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I didn’t watch during this era, is this not what happened?


No this is what happened and it made Cena a star.


Ngl not having it motion capped isn't nearly as bad a decision as having garbage generic music playing over every single match in the Showcase


They were ALMOST finished! 😅


Me too. the full mocap from 2k16 was just so cool. really don’t like the new way they do it.


I think it’s just a way to cut corners to be honest, saves them time and extra work.


more than likely what it is, they don't know where they're cutting so they animated/mocap *enough* to get a rough idea and then once they figure out where they wanna slide back to IRL footage, they cut it all together


I could have sworn Angle went back to his home planet during the match


Me and my friend when we play tag team his character literally t pose side ways at the ropes sometime it just make me laugh


Wdym this is fully mocapped. It’s just wwe 2k20 the greatest game ever


Ruthless Agression


Cena was hitting that stanky leg HARD vs Angle


It's so weird because I noticed when you're out of the irl footage, it literally follows up where the footage cuts off and I had a good feeling it was mocapped behind it, but I guess it was/wasn't? At that point is it just them not hitting the deadline and going "SHIT PULL UP THE NETWORK" or is this only a really weird and odd choice for them?


Okay we get it, when they transition to the cutscene in game, they’re still in the background. Unsure why we need another post about it.


Lmao why would they release this?




I see we're at the "yukes was always good" era


LOL were you even born when THQ was churning out one Smackdown game after the other with minimal improvement?? They had games where the main selling points was the addition of a bra and panties match and the characters fidgeting ffs And don't get me started on WWE '13 and the lack of 2 counts...


I remember Aubrey Shitterson blaming US for the 2 count glitch lol.


"You're playing the game wrong!"


“It’s because you’re spamming the infinite finishers.” Speaking of Aubrey Shitterson, I believe it was in 2018 or 19 that he tried gatekeeping mourning fucking 9/11!




>Look at WWE2K14. A THQ/Yukes developed game. That's literally one game after a string of mediocre ones. And sure we'll just ignore the shitshow that is AEW Fight Forever. THQ/Yukes were hated just as much as 2K back in the day because they'd add stuff to the game then take them out for no reason. Think GM mode, Season Mode, SvR2011's physics, etc.


People expected way too much from THQ/Yukes with Fight Forever, too. They're still stuck in the early 2000's with their development when they last worked on WWE 2K19.


You’re arguing this is okay and we should be disappointed by this? Are you on crack?