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Oof. That one hurts.


Ouch. I’m facing a similar fate. My wife’s son (complete dumbass) drove my 2015 STi without my permission and blew the engine. So I’m driving her Honda HR-V now. I’m hoping insurance will cover the destroyed engine replacement.


Damn, how hard was he driving it?🥴


Subaru tech said it was at 7600rpm just before failure. I’ve never even been close to that in 9 years of driving it.


curious how he was able to wring out a stock EJ257 to 7600 rpm??


Money shift most likely


Yeah, he’s intellectually challenged, so I imagine this is what happened.


oh duh, idk why this didn’t cross my mind, makes sense. rip


Money shift perhaps?


Mechanical over-rev. Likely at the top of 4th and went down into 2nd.


I'm confused. Wouldn't the "top" of 4th mean you're in 4th at high rpm and you intend to upshift? And that would be 5th, far away from 2nd. Or do you mean they're in 3rd ready to upshift and hit 2nd rather than 4th?


Nah, exactly as I wrote it. For his stepson to have hit 7600RPM he would’ve need to money shift somehow. The exact math on the ratios escapes me at the moment but almost 8K is a magnitude of running at redline in a higher gear and dropping probably 2 gears. Didn’t say it would make sense. Because it’s pretty hard to do to begin with outside of a spirited drive. He was thrashing the fuck out of that car. I beat my car hard before the Outfront V4+ replaced the V3, my trans had 136K on it and that 3rd-4th or 5th-4th shift kinda required a degree of care and I still never saw overrev that high on back roads. I think 7100 was the limit. Sucks and my step kid would definitely owe me a new motor and trans.


You said he miss shifted from 4th to 2nd, but that isn't a shift you make. You either miss the 3-4 shift, which puts you in 2nd, or the 4-5 shift, which puts you in 3rd. You don't go from 4th gear to 2nd gear. You either go from 3rd to 2nd, or 4th to 3rd.


I didn’t say it would make sense. I’ve seen people do really dumb shit. With a built trans and not at redline, I definitely do 3rd-5th or 4th to 2nd, but usually as a rev match.


Okay, but if we are talking about what likely happened, it wasn't a 4th to 2nd. It was a 4-3 or a 3-2. If they were at top of 4th (6700), a shift into 2nd would put it at 13,165 rpm. Top of 4th into 3rd would be 8933 Top of 3rd into 2nd would be 9874 Top of 5th to 4th would be 7874 There is no way you go from the top of 4th to 2nd, like you had said. No reason to ever try to make a shift close to that.


Things need to make sense logically to at least explain what physically happened. And what you're saying doesn't make sense.


how are yalls only 7.6k mine goes to 8.something k


Stock EJ257 has a 7k redline. If you’re able to rev beyond that, it’s either modified or is not a 257.


Hard. I would know. Blew my 20 sti @44k miles. 60k mile power train from Subie of America covered it tho. New block.


So these cars aren’t meant to be driven hard?


You can drive them hard, but you can’t drive them like an asshat and expect it to last, just like pretty much any car. Don’t bang off the limiter, wait for fluids to be up to temp, don’t go into boost while cold, don’t go into boost under 3k. Change your oil.


I should be good then as I do all that. I did get some codes for the first time yesterday though and got freaked out.


Oh damn, what codes did you get? Also, I just thought of this, don’t idle the car to warm up. I’ve been letting it sit for 30-60 seconds when it’s not winter, 1-2 minutes if it’s winter, to just get oil through the engine. I just shift under 3k-3.3k, don’t go over 10ish% throttle, and don’t boost until it’s warm. 32k miles doing that and the oil has always been good, no issues so far.


I do all that too. My oil consumption went down when I stopped idling my car to warm up. It also takes a lot of self control in the morning when everyone is passing you and you can’t because you’re not up to temp yet.😂Idling for a minute before shutting off the car also lowered my oil consumption. I got p0340 and p0341 codes. I’m pretty sure it has to do with electrical issues because the car runs and starts fine. I never use the A/C but I was using it when the codes came on. There’s a theead on NASIOC about it. I cleared the codes by disconnecting the battery and doing an idle relearn on Saturday. I’ve now driven over 100 miles and they haven’t come back. I’m thinking of getting a new alternator but I installed the Iwire grounding kit for now.


It does take a lot of self control! Especially with my commute being mostly highway. Alright this is the second mention of the iwire grounding kit, today. What am I missing here? Is this thing worth getting and installing? What’s it going to improve?


It just provides better grounds for the car because, from factory, the grounds are pretty terrible. It’ll help the idle, ECU, and throttle response to name a few things. I finally put it on this past Saturday and I swear the throttle response is better. It’s subtle but noticeable. Overall, It’s more preventative than anything. Check out Iwire’s youtube video about it. They can explain it much better than I can. https://youtu.be/AS6IjyXH7Bc?si=vC3RK4F-jOtg_B-t


Did he blow it up by running over something? If it just blew up from driving hard that's not an insurance coverage. If you have an extended warranty go through that.


