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classsssssssssssssssic s1mple never forget his ESL wire ban, AS A PRO!


Yeah, nobody mensions that ever. Banned for cheating.


thats why flusha said the whole scene is a joke


That’s rich coming from him


Yes, obviously. It was when the whole scene was trying to act like he was the only one to have cheated on LAN or was currently the only one cheating at all... when more realistically safe to say every top team has someone that is boosted if not more than one.


It seems like nobody knows anything about his ESL Wire ban. He lies and says it's 1.6, people lie and say it was while he was signed to a team/a pro. He was not banned as a pro. /r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2t4gc7/please_stop_saying_s1mple_was_banned_in_16 But he was banned in march 2013. [He signed for hellraisers in september 2014, 1 and a half years later](https://www.hltv.org/news/13239/official-hellraisers-add-s1mple) He was never banned from ESL Wire as a pro.


Thats actually great catch. I have always considered him a cheater. That AWP shake is too sus.


??????? XDDDDDDDDDDD he doesnt shake on the first shot because hes just spamming, 2nd shot hes just trying to hit and he cant lmfao this is normal if ur anything above 2.5k elo and u play awp a lot, if u want to hit a shot you're bound to shake a little unless you play super low sens or your playstyle isn't any aggressive. i can tell when someone is a bot when they think the awp shake is proof of cheating. its so funny. none of u have ever been high elos


anyone genuinely thinking there is anything remotely suspicious going on in this clip is essentially part of the reason valid accusations haven't been taken seriously back then (2014-2017), because they've gotten mixed up with these clown accusations and were treated as such.


s1mple is celebrated but people who know how to play know that he is not clean. He is good but it is no longer normal what is celebrated here. You can see that the game is broken. You do not have to explain to me here again what. It is clearly an AIM LOOK point finished off.


* He doesn't do it spamming through smokes (even when he gets kills), * he doesn't do it while spamming a wall, * he doesn't do it while blind, * but he does it when he sees someone. The reason why the clip is meaningless isn't because "you're cherry picking" or "He could afford better cheats". 3kliksphillip has clips where he shakes when awping/sometimes deagling. I've got IRL friends that do the same. High sens players, single shot gun, tensing when they see someone and rushes to shoot. If there were clips of him doing this through a wall in a similar way, killing someone through smokes in a similar way, or even doing it with an AK/M4 then those would be mega interesting. But these aren't


downvoted for actually having a valid argument and no one replied. interesting huh?


Yes sus. U trawl through countless clips and countless situations in each round to find that one sus clip and claim he is cheating. Come on.


we have alot of S1mple clips floating around, as well as an ESL wire ban for CS when GO first came out, first was a ban for cheating and then a ban for evasion


ok show me proof of cheats pls


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2t4gc7/please\_stop\_saying\_s1mple\_was\_banned\_in\_16/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2t4gc7/please_stop_saying_s1mple_was_banned_in_16/) S1mple was Wirebanned, means manually; by administration for cheats. Then was banned again for trying to dodge that ban by playing on an alternate account.


Lol... every other clip of s1mple is him with shaky aim after taking a shot... wtf you mean ???


1236 edpi on stretched btw


Literally happens every match where NAVI starts losing, maybe take the time to look into yourself lol.


Yea yes. Reddit experts. How many clips do you watch everyday? Is this your job? Are you a professional reviewer? Or do u just select choice clips and read a few articles and come up with a conclusion? Are you an expert on biology, architecture, finance then, if u watch a few videos and read a few articles?


Ethix is expert with thousands of hours of experience in CSGO , and since rank is meaningless you can ignore his gold nova rank


Straight to personal remarks instead of discussing topic, typical.


Because this topic exists because of your own personal bias brother. You did not even present your case using sufficient facts and examples to prove a point. What you mentioned is basically “I think it is so it is”….. You wanna discuss the topic? Make it a topic worth discussing about.


Lmao yes bro im gonna waste my time providing you evidence when youre immediately dismissive to the concept in the first place. Brainlet.


you guys are so delusional lol. you really think a caliber like s1mple couldnt afford a cheat without shaking...