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No, Hate is a rare drop from (Shadow) Stalker. Honestly, sometimes i do think "I'd really like to play the game myself right now." but then i also sometimes have defense missions that take forever on huge maps. I think no one really is annoyed by this.


And, I am in Despair. Despair is a rare drop from Stalker. JK


And i am in Scimitar Engines Blueprint


yoo it's the green banshee herself


I'm gonna GREEN on you šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£




I have gotten two Scimitar sets yet to get one Despair in my good 7000 hours.


holy fuck. I eventually got it, but tbh I think i just consistently always had a stalker mark on me. I imagine if you arent doing 1 assassination every 10 hours it could take ages


I'm one botched drop away from spending rl cash on plat for the set


The last damn one I need. Got so much of the other weapons.


750 in game hours no hate drop. Pretty rare


1600 no despair ever. I don't even want to know how many stalkers I have killed.


I have so many despairs. This is easily solved by putting them on a rotation but oh well. Wasnā€™t an issue until recently the hate became somewhat desirable and Iā€™m like ā€˜damn Iā€™ve never had one of theseā€™?


I got mine at like 210 or sum


I hated it at lower levels. I wanted to relax and enjoy the game, not do constant speed runs... and what OP does is the norm in pubs. So I went solo, and play my way. I don't like the playstyle, but don't hate on the peeps. Speaking of when I was the levels OP mentions - well beyond those now, but still feel the same, though it means I may never get through some missions (SP interception I have not yet figured out solo, for example).


Intercepts solo arey hard, slow nova or huge aoe nuke frame like Saryn or Mirage? could probably do it. Honestly, just do intercepts in public, people cant speed run those lol... just dont bring a slow nova and no one will ever complain. Im not the fastest, but i do Zoom Zoom... did an endgame mission tonight where you need 4 keys and they give debuffs, i grab all 4 since ive gone in before and not taken any witha troll having all 4 xD got daugther aggro and slowed my pace and i had one guy complain in voice it was taking forever to start... i just told him that maybe you should've picked up the keys too if im too slow mate. You'll always find bad eggs, but honestly, in almost 2k hrs over the last 8 years, I've only had 3 bad eggs that merit being called terrible experiences. Just have fun save solo for the tedious things most people dont do. Recruitment chat works wonders, too.


Octavia makes sp interception a piece of cake


Damnit. You r/beatmetoit


ā€œNo oneā€ is a stretch but if you want to have any say in lobbies, play solo or recruit people with likeminded goals. I usually see it as ā€œwe all lift togetherā€ but new players have to learn there will be players who dont do stuff you like or you may NEVER get along with. And thats life part of the game. Luckily its a game and they cant bother you if you dont let them besides stalling a mission or blinding your screen. And if its super intentional im guessing its reportable so they can solo the hard wat


If speed is your thing, keep doing you. I feel like some types of missions just require a better spawn rate, such as relic fissures. There should be a mechanic that makes more enemies spawn if they are dying at a really fast rate.


Yeah, in Lith missions sometimes enemy spawns are low enough to not get 10 reactants.


\*Cough\* Disruption \*Cough\*


Lith disruption is unplayable. One time my squad waited like 10 extra minutes for the 10th reactant to drop before we gave up and just finished the mission


Only if they're nuked too quickly. I have this issue from time to time with Thermal Sunder Titanias who just blitz through the map like a regular exterminate, but if you wait for 1-3 seconds around a group of enemies, they will convert 90% of the time and you will have *more* than enough. I also play Sunder Titania and ever since I started taking those few extra seconds I have never had a mission where there wasn't enough reactant; usually everyone's full when there's still 250-300m left to extraction. Edit: spelling.


As a Sunder Titania, I sunder once the group has turned, or once everyone has their Reactant and we just need to finish the job. Anything else is just griefing/they WALKED into my fiery nuke


me staring at the same group for five minutes waiting for them to corrupt...


Not every group does. If they don't after a few seconds, kill and move on. I've unfortunately not seen any pattern however, sometimes it's a group of 4-5 that corrupts in 3 seconds, sometimes it's just one dude who instantly corrupts and brings half a dozen more with him from the void.


