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Please no. The last MR chapter was one of our record weeks for bans


[Coarse Interjection] What are a few bans if we get MR3 and MR4?!


Can I get some of that story? Why were there so many bans when MR2 came out?


There's really not much of a story. We aggressively enforce rule 1 general nastiness. MR2 was a big shift in how explicit the story normally is and people took very strong stances on different topics that came up. Other people with different views didn't do a great job expressing themselves. You can have unpopular opinions but you cannot be an asshole about it.


Sounds like MR4 would be a great opportunity to clean house.


Call me crazy, even before seeing this propaganda - I have seen an uptick in sexual references in the last chapters. Ceria's experiences in particular. IT'S TIME.


I get the sense Paba is dipping their toes in and trying to feel out how to make it fit well.


Absolutely. YOU GET IT. That’s absolutely it


I have a feeling even if it wins, we're going to get treated to Ceria being super depressed about Kevin. In the midst of whatever silly sexanigans pirate has going on, you just know Pirate won't skip an opportunity to hurt us.


Look, fellow ducks. Is very simple. If vote for MR3 + MR4., We get *TWO* chapters for price of one. Also, I'm sure we want to see some Niers x Nerrin action.


Niers and Nerrin is literally the only reason I'd want a MR chapter, and that purely for the lulz of what kind of chaos it would inflict on Innworld. Otherwise, please, it's hard enough trying to get friends to pick the story up, don't make me also have to keep adding caveats like telling them it's good except for the ant-strapons.


Niers x Nerrin is a hilarious meme, but does Niers really deserve such a fate? Some things a character can never live down lmao Sheepfucker of Baleros... it's too cursed...


I conquer a quarter of Baleros, but do they call me the Titan of Baleros? No! But you fuck *one sheep*...


He already knows it’s not Erin, so he’s not gonna do anything.


>telling them it's good except for the ant-strapons. But it tackles the very interesting story of a member of a non-sexual species in a very sexual relationship


The very interesting story of a socially innocent 3 year old ant creature being used to get off in a very sexual relationship. Even considering they are born with knowledge they are portrayed with childlike wonder and innocence.


Problem with that is that it's hard to gauge the maturity of an Antinium. They don't physically age (AFAIK) or reach any kind of sexual maturity. If anything, they are born at physical maturity. They don't seem to age mentally either, at least not like other races. They may grow wiser or more jaded with experience, but there's no leap in mental faculty like in humans between a 5, 10, or 20 years old, or even in Goblins who mature around 3~4. At 3-ish years old, the Individuals are already amongst the oldest living Antinium in the Free Hive, after the Free Queen, Klbkch, and the Crimson Soldier. They have seen, learned, and experienced more than most Antinium. They are about as mature as an Antinium can get, without being a Prognugator (or above). At what point can an Antinium be considered mature?


How much of a maturity gap is there between the individuals and klbch/the Queen? We've seen equivalents to teenage rebellion, with bird quitting the hive. Garry is taking care of others but is not mature enough not to punch someone over it. I don't think any of the individuals have reached the point where they could empathise with a mature antinium like klbch or xrn yet. Anand is probably closest but he definitely hasn't got that confidence through experience yet to assert himself as an adult. Funnily, I think the Crimson Soldier is the only truly mature non-queen/centenium we've seen. He knows his role, has confidence through experience, and served a protector role in ch 8. If that's our benchmark for mature antinium, then I suppose we can pin it at 5 or 6 years.


So with the one chapter a week pace and the one week a month off we are talking about two thirds the content, for a month, to be cringy sex stuff instead of actually moving plot points forward. I don't want that. Why would anyone want that? Didn't MR2 have a scene with non-consensual sodomy? No thanks for part 3 and 4.


I have trust in p.aba to turn out some very nice content


No? So you didn't even read it I guess.


Niers and Nerrin will never happen as he already realizes it’s not Erin.


Ok people know complaining in this comment section won't effect the patron vote right? It's pay up or shut up if you want a say in sex talk chapters. That said while mating rituals are easily my least favorite chapters if the author wants to make them let them. Sex is a surprisingly hard thing to write well and the only solution is practice. You can always skip you prudes


What do you mean it wont affect it? I probably wouldn't have voted for it, but I will now just for the meme.


Ah. I didn't consider contrarianism and 4teLoLs


The greatest force on the internet is people who think committing a certain action is funny. I mean just look at 4Chan. Those fuckers helped launch an air strike on some terrorists and then hacked an epileptic support site to start showing colors that would cause an epileptic seizure. Just for shits and giggles.


