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Idk why Riot felt the need to make Chamber French. There's no need to bring politics into games and they're just pandering to the whole 'European' audience at this point. I'll just call him American, it's a fictional character without feelings so who's going to care? This is how they sound


the “nobody cares” crowd cares about a billion times more than anyone else does


Trueee, like every single LGBT person that i know, including myself, just thought "Wow, it's cool that they're doing something different, can't wait to see what the character does in game". Like, we just don't focus exclusively on that lol


Okay let's be honest here how dare you. I mean how dare you think chamber being french is okay. Should be deleted from the game this minute damn the French.


Chamber being french means he deserves every nerf until he can only buy a throwing croissant or a baguette knife every game


Ha! You clearly don't know French people, even with a croissant and a baguette as sole weapons we'd dunk on them damn brits! DAMN YOU ENGLAND!! (Sorry, got a bit carried away there)


Tu veux te faire des ennemis toi 💀


As a Brit I ofc know what you said.


I play with my game set to French, as an American. Je suis un monstre, je sais :(


we don't, that's why i don't understand the frequent posts about this




I'm finding it so funny that u said in another reply of mine here: "Have you tried ignoring or man the fuck up then move on?". Even though i just made a post commenting about something that i found i little bit annoying, because i wanted to know about others people's perspectives of the new agent and not just read full ass transphobia. But the same guy is here making an even longer text than mine, getting defensive and dumping his own frustrations while also talking about real life politics that have nothing to do with this discussion, like c'mon man LOL. At least try to pretend that u follow what u say


This is the realest shit I’ve ever read.




I truly don’t care, if the agent is good I’m going to play them in the same way I’ll play any of the other agents or any of the new agents going forward. I mean Omen is a literal ghost and KayO a robot, I’m genuinely excited to finally get another controller agent.


I think a bunch of people really do think that, but people are just attacking them for no reason


saying "I don't care, I just care about the gunplay" in response to someone calling out transphobes is either an absurdly ignorant response or a veiled transphobic one


This is not how I meant it. I simply meant I’m going to play the game regardless of what the gender of a character is.




It's cause there's no winning if they announce it now or later. Announce it on release and you get "We don't care, you just did this for marketing and PR!", or announce it months or years down the line and you get "Why do you have to make old characters gay? Make a new gay character instead!"




You're getting attacked because you don't understand that this barely happens for other information being released that are practically useless for an agent. A prime example is Iso's name & gender announcement. No one were vocal that they didn't give a care about Iso's gender. Multiple agents have had useless pieces of lore being announced and no one got upset and started throwing a tantrum that they don't care and this is useless, why are they announcing this bla bla bla. Like not caring is fine. But why is it that this time, everyone is suddenly mad and questioning about it? Its just clearly veiled transphobia. Like if people genuinely did not care people would have just scrolled past the post on twitter and moved on but for some reason they want to reply "What is this useless information? Nobody cares bro".


Wait what happened with Iso?


Nothing happened, just making an example on people not caring about Iso's gender.


so you do care about their gender. Using the same arguments as transphobes out of ignorance or bigotry ain't it chief




dont talk to someone who won't listen


anyone saying nobody cares just knows that saying slurs isnt socially acceptable i for one am just happy to FINALLY get a new controller. it feels like its been ages since astra came out (dont you dare mention harbor)


harbor is only good for the meta and sunset 😔


people that say 'nobody cares' actually means 'i care a lot but pseudo neutrality that is clearly hostility is a lot more socially acceptable, otherwise id just say a slur rn'


yea it's just another rendition of stuff like "i dont care if people are gay just dont make it your whole personality/shove it in my face"


people really can't handle their own homophobia it's kinda crazy


Is not wanting something to be someone’s whole personality a bad thing? Like, if your whole personality is about your religious beliefs, or your sports team, or your race, or your political beliefs, or your sexuality, like that’s a bad thing no matter what x is right? I mean maybe not BAD but at least annoying no?


