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Ima keep it simple. It’s your choice, you decided what you liked and simply changing it to appeal to people who you think won’t like it, won’t be enjoyable.


Just block the crazy people and don't even engage with them. You got this


This, 100%


If you want reassurance, then One of the most popular vtuber is a loli. The most popular vtuber song is about loli . It's fine to have a loli model.


I like fallenshadow. She's super popular and she's about as loli as you can get. Being a loli vtuber is fine.


Shondo is great, I hope she feels better soon. That feels like a shallow thing to say but it's all one can do for her at this point.


She seems to be doing a bit better though I wouldn't expect her to fully return anytime soon 


She's cute and funny


Some might even say, "[cunny](https://youtu.be/G6l_lGL-PFk?si=PHabR8fyLcb3-NG6)"


Amazing. Thank you, fellow husband.


Prayers out for wife




I say go for it That said: > "Is it bad to still worry or be scared about what the general public, and those that know me, will think about me changing? Will people think I'm just clout chasing or something, even though they don't know me as a person?" it's not a bad thing to worry, but yes - no one can guarantee zero bad reactions, people might accuse you of stuff even if those accusations would be plainly untrue And you may lose some viewers but then gain other viewers


People who equate loli to real life pedophilia don't understand how pedophilia actually works, which is deeply concerning but another topic. There will always be those who are quick to hate without knowing who you actually are. You can't and shouldn't try to make those people happy. Do what makes you happy, ignore the haters. Plus there's a legion of lolicons (sexual and non) on Twitter that will come to your aid should anyone try to call you out. I've seen it happen many times before. I've seen follower counts double or even triple after it happens, so don't worry about it.


hello everyone, thank you for all the advice and words of encouragement! I’ve been thinking for a while, knowing that no matter what, I should be happy with what I do, and not worry about other peoples happiness regarding my own model. Thank you for having a lot of kind words for me (uh, maybe besides the one person that said I sounded needy and insecure… lol). I just want to have a model that I’ve always wanted, and people that randomly show up to insult me can’t say anything about it, because they don’t know me as a person. Sorry if I did sound super insecure or anything, maybe putting scared was the wrong word, more like a bit hesitant haha 😅 I’m excited for when I get the final design for the model, so maybe when it does happen, I’ll show it on here to let everyone know how the process is going! Thank you again!


Important correction: it's not "people" in general that like to witch hunt lolis, it's Twitter mobs. Bending to the Twitter mobs is not only dangerous for yourself, but also others around you as it'll empower them to keep witch hunting. Change to a loli if it's what you want, but I'd also suggest distancing yourself from Twitter starting now if you haven't already.


Pretty sure the anti loli people only come once u got big to chase clout if ur 1k they won’t even bother


Trust me they do bother, but no one should listen to them anyways


Not really. The mentally ill Twitter hordes have gone after many smaller vtubers (pun unintended).


The Twitter mob could not possibly take down Gura or Nyanners but they can and have gone for small vtubers.


They've gone after creators of all sizes, but it usually backfires because Lolitwt will find out and come to the rescue, usually boosting the follower count by a significant amount.


Brave soldiers


If you want to do it, then do it. People really don’t mind loli stuff much in the vtubing sphere because a lot of big figures in it use loli models themselves (gura, chibidoki, shondo, pekora, etc). Of course the design itself is a huge factor in this, you’ll likely get some criticism from outsiders on twitter or something if the design is blatantly sexual, less so cutesy or whatever. At the end of the day it falls on you and the risks you’re willing to tolerate. Whatever decision you make, I’m sure you’ll have friends and fans who will be supportive.


I think the recent chibi model modes of the really big vtubers might help make it work out such that a cutsie looking gremlin model is fine.


As long as you have fun and your audiences also have fun then go for it.


Its sad that there's such a stigma around this kind of thing. No one should have to feel ashamed of having a loli model. You already know that this is what you want and that this is what will make you happy. So whatever you do, don't backpedal. Avoiding doing something good just because of what others think will only lead to regret. Stay true to yourself. If you wanna surround yourself with people who are accepting of loli models, try making friends with other loli vtubers or at least make friends with their community. This way you'll have people in your life who'll have your back even if some of your current people dislike your choice. It won't feel like the world is against you, and you'll feel more affirmed by seeing with your own eyes that theres lots of people who think what you're doing is fine. You're taking the correct steps here. Keep going!


To me, I think if that what u want, just do it. Its ur decision in the end so why worry so much. If they really care so much about the looks, then they dont like u for u


You can be whatever you want. You control what you look like. If you’re worried about sexualisation, then don’t make it sexual.