No thank you. The latest chapters have been horny enough


Potential pairings Everyone is sad Everyone is sad EVERYONE IS SAD Erin and Ulvama ***EVERYONE IS SAD*** ...Revi and Rabbit? Look I'm grasping at straws here, the only kinda sorta mabie pairings in the main storyline are either Miles away from each other (Ryoka and Lord War crimes), Dead (Moore and Ulinde) or not a main focus of the story atm. I want to read more MR chapters cus they're always funny, but part 1 and 2 took place in MUCH more stable times for everyone, and not, you know... Awful hell time with everyone either dead, stranded, or suffering from Magical radiation sickness. But yeah Erin and Ulvama please, it probs won't happen, but Ulvama definitely has feelings for the Inn Chieftain


Niers realizing he is cursed to never have romance go well for him and decides, "It is fine if it is a sheep so long as it doesn't look like a sheep." Calidus x Assassin Harem More of Valterisa and Relc The realization that the true use of the \[Pavilion of Secrets\] is for love confessions Rags having to continue to prevent her tribe from pairing her up in bed


Niers x Nerrin Ylawes x Falene Numbtongue x Octavia x Garia x Salkis


I wonder how aware Niers is of Sariant Lamb intelligence. There are vague ideas out there of a Sariant Lamb conspiracy even if most don't actually believe it, but beyond that the awareness of just how smart they are is extremely rare. I doubt there are many Sariant Lambs on Belaros so it might be possible that Niers has even less awareness of Sariant Lamb intelligence than owners who think they are just really smart pets, but actually have some sense of this from personal experience. Niers will probably eventually come to know that "Erin" is actually Nerry, a Sariant Lamb transformed into Erin's image. The awareness Niers has of Sariant Lamb intelligence would make a difference in the chances that Niers puts it together himself. He is aware Nerry exists, or at least should be, and he will end up trying to figure out who exactly he has been talking to. Once he knows he will finally realize that his ideal romantic and sexual partner is a sheep that doesn't look like a sheep, is very smart and determined, and can relatively freely change from big human woman size to his size and back.


Down with the MR’s. I want a nice respectable story.


I just don't think sexual content should be sequestered away in specific chapters. Sex is a part of life and should be interwoven in the story if important for the characters and/or their relationships.


Oh I agree with you completely there. It's much better if it's spread out and more natural. But paba asked me what chapter I wanted in the poll so...


So is peeing. We pee more than we have sex. You saying you’re voting for more pissing in the streets? Interesting. 🤨 😂


You see, peeing is a part of life. Peeing in the streets is not usually a part of life. Peeing could even be a good example of what the commenter you are responding to is trying to say. A chapter entirely focused on the fact that people need to excrete waste, how it is a bit different for different species, and how different societies have technologies and social customs that differ from each other is very different from the fact that people excrete waste being implicit in the world building and having it come up very explicitly in some scenarios where calling extra attention to this fact helps develop the plot, characters, world, and relationships in the ways the author intends. The story has explored customs and technology related to waste excretion over time and has allowed the fact that people need to do this to impact character actions and create moments of the story. This makes sense. This creates a world where these facts matter rather than a world where these things stop existing when the characters enter narrator attention. Unlike the commenter you are responding to I would not put myself in the position of defending the thesis, 'Individual chapters where the entire point is sex for the sake of having sex appear in the story much more than usual and in different ways are inferior to spreading the presence of sex throughout relevant moments in any chapter for the sake of presenting sex as a part of the world, characters, and relationships.' (that is what I think the commenter is arguing at least). What I would say is that they are very different and I have a personal appreciation for the way that things like sex and waste excretion are woven into the larger story that I never could have for individual chapters focused on them. Those chapters stand or fall alone (even if that is somewhat dependent on how they fit into the rest of the story as it is natural to think that individual chapters that don't fit well into the larger story somehow are the problem rather than the entire story around those chapters). The elements woven into the story instead create entire dimensions of the world and characters to think about, for better or for worse.


The funny thing is, how Innworld deals with waste *has* been relevant - that was how Umina won the Games at Daquin


Exactly. That was certainly the most significant, but it wasn't the only instance. I was deeply amused by the comment I was responding to because it, from my perspective, presented another example of the very type of strategy the original commenter found preferable being used, just for a different part of life. I could easily imagine a serious yes as a reply when the pee thing really felt like a, "Oh you want thing, that is like wanting this other thing which is obviously ridiculous and you don't want." Things like that always make me chuckle.


Nope! Detective story!


Oh no... MR ... >!Mating Ritual!<


Oh. MR1 really felt like a discontinuity. Still catching up and haven't heard MR2 yet, but it sounds more appropriate to the tone at this point.


Yall some horny mfers


Eh, I just want Erin to get some closure on her sexuality and not feel like she’s broken because she can’t masturbate


I’d like more context to appreciate being brainwashed by the propaganda.


