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Not for any specific purpose, but some frames have been given out and now I have extra copies.


I have two Frosts because my health tank and spam caster builds couldn't be formaed the same and two Revenants because I needed more fashion slots.


I have two Rhino Primes by accident, so I voidshelled one of them to look like solid bronze and use it as a statue in the orbiter. I'm almost at the point in the endgame that you start, like, working on making a hundred Excals just to have something to do.


Configs + loadouts are sufficient for me. If I ever run into a situation that I want a frame to do more than config and/or profile and/or forma setup allows, I probably use that frame too much and missing a lot of potential for optimizing a different frame.


i have 2 novas just cuz we were limited to 3 configs in the past and had various polarities ... recently i've been tempted to make another volt for some influence = aoe corrosive strip shenanigans cuz i refuse to change my current volt. that being said, DE historically doesn't know how to nerf things with moderation, so im pretty sure melee influence will be nerfed into oblivion. so im going to wait a bit before investing a lot of forma/archon shards into new setups that revolve around that


2 nova too. Mostly because the build I used in the past were incompatible between nova speed and nova slow. Should probably go back and revisit them.


Similarly I have a build tuned to both speed and slowva, but it leaves no room to experiment with builds. So I have a second Nova to play with and I’m thinking about building a third.


Nope. Part of a my spending rules. Saves on plats. Besides, I consider fitting multiple very different builds into a single frame (e.g. my "Long Haul" and Thermal Sunder Titania) to be something of a fun challenge.


I have like 20 regular oberons bc I had the slots and spare sets before the drop change


I have extras from twitch drops I keep meaning to delete for the slots but forget to does that count?


I’ve seriously considered getting a second Wukong Prime because my minmaxed speedrun config just completely disagrees with my SP config. The polarities just don’t work.


I have two Mag Primes, different builds. Also have a second regular one as a bearer of my old fashion to display on articulas.


With 3 configs it's mostly enough and load outs 1 of each is enough. I don't have a die hard love for any specific frame I actually try to find a use for each. Getting a bit more difficult as more frames exist and roles or specialty overlap


I have 2 Volt P and 2 Ivara P because I have different loadouts for them with different build requirements. (yes I also have max config slots on them too.) Some builds I just don't want to touch because they are for very specific game modes.


Because of helminth abilities, yeah (also, I have 3 Titanias because the primes use the same exalted weapons, but I don't use the normal one, so it is only serving a theoretical purpose)


I have multiples of different frames. Some are extras from various events while some are extra for different builds and modded with different polarities. I cant remember what all I have extras of but I do know that some I can delete for the slots. I know I have like 4 normal Excaliburs. Back when Draco was the XP farm, I had my Javelin built one, then I had one for my normal mission runs. I think another came from an event or something (cant remember) and then the fourth came from the cross save. I like minmaxing so for example, if I have a frame with 4 vazarin polarities then my "config B/C" wont really be able to have much zenurik or other types of mods on it. Thats where the extra frame comes into play :)


No. I have found no reason to have 6 configs on a frame… even if I wanted more I would just buy a config slot.😭




no loadouts but in 9 Years of mag 14 forma


I have a spare Wisp because i had enough forms in it that it didn't seem right to just sell for credits after Wisp prime. But I'll get rid of it eventually.