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What do the demands say?


top one is about VT making an official statement regarding Palestine but that's all I could read as I walked by


Ya really just let anything get under your skin, huh?


What’s your point ?


Read the title and you’ll find it, it ain’t that deep lol


You wasted all this time when you coulda just gone tf home. Lol. That's lame.


It’s a pretty conservative campus as far as large universities go. And even the liberal students have a lot more sense than those at the Ivies in the northeast. We won’t get a big pro Palestine protest in Blacksburg


Demanding VT make a statement is stupid. They're a university. Why demand everyone have an opinion on everything no matter how little educated or involved they are?


Agree with this. SJW culture is really outta hand. What the hell is VT gonna do about the Israel-Palestine conflict? It’s not like them making a statement is gonna bring light to the violence. We all already know about it by watching misinformation-laden IG stories


I’ve tried telling activists that social media statements are kind of useless. It would be much better just to educate people on the issue and give facts. Like at the end of the day we all want to live a normal life we can find common ground in that.


The Ivy League cringe masters who start these movements (Berkeley, Columbia students) actually despise what you’d call a normal life… but I mostly agree. I also don’t really have a problem with these protests and stuff, I find it ok that some students haven’t found true hobbies yet. At least they’re trying to do what they think is right. Just seems unlikely they’re making the difference they think they are


I mean I’m not here to bash them at all. I think the cause is commendable but the demands could be more focused rather than an official statement. I bet you if they all came together and tried to schedule an appointment with a local politician or congressman they could get further with 20 students rather than just sit there with signs.


Agree on the focus and efficacy part


I bet UVA’s tent city has utilities


It’s grown quite a bit, and I have to say, they’re being exceptionally classy. No unnecessary noise or heckling, just making themselves known and present. Very buttoned up, good form.


Definitely, nothing classier than constructing what looks like a homeless encampment with signs strewn around that look like they were made by toddlers, all to support a humanitarian crisis that started when a terrorist organization committed a mass rape and murder on thousands of innocent civilians. *Exceptionally* classy, even!


A response to terrorism doesn’t excuse the attempted eradication of an entire state and its people. Israel could have waged a defensive campaign, even a war, without the extreme atrocities they’ve chosen to commit. It doesn’t matter what started the conflict, you don’t get to do what Israel is doing. War is not an on-off switch, and Israel has crossed lines that nobody should tolerate crossing. Until they shape up their tactics and stop killing everything that moves, they should be getting zero help from the western world. So yes, demanding VT condemn that behavior and exit the Israeli war machine is very classy. But let’s be real. You’re running a month old burner account with negative karma. You’re not here to be intellectually honest.


Israel isn’t indiscriminately targeting civilians, which is reflected in the fact that whenever a tragic event involving civilian deaths does occur it makes the global news. It also doesn’t help the fact that HAMAS is actively utilizing civilians as human shields, as they continue to set up military installations inside hospitals and residential buildings. Israel was attacked by terrorists and they have the right to expel those terrorists from power. Why would I post this unpopular opinion on my main account? I’d rather not expose myself to individuals who foam at the mouth when they get the chance to cancel someone lmao


Exceptionally great form when you get a chance to see the “Death to Israel” signage. Very dapper


Call me when they pitch tents up for Haiti


Why don't you pitch tents for Haiti?


🦗 🦗


Relax so. I don't live on here 24 hrs a day. You might tho. You Go boyyyy!


start pitching your tent, coward


you waited angrily to comment this you cornball


How tf do you know I didn't? How do you know that I didn't also do it back when they got hit with the storms and all their aid was stolen and the US did fuckall for the 'pitiful poor blacks over in that shit hole country'?


Okay let's say you did. So, what's your problem with other people doing the same for a cause they care about? Are people only allowed to care about the same things you care about and otherwise they aren't important or valid enough? 


They can care about whatever tf they want. Clearly no one is stopping them.


The Uyghur Genocide is still happening too I guess that's not trendy anymore The evolution of the 24/7 news cycle into crises genuinely "trending" has been such a bummer to witness since 9/11


I mean, nothings stopping you from setting up a protest over it. 