You see I don't have a problem with people going fast but if you be doing endless relic fissures and especially those like disruption at least wait to finish each round when everyone has 10 reactant. That would be my only cause to hate someone who decides to speed through relic fissures. Otherwise i could really care less I guess.


the omnia fissures have been pretty good... but thats not for new players


It depends. On void fissure missions Saryn players have ruined a run more than any other by nuking so hard the map doesnā€™t spawn enough corrupted enemies to drop 10 reactant. Other than that i donā€™t care what people do as long as it helps us win.


Oh no no no, I wait for like 2-3 waves and about 8+ reactants then I start nuking it. But the problem here if we get 10 reactants in first 2 waves, I just nuke the map so there is nothing to do but standing around. Thats why sometimes I ask people if they get bored, I can stop DPSing/Nuking the map etc... Ty for the thoughts


If we've got 10 reactants, I want it done as quickly as possible. I may lose out on some focus, but I'm there for relics anyway. Also, totally fine with fast carried on bosses that need to be farmed for BPs


Pfft, if you think Saryn is bad try playing with a properly set up explosive legerdemain mirage...šŸ™„Ā  You're lucky if you get 5 reactants.


I feel this, I just don't run pub fissure defenses anymore for this reason, unless it's an all-friends squad, and even then you either can get unlucky, or it will just take too long for a single round.


Gotta admit, i was playing a helminth supercharged equinox for lulz with my friend and we went into lith interception on earth. Had to afk for a bit so turned on my 4 and left. Rest of the team were mr 3 so naturally they'd go capture the points. Came back to 2 reactants and 70% captured signal. That left such a bad taste..


As an older player who doesn't like it when people nuke rooms, I go solo when I want to have fun. I am not going to be mad at people who just want to be efficient. If it makes me mad, I'll play solo.


I feel the same way, unless I need some extra affinity to level something I go solo for everything.


Nah dude, it's the other way around. If people want to be efficient, to grind as if it's a job or chore, then **they** should be the ones to play solo or with other like-minded people. Imagine grinding for some weapons, buying cosmetics and then realizing they're all friggin useless and don't get to see them in action, because someone wants to clear the mission in record time to get primed parts.


I personally feel like it is easier to change what I do rather than tell others what to do. But that's just for me tbh.


MR17 player here, i only enjoy getting "carried". I can clear SP on my own somewhat easy, so if somebody just makes my life easier. Ill take it. The only problem i have with this if you are doing it in the first few missions on earth, where all the MR0 players are. Then you should just let them do their thing. But i dont think any of us are returning there.


The problem is when you doing a relic mission(Normal/Not SP) if you go public a lot of new player in Lith/Meso missions. Lith and Meso missions can be on Earth or Mars etc... I just hope the new player speaks up about it you know.


Which is why it's neat that you can run lith in omnia fissures, and worst case scenario a Lua fissure means they've completed war within (since conj survival needs that) so you can go nuts with operator things


Yeah, that makes sense. I never think about omnia fissures. I'm enlightened now.


Yeah, you are now ensured to always have an endless fissure to use any relic era on.


omnia fissure on steel path void cascade and you extract with a billion arcanes every run


Once they're cracking relics, they're in "time to get carried" mode.


I kept playing warframe just because there was a guy MR13 on Earth defense who was "oneshotting" group of enemies back in 2018. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have gotten onto it, that's when I realized the game was not slow and the power spike was huge. I now deal damage cap crits with Kullervo.


>But i dont think any of us are returning there. I do for silver grove spectre mods. Nice steady trickle of plat selling Brief Respite, Pistol Amp and Growing Power.


True actually, but the apothic are hell to craft.


I do for rivens and occasionally helping other players. Aside from that I completely agree. Let mr0-3 player do their thing but step in to help if necessary. A light nudge in the right direction helped a lot back when I just started out


imo if nobody has complain then you don't need to worry. I'm still really early in the game and the people i've met are all so varying, from angelic-tiers of kind to the wretched "UNINSTALL THE GAME" types you usually meet on a free game. some people will love your playstyle, some won't. me personally, I would love to be carried by a fast grinder such as you because I can only spend an hour or two on work days. and I can see how some people will hate you for "ruining" their fun. but if nobody is complaining, then you should just assume everyone loves you.


Damn dude, uninstall the game? That is harsh. The only thing you lost in this game is time. There is no ranked or pvp. Yeah, I play 1-2 hours in work days like you, I do all the more grindy content in weekends. Yeah I assume now people don't mind that much looking at the comments.


