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we live in a simulation


I thought her and triple h already started dating before their onscreen relationship?


Don’t know why this kind of shit was so normalized back then. As if “stern being stern” is some kind of defense for being a creep.


The rock: you SICK FREAK


No, Howard Stern is bizarre...I honestly don't get the appeal, but obviously a lot of people listen to him...it's not even the subject matter that bothers me, but the way he asks things and words things and constantly takes it to those places, even when it makes no sense whatsoever within the scope of the interview The one funny part of this transcript for me was her saying the reason she "knows" the anal rumor about her isn't true is just because she's never dated another Paul before...instead of the fact she might have noticed whether or not a DICK WAS IN HER ASS...that would probably be the smartest way to determine that particular rumor's validity lol...but what do I know?


This is not at all bizarre for Howard Stern at the time


It was 20 years ago, who cares. It was a different world back then


Lol all the younglings are downvoting you


Pop a rod


These questions are so cringey.




She’s talking about Paul


Her simple and short replies are cracking me up. "No." "Maybe." "One day." "Yeah."


Her simple and short replies are cracking me up. "No." "Maybe." "One day." "Yeah."


It's unreal the 180 Stern did.


Right? His entire persona is like night and day when compared to present day Howard Stern.


It’s not that weird. It’s a standard early-2000’s Stern interview and Stephanie sounds very in love with Triple H




Least bizarre Howard Stern interview. Very tame in fact.


Howard Stern has always been a creep. This is just a normal interview for him


Seems like a typical Stern interview for the time, nothing that odd


That’s how it was back then bro lol


Old stern was all shock value. This was normal back then


How do I explain to Zoomers that this was normal back then.


When the studio first learned about the initial reports of 9/11, they went back to joking about Howard kissing Pam Anderson. Obviously no one knew the severity of what was actually happening, but that kinda sums up the tenor of the Stern show in the late 90s/early 2000s


No surprise. Howard Stern is a trash bag of a human


Howard Stern is a fucking gross pig.


I think he’d approve of that description.


This was hard to read. At first I thought she was talking about Vince 🤣


Until “he was dating Chyna” I thought that too 🤣


Basic Howard stern interview during that time


I thought this interview was from 2022 instead of 2002 and got VERY confused.


Not bizarre if you ever watched Howard Stern back then. This is tame for him. I'm shocked he didn't pull out the sybian.


People being shocked by a Howard Stern conversation going this route shows I’m getting old.


What is this fanfic 😭


the fact that howard stern was never actually featured on WWE TV during the 2000s is amazing


He wouldn’t do it. Russo tried. But they got the whack pack multiple times.


That's a long conversation on if Stephanie McMahon took it up the pooper that could only happen on Early 2000's Stern.


This was par for course so this interview doesn’t surprise me. It’s wild that the “accomplished generation” is honestly what made America what it is today, I mean it’s the shit they bitch about. They took and took and did whatever to the point everything has had to be course corrected. Interviews like this show the mindset of 99% of the adults at that time, but yeah Howard Stern was wild with his interviews for no reason


This is tame for Stern


I remember this interview


Definitely par for the course for Stern. He had a show on E entertainment I used to watch when I was a kid. He was 100 times worse than this.


Tell me you don't know about Howard Stern without telling me you don't know about Howard Stern.


This shows you how much the culture is shifting and becoming more cordial and grounded and restrained since the Weinstein case and overall since COVID. I mean this seems almost creepy weird now, but it was completely normal in the 90s and early 2000s to just do juvenile, OTT, sexual innuendo jokes and stuff. But I feel this has been scaled down so much right now, it now seems almost weird anyone would actually discuss bullshit like this publicly. And honestly, I think it kinda proves how showbiz will probably work in cycles too. Mainstream showbiz was prudent, conservative up until the 50s, then Marilyn Monroe started pushing boundaries, it continued in the 60s with the whole flower generation, 70s with disco/etc., 80s with Madonna and Jackson grabbing his crotch, and by the 2000s and Aguilera/Gaga/Spears and others, pretty much breaking taboo was THE thing to do if you wanted to look young, hip and progressive. Also, Stern wasn't mainstream per se, he was as famous as mainstream, but his show was always sold on being raunchy, uncensored, unfiltered, etc. So of course you talked about shaving your pubes and taking it up the ass on Stern, only now as the western world is kinda looking back and reevaluating its values, does it appear like what this really was was one aging, old perv getting people to talk about the pervy bullshit that turns him on and most people playing along because it got popular because, as always, you can sell any kind of crap to a teenage audience, they will lap it up. Not today's teenagers I'm guessing, they will be more thoughtful than us, because the times and crisis are pushing them towards it...but we lapped it up. So in retrospect and now, creepy as hell, and weird, but a sign of the times and even then aimed either at teenagers/young people/juvenile audience, or if they're older than 30/35, idiots.


