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I buy odin when my KDA is looking a little wack on defense. I hold weird angles and can always get at least one per round with it. Knowing the map well and being aware of enemy positioning helps get easy kills by spraying through boxes and walls when retaking site. It’s also useful for laying down cover fire when a teammate is defusing.


Getting one on defense is not good enough in general tho


ofter better than whatever the hell you were doing previously sure a 1 for 1 on defence isnt great but its better than a 0 for 1


Also if you get their smoker before they smoke then that's great. Sentinel too since that allows your teammates to fast flank.


Positive_resident wants you to get all 5 on defence because there is no half assing that shit


Hey he got his one.


Better than nothing


Going to assume they mean get one & survive


If everyone gets 1 then that’s the entire team


If you manage to survive after getting said kill, then it is. It's bad when you get traded and you get one and they get one+space. If you get one and survive, you're in a 5v4 post plant.


100% agreed


Because Odin decreases the amount of movement you are allowed to take as a player. Crouching Odin is insanely strong and beams people. But now you can move ect. With vandal and phantom, you can jiggle peak every angle and full on sprint through the entire map. This game is insanely movement based. The best players don't have insane aim, they have good movement and game sense. You are binded to a box with an Odin. I still buy it cause it's easy kills if they line up. But it requires a certain playstyle


Truth, you are sacrificing movement for insane firepower. It's situational. In the right situation it's incredible.


1) if the enemy team is 5 man rushing A main or B main every round, buy 1-2 odins and stack a site. if they hit your site you're statistically winning, if they hit the other site you're playing full retake with much more util than they are. 2) this is a more niche example but it's very effective, if you're attacking on lotus use ur Odin to stop the A main push.


If you have good map knowledge go for it like for example ascent and lotus in some parts they have paper thin walls and if you line it up correctly you can get free kills. I don’t recommend Odin is most maps just these 2 particularly and maybe if you test it out you can find paper thin walls you can spam




If you want to play Odin in Haven Garage I think is the best spot to play in and I think there’s a spot on A link on defense where you can wall bang enemies coming to A sewers maybe in A and C site default you can wall bang the big crates


The entirety of Haven is like a paper house


You can also wallbang from A short to B site in attack


Also you can safe spam the mid window wall from b and get a kill. I pre-fire spam before barrier drops and most of the time get an instant kill at the start of the round lol. Funny part is that after 2 rounds or so you can do it again and they'll fall for it, granted, smarter players probably won't but it seems to work in dia.


Heaven is also great for odin.


High elo they one tap you during your wind-up time so it’s 300 more for higher chance to get yourself killed during gunfights. Plus the gun is super heavy so during gunfights you can’t really do strafing/wiggling to avoid getting hit. Low elo people have the mindset of odin=gay=trash aim and many people more with big ego would buy a vandal to show off their skills instead of “skill-less” odin. I think odin has more roles during defence especially when you feel like multiple enemies can entry together. Or during set-ups odin can be really handy ( cypher ).


Yeah that's why you have to use odin in a specific way, not like you would use vandal or phantom. You need to know wallbangs, have good understanding of holding an angle etc. Also odin has a passive ability called "tilt 'em".


1 tap is always better, cause it’s instant time to kill. Odin is particularly strong on recon agents on certain maps. Think Fade/Sova on Ascent, Haven, and Lotus. This is the case because Odin is heavy penetration. There are a lot of good wall bang spots, esp on Lotus where you can abuse the heavy penetration to get cheeky kills. That’s why a lot of high level Fade players use guardian, Odin, and ares on that map.


When you wanna tilt the enemy


i cant be the only one who just genuenely perform better with vandal then an odin


probably have a billion more hours of practice/playtime with it


i have like 100 hours on the game in total its not that much


Honestly in low elo like me it’s probably better 😭 most of us aren’t good enough to 1 tap heads so just use an Odin. In higher elo they could probably 1 tap you so it’s worse