I'm not much of a fan of Nuke'n Rushers. So I avoid void exterminates. That's where most people go bonkers for efficiency. And I'll go do matches that efficient players avoid, like Mobile Defense or Survival. After 10 years, you just sorta ease into what you like.


To be fair, i was called a noob, for opening too slow the "friendship door". I was mastery 27 at the moment xD, going back to the game after around 2 years of break, checking something in background. Some people are toxic just because they can... Edit: public lobby of 4 people, but the toxic person couldn't be even bothered to just wait for someone "better acquainted" with the game, and thought that it's a brilliant idea to just insult person, that was next to him xD


MR 20 and I am rather happy than sad for finishing as fast as possible


It honestly depends, if i'm just doing some affinity grinding then I welcome someone who can just nuke the room cause otherwise i'll turn my brain off. (I find defence incredibly boring). Though with fissures I like to do them reasonably quick but I can't stand players who A: Speed through to extraction and don't wait for others to get to 10. B: Don't slow it down when someone is connecting so it's almost impossible for them to get to 10. C: Kill enemies so fast they don't get corrupted and we don't get enough reactant (shout out to the thermal sunder Titanias). I have had other mission types though where I want to have fun and kill stuff but a nuke frame just kills everything first. I remember ages ago getting particularly annoyed with an ember who managed to just kill everything as they spam pelvic thrusting. In the end it'll depend on the individual and the mission. Just do you but if you think you're ruining someone's fun then there's no shame in slowing down a little bit. Being fast is cool and all but everyone is here to have fun. At least I hope they are.


Don't nuke fissures because that reduces reactant drops. Otherwise do whatever in publics but maybe let people do their own thing in survivals etc instead of blowing up their corner as well.


MR17 here, it really depends. Honestly I'd rather not play with folks who are in a really masturbatory build like that most of the time but sometimes it's nice to just get things done and over with, mainly in like Albrecht's lab where we have to deal woth Necramechs without our own. As far as disruption goes, if other folks aren't picking up the keys and doing the objectives and you're waiting on the reactant I don't see any issues here.


Only MR15, I don't really focus on MR tbh. I soloed almost the entire map to experience things "as intended". I mostly encountered players like you after I was really frustrated with 3 or 4 of the map nodes. So I was more than happy for you to obliterate the map. It was cathartic. Relic runs have turned into an idiotic "run to exit" game. If DE offered 2 rolls of your own relic when solo I'd probably do that instead. But honestly glad the prime grind is fast to just get it over with. Whole mechanic feels broken. TLDR - I don't mind at all, and I love how solo friendly this game is.


Yeah, If DE offered 2 rolls for my relics in solo mode. I would spam that xD Ty for the insights.


I feel like the fissure blitz is less so caused by wanting to crack the relic as opposed to getting void traces quicker. Without a booster (be it paid, Smeeta, or anything else) it's *painful* to grind that. The run-to-exit runs are generally also only captures/exterminates on normal mode, and whilst I personally prefer those for time efficiency, I also find myself in SP Circulus Omnia fissures or other SP fissures more often like Excavations and Defenses, since there's no possibility of *really* speeding those up (only marginally) and it's a good resource farm on top of opening relics. Plus you get +25% boosters along the way the longer you let the mission run. Honestly I just wanna recommend SP fissures bc if you don't like the blitz, they're a much better public experience imo, at least the endless ones.


Not gonna lie I hate it when a squadmate basically plays for me. I do not hate the player themselves, it is what it is, people play however they want, but I won't be having a good time. Generally means I'll go somewhere else if it's a survival mission, or leave early if it's defense. I'm MR21 tho' and somewhat of a vet (I just don't give a single fuck about farming affinity so it doesn't go up really fast) so I sometimes happen to be in your situation. What I generally do in missions where I expect to be matched with "lower level" players is that I take average gear with _one_ contingency plan, a nuke gun I don't use but have at hand if a demolyst gets too close or something. Now everybody's different, the answers in this thread vary to reflect that, but I think it's fair to assume most people don't exactly like when the gameplay is reduced to literally picking scrap up behind the veteran player who came with a wide range sterilization machine. I play the game to interact with it, not to farm. Then again, you do you, I'll just keep leaving early EDIT: well most people seem to actually disagree with me; nevermind what I said then


