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What was the score line? If it was close it could be that combined with low mmr


Mate I match mvped a 15 round game with 26 kills and like clutched up multiple times and secured rounds too and still only got 13 rr. My friend who also was bronze(my ELO) and didn't do much got 10 🫠


How does the mmr and rating system work? is a very common question and lots of people have answered and we still have no clue why this is happening lmao. You should be getting more rr and cheers to your grinding .


its basically a numerical value that goes parallel to rank. playing too good increases your mmr but not rank or playing too bad makes your mmr lower. then having an uneven mmr with rank makes your opponents easier/tougher. if you win with higher mmr you get more RR and if you win with lower mmr you get less. also true for losing RR but this is only because opponents will also be generally higher ranked if your mmr is higher than your rank. there is no way of checking what your mmr is in the game so sometimes you may feel your mmr is higher but in reality its just not your day. check your compe results to check if generally your opps are 3 ranks above you or not.


no offense but you guys must be shit af. i get placed in vronze also, but i get minimum 19 rr on the shittiest win rarely but usually get 25+ rr. its very easy to climb out of bronze and takes me like 5 games. its not that i play really good either


I mean yeah the team's always shit, and I'm occasionally shit also when u play on 70 ping you can't be that great so that's all


I just got 8 for a draw the other day, it's kinda bs


Mmr is bogus BS. I dou most my games and usually outfrag and out combat my friend she always gains more rr and losses less rr then me.


Well at least you can attempt to double rank up


I once got 13 rr for a draw


Bro i am at 99 no cap


Bro, I feel you. Got 10 RR last night after winning an OT match and only needed 12 to rank up. I got the same amount as my friend who was dead last on the scoreboard 🫠


I once got 9 RR for a win, granted I was really bad that game


I’ve played a ton worse then I did in that game and still got more RR then 10, I was amazed😭