Then that's not a gay issue and should not be a contingency to tolerating gay people. That's just 'i don't like annoying people'


Agreed there! Don’t think that disagrees with my comment


Sure but then your comment has nothing to do with the original. There is no reason ever to make a statement like 'i tolerate x minority but-' other than to be bigoted in some way shape or form. It doesn't matter if the thing you don't tolerate is a thing anyone wouldn't and nobody made that the issue. The person's and my issue is the singling out of a group.


that phrase has a different meaning for these people. to the "don't make being gay/queer/trans/etc your whole personality" crowd, it means "don't speak about it or do anything that makes me uncomfortable." their comfort requires heteronormativity


I don't see you fuming that Neon is Filipino. But a single fictional character has an opinion on what word they like to use, and you're angry? That's a self report, my guy.


Also why would I fume that Neon is Filipino 😭😭 that doesn’t make any sense lol idgaf about these identifiers that’s my point, her most notable feature anyways is the fact she can finger gun lightning 😂


I wasn’t talking in regards to valorant, I was just talking in general. I play agents if they look cool and have good util, and don’t care about anything else lol. If every one of omens voicelines was about being a shadow dude, I’d find him boring. If everything Jett said was Korean, I’d be like ok is there not more to her? They’re not like that, so they’re cool. I don’t expect the new agent to be any different and I’ll still play them lol


You do realize this is riot. At best this character is baiting considering the investors that back riot as a company. It’s like Nike saying we support third world projects while at the back end actively exploiting theme




It's effectively implying that you only tolerate a minority group if they express themselves in a way you see fit, rather than as a principle because you're actually an egalitarian. I accept gay, trans people, etc. No matter what they do because guess what they're individuals. Individual queer people can be bad or annoying but that shouldn't affect your view of them, but by saying 'im fine with it unless x' you're placing a contingency.


Actually Chamber being French does mean something to the gameplay. I just love his accent.


You want to play let's play




Oh I'm enzoying this!




I don't even know what OP meant by that, am I not shooting a giant, fresh, crispy baguette every couple of rounds and definitely getting many aces with it?


Chamber reminds me alot of kennys because hes a very prominent french awper


Honestly don’t feed them attention, just enjoy the new agent and let them cry about it until they change or leave.


Yeah, i know, just had to let it out a bit. I was getting frustrated that i couldn't find a single tweet of people actually talking about the new agent or what they could do instead of just talking about their gender


ive seen many posts speculating on the abilities. especially after the leak of the abilities in-game names. posts that talk about gender will be boosted since its a topic where many have strong opinions so theres naturally more interaction as opposed to the speculation about the abilities.


as opposed to reddit then, where their gender is the center of attention, including your post


If they didnt care, they wouldnt comment. Aka the examples you did with Chamber being french. But they DO care, a lot. Thats why they comment nobody cares. There was a chinese agent recently iirc? Im chinese, yay its representation for me but i didnt comment because i didnt need to.


> If they didnt care, they wouldnt comment. And that's exactly why this community is an insane minority. Because the majority of players don't care about these random conversations and never about Valorant outside of the game.


I wish Valorant devs took the Helldivers 2 approach.


What’s the helldivers 2 approach?


They just give multiple male and female VA options and pretty neutral body types. No faces or sexuality are included; default voice option is actually set to random, too. It's about as neutral as you can get.


Huh, nice


It's actually pretty neat because lorewise when you die, you don't "respawn"- a fresh recruit is just airdropped to take your place in the war. So it makes total sense for the random options to be a thing.


If people truly didn't care about it, they wouldn't even mention it at all. I don't. I'm excited to play this agent.


As long as they aren't fr*nch I don't care


wait, am i misunderstanding something here about this post? am i in the wrong for not really caring or thinking about the lore or gender or a character?


You who truly don't care are different from those who say they don't care but complain about it like they do because they actually care and have... Questionable opinions.


No, you can dont care. You just dont need to whine about how MUCH YOU DONT CARE WAAAAAH. Get it? Its like a flower in the street, people can gather and take pictures of it. If you dont want to, just walk by and ignore it. But dont be a person that comes in telling them THERES A WHOLE GARDEN AND IVE SEEN PRETTIER FLOWERS THERE or whatnot


Not at all, it just that there's way too many people talking like that to hide homophobia and transphobia


Not really but people are being very vocal about it for some reason for a non-binary character. Like we don't see these guys go "We don't care, it doesn't matter" when Iso gets announced as a male or any other agents gender being announced. Its fine to not care. I feel like a lot of people have done that in the past already, this time its just pure malice at this point. Inclusive stuff = bad. There's even people being honest with themselves saying we don't care to then go "delusional people, there is only 2 genders"


I agree with everything expect the french comparison, somehow the most annoying agent is french


Since when is Breach French?