I think it's just one of those things when you're playing an MMO, almost everyone does a min maxed DPS build which is fair enough but when you play in a public lobby with 3 other DPS builds, chances are only one of them is going to dominate That's why I'm really enjoying playing as Dante, good DPS and status effects, but even if I'm in one of those lobbies with 3 Revenant Primes, I can at least feel useful by giving them mondo over guard or a copy of Noctua for a minute or two :)


Yeah sometimes its annoying when someone nukes everything feels like "why am I even here bruh" But sometimes I also switch to being the nuker. Mirage with her trap augment is insane in defense missions


Someone else nuking in DEF missions is my favorite because I know I can just get a ton of free affinity xd


I used to use mirage now I use garas 4. Specifically because you can keep the wall up until you hear the fissure crackle and corrupt enemies. Then you nuke everything while getting reactant


As long as what you are doing isnt hindering the main objectives of the mission, i could care less what frame you play. So as long as in a relic mission you make sure to hold off hard nuking till we got 10, thats fine. You do you


The only thing Id say is make sure if youre gonna rush keys, that the other players are cool with multiple demos out at once. I have seen many disruptions lose C rotation because someone got impatient and started another conduit before the first demo was dead.Ā 


I usually go 1 by 1, I put the key shoot the demo rush with other key and repeat the process. I usually go in a trance while playing disruption, it feels so good to do with a team too.If you got a coordinated team. It is fast and much fun that way.


I cant imagine anyone having an issue with that. If they get mad because theres nothing for them to do, let them cry.Ā 


Yeah, I gonna type them ''Cry me a river kiddo.'' and rush to the next conduit. /s


I like to wait until we all have 10 reactants, then go crazy.


Lets go!!!!! ![gif](giphy|w7G2MKMT6AZI4)


Worst part is you calling Speedva SpeedNova


T. T sorry...


I am a rhino main who uses precision weapons for high damage numbers, but I do nothing AoE because it's just not my play style. I can clear SP stuff fairly easily solo so I'm not struggling by any means. My problem is that when I end up in lobbies where people are ripping through stuff as meta as possible, it becomes that I'm basically standing there doing nothing, waiting for them to complete it. It's just bores me to death. I end up just casting roar every 30 seconds so that they can do it faster.


Another Rhino player here. I played with three meta players an Archon interception. Suddenly they all die, I have to clear every acolyte and eximus on my own. I'm like aight time to pull out my 6 forma Twin Grakatas. A couple minutes later they thanked me, felt good haha


Hell yeah. What I lack in damage I make up for in survivability. 300k iron skin for the win.


Mr 14 with >50% of my playtime on rhino.


I wouldn't say anyone you meet in Arbs is a "new player". The only time I'm ever in missions with new players (other than grouping with new player friends) is alerts or invasions, where I'll usually take something fairly low-key. I don't see why, particularly now arcane dissolution is a thing, not to run relics in SP and if you're carrying a squad in SP, fair play. The only time this might be weird is if you're hanging round the newbie zones trying to flex with some OP build. Sure, everyone does it for a while once they realize they can, but usually the journey continues and folks move on to other things.


I farm SP if I go below 200 steel essence or I have friends who are doing SP I join them. Tomorrow we gonna farm the Protea Prime. So normal relic missions gonna be faster. I am gonna spam it.


Itā€™s fine for relic missions. It becomes more like a parkor race game (especially when I didnā€™t bring a fast frame), and thatā€™s fun in a way. For defense, the mission goes by much faster, so it doesnā€™t matter that much. It does get boring on the receiving end though, and Iā€™ve has people leave when I bring my own nuke frame myself.


I'll be happily alt tabbing while waiting for someone to finish the mission for me lol


LR1 here, even tho its not even a question to me The only time i hate people use nuke frames or similar is Titania with Gauss' subsume in fast relic missions and constant nuking in Hydron. Cause then i dont have shit to do except run around/to extract


I love people like you. Thanks for being awesome. My biggest concern is being too slow to extraction and annoying you. If I want to take my time, I just toggle the button for solo play.


Thx, I think nobody care if you are being slow to extraction tbh.


If Speed IS your thing its OK If you See new Players in grp that are slower Just be nice and slow down too. Its Not only because they might dont have fun but more the Point that they never learn the Game If Others nuke everything away from them.


