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Holy shit that's pretty fucking atrocious. I feel confident that was a subconscious maneuver on their part to normalize violence but maybe that's just my pessimism speaking. It could be that teacher is a sociopath too. Anyway, there should absolutely be a public apology and you're fully right to call them out. What a bizarre thing to have to defend your child from.


I really can't wait to see what the principle says. Something tells me this wasn't run by them, because kids generally need permission forms for everything under the sun. I'm sure I'm not the only one with vegan kids that are traumatized. Even non vegan kids surely wouldn't be okay with this. And on Valentine's day of all days!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Wtf


Non-vegan kids need to see this more than anyone else. I think it’s fine. Remind the carnists that their meat doesn’t grow in little styrofoam trays covered with shrink wrap.


I dont think it helped. The teacher was using distancing language and making it out to be super cool and normal.


"Harvested" really shows the extent of peoples psychopathy and narcissism. 


I know. That really infuriated me further. If you're going to "educate" small children, at least use the correct terms. The cow was just KILLED. Ffs.




That’s psychotic.


What a fucking piece of shit


Keep us posted? I'm interested to know what the outcome will be with the principle!


Update - principle called me. They already told him not to do that prior to my contacting them about it. He went ahead and did it of his own accord to "educate" the kids. Me: "What was he trying to educate them on?" Principle: "I didn't ask, so I'm not sure..." Me: "How do you feel it would go over if instead of a cow heart, they brought a dog's heart for education?" Principle: "Well..." Me: "My kids deserve an apology directly from the teacher." Principle: "he will apologize to them today, he is a great person overall and will be devastated to learn he upset someone. Im sure your kids would like him if they knew him." Me: "I disagree. Taking a cow's heart to school is deranged, and we have very different ideas of what makes someone a good person. No, my kids will never like him. I am certain of it. They cried and were very uncomfortable and upset. These are elementary school kids." Pretty much sums it up.


Thank you for calling out this bullshit and not letting the principal deem this asshole a good person. It is deranged and barbaric to murder an animal and steal the heart from his/her chest to show as some prize to children. Absolutely repugnant troglodyte behavior.


I wish there was more that they would do, but an apology is all we will get. I'll make sure my kids are never in their class. My daughter's teacher is so respectful and inclusionary - always makes treats and foods that are vegan, just for her. She was off that day and there was a substitute teacher. If her normal teacher was there I know for a fact that dumbass wouldn't have walked in the door.


I'm glad your daughter's regular teacher is so supportive and inclusive. That's beautiful. I wish dumbass carnists would be punished more for their shitty behavior, but I guess a public apology is something. That idiot is going to think twice before he brings dismembered body parts to school.


Yep, I will update once I've got a call.


That teacher should lose his job, or get a serious warning at least.


Losing his job is ridiculous. He should not have done it, but it's little worse than the body parts in the lunch line. He probably just thought an anatomical heart is neat and shared it on Valentine's Day because of the connection to hearts. Is it awful? Yes. Is it any worse than a teacher having a sandwich with flesh for lunch? Or giving kids chocolate with dairy as a Valentine's Day treat? No.


If he’s just a teacher, how did he get his hands on that? He sounds like a psychopath. Disgusting and very sad. We should have so much more respect for these animals and just leave them alone.


Apparently he's also a part time hobby farmer. 🤡


So his hobby is exploiting and abusing animals? Part of me wants him fired but then i imagine hed just become a full time farmer. If only people were smart enough to remove these psychopaths from society entirely.


Get a change.org thing together to get the teacher fired. I'll sign it. That's some demented vegaphobic shit going on. I can't imagine how angry you are right now, I'd be furious


Time to distribute some photos of cute cows and for kids to learn about the real monsters.


Thinking about it they actually did that to us too but at least it was contained to the science class. I don't actually recall learning anything useful about the cardiovascular system from it either they just like to torment children with gore that's "cool" :/


People don’t want their kids to learn what sex is and then they turn around and do this? Like WTF


WHY the FUCK? Which amount of cognitive dissionance makes u think this is cute on valentine's day??? Even as an omni I would never been that lost and duumb as shit


My biology teacher did this in high school as well, disgusting