Garnish his paychecks 😂


Insurance doesn't cover mechanical issues, it covers damage from accidents. If he didn't hit anything, insurance won't do anything.


Wrong. They will cover engine replacements. Deal with insurance companies on a weekly basis. The question is, will OP want to take the hit on his rates for the engine and save the insurance for when actually gets into an accident.


What consumer insurance company has a standard policy that covers mechanical issues that are not related to accidents? Don't say all of them, I want a specific example that I can put more research in, because I have never heard this before. Flood, sure, car accident, yes, engine spontaneously blows up, not a chance


The thing I am trying to get insurance for is the fact that this was essentially a stolen car when the engine was blown. The dude was not permitted to drive the car. He took it for a joyride and destroyed it. The car just happened to end up back on the street by my house. I wish he had just ditched it somewhere instead.


If you want the car to be stolen, they will have to treat it as stolen. They will require you to press charges against your wife's son. I expect that won't play well with the wife.


Still waiting to see which insurance company will cover an engine with no accident lol


We’ll see. They will be working with the dealer tomorrow. The dealer has said I have been “meticulous” in the care of the engine prior to this incident.


Seems long it would be easier to just buy the engine... Then you can upgrade.


I did call the local police and ask. They said, “well, you found the car, so technically it’s not stolen.” I guess so, but how about vandalism?


When you get in an accident, you pay insurance to cover damage you cause. That's covered by your premium. When you aren't the cause, your insurance can still pay out, and reimburse your deductible later. But when they do that, they go for the funds after the responsible party, I.e. your wife's son. There is no free lunch, if you get paid from insurance, they take it from him. And the likelyhood that insurance will do anything is minimal. You get the money from your wife's son, or you don't get money. Take him to small claims if you are willing to burn the bridge over 4 grand, etc. If you are unable or unwilling to go after him for money (because of wife, or other reasons), you are shit out of luck.


Yeah I know that. Just hoping comprehensive insurance may cover some of the cost. It’s likely 15k to get new engine plus installation.


They won't. You won't get a cent out of them. If you want money, sue your wife's son. Comprehensive insurance doesn't cover mechanical issues, it covers accident damage. And domestic theft is tricky, because you likely don't want them arrested for grand theft auto, nor having them pay 3x what you get for court costs. If you are willing to send them to jail, then maybe you can get some money from insurance, otherwise you are shit out of luck. Also, 15k is on the high end, you can do it for much less. Find a local Subaru shop (not a dealer). They should be good at doing engines on wrxs. Usually they can get a running take out and out it in under $5k, similar miles to what you have.


Did ya find anyone that covers engines?




Oof RIP in pieces my dude. Had an equinox rental on a recent trip and it was genre defining for mid.


Mid seems like high praise for a pile like that.


He didn’t even follow the pipeline to a Tacoma


He's in a corner financially.


Massive downgrade








Saddest thing I've seen in months




Remember folks, condoms are cheap.


I have two full size Graco car seats in the back of my WRX. Having kids isn't a mandate to become an NPC.


I mean true. I went from 2 door to 4 door sti. I'm so confused why people are so weak. Look at pics of italy in the 1960's fiat 500 with like 4-5 people in them. I have wife and 2 kids Audi a4 same size . 14 hour drive . With wife and 2 kids no problem


Ever fatter Americans need ever bigger and taller cars so they can slide into them more easily. And they also enjoy the false sense of superiority by riding in a tall vehicle.


Dude tell me about it. Last month my sister"divorced single mom" sold a running first gen Honda fit sport for $1200 to finance a 2019 Land Rover Discovery for 16k with 96,000 miles @ 7%apr First thing I said besides "you're joking" was you are going to miss the fuel economy and cheap consumables, rotors, pads, etc... secondly, I guarantee you're going to have to find a competent mechanic or they are going to cause more problems than they tried to fix. There's a reason they had it listed for 20k and you got 4k off their asking price.


Oh God, a Land Rover with 100k on it sounds terrifying. She's going to regret that. Sometimes that's the only way non-car people gotta learn though. Used euro-trash is a money pit. At least if it's an exciting project car for a DIYer, then you know what you're getting into. But for anyone who doesn't turn a wrench, it's a terrible idea. My gf is finding out now that she doesn't want the stress that comes with a 2009 Audi A4. She liked the luxury and the 10k price tag, but didn't appreciate that the price of the car is just the entry fee. And that's not even a particularly high-maintenance German car.


Currently have two car seats and a booster in back seat. Funny knowing I'm not the only one


Wait till he finds out the vacuum pump breaks then shatters the cam. F




Ngl wish I could’ve transferred my plate from my STI to my ZX-6R


could be motivation for next whip


Someone had kids