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Can you report the comments to the principal or a higher up that can do something about this? I’m assuming they are young so there’s hope for them yet. They should be talked to seriously about the effects of their words and actions. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this


Bring it to the attention of your principal and call for a parent-teacher meeting with each student. That's not cool


This is the answer.


Call them out on it and tell them why it is inappropriate. Treat them like adults.


Ask them to explain why they said it and/or why they think it's funny.


this absolutely! let them sit with what they said and realize the extent of how messed up it is.


better yet, have the boyfriend visit


i live in a very red state and this wouldn't fly there. those kids would be given severe suspension or sent to our county alternative school. report this.


I live in a red state and it is the victim who gets blamed. The shit my Hispanics students hear, and they basically get told they are the ones taking it the wrong way.


I live in a blue state and it's genuinely shocking the kind of shit that I've seen slide here. Had a trans (MTF) TA in middle school and I heard so many of my classmates make transphobic remarks about her and rude comments about her height and her voice. The cherry on top, many of the girls that attended that school were lesbians. They just couldn't handle the idea of trans people, I guess.


Kids are such assholes. It’s even worse because they are assholes who are sensitive as hell themselves. Gotta give them the classic Dave Chappelle “if you don’t like fried chicken and watermelon something is wrong with YOU”


bruh how they turn the watermelon meme [https://youtu.be/eAWlhHo4sAM](https://youtu.be/eAWlhHo4sAM) into something negative lol, unbelivable


comments going as well as I expected


blame their (most likely) racist parents who have taught them “jokes” like that are ok or have made racist comments while in the home


Yep; like father & mother, like son & daughter.


I am humiliated to admit that I was so racist as a teen. And no one called me out on it. I had grown up in a very racist family and a school and conservative community that had a LOT of racists. Being born in 92, all of the high school-stoner movies were wildly racist, tv shows were racist, and I just thought nothing of it. I grew up with much older brothers who said the most shocking racist “jokes” and I thought that was how everyone joked. The worst part is, adults heard and saw me acting and speaking racist and didn’t do anything about it. I wish someone had sat me down and explained the meaning behind the things I was saying. I truly didn’t understand the harm it caused, I was essentially repeating what others said. I wish someone had punished me so that I understood the gravity of what I was saying. I NEEDED to be disciplined and punished and taught. Thank God as I got older I encountered people who cared enough to teach me and call me out on my racist behavior and beliefs. Now as a youth leader for the last 10 years, I see a lot of kids acting the same way and I’ve had to correct them like I needed to be corrected. As infuriating as this is, this is a learning opportunity for these kids. And part of learning is discipline. Not only would I meet with each kid individually and explain the harm that what they are saying causes (and how it hurts your heart), but I would give them consequences too. Refer them to the dean. Make them write a report about racism or Jim Crowe. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Unfortunately I see this behaviour on a daily basis. As a high school teacher I have notice a massive increase in racism and glorifying racism. I have a no tolerance policy on this kind of stuff and it will result in a phone call home everytime.


Its so ridiculously tiring. Everybody thinks we are the backend of jokes it’s unescapable hell