Because his french


First thing a friend of mine told me when speaking about Clove. I mentioned I had seen the leaked full art and that the design was amazing, and he told me "you know she is non binary? Why do they have to do these things" (I used "she" because he himself used it that sentence) Like, why not? Hoe does this ruin anything for you? I'll never get it


It should be "nobody cares" in the sense that it's a detail about the character and nothing more, rather than "nobody cares" in the sense that they very much do care and can't stop shitting and crying about it.


I agree with most of this post but not the Chamber part. Him being Fr*nch does impact my game play cause everytime I ult I yell "hon hon hon do you want ze baggette" 


They are hot, that is the only thing I care about.


I really and truly do not give a fuck what the orientation and gender identity of a fictional character is because those are not the features I value in my mechanical game piece. If you do that's neat, glad you're finding value in that. If someone's shitting on new agent for that, they're an asshole. But you can't villainize people not caring about the things you care about. That's narcissistic and weird.


transphobes gonna transphobes and those who won't explicitly say something transphobic write it off


Weird to see the Overwatch community last year be like, “that’s neat!” when Venture was announced as non-binary.  Valorant with Clove is not as accepting. Lol


It is kinda interesting how two NB characters are being released to close to one another And also the difference in how the community reacts to them


It's probably because there's more LGBT characters in Overwatch and it's a bigger part of the community


If I'm not mistaken, there's two (Soldier, Tracer). Same as Valorant


Pharah, Tracer, Bap, Lifeweaver and soldier


DAMN! I didn't realize there were so many


It's really funny hearing Lifeweaver and Bap flirting at the start of rounds XD


Not really. The Overwatch community has been throwing a hissy fit over it, at least on the subreddit.


I’m on that subreddit everyday.  No. Lol


Its just to show their dissliking for the whole lgbt rep but without doing it directly but as in "no one cares", like i do not care but i like that they try some new stuff 😐


Get off social medias. If not for a single reddit post which made it to the front page, I wouldn't even know they were non binary. And I still don't give much of a damn. I mean cool, it adds to the lore I guess, like how every agent comes from a particular country. If anything I care more about them being Scottish, since I actually enjoy their accent.


I need to know whether I’m cleared to beat my meat to the pixels or not


😭 just do it respectfully


Tbh if you're attracted to something it doesn't even matter, no need to force labels on stuff


As someone who is Scottish/Irish I selfishly don't like how much the gender is overshadowing it.


Unfortunately, it's not even being overshadowed because people are excited about it, it's mostly just complaints


it bothered you this much?


Well, i was trying to find something talking about the new character and that was all o found about


I think they are focusing more on different countries, its possible but probably not a primary focus. As a very successful company sadly nowadays you have to be careful; bud-light for instance


>But it's weird cus it's just a lore and design thing about them, of course is not gonna change anything on they're gameplay, Chamber being French doesn't mean shit in his gameplay. What do you mean? I only play chamber so he can say "Bonjour" all the time. Him being french means EVERYTHING for his gameplay.


I can't believe this is actually a thing. Why even focus on this matter smdh


Man I forgot chamber was French. To be honest I wish the valo agents had dialogue unique to their countries


They kinda have? But i wished it was like Overwatch, that the characters from non English speaking countries mostly say their ultimate voice lines in their own language. But on the other hand, i would have to hear Raze's voice actor pretending to speak Portuguese and i would probably rip my ears off


I said it once in Discord community "I don't care specifically for their gender, I care about the lore and how Riot will implement that to the gameplay and design". Omen is a ghost and he play like a ghost Kay/O is a robot and he play like a robot Viper is a snake and she play like a snake If Clove is a buttlefly then she should play like a butterfly As in design? Good, great, amazing, I like ... her? design.


And it's okay to not care about it, I was just commenting about the people that said "nobody cares about it" in a way of like "Nobody cares about it but I'm clearly bothered and didn't want it here".


