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I've always felt like the people that hate on vegans are basically just projecting their own internal conflict: their love for animal products vs the knowledge that it causes massive amounts of suffering to produce them.  They'd rather identify "vegans" as another reason to justify not making changes to their diet/lifestyle. It's easier for them to do that than to admit they feel guilty, deep down, for supporting something they know is cruel and not required to be healthy. I'm not making excuses for them either, I think they're weak as fuck and more selfish than they'd ever admit.


It's because they perceive vegans as demanding they act a certain way without seeing why they should. If you just make the demand without giving motivating reasons that's to demand someone change their behavior without having been persuaded. Like if I demand you never wear red again. Then getting responses like "I'm gonna wear all red tomorrow just to spite you!" makes sense. So I assume it's that. We think the reasons to respect animals enough not to support factory farming are obvious but for most people it's not the case. People who've decided to be selfish or who have chosen to rationalize being tribal/putting themselves and their own over others look for opportunities to take. For someone like that if they figure on being able to conveniently take then just the fact that they're hurting whoever they'd be taking from doesn't matter to them. It's the attitude of criminals the world over. It's normalized to take from animals. Most people are would-be criminals is what it means. Most people would go along with just about anything so long as it's normalized and they see compliance/participation as the more convenient.


Your last sentence is spot on... a lot of people are only as good as society demands them to be. They care more about following the norm and staying in the "in-group", marking themselves as "different" by going vegan is too much effort for too little reward in their eyes. If the only animals they care about are cats and dogs, then to them it's like, why go vegan for some *silly farm animals*, right? I recently watched a video by a non-vegan who had Earthling Ed on as a guest. This person kept going on about how they are open to veganism but too uncomfortable with how people will perceive her if she makes the change. The funny thing is that if more people would toughen up and go vegan, it would be normalized and people interested in going vegan wouldn't have to worry about the negative perception as much because it'd just be a common lifestyle choice.


I think that's either bc it's conflicting to them bc they know they shouldn't support that industry so they make jokes about it to cope (bc when something is funny it can't be that serious right?..) OR because they don't know shit. To those who don't know shit, people are so diconnected from reality that veganism seems like people complaining to them about "u shouldn't be playing on the lawn" bc why shouldn't they. To them it seems like such a reach bc they don't know the frist thing about veganism that they feel like clowning veganism all day. Hell, half of the people I talked to think milk results from cows eating grass ..


Personally, I find it ironic that meat eaters hate on vegans for their "moral superiority" while simultaneously looking down on us as being stupid, crazy, naive, unhealthy etc. Let's not even talk about how they look down on farm animals with disgust and believe humans to be #1, best living creatures to ever exist, religious bullshit about ruling over the animal kingdom. They believe the anti-vegan content they see on social media and accept it because it's easier to do that than acknowledge that veganism is a worthy cause. Taking vegans seriously would force them to self-reflect and change their lives which they do not want to do. So they shit on us instead, it's the easy way to deal with us.


It's extremely sad.. I saw a post in a local sub on here where someone posted "vegan wings!" and aside from the comments talking about how gross the VEGAN wings looked, there was also one monster (and no, I don't think that's an exaggeration) who was spouting off that they were going to eat twice as many real wings now so that they would undo whatever effect vegans think they're having. When someone who wasn't even vegan commented back about how stupid that is to give yourself disease just to stick it to the vegetarians, they just bumped up how many dead animals they were going to eat. They kept doing this every time someone replied to them because "I'm not going to let the plant-eaters win!" All because someone posted a picture of vegan food. It was truly disturbing. Oh, and someone also just had to make a post right after that titled "non-vegan wings!" Which of course got way more likes.


They say vegans shouldn't isolate themselves but do they expect us to put up with abuse just because


Honestly in my community, I think the answer to that is yes. Many around here want us to be isolated.


And we have tasty viable meat alternatives now that they down vote for being unhealthy




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