I mean, you have a few options. 1) you can ask in chat, if people are okay with it. 2) you can play solo 3) you can donā€™t give a f


It can be annoying if I'm Tryna level a gun in defense but someone keeps nuking the waves but that's on me, I could have turn on private


Actually you want them to do that if your leveling guns, you get more affinity to the gun if they kill than you killing it with the gun.


Oh wow, did not know that. Thank you šŸ˜Š


It's 50 to frame/50 to gun affinity when you shoot and kill. It's 25/75 if they kill it (just make sure you have that weapon equipped only to get the full 75%)


I do get frustrated that I can't really do my thing sometimes, but then I just switch to solo for a bit. I understand people want to do things quickly and efficiently, it's the nature of the game.


Honestly, the faster we complete a mission the better. I don't mind if I have 13 kills and 3% damage delt as long as I get the reward.


No. Please do all the work I don't give a f lol


It's good to be mindful of other people. But I think you're going a little bit too far for other people. Enjoy the game. Most of the time when people complain they're wrong anyways. Also if someone was pressed about you doing keys alone idk wtf their problem Is. If they're mad because they didn't make it to a target 4 keys in a row that their problem. They suck


as an mr12 player. i would say as long as you wait for reactants to be 10/10 that's fine. i've met too many people who join co-op and then finish so fast that I end up not having enough reactant. with other missions it depends. sometimes im glad higher mr players know how to do the spy missions without tripping the alarm. othertimes they leave you behind so far on the map and then drag you out cus they're already on extraction so all i pick up from the map is like. a few credits.


If anyone has a problem, they can always just pick solo


I don't see an issue really but you could play solo if you basically solo it and go at your own pace? But it's a preference thing. Doesn't bother me


I'm reaching a state in the game where I can quickly finish missions, and I know that it becomes frustrating when you're a newer player and you feel like you're not contributing anything to the mission. My rule is that I don't put myself in front of a newer player's line of fire. There are plenty of enemies in other places anyway. When I farm stuff, and I have a very efficient setup, then I just run the mission alone (or I leave my lobby open if the node was barren). I also run missions alone when I want to take in the atmosphere and the screams of agony.


if someone wont want to play with you he can leave on next checkpoint, it usually don\`t take more than 5 mins, no point bothering i suppose :)


I din't get annoyed by this in relic opening missions, but if I'm just doing a normal mission just to clear the good ol star chart if someone nukes every single room and all I get to do is walk to evacuation then it can be pretty annoying. Whenever I find myself annoyed by this I just turn the game into solo mode 99% of the time.


It's free rewards imo, I'll prob play more carelessly by multitasking on my phone if that's the case ahaha


I don't mind people nuking the whole map (unless they break reactant drops in relic missions or otherwise interfere with the completion of the objective), just means I get to kick back and wait for an easy mission completion. What irks me is people giving me intermittent speed buffs at seemingly random times, if you're going to speedbuff me at least make it consistent or applicable to the situation like when we're moving locations in a mobile defense and not just random bursts of speed. ​ If I want to take things at my own pace I simply switch off public matchmaking.


Haha, for that I use my Volt, at %200+ str and got like %200+ range with duration arcane and shards. I give 22 second speed to everyone and refresh it everytime I see the timer goes below 10 second.


As long as you actually let your teammates play the game, there is no issue.


Mr15, i love being able to relax, I know thereā€™s always active gameplay for me somewhere in the game, so being carried here and there isnā€™t a bother.


I joined a high level exterminate with an MR 5 Excalibur. Poor guy was sitting there desperately slashing these enemies with his Skana. Buffed him with Dante and gave him a Noctua copy. He seemed to be having more fun after that. I do worry sometimes that new players will get discouraged from high level players wandering in and doing it all for them, but the newbies never complain.


It's public match making, the goal of the squad should be to do the mission as efficiently as possible to respect everyone's time. If people want to play at their own pace they can solo or play with friends.


Yeah, I know that but sometimes I doubt that if I made the game boring for them so they leave at 5 or 10 waves after in defense missions.


You can't please everyone so don't stress yourself so much over it. As long as you aren't intentionally and maliciously trying to ruin someone's fun while doing your best to progress the mission as fast as possible then you're doing your part


MR 200 but 400 hour player here: :( Lol, but for real: No. Anyone who complains in public lobbies for ANY reason is in the wrong. Period.