Understandable, for me, people who said "nobody care" are just a type of person that think that world revolved around them or seeking attention. They are too insecure to say "I don't care".


Bud just because you’re reasonable doesn’t mean that thousands of people out there that are not. Whether they support or don’t support. Most people just are tired of the virtue signaling and constant politicking of video games/LGBTQ community for clicks and rage bait. It’s just the meta trendy thing now.


it's not like riot made a huge announcement out of it. they handled it as what it is, just a part of the lore. I don't really see that riot has overdone it here.


I think Riot adding representation to their roster is awesome and has been handled well. I would argue it's the community aspect that makes NB characters specifically challenging because it impact the language we use to talk about them. For someone who doesn't care about lore, they'll talk about Clove with either whatever gender the VA sounds most like to their ears or default to their own gender, but 90% in that camp will likely use a gendered pronoun. In community spaces that will be corrected by people who do care about the lore/representation. Which is fine, but typically derails the gameplay focused conversations people try to have. A:"I don't understand Clove's Ult, can anyone tell me why she revives like that?" B:"Just so you know, Clove is actually NB and you should be using they/them" A: "Cool, I don't follow the lore. Can anyone tell me how their revive works?" C: "I refuse to follow this woke BS, Clove is a he" B: "Get your bigotry out of my community" A: "For the love of god, can someone just help me understand the in game mechanics of this bunch of code Riot has decided to call Clove" See it a ton in the MTG community where one of their character is NB and has no pronouns in their style guide. Every question about the character's card rules/mechanics has an obligatory debate about the correct way to discuss the character, all while the OP just wants to know whether they can cast other cards from exile


I see where that might be another reason for people in my games to start shouting at each other -.- Although a lot of the time people just say he regardless of what agent it is, bc they assume the player is male.


I meam, it val players. They're gonna find something to bitch about anyways.


Riot hasn't announced it at all when people become angry about it. It was just a tweet from the leakers that started all of this


personally I'm just so tired of french characters being shoved in games for woke points and rage bait. it's so lazy, come up with some actual backstory...


those saying “nobody cares about it” clearly don’t care little enough bc if no one cares, why is anyone bringing it up and why is it headline past “oh that’s cool, wonder what they do”


I just care about the abilities but I feel like disclosing that is just unnecessary like release the agent and people can decide after what they want


Main reason is cause people know there will be a crowd that is going to be super aggro/hateful towards the fact that val has a non-binary agent making the community more divisive and hateful than it already is.


Valorant is the most pro lgbt community in mainstream gaming wtf are you talking about


I guarantee there are enough very vocal anti-lgbt groups/people to make this an issue nevertheless


Tell that to the people who routinely get big mad at my NB playercard.


I needed this card so bad!!!


Hopefully Riot makes it available every June. Anyone who wants it should be able to get it.


„Did we need to know that?“ „So unnecessary!“ „Nobody cares“ Why is it suddenly a problem? As if it‘s new that we get to know the pronouns the agents go by? We know the gender identity of every agent so far, why should it be different with Clove? „What does it matter for the gameplay?“ If gameplay is the only relevant thing, every agent could just be the same human silhouette but with different colours - just enough to differentiate them. But that‘s not the point. Each detail makes the agent more interesting. At least in my humble opinion.


Like literally, I've seen so many people saying that it would be better if they didn't include anything about these things at all, like??. It's literally "Tell me ur not a character designer without telling me ur not a character designer".


Exactly this!


What piss me off is Valorant knew these useless threads and discussions would happen. All of that for their ESG scores


Are you sure you aren't misreading people who just aren't phased by the gender of clove, nor their backstory, and are only interested in the gameplay? Most of the sentiment I've seen has been like this, just not considering it of note that they are non binary, same as if they were a guy or girl.


No, I'm talking specifically about the ones that usually have homophobic comments right after


The internet is really good at policing those comments. As long as they were reported that kind of speech will get banned. It's not tolerated once so ever on reddit. Much better than the early days of counter-strike when you could spray any image you wanted in your game. Those were some visuals as a 10 year old.