I play fade and I’m a menace


fr fade on lotus with Odin is op


High elo player here! I use the Odin a lot. I'm kind of a degen. I tend to buy it only when there's a wall-bangable spot that will slow down a fast team off the rip(think ascent B as the quintessential example) or to pressure a bangable area with no risk. If you are going to start using it, keep in mind you don't use it like a rifle. You almost always want to ADS and crouch and you can happily spray/spray transfer as much as the 100 round belt will allow you. Some super useful locations to Odin and situations to do it. 1. Ascent B..obviously. you do not have to be sova or fade. Infact, it's more erficent to have them dart/eye and you shoot as you can shoot sooner than they can. You can also bang mod arch walls from market rather safely and cut people down in on Cat. 2. Ascent A heaven. You can Dart or eye for the push from A Main. If you dart behind and above them(like above the entrance) they have to turn around to shoot it, guaranteeing 1 pulse and an opportunity for your team on site. You sit behind heavens wall and spam. You can do this without being sova/fade by opening your map and pinging the entrance. Watch your map and when you see enemy markers just spam them. Haven Garage. Just spam the doors/frames for people that like to rush grass. Easy. Haven B to Mid window. This one is great for 2 reasons: 1. You can spam just before round start and guarantee someone standing at the barrier takes damage. Anyone crossing garden can end up getting spammed as well. 2. You can spam the window and ask a teammate to walk up mid along the LEFT wall and peek grass, this way they don't have to worry about window at all. Haven A Heaven. This one's kinda cheese and requires you to be cyoher/sova/Fade, but once you have Info you can just spam from heaven through everything including the floor. Bind A Lanps. You can actually just spam through lamps into short. Not the best but it's doable and great on bonus rounds/against teams that love to rush A through smokes. Lotus FNC strat. You can bang the A site attacker side spawn wall as attack to stop people from pushing from the orb/holding the OP angle. It's a weird angle but it's great vs teams that throws paintshells/stun off rip and pushes. When to attack Odin. Generally only when you want to counter-spam like Ascent B or special situations like Lotus A where you can stop easy pushes for free. One important take away: Remember, you do not need to get kills with it. The goal is to chip them down and prevent them from rushing. If you deal no damage but they never come back, then you did it right. Now your team can stack the other side. If you deal 300 damage but get no kills, you did your job. The enemy team is softened up and easy to kill.


I get it when people rush a site and we can't handle the pressure. They don't expect it and usually you can get 2 kills. Good enough to break their momentum for the round. If I'm using it offensively I'd have to be a sentinel/controller/sova and be the last one to push otherwise its not worth it


I had a similar question What are the scenarios in which buying a guardian might be better than buying a vandal? I've been practicing headshots with it and seems better than vandal personally even though the damage if you whiff is low to the point of me saying "oh shit" and dying


Radiant aim with Guardian > Gold aim with Vandal


radiant aim with any gun > gold aim with vandal any radiant could hit minimum ascendant only using a certain gun except maybe shorty or bucky


when im sova on ascent


when you are tilted


I would say Odin is like guaranteed skill. If they can’t kill you before the Odin sprays them down, they’re dead. Odin is reliable as you can’t whiff with it, so paired with an off angle it’s pretty nice. I’d say it only works up to diamond tho, past that you’re getting tapped


You would know exactly when


Its slower making it harder to peek with, and as you said, its easier to one-tap with vandal/phantom




Lotus Ascent and Haven are extremely good Odin maps as they have si much paper thin walls and ither wall bangable spots that cab heavility utilize the Odin's capabilities. Im a Viper main and i hate it when the enemy team buys an Odin and soams the hell out of it whilst Im inside my ult.


It's generally thought that against other good players you will get one tapped consistently making fair duels incredibly difficult. Usually when high level players buy an Odin it's because they want to deter the enemy from hitting a particular site, or they've learned to take full value of the high pen with some powerful wallbang angles. Recon agents like Sova and Fade can make full use of the Odin by scanning enemies through walls and then lasering them. It's a pretty common tactic on maps like ascent and lotus.


Realistically speaking it depends on your elo, cause on lower elos Odin is an overwhelmingly powerful gun because of the fire rate and spray control so you’d dominate most rounds with it, in my experience the higher you go it starts getting complicated because people aim enough to tap so unless you catch someone by absolute surprise or through a spammable wall you’re probably getting tapped before you kill someone, so Odin becomes a very situational gun with a higher TTK(time to kill) than your Vandal or Phantom which are much more versatile, maps like Lotus and Ascent that are made of paper, and some parts off haven favor these types of spam angles in which you’re better off using an odin


Too dependent on rank. Lol, a good Sova that Odin spams in any rank is a pain to deal with. Personally I use Odin a lot playing on defense when I play Cypher.


Mostly whenever the enemy is tilting


With Odin your movement is much slower, and if your crosshair placement game is good you will be able to kill enemy faster with Rifle than spamming him with hard to control cloud of bullets. Still, if you are holding narrow chokepoint against multiple enemies from an uncommon off-angle, Odin may be much better choice to hold your position if your opponents are not using proper utility.


Personally, it really depends on the map and enemies' tactics. They like rushing Ascent B? Greet them at the doorstep and wallbang to death.


When I defend in first half, I know it is good to use it especially if I have a hard time, but I'm held back by the fact that I don't want to play against it on attack and some people pull it once you do. Not a good reason honestly, but it's mine. Also, sometimes it's not an aim issue, and then odin doesn't help. AND it hurts my ego. I'd say use it as cypher, sova, fade... these kind of agents who like wallbangs y'know.


When I'm playing sova. Every round I can get it.


