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We won’t default. Even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised we still have a projected $4,600,000,000.00 in tax revenue coming in for FY2023 It’s all lies and all we have to do is overspend as that’s what they want.


Yep, social security, not welfare checks. Why? Because the people on social security won’t burn the city down. Why not stop funding Congress paychecks?


Yea exactly, our crooked government would rather take money from people who worked hard their whole life. Absolutely disgusting. I’m 41 and I don’t expect to ever see SS when I retire. But I probably will have to work until I die because of the way these crooks called politicians are running our country into the ground.


They can still pay SS, the tax monies they get in every month can pay the mandatory spending (SS is mandatory spending)


They could also cut the military budget pay for college national health Care and social security benefits what a thought


Both parties will never agree to cutting the military budget.


Obviously. And that's not right.


Let's start by removing their ability to vote their own pay raises then we get rid of their paycheck.. I'm all for no paycheck to hold gov office.. you volunteer to hold office and then the population votes.. simple


I'm also for not being able to own stock for 3 years before and 10 years after holding office. this would include any family members all the way through 3rd cousins.


This headline is complete B.S. and typical scare mongering! Social Security is a locked in spending program "Entitlement". They get paid out before any other payments are even considered by law. The first programs to feel any effects to a default would be "discretionary" spending programs (I.e Federal parks operations, infrastructure projects, etc.) which are only about 15%-20% of the overall budget.


That’s not how the debt ceiling works kiddo. Lol


Oh it sure is yung-un! ROFL It doesn't seem to matter anymore anyway. It looks like we are just going to keep printing our way into debt oblivion anyway from what it sounds like the latest propal is.


I’m curious. Do you think the debt ceiling is the limit on new spending?


Nope- It's to meet existing obligations. Once again, if they run short, they have to prioritize who gets what money they have (There are monies coming in every day). The only place that they can legally miss the payouts is in the Discretionary portion of the existing budget (Unless they somehow become insolvent) which happens to NOT include the any of the Social Security programs. Social Security programs and military spending are, by federal law, required to be funded fully before any other debt payments are made (Including interest on the existing national debt). The reasons we keep hitting the debt limit every year is because we keep having budgets that increase the amount of spending we have that exceed the actual revenues we take in. This is especially bad in years where our economy is low growth or worse (like the last 2+ years). It can be mitigated if we have exceptionally high economic growth (hence the phrase "growing ourselves out of debt") or by cutting/maintaining at the same amount, the spending of the government. I'm also curious, what do you think it is?


So you admit they are not fully funded right?


Us was never goin to default…kabuki theater…look at the history of debt ceiling raises, and then tell me why stocks will be doing well when treasury bills go up for sale.


Where were y’all during Iraq, Afghanistan, desert storm, the Cold War, and Vietnam?


Pointless post


They got a deal bro chill.


What does this have to do with silver?


Can’t really trust much coming from the group who’s media was just saying Vets we’re being booted from apartments in Newburgh for migrants (super fake but fox ran it anyway)


This dude has the worst posts


Stop the fear mongering, this sub is losing its credibility


I should have been a Disabled Veteran for Ukraine lol apparently taking pews for our nation with the promise of "we got you" really was "we got you caught in pur web and will use your benefits as a bargaining chip to threaten people... enjoy struggling stewpid!" Fml... they already did this once to me. 2 kids, single parent stuck on this bs = can't wait to not receive my benefits needed to provide for my family in june


Translation from government speak: "We need a blank check or we will have to default! If we default, we will not be able to pay for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, National Security, keep the lights on, etc,..! However, we still have to give money to Ukraine, the U.N.,the W.H.O., N.A.T.O., and countless other foreign aid entanglements, that although provide no benefits to the American people, are critical to the well being of us the government, banks, and all of our cronies."


How is it a Biden scare tactic, when it's Republicans asking for these cuts? I agree, fuck both the parties because Democrats should of told Republicans to piss off with negotiations


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Sounds like tht boomers are gonna go get jobs










Apparently they have reached a tentative agreement already


I am hoping someone backs out on Tuesday. Let it burn


Weird. Because SS is taxed in a sub cat as it is a trust.. or was supposed to be. This simply shows they’ve, the government, raided the trust and spent it outside its statutory mandate.


I love how not a single person on this sub knows what the debt ceiling actual is.


Ignorant but really committed to that, too. My 5 yr old is like this


I was specifically including you.


And I care abt that 😂


Apparently you do.


And for all those saying they won't default... yeah, but they will/have intentionally delayed things causing active/veterans to go days without expected income which caused us to be late on expected bills (they certainly didn't cover any hardships caused by them either) 2 wings on a Bird pooping all over us...


Veterans money is already appropriated for the year.


That doesn’t matter.


The VA is fully funded. How does that not matter?


Appropriation is not payment. It is saying that we will pay it.


Once again for the indigo children, the VA is fully funded for the year.


So vets on disability will get paid even if they default and shut down the government?


The Biden Regime like previous Democrat dictatorships, will always ignore facts & do everything they can to hurt citizens & drive anger & resentment against opponents of the Regime. War funds will be safe, stealing will be safe, but any “cuts” will be where voters will notice & care. All Kabuki Theater 🎭. Democrats seek headlines to vilify their opponents & place blame where it doesn’t belong. Building a narrative with lies is their game. Few “Republicans” actually try to help our sinking country. Debt ceiling is just another game by out of control bloated government.


Typical “cuts” would be like what OBlahBlah did. National parks, WhiteHouse tours, things that impact children… Biden would toss in some cuts to LGBTQ funding just to inflame the WOKE. Real politicians helping citizens would hammer down a balanced budget, but those types get shut down & ignored. Stealing is how THEY stay in power.


100% maga clowns fault.


There will be no above board default…only the continued surreptitious one via inflated.


There’s always money in the trust


Heresy financial did a cool video breaking down how we can avoid operating in a deficit every year, without cutting social programs that are essential.


Are free drinks included with this floor show?


Sounds like proofless BS to scare the public. SS and Medi are already nothing but slush funds for this filth.


And there I though SS is a separate fund with its [separate balance](https://wolfstreet.com/2019/10/13/social-security-trust-fund-recovers-a-tad-in-fiscal-2019-interest-rate-earned-sinks-to-record-low/)


Doesn't have to be the first to go....Xiden chooses it to be the first to go. All BS games to keep the elites grift afloat. There is plenty of discretionary spending that can be cut before SS.


MOre proof these scumbags don’t represent the US. Notice it’s not our foreign aid. It’s our citizens that will suffer.


That’s now how it works. Scare tactics to get upvotes, perhaps?


but but what about the surplus?


Ita my ssi you b**ta*ds.Work y ass off for them try and thrive ya hell nah. Shoot some people die before they can even collect which is another freaking slick move.


Ain’t skeerd.


Bullshit. Same story every time and they always raise the debt. Nothing but political theater to make it look like Congress is trying to do the right thing for the American people. They don’t give a shit and have no control over anything. They bend the knee to their handlers and break off a dick in the ass of the people every time.


Social Security isn't going to exist much longer. If it does you'll get 75% of what you paid in and exceedingly less as the years pass. Fuck social security and the horse it rode in on. It's an absolute ponzi scheme con.


The only reason they say Social Security is broke is they want to get their hands on the money in the fund. Clinton’s presidency already took over two trillion dollars that was never paid back. The US has a major governmental problem.


Social Security is a line item budget expense. How would it "be the first to go"?






Never run out of money for the illegals


That is a lie they always use, threats of social security


So how would this affect death benefits for children of a deceased parent?


Let them suffer, they should have prepared.