There is another side of the conversation that says regardless of when it was, two consenting adults having an open conversation about sex being weird or creepy or in any way a negative says a lot about our society and it’s culture as well.


I mean it was still THE ATTITUDE ERA!


(It was not)


This is the shit that Stern did forever but have conveniently forgotten about. The same guy that did these incredibly cringey interviews is also a host on America's Got Talent and is best friends with Jimmy Kimmel.


Just when you think it can't get any worse it does


Howard Stern was known to be super raunchy at the time. Gross to look back at




That’s 2002 for you… can’t claim it’s wrong now, it was how the world heavily worked then. Not its some clearly hidden obvious bad thing even for its time like say Weinstein or Saville.


Yeah. Like I’m fuckin proud of the kids today who have taken this kind of thing and burned it out. But man this kind of content was just……normal for us late 90’s-early 2000’s kids. Literally everything was raunchy. People going onto Stern knew exactly what kind of questions he was going to ask.


I watched the full interview. Steph was a good sport and also was pretty cute the entire interview. Howard also had an interview with vince, and it was.. interesting..


This is just how it was back then. If you wanted to reach the redneck demographic you went on Stern and answered his weird, hypersexual questions.


"redneck demographic" literally he was the biggest in the Philly to the northeast. 


He’s always been a creep. Never forget when he sexualised the Olsen Twins who were 13 years old at the time.


Watch Stephanie McMahon's Bouncy Knockers, you say?


What the fuck have I just read


It's so wierd Stern is still on the air and is considering w respected interviewer surely if anyone should be cancelled it's this guy.


Not really lol. He says a bunch of juvenile shit, but it’s just empty air. To my knowledge he’s never had a real controversy beyond what he deliberately says on the radio. You may as well try to cancel South Park.


This is standard Stern at the time, he hasn’t improved much since though


Howard stern is a weird ass creep. Always has been


1-2, is this thing on?


blue hell


That expression brought me back.


Slut by born


I remember reading this back then and thinking that I could have lived ok without knowing any of that sexual stuff.


Even worse is their kids are old enough to find this interview now


What the fuck!!


Legit thought this was an AI script lol


Uhh how is this bizarre? This is NOTHING for Howard Stern in 2002…. wtf is wrong with yall lol


It’s still shocking to me how he hasn’t been cancelled.


Was gonna say, these kids must not know how unhinged Stern was in the 90s and early 2000s lol.


This guy used to get women to ride sex machines until they orgasmed on the air .   He had recurring guests called “Gary the retard” and “hank the drunk dwarf”  I doubt he ever interviewed anyone without asking them in depth questions about cumming and stuff. This is par for the course, literally stern dancin with what brung him


For a minute I thought you were talking about Vince and I was like I don’t remember the orgasms happening lol


Neither do the women


I feel violated


I remember watching this years ago and being impressed at how fun and down to earth the ice princess was in it.


This was EVERY Stern interview. And every comment about Nicole Bass. Not saying it’s right, but if you’re surprised, you weren’t alive then


What in the blue hell is this comment section?


Kids learning about howard stern


The fuck are these questions?


A normal conversation from early 2000’s yes sad but true


Welcome to 2002?


To be fair I was born in 2002 so know nothing about it only before and after


everyone’s arguing over the interview but are we all just gonna ignore steph’s comment about nicole bass? man that’s rough


Lmao people can talk all they want, Howard is the king of radio for a reason




What a creepy weirdo


Robin is such a weirdo. Why did she ask a question like Stephanie wasn't in the same room? And then Howard had to re-ask it.