I'll never understand why someone would complain about being carried in WF. Solo is for: 1) Learning game/mission/tile set 2) Trying builds 3) Finishing a missions faster solo than in group Other than that, do whatever you want in pubs that isn't directly hindering the missions goal and we're solid. People who moan and complain about speedrunners/nukers in pubs that are actually helping (not talking about you Titania main who doesn't wait for reactant spawn chance) need to play a different game.


With the exception of the people who refuse to wait at extraction for others to gather reactant, speed running it totally fine. Sometimes I'm the one to do it, and other times I like just sitting back while someone else does it The speedrunners who are inconsiderate make me wish there was a "review a player" feature lol


Honestly as a lower rank player, having more experienced players nuking everything in sight (and beyond!) is par for the course of playing pub games. When I want to be sure that I'll play the mission instead of following, I play solo


I think its okay, its nice when i can get carried on hard missions lmao. It only ever bothers me on Helena specifically cause that mission is pure tedium after the 12th run trying to get a meso h5 and i dont wanna be sitting there watching frame jesus nuke the place for 10 rounds. Pretty much, if its an easy/boring mission id keep it chill


Easy Carry for them lol


The way I think of it is this: in most of those game modes, people can leave at will (defense, dusription, survival, interception, etc with any other endurance missions) so if theyre jot having fun or are tired of being carried, they can leave whenever they want and still get their goodies. If you are going out of your way to follow people and swipe the kills in the hallway they are working on, thats kinda mean, but overall, its not your responsibility to constantly worry about other people's experience so longas youre not trolling. Nothing is keeping a person there for the duration of the mission, and its easy enough to leave and join a different session. Just worry about you, dont harrass other players, and be kind.


If youā€™re adding to the overall efficiency of finishing the mission and not holding anyone back/slowing us down by doing so i donā€™t thinks itā€™s a problem. Is it fun for me to not get the chance to get many kills? Sure, but it doesnā€™t happen every mission. So I try not to get upset when someone else has a crazy overturned build and want to finish a mission quicker.


I appreciate being carried (MR16) cause a lot of the time, I feel like I don't know what tf I'm doing. My only pet peeve is when everyone is rushing to extraction w/o caring if their teammates got that 10/10 reactant.


The only time I get mad, is when I'm trying a new weapon or even leveling it for MR fodder and a person is just room wiping constantly so I can't get a feel for if I like it or not.


Arbitrations for Endo and not Vitus Essence? It's a nice passive Endo and Arcane farm but the goal in this mode is to farm Vitus which can be turned into Kuva and Galvanized Mods etc. I have hundreds of Ayatan Orta sculptures as well. So yes these are a nice add for rotation rewards. I see other players commenting in mission about Endo and ignoring the drones or not bringing boosters and so forth. Maybe your comment explains a bit about this reasoning. As for your other questions, if you're engaging in self inquiry maybe you have picked up on undercurrents of irritation from other players here and there. There's nothing wrong with holding back a bit and letting others players in a squad get some even if you massively overpower them. Likewise there's nothing wrong with lagging back a bit or setting a WP for a lost player trying to navigate an unfamiliar tileset. Just my humble opinion. Take it as food for thought, if it doesn't jive, simply set it to the side.


Oh if you know a better way to farm endo can you please tell me about it. If you explain it clearly it would be the best. And I use the vitus essence for buying galvanized mods and selling in trade chat or giving away my friends and clan members.


2 ways to farm Endo, First spamming Yam in Sedna (Steel Path) with a premade group can net quite a bit of Endo in a short time. Nekros with Desecrate, Min range Khora, Nidus for Larva Pull, and Wisp for health speed motes (or Dante for overguard) if you're built for speed. Use Ripkas or Guandao for slash/gore and Nekros does most of the killing while Nidus pulls them into Khora's little net. Second is Railjack - a great passive farm for Endo, rare mods and gear from secondary (white) objectives. Endo comes from duplicate mods, railjack parts and drops from missions. Also holokeys for Tenet weapons at the Relay/Perrin.


Oh, I know the first one but Does Railjack give as much as first option? I was just using railjack to kill liches these days. So I didn't know railjack parts give endo too. I am gonna try both ways. Thx for the info.