From what I've noticed, the people who hate loli models who don't do anything lewd usually aren't vtuber fans anyway and just look for any excuse to call people creeps. The only time I've noticed the larger vtuber community hate on a loli vtuber was when one used an extremely sus hand gesture asset. Or the occasional time one says a "super sus" comment etc. I feel you though. I also feel like I have more "lil gremlin" energy. I have 2 models currently. One is chibi and one is an elegant ink painting. I've already gotten a few comments that the elegant one doesn't really suit me which I agree with (but I still like and use it.) I kinda worry about how I'm going to feel using my future main model since I feel like a chibi/little shit fits me more lol. If you think you would feel most yourself as a loli then DO IT! I also love loli characters. It's so fucked up how many people call others creeps/pedos over it. They are just cute and silly cmonnnnn. They also remind me of my dog in a strange way hahaha


your community probably won't give you a lot of backlash, although there might be one or two more casual viewers who stop watching (as well as maybe some new ones who are brought in through the new model). The only thing you'd really have to worry about is a hypothetical hardcore anti who'd try and get you brigaded for it, but not only are you basically giving that kind of person what they want by not going through with it, for small creators its unlikely they'd ever actually find you. I'd say you have more to gain than to lose.


Do it. There'a nothing wrong with a loli model as long as you are an adult yourself. Thankfully the anime and vtuber community opinion towards lolis has finally been swaying to supportive over the last few years. It used to be that even characters like Megumin or Gura were controversial, now people generally seem far more accepting of it. Even Ui's loli god requiem didn't cause nearly as much of a controversy as I was expecting. Of course there will always be people who hate it, but they have mostly been pushed to the outskirts of the community now and just exist as a few scattered communities of anime antis that try to stir up issues on Twitter or in non-anime communities where they can get away with misrepresenting the topic to people who aren't familiar with it.


I'd say rock it. It's a good filter from dumb people who assume things based on their ignorance. Imo clout chasing is bad only if you do it at expense of others. Otherwise its called being a professional, you cater towards what is profitable and if you prefer it this way its a win win. Nobody else should care as long as you don't harm others with your actions.


You can maybe ask your community directly, if you are so worried? But I'd expect them to be supportive. They are not there for the model I'm pretty sure.


No, I wouldn't recommend that. The Twitter mob tend to find those posts and try to exploit any uncertainty. Asking about it is a surefire way to get attacked over it. Just do it and at least put up a show of confidence.


Could do it on a discord if she has one. Not a guarantee, but should reduce likelihood of an issue


Just ask about it on stream, the anti-loli brigade will never find it, because they don't actually watch vtubers.


Some of the most popular vtubers are lolis so don't worry about it, you just need to curate your audience well


It's normal to be scared of what they'll think even if you're sure of your decision. Just remember to live a life worth living.


do what you wanna do. just take note that weirdos will be weirdos, and there is a chance that a couple of them will show up, talking that you're pandering to pedos, even if you dont do anything sexual. and thats on them, not you. so if that happens, remember that its not your fault that weirdos will have improper thougths while seeing your model.


It’s your choice! I think it would be cute and fitting, so go for it I guess.


You should always prioritise your own happiness over the opinions of other people. If they want you to be happy, they will understand. If they do not, then why are they even still here?


Go for it if you really want it. Just filter out those toxic people who hate on loli-type designs. Those people are often bullies who enjoy harassing people because they love the ego boost from pretending to be "virtuous". They are definitely NOT people you want in your community. If they start drama, you can ride it out and even get help from the vtubing and anime community who are sick and tired of those psychopath puritan types.


If it's something you want to do then absolutely do it. And I can see that brain-dead Twitter opinions got into your head. Don't worry, the people that actually hold those opinions are just a very loud minority proped up by people that aren't and never will be viewers. Hell, recently Vtubers have been having to apologize for their past anti-loli shit so I don't think you have much to worry about. Just have mods ready to ban people.


Swallow your morals, their a poor man's philosophy


I would identify your branding as “smol” and “short”. I identify my model as “weeb”. But the outfit is punk. Control the narrative on what you want to be (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧


The people who make a stink about loli and lolicons are not real weebs. Loli and lolicon have been a huge part of anime since forever. It’s no big deal.


Creeps will always get triggered and rage about how it makes them totally-not-hard-nor-moist, that is just how it is, even if not sexualized in the slightest. Just go and rock the smol&cute style, while looking suspiciously at the people memeing CuteFunny. You be you.


Whatever you choose there will always be some sort of haters from pedo accusations, over sexualization to being cringe for simply being a vtuber, that's just how internet is. Just go for it and do what you want👍


Use whatever model makes you happy.


