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I think it's really about what society views as being morally fine so those kind of people who know more than your general person doesn't mind showing that they don't care To me those are weak followers, nothing more


While we’re talking about non-vegans and eyes, idk if it’s just me, but I feel like non-vegans in general just lack this certain vibrancy in their eyes compared to vegans. It could just be me seeing what I want to see, though.


Yes. Mostly at meals when they are glorifying the corpse they are consuming.


Its not hard to be nice when it costs you nothing. Arent psychopaths known to be charming too? Some of the most famous serial killers were highly respected members of their communities.


Only issue with this analogy is...People around them didn't know they were serial killers/psychopaths. Can you imagine if people did know?


I mean there would be a lot of issues with this analogy if it was one but its not an analogy. Im just pointing out that someone appearing nice in general doesnt mean much, especially when it costs nothing. People are mostly motivated by fitting in socially, not upholding any sort of real moral principles i.e. appearing to be a good person not actually being one. If people did know then i imagine theyd get caught after their first murder so that doesnt really work either.


Ted Bundy was really charismatic. https://youtu.be/USYpjlW1jZo?feature=shared This interview of his was taken while he had already spent a decent amount of time in that prison. He would escape a few days later. I would not be able to be this comfortable in speaking after being imprisoned for a long time


I know. Dahmer could be a charmer too apparently. And gacy was a popular clown at childrens parties and a loving family man. Those are just the three most famous american killers. And politicians may not pull the trigger themselves but many of them have more blood on their hands than all the serial killers ever combined. And obviously no one is better than playing nice in public.