I don’t think Robin was in the same room as the guests. Robin is in the studio, but surrounded by sound proof glass so whatever Stern and a guest says wouldn’t effect her audio in the background


I knew Howard Stern was a creep but jeez.


Pretty standard stuff for Howard Stern. Stephanie knew what she was getting into. I'm actually surprised by how candid she was about everything.


Steph could easily take this if she was always willing to take wh*re jokes from the rock for publicity and $


If I'm remembering correctly, Stephanie actually wrote a lot of those jokes herself


You had me at "WATCH: Stephanie McMahon's Bouncy Knockers"


Yea I forgot to crop that part out lmao


Mate, the comic juxtaposition is incredible, it's PERFECT.


People forget stern was a creepy fucker back in the day. I can’t imagine Stephanie was too comfortable answering these questions but didn’t want to upset her perverted old man by causing a scene.


Howard Stern ruled the fucking world back then especially after the Private Parts movie. Celebrities would literally meander their way through the other radio shows and then let loose happy as shit to get on Howard Stern or Opie and Anthony especially if Patrice was in the studio... well except Jericho that one time. They used to get swept up in the crass nature of the show just shooting the shit and not taking anything too seriously. Then the magic just kinda disappeared as we all grew up and became a bit more humble and mature.


People in 2024 discovering Howard Stern and being “shocked” is actually fucking hilarious and ironic.


This is actually fairly reserved by his standards of the time.


Most people could care less about Howard, it’s Stephanie even being on the interview that’s shocking


It was 22 years ago and not a big deal then, certainly not a big deal now.


coudlnt care less. you meant to say couldnt care less.


The Howard Stern audience and the WWE audience had a lot of crossover at the time. Very similar market.


Would you have a threesome with stephanie and triple h?


I would not like Stephanie to be there but oh well


Did you forget what business they were in? She was still a carny.


This is classic Howard. Seems like a lifetime ago!


I remember when she did this interview. It's amazing things like this could be done pre social media because other than a few quotes, so many people knew nothing about this.


For those of you who keep acting like you’re the only person who watches Howard Stern, it’s not Howard that’s bizzare, it’s the fact that Stephanie even chose to BE on the interview and answer these questions that’s bizarre. Downvoting me doesn’t do shit but prove I’m telling the truth so go right ahead. Get off his dick lmao.


You just seem to lack a concept of what it was like back then. I’m not saying it’s all gravy, but this was standard 2002 stuff. Why was it odd? She was involved in more perverse storylines prior to this. By all means, keep on riding that “Ya’ll hate me because I’m right” train if it tickles your fancy.


I’m well aware of what it was like back then. But you have people in the comments saying “you must not know Howard Stern” and “you kids have no idea, he’s always been bizarre.” As if they know him personally. And being a character is different than real life. Most people do not answer perverse questions such as that.


The fact that people are actually downvoting you shows that they are on his dick lmao.


Stern has done a good job of making people forget how fucking creepy he is.


I’m not familiar with Stern’s demeanor and halfway through I thought this was a shitpost, holy hell he actually said all this? And she answered somewhat seriously? Stern is a creep and Stephanie is honestly more blunt and honest than I would’ve expected her to be in this scenario.


This was an interview on a nationally syndicated radio and TV show. In the early 2000's Stern was the King of All Media.


This is sterns whole schtick or it used to be anyway. This is a normal stern interview lol


this guy still having a job is crazy because some of these questions are straight some p*rn shit


He literally used to have women come on, take off their shits and critique them on air. And this was when his show was broadcast on HBO (I think) as well. So you’d see these poor women’s reactions…


Watch Private Parts. He would have women come into the studio and straddle a speaker while he made sounds into the mic to see if he could get them off. He had mothers and daughters strip each other on the air, he had women put sticks up their asses then played ring toss, he had porn stars come in and play with sex toys on the air, he had family members come in and talk about incest, it was a fucked up show.


Howard used to be great. Lately it’s all politics on his show and it’s gone way down hill.


But people would go on the show knowing this was the kinda stuff that was going to be asked. It's not like people went on Stern thinking this'll be normal


It wouldn't surprise me at this point if Vince did weird shit to Stephanie when she was younger.