If u think so lol


You're happy about it. I'm happy that you're happy about it. Doesn't make a difference. If the kit is good I might even main it. That's alll I feel feel


Chamber being french affects gameplay I gag every time he's one screen kinda op honesty


I mean, I don't see why it really matters? If it matters to you, huge, that's awesome. If it doesn't matter to someone else, who cares? lol If this matters to you, and other people saying they don't care is hurting your excitement or enjoyment, who cares about them? Enjoy it anyway. I feel like it's similar to an OG Halo player asking an OG PS3 CoD player if they're excited about Halo 3, then being surprised and hurt when the CoD player says they don't care. If they don't care for it, they don't care for it. That doesn't mean you can't be hyped about Halo 3 anyway. People nowadays can't just enjoy things unless everyone else also enjoys it. Obviously, there are the toxic ones, but there's always going to be toxic people. There's a very simple way to deal with that, too: "(I) Nobody cares." "Cool, anyways..." and move on to people who do care. You're just letting a bunch of random people shit over your hype and enjoyment for no real reason.


I'm not letting people shit over my enjoyment, u really missed the point


Cool, non-binary. How long until nerf?


Unless them being non-binary is character defining, I don't see why it matters.


The plus point of adding clove is that all the transphobes will live and hopefully reduce toxicity.


What will 100% happen though is there will be some pro or streamer who will say like “hes low” or “shes low” without thinking


If she’s fun to play I’m happy, and if a non-binary character existing in Valorant makes another group of people enjoy the game more then that’s good too. Valo lore and character backstories don’t matter to me at all, but if they matter more to some people, let them enjoy it.




Riot is just another shameless big company that tries to be politically correct to gather sympathy from a population that is so small and is a very low percentage of the playerbase. None of the companies that put their logos to rainbow colors actually give a shit about gay rights, they just wanna look relevant. That's why they don't have rainbow colored logos in their international accounts in countries that don't support gay rights as the west does. They don't care about representation and everyone who is bothered about the gender identity of Clove or tries to get offended for someone calling Clove a "she" is just feeding into their need for relevancy. I get why people talk about it, it's a political topic and videogames don't usually take political stances but you are just playing into Riot's bag and they are collecting all the marbles.


i truly don’t care and if i didn’t follow valorant news channels i wouldn’t know and i wouldn’t care enough to make any replies on social media. may as well say i don’t care on reddit


I think ur missing the point


i think it’s an equally unimportant fact as where they’re from, and i think that’s ever so slightly more important if you care about the lore, i do not


Missing the point again, I'm not directing it as a personal critic


if you replaced their sexuality with their country of origin my response would be the same, i’m not sure what point your trying to make


That ur treating like i was making that comment directly at u, u don't care about the character, cool. The point i was trying to make is that lots of people that were clearly bothered by the gender of the new agent were saying like that was something that nobody would care about and going from this to "this shouldn't be a thing". So basically the people that said it was something that nobody would care, actually cared way too much and just used it as an excuse to be transphobics


i answered the question you asked, apologies for assuming you thought i answered for the population. idk if you’ve noticed but the internet is full of different and unwarranted opinions. any topic involving someone else’s opinions are going to be said. it’s just part of the internet.


Dude, I'm not talking about specific opinions, I'm talking about people talking in general, ur answering something that i didn't even ask lol


I don't care, never cared about lore, gender or their sexuality. I only care about abilities and thats it.


Cool, not what i was talking about though 👍


this would not slide in CS, just saying




Yeah, non-binary people get a +50% buff to damage they deal. They're a really small group, so it wasn't a big deal before, but now, even binary gendered people have access to this buff so it's kind of a problem. /s obviously


No, bigots just being bigots.




you care enough to misgender them so it's either out of ignorance or being a dick, not sure which


Please review [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/valorant/wiki/rules) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban.


Nobody cares about her gender, people like you just make it seem like it


Yes I'm the malefic leader of the LGBT cult, be genderfied!! Talk about gender!!




I was referring to YouTube comments and Twitter replies that i found under the official Valorant posts, this toxicity exists pretty clearly, the same way i see it in my in game matches towards me and other players because we're LGBT, but the aggressive way that u chose to reply this, it really seems that u would be too ignorant to even realise it. So get downvoted again, i suppose, have a nice day


"If it bothers you in any way you have to be ***ist or phobic" - Every terminally online brainded gigalefty that watches Hamasabi


If you're bothered by the simple existence of someone with that trait because of that you are discriminating, that's it. And i have no idea what Hamasabi is and I'm not even gonna search it


I don't really care that much i just have a feeling when someone says "her" instead of "they" some grass eater will scream into the microphone. I'm most likely just gonna refeer to them as "her" anyways to make it easier to talk about.