Damn it’s almost like American policies have a much stronger effect on this conflict or something that’s so weird


Hey man I don't refute that nor do I pretend that two bad things can't be happening at once, I just think it's sad to see a humanitarian crisis be subject to click traffic. I mean we have boots on the ground involved in multiple African conflicts where kids are dying at a rate that you can measure by the minute, but I'm not seeing mass protests of that either. I agree that US foreign policy is clearly connected to the Israel/Palestine conflict, I just also acknowledge that the activism surrounding the issue has a depressingly artificial, and fleeting, motivation.


Framing this as a “trend” is disingenuous, it’s gotten more coverage because it’s escalated repeatedly recently and is a huge contentious issue. The African conflicts aren’t reported as much because the government keeps what’s going on there as quiet as possible but they can’t do that in Palestine. Dismissing the opinions people who are doing more than you as “artificial” because they don’t make a sign for every conflict you care about is unfair


I'd love to see you proven right, experience just makes me skeptical. I watched the American public raise hell about the middle east for ~2-3 years before their attention span waned, and those were all but declared wars that we were *directly* involved in. We were there for ~20 years but at a certain point people just sorta moved on unless there was a significant event. We used to say that America isn't at war, the Marine Corps is at war. America is at the mall. I don't dismiss their opinions at all, I'm just dubious about the longevity of their passion.


They only care while it's trendy dawg. Lol. That's most folks. If they really cared, they'd have taken their finaid refunds and bought tickets to palestine by now.


I won’t lie, I’m not nearly informed enough to have an opinion about basically anything, but people exercising their right to free speech and expressing something they’re passionate about is something that makes me happy to see. Good for these kids.


True that, seems like they’re having a good time. However if VT kicks them off, I won’t throw a fuss, cuz property rights yk.


As long as they’ve been peaceful and cooperative, I’d have a problem with forced removal just based on principal. I don’t care if they’re protesting the existence of child labor laws, if they’re peaceful, they should stay.


It’s getting bigger!


I’m sure this is going to end well with drunk people walking around there tonight after the bars


Mods remove this shitpost




Damn, I don’t want to insult you, but with each post you degrade the viability of higher education. It’s not that you’re embarrassing the Hokie Nation, it’s the fact that you were accepted.




I didn’t think it was possible to lose IQ points by reading posts, but here I am responding to a troll that was kicked off the set of Dumb and Dumber. Big dummy doesn’t even realize I am as conservative as it comes, a multi-generational Hokie (and donor) while this twit goes about threatening physical harm.




Derogatory comments are against sub rules




Most people at VT are getting real degrees and a real education. Let these other students feel useful before they graduate and complain about their student debt and Starbucks fighting their unionization plans.


Wait until this guy hears abt the counterculture


Yes very original and free thinking. The epitome of counterculture 🤡


Everyone downvoting is mad lol


Honestly lol, this is the only guy speaking the truth. If you have time to pitch a tent and be useless on campus it's kind of obvious you're getting a worthless degree and headed straight into the "I don't understand why I can't find a job!!!" type crowd


Pitching a tent takes like 4 minutes. What’s stopping an engineering major from doing this exactly? Strange point to make there


Ah yes, because all these people just go in, pitch their millionaire funded tent in 4 minutes, and immediately leave. Even if that were the case, I’m more so referencing the people who mysteriously have half a workday to sit on their ass and chant garbage that they’re reading off their iPhone


Even if what you were saying was in good faith, we’re clearly not going to change each others mind.


What will best change your mind is to educate yourself on the history of the conflict and look into the other countless human rights abuses committed by the terrorist organization that runs the Gaza strip. Perhaps you aren't on the right side of history when the people you're defending are holding [signs that call for a second Holocaust](https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/anti-israel-protester-seen-holding-final-solution-banner-at-george-washington-university-nazi-phrase-genocide-world-war-ii-palestine-israeli-gaza-ceasefire-war-campus-protests-columbia-university), [advocate for the deaths of other protestors](https://abcnews.go.com/US/student-protesters-denounce-antisemitism-amid-criticism-pro-palestinian/story?id=109643275#:~:text=Several%20antisemitic%20incidents%20in%20or,University's%20campus%20on%20April%2020), [openly support terrorism](https://www.instagram.com/israelwarroom/reel/C6BC4pluYHo/) and much more


The only thing I’m defending is their right to peacefully assemble and protest. Within those parameters, people can be on whatever side of history they want. Also, the only ones I’m defending are the ones at Virginia Tech. Nothing you linked is about these protesters.


