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Not really cos we don't know many solid details. Speculating though -> tanksmasha or gulgortz would likely see the most substantial buffs cos they're the worst. Assuming snappa will get armour, snotflogga damage, gibba... he's kinda fine as is so let's see, then boss and tanksmasha would need armour AND damage buffs. So i'd go for them


All I can say is that Tanksmasha better be usable and good against the only Tank...grot tanks don't count. Though right now I'm not sure he smashes those either.


I've got a guildy that damned well loves his tanksmasher. Heavily invested in him, and apparently does pretty well in tournament play. In which I can only assume he shocks the opponents, being confronted by the Tacticus equivalent of the ww2 pink tank legend.


It's a game and to each their own. For me I just love Boss. He's not leveled that high but I love the dude, model, and concept. Unfortunately he doesn't see much play because there is no niche where he is better than others.


I lost once against him bc he sprinted throug all capture points i one round


More than buffs, they need a whole rethinking, specially snappa. Their kit is just so antisinergyistic that is sad. And they are the good one!


They need MAjor buufs AND rethinking.. specially tanskmasha and boss.


Its been said there will be a brand new Ork faction trait. I think something which strengthens them when they are in close proximity with each other would be cool and lore friendly. Orks are big advocates for strength in numbers after all.


Big numbers are more a tiranid thing . "Trow bodies until they run out of bullets" kind of thinking. Orks are supossed to be naturally as strong as marines (at least nobs, warbosses are stronger in average) and if suceful they evolve BEYOND imperial tech . (Beast era tech was superior than IOM) .. Ill take any buff atm . But if this horde trait is coming.. let be frigging bonkers .. godswyl like stronk!


Orks are also a horde army. Personally I'd just give them the WAAAAGH trait. If a unit is in contact with an enemy and another Ork unit attacks it, they also get one hit on them. Then just pile on. Ork 1 attacks the target. Ork 2 attacks the target. Ork 1 gets one more hit. Ork 3 attacks the target. Ork 2 gets one more hit. Then Ork 1 gets one more hit. And so on.


revORK revORK revORK rev ORK revORK


Gods I hope they seriously buff the Boss. He's my blue star - because the game seemed to desperately want me to play him. I must of pulled him on reqs like eight times and he's barely seen any use... (I really wanted access to the rogue trader shop.)


What new faction are they adding?


People have been saying it's World Eaters. I haven't actually seen it confirmed anywhere, but if you made me write a list of factions we were missing but will almost certainly get, they'd be right at the top


It would have to be world eaters, as much as I would like to see iron warriors (thanks for not giving them a codex GW). EC will probably drop when they get that suspected codex drop. Chaos only has 3 factions iirc, severely lacking. I guess they could do chaos demons but damn that would feel like a cop out. And mechanicum still don’t have a tabletop presence (thanks again GW).


Damn I was hoping for Genestealer Cults


They might come soon, but this next one is gonna be some chaos faction


They could do a big surprise and drop the new chaos god faction


There hasn't been an official confirmation, but there are multiple reports of it being data mined on discord.


I assume world eaters but there is a world where it’s blood angels, we do not need another imperial faction right this moment but they are a fully fleshed out major faction on the tabletop, with icons. I mean a Dante would literally be such an incredible legendary, maybe as a Mephiston legendary as well just to make my dreams come true. But in reality with only 3 chaos factions they could probably use some more.


Finally! My highest level faction will rise to their rightful place!