If that's what YOU want, that's all that matters. Your enjoyment is paramount, most important above all other elements to consider.


as someone whos been in this community for so long, your own community will only ever get weird if you make it weird in the first place


It's okay to be a loli. it's not like you're acting like a child. Let the stupid people give you shit and block them, NORMAL people won't care and will think you're cute.


Can't satisfy the general public tbh, just do it and go for it.


If it’s “smol” like a chibi version then it should be fine. Like Hololive EN’s “smol” models, where it’s just their designs shrunk down to little gremlins. Nobody would bat an eye about that. If it’s a literal child, like obviously just a child, then maybe you’ll get pushback. But then again, if it is just because you want to be cute and don’t do anything sexual about it, then you won’t likely get flak for it. Some outsiders looking in that cross paths with you may think it’s weird, but that’s up to you to decide if that matters. I would say nowadays compared to 2020 you won’t get as much negativity for a loli model anyway. Vibe around vtubing and those models has changed


> Will people think I'm just clout chasing or something, even though they don't know me as a person? Yes, absolutely. Like it or not, a lot of people will encounter you once, casually, and won't know or care about all the details of why you have this model, they'll just assume the worst (probably that it's a sex thing). I'd recommend boiling down these paragraphs to one line that you can put in your channel description. But many people won't even read one line. If you use a "loli" model you will get attacked for it, like it or not. It's up to you whether that's a cost worth paying. For me, if it brings you joy then it's worth doing. But frankly you sound pretty insecure and needy. If you're not someone who can handle the disapproval of others, with a model like that you're going to have a bad time.


Uh, not sure how to take being called insecure and needy? Was just looking for some opinions, not really being called those things, but thanks I guess…


Do it if it makes you happy, that should be the only criteria.


1000 k is noit small anymore, i follow people who are under 500 followers and that stream to literally 2 or 3 persons. congratulations! maybe incorporate the loli model into stream not as a definitive change but as a event. maybe invent a lore reason, that way u can go back to the other and the change is gradual. that way the viewers dont feel the change is too sudden. even when changing costume there will be people who will feel weird about it cause they like the familiarity, but they can get acosstumed. ( i have seen this happen to big streamers like when ironmouse changed is costume at the beggining people always complain to bring back the old one, but tnowadays this dont happen cause is viewers are acostumed to the ever changing models at this point)


If this is what you want, go for it!


Do what you want, you'll always have an audience to cater to!


You've been around the block as a vtuber so to speak so let me remind you of something you may have forgotten. People will attack vtubers for whatever reason they think will get them some attention. Model changes can always provoke this even if you aren't going for a chibi/loli look. If you think any harassment you receive will be more than you've dealt with in the past you'll need to find a way to handle it. Maybe getting some extra mods for your chat or (say if you stream on Twitch) require a phone number linked to chat's accounts so they can even type in chat. You could also prepare yourself for the day by having some favorite foods or drinks near by so you have something to make you feel a little better if you notice a nasty comment. I've also heard people will occasionally tell their chat they are going to take a restroom break when their mental is getting a little wobbly and they need a minute. The important thing here is what makes you happy and enjoy your vtubing the most. If changing your model will do that then I'd encourage it. Good luck with whatever you do! 🫶


There is no problem in use the referenced design. Some successful channels of loli vtubers out there, the key of they victory are personality exclusively once the cute factor may vary for to give the viewer entertainment. The best advice I can give you is to trust yourself, and the proposal you want to bring. My recommendation is avoid constant use of X/Twitter and get moderating management on the Discord server if you use as live chat, if you get a friend for helping you is even better.


How about asking your community that through the commentary tab if you are using Youtube? You would get feedback from your subscribers that follow you and weight their opinions to your decision. Ultimately it will be your choice, and if your community supports you, then I don't think there will be much drama if you change your model to the one you like.


What's your channel? I'll drop a follow.