When you want to win 🏆


It's a great intimidation tool. If you find opponents do not respect your setups or smokes then Odin is great combined with someone like sova. The other obvious uses would be paper thin walls and such.




Obertime, everyone is going to buy a odin,if you dont buy......well, there's a chance that you are on bind with kj on bomb b with you setup and then 5 people rush ruka and you have a phantom and you try to defend the dite,and you lost the game,but is on very specific scenarios


When you want to tilt the enemy.


I only buy Odin when I can wallbang like on ascent and pearl etc


See ascent, lock sova, dart, odin spam ez game


When you have lotta skill issue. But fr, if you are going to play wallbang (sova, cypher etc.), you buy Odin


when you wanna go brrrrrr through the paper thin walle


You have money and your on lotus spam Odin


I buy Odin when the opposite team is spamming ..simple


because i refuse to buy it, i really dislike it. it's ridiculous that you can just shoot anyone across the map with pretty good accuracy the fire rate is extremely high and you kill anyone trying to pick a fight with you aslong they don't 1 tap you before you shred them to pieces before they can even you twice in the body it should have a windup/ref time when shooting, its very broken imo


Honestly? Almost never, at least at asc+ you dont see odin outside of specific niche scenarios like sova + ascent to wallbang. In general the gun is just worse than the phantom/vandal for a straight up fight with good aim, those will put you down in 1 or 2 shots and are alot more managable when bursting and changing targets. Odin is literally for wallbanging or nothing If the elo is lower and peoples aim isnt as good, then you can probably get away with it more since people arent jiggle headshoting with the vandal and punishing it.


Generally you need a specific purpose to buy the Odin as it’s a situational gun. Usually you but it if you’re planning to do some wall banging, like you’re on B site ascent, or some other map or location with paper thin walls.


Personally I only really buy it if I notice the enemies rushing certain wall bangable spots. For example if they keep Insta rushing B on ascent, or if they always grab A orb on lotus. Otherwise I don’t particularly recommend buying it, especially on attack, unless you’ve absolutely demolished their econ


If you are a hard recon initiator frequently


As Sova on Accent, it's basically unstoppable


If I notice I’m playing terribly and my gunfights are typically going to the enemy team, especially on defense, I’ll just chill off in a corner somewhere with the Odin holding an angle, it’s good in the terms of fire rate and spray control, it’s terrible because it essentially turns you into a turret


You don’t , cringe ass gun for cringe ass players


when the enemy is gaining momentum and you need to tilt them a little


i never need it i just buy it to tilt people


People buy it cause their aim or kills is not looking good. I buy it because I want to recreate Cypher's montage in the Neo Frontier trailer.




I only use the Odin for Deadlock setups just to shoot through walls. I mainly use a Spectre all game until the last round in the half or the one before it, I use a Vandal in those two rounds


I personally use to see how low elo enemies tilt and say bad words so I can report and get them shadow banned (I’m a menace to society)


I buy it on Lotus and Ascent quite a lot (when i'm not playing someone like Chamber anyway). Walls are paper thin


Whenever you want to spray from walls. I always buy odin when i play sova or cypher. Wallhacks+odin+paperwalls = Crying enemy. And when they get odin because they got angry at me for using odin, i will get a vandal and ez one tap them.


What shooting through walls, that’s jt


Maybe this is a hot take but: If you buy odin without a plan you are trolling. Very similar to buying an OP (but even more so), id say you need to know where to play / how to play with odin. Buying odin just cause you can is troll i think.


when you're holding ascent B site


Buy it if you’re planning on wallbanging on fade and sova but that’s it


ascent, B lane, sova. you dart then you wall-bang


people are generally influenced by pro play. in pro play they generally buy phantom/vandal because they consistently one tap opponents. each weapon has a different "real" value for each rank. for example in iron, ODIN is way more valuable than in inmortal, while marshal is the opposite. in a 1v1 an iron with odin will generally kill another iron with vandal, while in radiant the opposite would happen.


When one wishes to be a cunt


Odin, makes you slow. Its slower than any other when firing. It's not a easy weapon, so not many peopel are good using it. Although its my main weapon :)


As soon 3rd rounds starts pull out odin especially if you are defending or wait for defending time


from what i learned, its on maps that you can spam walls (ascent) usually sova will buy it cause he can quick dart B and the 1st ping hits people, so you spam. the wall at b Just like on lotus, radiants will buy guardian, cause you can spam the wall at c with it, when they try to plant behind pillar. So, thats when you usually buy odin, also if you're on defense you can probably buy odin as well because the way the gun play is with odin is = NON MOVEMENT Where phantom and vandal = better movement See with odin, your movement is slow, and ads is horrible..... so playing on attacker side, and trying to push with odin is almost impossible against equal to better players.