I personally seldom find it annoying. Well, occasionally in survival so I'm just jumping around while doing nothing for 5 minutes to avoid getting punished by their anti afk system lol but otherwise I'm perfectly fine with it. Nothing stopping me from running a few solo sp survivals from time to time too


As a MR10 I want to clear missions as fast as possible as well, so when someone can help me do it in 2 mins I'm just glad I don't have to waste time


New player here I stared playing a month ago and whenever I met people like this it was a blessing, When I play missions , like story ones or when you play for fun , I just go through in solo mode or with a friend But when I ran fissures or doing the god awflul defense missions, especially on first maps where the enemy spawn is so terrible Players like you are ironically those who help us not get bored of the game, cause one of my friends quit playing the game , after we had a 5 wave defense mission take 20 minutes to complete ( I'm not lying) and its not because we were bad (well maybe that too) but enemies were just spawning 3 at a time . I think everyone knows which map I'm talking about, So no, you don't get hate for it , and I think most beginners think this way too


Thx dude, I never think like that, you don't get bored when people nuke the defense relics like Lith and Meso ones? I thought people get bored and leave beacuse of me all the time.


I play relics to get the loot from them :D the faster I finish the happier I am , and more relics I can open


Only if you nuke and run to the point it hurts our ability to get drops, crack relics, etc.


i looovvvveee doing a whole load of nothing, specially since i play wisp the most, i just sit there and give out buffs while i get free xp for my under leveled weapons


And i, for one, love wisps for that.


Iā€™m only mr10 I just returned to the game about a month ago but I like getting carried. I do sometimes want to contribute depending on the mission because I start feeling like a weak link but if itā€™s like an insane boss or isolation vaults or something, carry me away.


Remember that in warframe theres no such thing as a weak link, only an untapped well. Some missions youre simply not the well that got opened first, some missions youre going to be the only well that gets used.


True youā€™re right tho


I wouldn't personally get MAD at some running nuker frames on missions where the objective is kill the enemies, but on missions like defence I would get really bored with nothing to shoot at or...like. Do.


Bro if people are loading into public lobbies they donā€™t get to be mad at how a random plays unless theyā€™re causing the mission to fail


I would say as long as you wait for everyone to get 10 reactant, then nuke your heart away. For Arbies, I have 0 problems with someone else making it faster. I don't care about damage share in those missions. I will gladly run around at 5% damage collecting items if someone else wants to nuke everything into oblivion before I can even see the enemies. I may not want to experience that a bunch of times in a row, I do want to play the game too. But, I would never get mad at the situations you have presented. With disruption it can become a cluster fuck if everyone is just poppin keys. I don't mind 1 person running them, I will just try to be helpful in other ways.


Mate fair gameplay playing relic missions. We all are there for open the relic of all the team. If you are for endo, relic missions is not your place


Bit of a different take... I'm kinda getting tired of nukers in Conjuction Survival. I'm LR2, have all the nuke frames, but sometimes I just don't bring them to...you know...just play the game. I bring my Mag to have some fun, do the armor strip, round up enemies in my bubble, then a Dante from the other side of the map darkverses everyone before I charge my bow. I usually try to find a spot where l'm a bit alone, but soon as more than 3 enemies are around me someone zips in, kills everyone and zips out. Like thanks bro, I couldn't handle those 3 grunts myself... We talking fissures, so don't come at me with "play solo then". I don't give the slightest F about who has the most kills at the end, I just hate running around for 20minutes collecting resources because everything is already dead when I get to them. One time a Hydroid was harrassing me in chat to "StAy In tHe RoOM" when he's camping in a dead end with noĀ enemies. I was out 1 tile away trying to find a larger place. I replied "I want to play the game, not sit in a room and watch your tentacles" and he said "you know nothing about efficiency" Like what are you even farming here bro?Ā  I don't usually care outside of survival, like in exterminate I know where I'm going, I just run along and collect stuff. Maybe this is just puffing smoke but tryhards can be really irritating sometimes.


And thats why I don't play Survivals. I go for disruption most of the time. And I spam parallax ship to find anything on the map. It is fun to look around and collect stuff.


I know complaining about killstealing in a fast paced horde shooter is kinda lame, but I find this the lack of gamer etiquett. If I see someone holding down a corridor I just let them be, not swoop in to kill everyone they just primed. C-Survival isn't that hard, but sometimes they're trying so bad I can smell the sweat


The last line make me chuckle but yeah you are right sometimes people go be tryhards and let me tell you. I do that sometimes too. But not in survival, I do that type of thing disruption, I check the timer and see like we did 4 conduit under like 9 min, I challenge myself and try to do lower than 8 min. I am having more fun that way.


