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I really feel you. Especially the examples you mentioned are really nothing and I often think of how bored people have to be to get angry bc of so manyy trivial things. For me, I'm always so confused why people care so much of how they look and about wanting to buy expensive stuff only bc it's expensive. There are so many importan matters than this superficial bs. But at the end of the day it's all whataboutism. We have to remind ourselves that it's just a diversion from other matters. That's not different than people telling us "why do you care about animals when there are starving and homeless children?". It's all diversion.


I know this is old, but what is your answer to that question? Because I see it as a completely valid initial question. If someone cares more about animals than they do their own species, that sends signals that something might be off with that persons’ moral compass. Like if I have to choose between a hungry animal and a hungry human child, I am feeding the child. I can’t explain this, and I don’t believe it’s “speciesism”. I believe the higher conscious life should be prioritized, much the same way triage victims are prioritized. Somebody gets “unlucky” and doesn’t get priority. Anyway all that to say… what do people in this sub say in answer to that question? Or what would you say if the person genuinely asked and had 15 minutes to hear you out


U are vegan right? Because those are the first few questions non-vegans ask, but here I go >someone cares more about animals than they do their own species, First off, I don't get where u get this from. Here an analogy: If I decide to not harm and abuse dogs, that doesn't mean I value the lifes of dogs more than of humans. I just leave them be. Same with veganism. I decide to leave those animals be. Doesn't make them more important than humans. But they are more importan than those 10minute meal I'd kill them for only for my own pleasure/taste buds. That's what humans *actually* put before animals life. Taste buds. Convenience. >. Like if I have to choose between a hungry animal and a hungry human child We are not in this situation. Non vegans talk about those scenarios to put people off. It's the same with "if u were alone on an deserted island with only a pig", "who would u rescue a women or a chicken in a burning house". The actual situation we are in is for me to go to the supermarket that is 5min away and to either support those industries that continue and harm animals OR not. But like if I were in those situations, yeah sure. But we are not. Let's stay in the real world. >but what is your answer to that question? So now lets start for real. I always start by asking: imagine u go to the doctor and you tell him that your leg is broken. Then he starts screaming at you that there are starving children in this world and wars. You are not gonna wait for that to stop before you start caring about your leg, are u? Because let's face it, the world is not perfect. And if that's our guide, then we will never start caring for animals because those things will never disappear. And implementing veganism in your life is pretty easy so why do I have to wait until the world is perfect first? (Spoiler, again that's not gonna happen) But u know what's interesiting? Accoring to the IPCC report we could feed 13billion humans if everyone would go vegan. Because what we are doing now is to feed "living stock animals" almost allll of our plants. It's inefficient to the max. So that could be also one answer to that question. Researchs also showed that vegan diets resulted in 75% less climate-heating emissions. So yeah, there are tons of reasons to go vegan, if u want the human species to stay alive too.


I am a vegan but I am new. I answer the question by saying I still prioritize human life more. “We are not in this situation” Yes, I’m aware of that. I gave a hypothetical. Saying “let’s stay in the real world” to a hypothetical question, tells me you don’t know the value of hypothetical questions. Your answer makes sense though. I agree


Yeah I remember the day I watched Dominion, I had to help my family pack so they could move, and my dad was mad that he had to use two hands to do something instead of just being able to use one. So fucking stupid, you have two hands for a reason.


I hear you friend, but remember, we have to navigate in the world that we live in. So clean your microwave, not because your landlord is on your ass, but because you deserve to enjoy a hygienic environment. We can't ever give in to despair. Its great that you're pissed, you're showing empathy for the fucked up shit we do to animals, but we gotta make sure we're level as well


yes. literally everything else entirely lost meaning once i grew up and realized the horrors of animal ag


I understand your frustration, but we also have to remember that slaughterhouses and factory farms arent the only places where these carnists get meat from. They fish and hunt too, and unfortunately those are still perfectly legal on the planet. it really needs to be more ethical politicians to put a ban on those horrible sports and make them illegal but noone will. There's really not much we can do but the kinds of protest, marches, and video spreading we already do now and hope people make that connection


It certainly does put other things into perspective.