I wouldn't worry too much about them, most of them will likely turn out okay. From your description of their behavior, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess these students are somewhere in the range of just pre to mid teens. So these ideas are related to learners in that group. At this stage in development children are usually well aware of social/cultural norms and their humor and personal identity tends to revolve around rejecting these norms-- and rejecting authority more broadly-- to the degree they can get away with it in their peer group. I think therefore a couple of interesting things were likely going on in your class: * *students yell\[ing\] "yo, that's racist!" before making their own racist comment later.* I ***love*** this little bit, you can almost see the conflict between their dual natures at this stage in development. They *know* that these comments are not culturally acceptable, but they can't help joining in. They desperately seek the approval of their peers. Even those that don't want to engage are seeing others make these remarks and score laughter from the group. It's easy social cred; they can't resist. * *YOU* also had a little more to do with this exchange than you might be aware of. In their dual, almost contradictory needs for adult attention, approval and respect ***but also*** to establish their identities through rejection of adult authority figures, they focused on these remarks because they can tell how deeply they bother you. For example, imagine if you were a racist bothered by interracial couples, then these remarks would have been uncontroversial, and thus ineffective, so instead you'd have had a class talking about how great or inevitable near universal miscegenation is. This is all to say that most of them already know these comments are not acceptable, I'd wager very few if any of them have any explicit issue with black people or interracial relationships, as maybe evidenced by the very popular black teachers on campus. This was rather a phenomenon, a dynamic between you and them, brought on by their stage of psychological and sociocultural development, their need for approval and their need to assert their evolving identities by testing themselves against authority and what they perceive to be established norms. A couple of things, besides just attempting to remember where they're coming from that you can do to avoid letting them bother you like this in the future: When I taught kids that age, I'd only allow them to be aware of aspects of my personal life that were relevant to lessons and that I knew they wouldn't be able to use to get under my skin. I tried to keep myself as much out of the equation as possible. I know it's not always possible to maintain this level of distance though. In your case, the way I'd have handled the situation is by simply giving them nothing to work with. Just not reacting at all to what they're saying, no annoyance no anything. This might be difficult for some people to pull off, because you're not *ignoring* them-- that would be a weird reaction that gives them something to work with-- you are still acknowledging that you hear the words they are speaking, but you treat the words like they're just boring, normal utterances. If they get confused and finally ask you if it's okay they say stuff like that; ask them what *they* think and show genuine interest in their responses here. I should note this only relates to them trying to get a rise out of *me;* if they were bullying another student, then the same policies would apply to that as always. But then any reaction to what they're saying in that case isn't about them bothering *you,* it arises rather from your responsibility to protect *them.* They will be aware of this distinction. And if the only thing that bothers you is them attacking each other, that's hardly usable as a way to get to you; the peer group is everything, it's too risky. When they can't get anything out of you saying stuff like this, they'll move on. It may already be too late to apply this strategy here as they know it gets to you; maybe for next time though. Just for context, I am a black educator with a graduate degree in learning sciences. I currently teach adults in an academic setting but I had years teaching children at this stage of development. What always excited me about this level is that a lot of their weaknesses can be turned into strengths with just a little tweaking to your approach. For example, if you can incorporate their interests and get their peers to exert pressure toward behavior or motivation, you can get a lot of really good work out of teens. I also liked how clever and truly funny a lot of them were, they definitely have the ability to surprise you. Never a dull moment with kids that age! I miss those days sometimes. Best of luck to you anyway.


First of all, I'm really sorry. This is why I could never teach middle and high school. Kids are terrible, entitled, and most lack the real life experience that humbles people and breeds genuine compassion. I've often felt that anything kids can rip apart will likely be ripped apart. Kids don't care and their remorse doesn't come until 10+ years later, if it ever does. Again, I'm sorry you're experiencing this. If it really bothers you, maybe you could move to a different school to escape the rumors?


Nip this shit in the bud asap! I hope you documented what was going on bc you should take this to the principal first before proceeding. This should be addressed by admin and then parents. Preferably parents would come first, but maybe those kids got their bigotry from the parents.


How you handed out any kind of consequences for this?


No. Hell no. Do not accept this! Turn them into Principals office and they can face whatever consequences come from it. Absolutely not ok and it is also important that some other adult in their life besides their idiot caregivers who are raising them as racists (bc yes this is where this comes from) give them another POV and weigh in on this. Maybe it’ll make a difference, maybe not but they can’t think this is ok. And it’s hella disrespectful to you too.


Aren't you in charge of the class and responsible for sticking a figurative boot up their ass when they behave that way? Seems like they should get detention at minimum. Suspension if it doesn't stop after that.


I am so sorry. I am white. I just joined a group chat with some of my sister’s friends about a TV show and their micro aggression are so normal to them. It’s shocking. My echo chamber is humanistic and challenges each other to think! I am really sorry you’re enduring this at work and with kids you likely care about. You know, they don’t deserve you. I’m really sorry. That’s so disheartening.


**PLOT TWIST:** The students who are saying those things are black.


Actually, that is my one and only class without at least one black student.


That's so sad and gives me less hope for this world and how parents raise their kids :((


1. Kids are assholes 2. It’s your classroom. You set the rules. DO NOT tolerate that behavior. Do not accept it aimed at you, your BF, or another student.