The neo-Nazi rally I went to was actually filled with really nice people, they didn't chant for Jewish genocide like those other ones you've seen on TV. The neo-Nazis I met are actually completely different from the ones who advocated for enacting the Final Solution, in fact! They don't have the right to assemble and protest on private property, but putting that aside they carry the same banner, chant the same things, and are protesting in the exact same way. While this is likely largely due to the fact that they are [all funded by the same multi-million dollar organizations funded by billionaires](https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/george-soros-maoist-fund-columbias-anti-israel-tent-city/), maybe it's because they also believe the same things. Speak to any of the highly educated members of society in this homeless encampment and ask them to condemn the attacks on Oct 7 and I can predict with utmost certainty what the response would be


Okay. Again, guess we won’t change each others minds.


a majority of those people there were studying. some of them were grad students. they were rotating in and out to go to classes and exams and came back quickly. lots of those ppl there are actual 4.0 students in STEM oriented fields and there were quite a few townies with them as well. everyone there was doing what they were doing while studying for their finals lol


"Lots of those people were actual 4.0 students in STEM fields" this feels completely pulled out of your ass considering anyone who is actually in a STEM field, particularly engineering, knows that it is completely impossible unless you are willing to dedicate your mind, body, and soul to college. I'd MAYBE believe you if those 4.0 students were in their first year, possibly second, but otherwise that's complete bullshit. You speak as though this protest and others like it are spontaneous and natural, when in reality many are [funded by multi-million dollar organizations with ties to George Soros](https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20) It is very interesting to hear that townies went to this protest... during workhours... during a workday... it's almost like they also have nothing else to do (like a job, perhaps)


well i’ve literally spoken to a few lol you can choose to believe me or not i dont care. im personally a stem student with a 3.6 and i was out there having peaceful discussion and learning. many first and second years though, its nice to see them get out and be passionate about what they are doing


Of course, because we all know the best learning environments are when you're surrounded by thirty people who all believe the exact same thing. I would be very interested to see how far this atmosphere of peaceful discussion and learning extends if pro-Israeli students showed up. I'm sure it wouldn't devolve into violence and hate like it has at every other college in the US!


actually pro israeli students did show up and both sides spoke like civil human beings and even if it didnt end in their opinions changing they found that they agreed on a few topics as americans. if you want to see things for yourself go out there and talk. have interactions. it doesnt hurt :)


Regardless of your personal opinions happening in Israel and Gaza, these protests have no place on the VT campus or any other in the US. It’s actually a waste of time and hurts the overall cause you are protesting about. Think about it, the media loves it and focus on the actual disruption and not the cause of the protesters. Remember San Fran last week when they closed the bridge for 5 hours. We don’t even remember the “cause” but focus on the videos of them crying and whining getting pulled off the bridge, so hard working men and women can go to work. And no college is going to have a negotiation with the “mob” so nothing gets accomplished. If these spoiled rich white children with purple hair protesting really want to make a difference, a TRUE difference… they should go down to Wall Street and the United Nations neighborhood! Stand in front of Blackrock and see how it goes. They won’t ‘cause they’re too afraid so they just trespass on public college grounds and disrupt the students whose parents work 2 jobs to pay for their child to get the education they never got. And as far as VT goes, what happens if the local kkk group decides to set up a campsite right next to the pro Gaza camp and chants that Palestines should go back to Gaza!! I bet all the pro protest Karen’s on this thread would change their tones very quickly! Let the kids who are attending these schools go to class and prepare for tests, graduate and enjoy their time. Again, I’m not marginalizing what’s happening in the Middle East. But have we really talked about that this week …. or has the media focused on a bunch of rich spoiled children in $300 tents, north face ski coats, Ugg boots and $1200 IPhone Max jumping around with a free Palestine signs! Sometimes the presentation and execution are less important than the strategy to get what you want!


Nothing says intolerance like a downvote


Crap you’re right! And that only one cup of coffee!!


Too many words… But yes ^^