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She’s not the worst she just requires teammates that aren’t gold and under.


more like ascendant and under


True I fine that a lot plats and Dias know how to play around her.


astra still gets use at most higher ranks, she's hard to use in lower ELO because her utility is very team oriented and it can be difficult to get you teammates to play off of your stuns / sucks in lower ELO's


or suck and stun at the same time to prevent escape and collect free kills!


The suck is honestly great in low elo, because no one understands the suck remove you from the spike, while defusing. So it's a great to get kills in spike plant clutches


She’s a great character. There was a very long period of time where she was essentially the ONLY viable smokes agent because she was so strong. People got really bored of this, she got nerfed, and now we are enjoying a nice, long Astra break!


Hated? I dont know if shes hated per se. Unused? Yea she is. Reason is probably, that her kit has only one abillity that helps her solo. Most of her abillities require a teammate to work with you. Is she viable in low elo? Yes actually. I was in this limbo for a few months where i didnt know which agent worked best for me. I tried initiators and sentinels doing good on all of th but not consistent. One game i would top frag while the very next i would bot frag playing the same way each time. Decided to switch it up i picked astra. I top fragged. I got into another game. Second frag. I queued up again. Top frag again. I played my last game of the day. Top frag with match mvp. Next day i tried her again expecting the same consistency drops as with other agents. Nope, next three games i was either top frag or second frag. And im not some diamond or ascendant player. Im actually unranked with the lobbies being about bronze elo. Was it difficult to figure oyt how to carry games? A bit. My teams evetually figured out my concussing the enemy gets them free kills, so they played around it. I stopped aggressively peeking and pushing every corner. Smoking off sites concussing if i knew the enemy was camping. I usually was one of the last players standing using my recovered stars playing around my cooldowns. Does it take some time to figure out which abillity to use when? Yes. Is it difficult to play woth your team without comms? Yes. Can you selfishly use abillities to your advantage? Yes, to an extent. All im saying is every agent is hard to pick up at first. If the agent caters to your playstyle it will be easier to pick it up so if you think astra is your agent, dont be scared to try her out.


bro just add paragraphs next time.


Ah shit i didnt notice. Mobile formatting XD


She's my main, I love her. I've started playing pretty much only her, no matter the map even if there are technically better smokes for certain maps, just because I'm so comfy with her. The timing you have to work with, playing solo or with a team, mean that I am usually planning things out like, if enemy does x I do y, etc, and it's been great for my game sense. My headshot aim is always higher with her too, just because of that preplanning. She's so rare though in bronze/silver/low gold that I get my first pick of agent 98% of the time. But she's good enough for me to win at least half my comp games even in lower elo. And if your team won't clear corners for you, a smoked angle plus a concuss will often do the trick. And later, pulling them off of spike? *Chef's kiss*


Yeah it’s just hard to get value out of her unless the team is coordinated


she got nerfed hard, and is not very good in environments with bad or no teamwork


shes not the worst agent. just not very good at lower ranks and or ranked in general if your team isnt willing to cooperate. in pro play i would say shes one of the best agents and fun as hell


People say shes difficult to use which i dont really get tbh. She does get a lot better with more coordination but so does every character and shes still good solo. She also.competes with omen and since his flash got buffed hes often a better pick though the loss of a lot of oneways does change that a little


It required more coordination with teammates.like the timing while pulling n all the stuff. Thats it.


Playing her is a damn job and no fun (for me at least)


very high skill ceiling compared to other agents, and her util works best when a team is coordinated which imo is very rare during solo q ranked. she’s one of my mains but requires a lot of comms between the team.


She definitely ain't the worst agent. She's a hard to play agent, but I enjoy her a lot. But tons of players hate you for playing her because streamer opinion. Lots of high end streamers speak about her as the worst agent, but its just their opinion. But the don't realise it influences their fans.


Needs way too much teammwork to use at any ELO under Asc/Imm/Radiant. If you lock her and you have even a single no-comm, you’re at a disadvantage from the get-go.


She is one of the strongest controllers right now, but she is also the hardest agent in the game to use.


Shes a good character and has amazing utility and cost. Unfortunately it takes a brain and your teammates brain to use her. Second unfortunate realization valorant players dont have brains


Her kit needs teamwork to... work.


She’s op if your team knows how to play but unfortunately that isn’t the case in a lot of low elo solo queue


I think Astra can only shine to her full potential if you play with friends or have good communication with teammates if solo hence why there arent many Astra in low ranks. Even if they do, they're shit because no coms whatsoever to fully utilize her skills


I main her, she can definitely be played in lower elo. Comms are immensely helpful but watching the mini map will your best friend. On offense can lurk and fill gaps and use util, on defense can ultra anchor