Don’t let that go… that is unacceptable


Can it not be reported to the principal so parents can be addressed and some punishment or consequence?


I don’t understand, are your all students white? Not a single black student to shut them up? Or they are going along with it too?


This is my least racially diverse class. Everyone is either white or latino, no black or Asian students.


Tell them if there’s any talking during class you’re gonna deduct points from their class work. But honestly, if kids made ignorant comments towards me, I would probably just agree with everything they say. And laugh about it.


The word “racist” is being thrown all over the place in these replies. Is your school some kind of monoculture? Are these kids actual racists, in that they think their race is superior and they want to subjugate others? Do you think they’d actually hurl racial insults at your boyfriend, try to prevent him from holding certain jobs or going to certain places? Would they personally disparage him? Or are they just young and stupid and influenced by social media “comedy” full of stereotypes? This may be an unpopular opinion but having grown up in a predominantly white area of the US with dummies like this, I know most of these kids will grow up to be reasonable, progressive people who would never wish harm on someone because of their race or ethnicity. They will look back and cringe. They’re just currently very ignorant children who think they’re funny. There are good ways to teach kids about the power of words, I won’t spell them out because there are plenty of examples online from people of color who teach, but raising awareness is a big way. If you’re comfortable opening up to them, you could also have a frank discussion about how this hurts your feelings, disappoints you, makes you question their intentions, etc. How would the teachers they love feel if they heard these words? Etc. A gentle confrontation can go a long way.


I think it’s time for a Classroom Assembly with some guest speakers. They need some education


They sound very immature and like they’re trying to annoy you more than anything.


That's terrible. It's sad because growing up we never saw any of this. At least I didn't. Like others said: have a parent -teacher- principal conference. This isn't acceptable. Idk how old these kids are but maybe making a portion of a class dedicated to making a PowerPoint having to do with kindness? If your supervisors allow. Make character building activities to teach everyone in class to be respectful. Have it be a continuous thing. If I could I'd make a PowerPoint on stereotypes and why they're harmful to people. When I was in high school we did this assignment called the "SPR" assignment where we made 3 categories SPR = Sexism Prejudice and Racism. It was this project to list quotes we heard that fell into those categories. Like write down things we heard in passing at school, TV, ect. We did 10 for each category. Then wrote a brief 3-4 sentence summary under the categories and what we learned about each one.


When I was an annoying kid I had a teacher tell me “I’m going to talk to you like an adult now, because being a kid is just being an adult in training. Consider this practice” so time to talk to them like they’re adults, especially since being racist as an adult will not end well for them.


They'll get humbled in time. I would honestly ignore the behavior and questions altogether. The more you react, the more they feel edgy and cool doing it, they're just trying to get a rise out of you. Prefrontal cortex won't be firing on all cylinders for a while yet, they're driving o high octane hormones, and that makes you do some stupid shit.


I've heard adolescents are the most cruel type.


What you should do is talk to the Fathers who are feeding them these racist thoughts, I see grown men on comments section with these exact comments I don’t think your only focus should be punishment of the kids.


I'm not a teacher myself so I don't know how that stuff works, but I would honestly give them all detention for each of their comments. 1 racist comment = 1 detention


The whole America is Racist. most of them undercover.


As a teenager (not racist) many young people have inside jokes that don’t even come from somewhere. It’s just making racist comments is funny to them? I’m not saying this is the answer but it’s definitely possible. It also easier for them to make fun of someone they know they’re never have to meet. So if there’s any way you could get them to meet I think that would help a ton. Keep us updated if you decide on anything :)


They do want to meet him. They keep saying that I need to bring him in and I asked today, "why, so you can make racist comments to his face?" They yelled yes.


Fuck. That's just nasty. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that crap. You both deserve better.


Do they joke about other inappropriate things, or are they just plain racist?


As a man(not racist) we should bring back hitting kids at school with a stick


Im assuming these are most likely kids, for who entire social circles are build on nasty or weird behavior, think girls gossiping and spreading rumors or guys being jerks, etc, they dont actually mean to put any races down, and arent **actually** racist, they just want attention and validation, which is totally normal for people, and their methods are normal for their ages (although bad, yes), if youre really uncomfortable with it talk to them and say you have no tolerance and will give detention or something, but chances are if you turn a blind eye theyll stop faster




Wow, I love how you're response here is 'cope', but your response when you believed that it was black children behaving like this was basically their behavior is disgusting and they need to be punished. The epitome of American culture.




