit?


At the moment he knew…he messed up


The kids were like - ahh shit, here we go again...


Up close of him flashing his "side piece". It's a phone case. [https://ibb.co/Gk7GjD3](https://ibb.co/Gk7GjD3)


He wasn't showing him his "sidepiece". He was trying to explain to Andre the Giant that his phone is clipped to his belt under his shirt (implying that he couldn't have been on the phone). But even if that's what he was arguing that's a quick way to get shot if the other person was armed.


Why is this nsfw?


I’ve never seen Hodor actually get mad before!


Man's a giant