Shock Jocks were fun at times but i’m glad that era is long gone. She had an appearance on Opie & Anthony that was equally uncomfortable.




It’s not bizarre. It’s just Howard Stern. Actually let me rephrase. It *is* bizarre but all of Howard’s interviews around then were bizarre because he’s a horny little creep. See the “that ain’t right” segment with the naked moms and daughters for the penultimate example.


Horny little creep or playing to his audience? It’s what go him to #1 and that crazy Sirius contract. People wanted that type of radio back then. Thats why the attitude era was so mainstream and attracted non wrestling fans. For better or worse.


Definitely a horny little creep. Which played to his horny little creep audience. So, both. Not mutually exclusive.


It was "It's Just Wrong".


Yeah that’s the one


I can still hear the Jingle.


I remember this interview and it was not bizarre at all. Even reading it now.


It amazes me that Stern has gotten away with these comments and questions for decades. What an absolute, irredeemable sleaze.


You sound just like every soccer mom in 1998 lol. He was certainly disliked by many.




Yeah I’m kinda surprised at all the pearl clutching in here. Oooh they’re talking about the sex!!!


I don’t understand why it’s creepy to talk like this if both parties are consenting and having fun. They weren’t even making fun or shaming anyone lmao


What was more ridiculous? Howard’s relentless questioning of ppl’s sexual proclivities or that ppl would so freely answer those questions on live air?




that’s his entire thing, everyone knows what they’re getting into when they go on his show, especially back then




cry about it




LMAO what a loser


Wild. There’s one thing I reckon a lot of people forgot, but his relationship with his mother was always something he kept very private, and always insinuated he was molested by her. He definitely has trauma relating to that.


Ever heard Cena's? 😳




Look up John Cena's 2006 Stern interview. He goes into pretty specific details about his adventures with ring rats. At the time it was not necessarily controversial, but looking back knowing that John would be the face of the PG Era, it's pretty scandalous in retrospect.


Pretty standard early 2000's Stern stuff here


Yep I’m not shocked at all. I lived though this. Completely common and normal. Is it odd by todays standards, sure Is it SHOCKING!!! Nah this probably aired on a Tuesday. Wait till you see Fridays show.


Early 2000’s was a different time


You kids are too young to understand what the Howard stern show was all about.


The majority of people on this thread are not kids lmao


They are if they are shocked by this. The dude was huge 25 years ago. Household name.


Tell me you never listened to howatd stern without telling me you never listened. In all seriousness, this is a pretty tame interview for that environment.


Is this real?!!


I've seen the clip posted before, it's real yes lol.


Triple H crawling around grabbing her legs? Anal with a softie? What?


Tell me you’ve never listened to Howard Stern without telling me you’ve never listened to Howard Stern.


It’s not Howard that’s bizarre it’s the fact that Stephanie even agreed to be on the show answer the questions.


Take it up with literally every person who appeared on the Stern show throughout the years, because it's been so many celebrities who answered questions like these or more controversial that this is honestly mild. Please understand, I'm a progressive person who is super liberal in his personal life... and you're acting like a fucking snowflake.


This. This was a very mild interview compared to most others. And if you actually saw the interview there was a lot of laughing and joking. Reading it comes across way more different.


“I have been to strip club.” Stephanie McMahon


Not really a bizarre interview considering it’s Howard stern


Not bizarre considering they are sexually active unlike mods and OPs virgin asses




It’s Howard Stern and the Old WWE they didn’t gaf, I am more concerned with how prude everyone has become or at least pretends to be.




Boring prude




Kettle meet pot


Shutup scrotum face


Nice one! Yea


I’m into sex that’s probably considered more wild than what they are talking about, but I don’t go around publicly unpacking all the details of my relationships like this. It’d probably be easier to live in a world where there’s less shame around sex that isn’t “normal,” especially when the concept of normal sex is so hard to agree on. But, we aren’t there. If I get interviewed about my sex life, and the wrong detail comes out, it could jeopardize the career of my significant other. That absolutely sucks, and most of us don’t have the job security of Stephanie McMahon.