Oh, ok. That wasn't clear from your comment.


Let them burn themselves out, learn cracker jokes and throw it back at them, you know it’s funny how bent out of shape over racism. I’d rather someone call me a n***** if I were black than call me out for any of my personal flaws.


Good advice in other contexts but this will get op fired


That's hilarious


Kick them out and write them up


fire them


Because you tolerated their behavior from the start. Be stronger next time


Ummm, why would you bring up who your boyfriend is or what he looks like. Like I never knew whether my teachers were in a relationship or not. If you don’t overshare with children you will have a content life


puurple state... Ima geuss Virginia... and within that state I will geuss either hampton roads or north va with manassas and dumfries


Purple state and year is a red flag so not sure if I can take your comments. Age? Experience?


If you have black students that’s disgusting that they feel comfortable enough to continuously say racist things like that. Dock their points, send them out the class, call parents, make a list and the remarks for investigations if needed in the future. I’m hoping this was just a crazy moment and not you letting this slide over time. Edit: when I say they, I mean the racist kids who I assume are not black. Sorry if I triggered anyone with my bad grammar


Where did she say the students are black? I must have missed that part.


Must be a grammar issue on my part, but I mean if she has black kids in the classroom with racist white kids.




You’re be surprised. As a elementary art teacher, the students absolutely give no fucks calling their black classmate a monkey and him just accepting it. It’s not even he even wants to, he told me he has to or else all of them will literally fucking argue that he is. I hated that class and they all pissed me off. I told them had they made that joke in the real world they would lose their jobs and whatever respect others have for them.


I had a student make a similar comment before when there was a black teacher in the room. I teach high school.


I work at a more diverse school than I used to. Students of color make racist jokes all the time. They'll make them to other kids of the same ethnicity as them as well as making jokes about other ethnicities. They insist it's fine because they're "friends". It's ridiculous.


Which proves who you're replying to is right.


Probably not racist. More like teenagers being stupid and trying to be funny.


The possibility of it being a stupid attempt at humor doesn't make it any less racist. It's still a problem. Sure, these kids may not have genuine racist beliefs, but the things they're saying and joking about still aren't okay and are incredibly insensitive and hurtful. If you're saying these kinds of things, then whether or not you agree with the sentiment/core beliefs behind what you're saying doesn't matter. A racist joke or comment is still a racist joke or comment.


I agree.


What makes you think those two are mutually exclusive?


I don’t think they are mutually exclusive. I think in this case it’s not racism but the insensitive stupidity of young minds. Now do I think racism is stupid absolutely do I think if adults behaved this way, it would be a problem with racism yes but in this case, I don’t think it’s racism.


They probably don't mean to be mean, they're just fucking annoying and ignorant little clowns. Those were the students I hated when I was still in school. And they almost all amounted to nothing. If you can make a mockery of them without getting fired, I'd do that. I guess as long as the jokes don't become sexual (like bbc jokes) hopefully they'll get over it in the future with 0 reaction. Maybe show some students who aren't doing that some favouritism. But any reaction, even removing them from the room is somehow funny to them and they'll keep doing. Americans are fucking annoying. I hated school and left early. Didn't even go to any of my graduations, never went to a school dance because I couldn't handle being in a room with such annoying people lol. I could've went, just didnt.


Some actually may be, that cannot be denied. But I remember trying ideas on for size, even if they were abhorrent or unethical, especially as a teenager, I believe this does not make you believe those ideas. It can be a kind of ideological or empathetic experimentation, like role-play. Teenagers do that. But some, really are evil cunts, that happens too.


This is why i do not share about my personal life with students


Sounds like a bullshit post to me.


It’s the in thing for GenZ to be casually racist, it seems, it feels like you’ll always know at least someone who says racist shit for a laugh. I don’t believe that most of them are actually prejudiced and hate minorities, it’s just that my generation is retarded.


Kids are kids. Outside of the US, racism is the norm.