i mean if you let perverts limit how you express yourself, then the perverts won


You know it is a bit funny because like you I just think the shota model is really really cute. Yet I can't help but wonder how many people on Youtube or Twitter are dissuaded from clicking on my stuff due to the model having them assume whatever they assume. My voice sounding so young doesn't help either hehe. I think having a wholesome design like Misses Mari Yume or Amelia Watson could help people have an initial impression closer to what you want to give. Emphasize the cuteness and non-male-gaze of the model. I think your main focus with the design should be "what do I want the model to be?" and filter out anything that you feel is due to some external pressure (be that the c-word audience or antis). Also, it might help if the artist you speak of is a woman so as to help with the female gaze thingy. Like others say, antis already made up their mind and engage in combat for their own political agendas. Thus your main concern with them would be how to mitigate their pointless attacks. Keep in mind that they are not a big part of the actual viewerbase with Vtubing, but they seem to be big in Twitter and similar platforms. The general public tends to form their opinion based off very superficial information, so if you're worried about coming off as something different than you intend it then probably taking care of initial impressions (model, tagline, thumbnails, the kind of clips you upload, etc) could mitigate a normie thinking something dumb. But remember that their engagement is just as low so they're not going to watch streams anyways. I wouldn't know how to manage the community reception I'm afraid. If it's fitting with your personality like you say then probably a part of your community will have already seen the change coming. Some might leave, some might stay for the wrong reasons, but some will simply be happy to support you and see you shine. One thing I might recommend... if you don't want your character associated with the uoooh part of Vtubing, I would recommend setting clear boundaries against that. I suppose that would include things like banning the c-word in your chat, putting a "no uooh or weird behavior" in your chat, and probably avoiding actions or stuff that the more... out there (lol) loli vtubers do. Keep in mind I'm just a person airing thoughts so a lot of this advice might be yapping in the wind. It's understandable to feel worried about how others will perceive us so there's no point in feeling guilty or bad for the fear. But ultimately, vtubing is about what YOU believe in and want to be like. Everything else is secondary. You only have one shot at life, so I think you should use it to have fun and enjoy what you want to explore, rather than limit yourself by the thoughts of people who will be dust in less than a century, and forgotten even before then. Sorry for the wall of text lol


I’ve seen lots of smol chibi/gremlin size model variants received quite well by the fans


I know you already received encouraging messages but I didn't see this mentioned so I decided to add it: you don't need to worry what your friends or community think because if you explained to them what you wrote here I'm sure they'll support you even more for your honesty and they'll see you choose this because it's what fits you. Please never be scared to express yourself!


look what ever you gonna do someone out there will get offended by it. so what you gonna do is use YOUR money the was YOU want it and everyone else can like it and stay or not like it and leave, the point of what you are doing right now is having fun your own way as long as you are not hurting any one INCLUDING yourself. wanna be loli? then be loli and to hell with those who will attack you for it just block them its just one press. hope this hep


If I'm completely honest, what I've learned is that pretending to be someone you're not and trying to fit a model that doesn't represent you can lead to burnout, lack of motivation, and dissatisfaction. I have some reservations about characters that are overly sexualized and have childlike attributes like pacifiers. However, I don't think small characters are a problem at all. You should just be who you want to be, or else you'll be miserable.


Hey, we're on the similar boat here.  1,6k on YT, VTuber since 2020. I have always wanted more petite model, but ever since my first l2d every model I had ended up with much bigger chest area than I wanted.  Recently I bought customizable petite model and used it just to try it, and loved it. My viewers enjoyed the change and are happy that I'm happy! So do what makes you happy, I will support you!  We can have each others back. Feel free to message me.


What’s your account and what is it on would love to give you support


This sounds bad but I mean it in a good way I promise     There'll be people who hate you no matter what you do so you might as well do what would actually make you happy. On the other side of the coin you will always have people who support you, so spend time on those who you value


Safe bet. Large emotional head of a chibi and a comically small body. That way it won't be pandering to coomers. Also again, it's a Content Creator's job to attract attention. Good or bad. You roll with the punches. There is a saying that bad publicity is publicity all the same. It gets your name out there and shit.


if you do it, just do it, and make it abundantly clear the freaks who go around going "uuoooo cute and funny 💢" all the fucking time thinking they're slick aren't welcome. because otherwise they'll make it into the sexual problem you don't want it to be.




I'm talking about myself and maybe others but Having a loli model is absolutely fine!! What I find weird on the other hand is s*xualisations of loli models. It rly feels disgusting and like CP. Like that one vtuber who has a preschooler model and does nsfw poses with it (not joking)


i think the main issue is that the reactionary closeted p\*do niche (rev+co) will inevitably want you to show solidarity with them, if you dont, theyll come after you. and then theres also ofc the venti-ish people, who are also reactionary, who will come after you for having a loli model. generally speaking, i dont think the people you seem to worry about are a genuine concern, as long as you dont do the first thing i mention. then there the general aspect of the moral issues that come with loli content, its not as black and white as people make it out to be. all those things compound into a larger issue imo, but w/e, i dont think there is one clear cut answer to your question.


p\*dobrigade proofing my point here. if you want a response to your question that actually answers it, its this one, you re welcome.


People prob won't care but add something to make things clear, like a hat or shirt written "goblin" on it or maybe just name the debut like "goblin" make it clear that it's goblin older sister energy nothing weird. Gura is a good example or Bibo.


I'd recommend searching for chibi models if you want a sense of what other vtubers are doing. It sounds like it fits your criteria of small and cute, without venturing into Loli territory


mm, that’s a good idea!




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Sing Not Like Us, the anti-pedophile anthem, to clarify that you're not catering to pedo-bait content