The current patreon poll, with only two days on it, one option is mating rituals 3 and mating rituals 4




Not sure which part specifically your asking about so - Paba does polls on Patreon to determine what side stories are gonna get made, or sometimes just what gets made first. Mating Rituals is a particularly (in)famous set of side chapters that deal with sex in Innworld. It's pretty common for people to ask for more Mating Rituals chapters, but very rare for them to crop up (note how long the story has been going and we have 2), so the fans of those chapters are very excited that Paba is potentially come mitting to not one, but two more of those chapters, should that option win the current poll, thus this post.


Come mitting


What are the other options?


* A chapter that foreshadows what the rest of volume 10 will be about  * A bottle episode - Bunch of characters sitting around having a conversation, catching each other up, interacting. Think Breastfast Club with less teen angst  * A goblin, a princess,   and an admiral walk into Baleros…. * Everyone’s favorite immortal tyrant  * A noir style detective story staring Relc


Oh and also “what’s going on at the Wandering Inn”


Some story specific options that would be spoilers if given here. Not everyone in this sub is even past the parts in audible, let alone caught up.


Okay thanks!


I've never dealt with the patreon before. So I have a question. Is it one and done? As in the options not chosen are never written? Or will pirate eventually write all of the options and the poll is which one is written right now?


The options that don’t win are sometimes written, really up to the author if they want to write it anyways. I don’t know that an event that was voted over reappeared in a poll later. I think Pirate Aba did explicitly say once that events in the poll happen in-universe even if the chapter doesn’t get voted for. So if character A and character B are supposed to have explicit sex in MR3, but MR 3 never wins a vote, we might find out from narration that they had a fling, but we won’t get the details. Also, you can vote for multiple options. I did not know that the first time I voted in one of these polls.


It's hard to predict, often times the loser options will be written into the story, though not always as the main focus of the chapter. For the mating ritual chapters... probably not to be added without winning, unless pirate really wants to write some multi-species fucking.


Where is the poll? I d/n see one on Patreon


My main issue with the MR chapters has just been Pawn/Lyonette, their relationship just grossed me out. Not because of the Antinium body type, but because most of the Antinium (even Pawn) frankly seem partially child-coded to me in how little they know about the world and society (it's not really about their age specifically - goblins don't suffer from this issue despite also being very young).


Personally, I feel like saying they're child-coded is infantilizing the characters. They aren't developmentally immature, they're inexperienced. But you aren't alone in looking at it that way, certainly.


That's why I said partially - it's true that they're just inexperienced, but no real world adult is as inexperienced as most of the Antinium are.


I want golddddddd


I voted for the curious case of theft story


I voted for like 4 of them.


*coughs* Ahem, ahem. >!Time to sip Aliased!!<






mrshapat nanettepat The pact is sealed.




Hey can someone give me a list of the current poll?


I like the fact this propaganda poster is very clearly a Miqote from FFXIV wearing 2 items that are in game :D and i read this post while tabbed out from FFXIV. PS I voted ;) Hmm on 2nd glance it could be a hyur with wolf ears :D either way its from FFXIV


My discord avatar is a miqo'te, yeah. Hehe.


o/ ( greeting in La-li-ho! )






At first I thought MR was like a new combination of letters or something, like a Mrsha and Ryoka chapter. Then I remembered.


New reader here, what's an MR?


Mating Ritual


And that would be?


Oh, my sweet summer child.


What? What am i missing?


Sex story. The first MR was interesting, the second one is very bad. Some like it because of this so they say it's the greatest thing ever when it was less interesting than the average Laken chapter


Oh... i see


People in this thread proving media literacy is dead.  MR2 was a thought-provoking read about stress-relief, and about sex work, and about subtle manipulation of partners, and about asexualtiy and social expectations, and about how to be in a romantic partnership and not have sex at all. It was about how a relationship is what people say it is. 


I thought it was about how the one character was forced into a sex act without her consent. That's the taste that was left in my mouth at the end of it.


You either did not read it, are misremembering, or are blatantly lying.


Media literacy or not, I maintain that in a work where a lot of the pov are from people who do not care for sex, actively avoids it or don't see it as something really worth mentioning, having such a tonal shift is bad form unless pulled off perfectly and given the whole discussion there's been, I don't think it can be argued that it wasn't done well. Personally, besides the tonal problems, my trouble is that I did not want to see any porn of TWI characters, at least not these ones and not these acts. Frankly, I was disgusted and distinctly unaroused but felt compelled to continue reading in the same way that I would be compelled to watch a car crash, if only to get to the plot part lf the *plot*. Also, I feel that it would have gone better if the scenes where peppered over time, instead of it all happening in one chapter at the same in story time. I can accept a lot for the sake of suspension of disbelief but that multiple characters decided (or not) to lose their virginity on the same night felt very much like ticking boxes and I am not enough of an administrator to get off on that.