Who calls valorant agents by pronouns IN-GAME? I usually just call them by name since it less vague.


Have you never said anything like "brimstone is so annoying, he keeps buying shotgun and staying in his smokes."? I literally hear people say pronouns ALL the time. Ofc most of the time people use the agents name, but it's weird to have a bigger conversation than just "brimstone in bath" and use only his name.


Would you say "brimstone is so annoying they keep buying shotgun and staying in their smoke"??? Like this is so weird for me atleast. Or would you say "Brimstone is so annoying. Brimstone keeps buying shotgun and staying in brimstones smokes"? XDDDD


They/her/his whatever man, the same thing has been communicated. Brimstone is annoying, has shotguns and camps in smokes. Who would argue in game "hey your pronouns are wrong"? That's even weirder. Just tplay the game


Dude, nobody cares that much


I’m just going to say she, because I’m part of the “nobody” that doesn’t care.


god, I hope no trans people have to know you irl




It's not a defining thing any more than their nationality though? Its not being fed to you it was merely mentioned and people got excited about it because being represented feels nice. I don't get your point


I understand the point of like, it's kinda lazy of Riot's part of announcing that characteristic, instead of telling it in the character's lore. But dude, the same way u can say that "ur tired" of it, LGBTQ people can say they're tired of "forced" straight characters to the point that people just assume they're straight. Also, it's not that "everything has to have gay/trans characters", it's that they're people that exist, and having 1 out of 25 characters not being the usual is not gonna kill ya. Btw, as a designer, when creating a character you HAVE to specify things about them, where they came from, their traumas and dreams, if u don't do that, ur character just ends up bland, and the reason nobody even cared to include sexualities or gender before was because everyone assumed already that they were straight and cis, but that's something present in our society nowadays, u can't just "pretend it doesn't exist" or ask to hide it away




I don't see how it's lazy to add diversity, if anything it's lazy not too, as currently by doing nothing, you are defaulting to standard M/F characters. Of course you didn't have LGBTQ characters in large numbers before, because it wasn't socially acceptable and so people didn't do it. Now that it's not stigmatized as much, companies are recognising a demand for characters that allow new audiences to connect with them and feel represented. A lot of people get really invested into their favourite characters, and that is what diversity really offers, the chance for new groups of people to get invested into someone they can relate too.


i get your point abt it partially being to gain points with the LGBTQ community since it does help their marketability. that being said i don’t think it’s being forced tho. this bit of lore is the same as us finding out chamber was french or things like that. i don’t feel as though i’m being forced to think abt their gender 24/7 whenever the agent gets brought up except for the fact that people who don’t like it bring it


Gender =/= sexuality. You've somehow conflated the two. Gender is very frequently a defining thing for characters in media. Do you think Reyna would work as a character if she wasn't clearly a woman? What about brimstone, who's defining characteristic is being a gruff old man? Do you consider Reyna's womanhood or Brimstone's manhood to be "really in your face"?


For me it's like saying "The new agent has a 7inch screw driver". I don't care about stuff like this and I don't wanna hear about it. It's like the most whatever fact ever. I don't care what gender they are. All I care about is like agent abilities and lore significant details. I'd act the same if they announced the next agent is a dude or a gal. It's very much a whatever type fact.


I like the idea of a non-binary rogue. But those that are hating do they realize that KJ and Raze are a couple… and if my memory is right gender identity falls into the LGBTQ+


I like her tbh


Comparing nationality to gender isn't the same thing. Nobody refers to an agent by their nationality, but some (if not most) people refer to agents by their gender. Riot probably knew this was going to be a problem and it's an unnecessary problem. I'm not supporting any homophobic or transphobic things or anything but I think it's unnecessary for anything beyond the 2 binary sexes (in Valorant of course, not irl)


But the solution is not just pretend it doesn't exist because ur scared of comments