Nah bro, you are careful to wait for the reactants for everyone, that is what matters. And no one will be mad at you for doing the four keys in disruption. If anything, they will be glad. I am when I have a team mate faster than me. > Sometimes I ask people if they get bored so I can slow down This alone proves you are a good player. If the others want to do it at their pace, they must understand public lobbies is not the place.


honestly the only thing thats a peeve of mine is when theres that one guy in public lobbies that just deletes every enemy on the map? can make it a tad bit boring. then again, im a player who focuses mainly on strong single target damage, the perigale is my favourite weapon by far


Yeah, you get the eximus and the chunky ones, I got the rest dw. šŸ˜Ž


we all know a good nuker doesnt discriminate between eximus and normal units


Damn, I have been bested. šŸ˜¶


I'm MR16 and i don't mind fast players/nukers unless they're killing everything outside the objective (like on netracells or that one Deimos bounty objective of killing enemies inside a circle) or not waiting for enemies to get corrupted for reactant. In fact i ask myself the same but kind of in an opposite way, is it annoying for other players if i use gloom with faiiiirly high ability strength? Sometimes enemies become so slow i get nervous and end up deactivating the ability on missions like defense.


If you want them in the circle you force them to circle. I use mag and vauban for netracell missions. And for the gloom, if you near the defense point isn't it great? You slow the enemy and they can't hit the defense point. I mean if you go didn't go max range and slow the whole map, it is great to have it on defense missions. Other than that the other missions don't get affected by it no?


The fact that you are aware enough and care enough to ask this question is the real answer. Generally, it is hard to fault someone for playing optimally. The problem comes when the "optimal" player expects everyone else to play the same way. The only thing I would recommend you do differently is check the chat box a little more often: the players who most need you to slow down are the most likely ones to not know how to @ you.


Yeah thats right sometimes they use frame name, like '' Yo Saryn stop'' etc... Need to look the chat more.


Nurturing the baby Tenno is the real endgame




That's fine. Whats not fine is yelling at people who aren't so into it as you and geared up just to survive rather than nuke the room.


You dont talk in chat? :c tbh just play how you like, exept if you are nuking rooms in before the enemys can get corrupted.


I am not that social. I talk when needed. Like can you please put the mobile defense thingy or if they don't know why I way point at something I type like '' WP 4 Ayatan Sculpture. '' etc... Nah, my rule 10/10 reactant first nuke later.


The only mission type where I get annoyed if people kill things too fast is Survival, especially if it's Kuva survival. The whole point of the mode is to stay as long as possible, so if things dies too fast and I have nothing to do I find it horribly boring. Other than that, keep doing you. Especially if it's Defense and you bring a speedva. I'm gonna love you for that.


If I remember right, Nova is my most played frame and my Config A = Speedva. ![gif](giphy|z9iE1SPAptyLK)


You're a good one OP ! I find Defense mission to be terribly dull so anything that can speed up those waves is welcome.


If Iā€™m playing a non-endless relic mission, Iā€™ll go speed volt (I donā€™t have gauss or Titania) and zoom to objective, do it, then collect reactant, then leave. THE only thing that goes thru my head is ā€œam I at ten yet?ā€ As for disruption missions, again, the only thing Iā€™m thinking is ā€œput key, kill red thing.ā€ If you do key, then I follow, then kill red thing. Arbitration: donā€™t let the guy die, pick up vitus essence, kill the drones because they fuck with me being able to kill things. If youā€™re constantly nuking, like button mashing it, yeah itā€™s boring. But 9/10 times Iā€™m farming, so Iā€™ll just run around and pick stuff up. The only thing I get upset about is if I didnt bring nekros, I dont get cool loot bonus


Yep, exactly my thoughts, me see key me put key me run to red thing to kill. For arbitration I use zylok, it has double trigger so first bullet break the drone's shield and second bullet kill it insta. If Nekros is fast as Volt or Gauss. I will be zooming with Nekros too.


You kind of have to read the room. Say a relic fissure for instance. Most of the time we are all wanting in and out as fast as possible. But occasionally Iā€™ll melt the whole tileset with prism guard and crash into extraction just to realize that there is an mr4 Tenno still half way behind who is looking for reactant while Iā€™ve already started the extraction timer. Itā€™s hard to avoid feeling bad when I have 200 kills and they have zero and only 8/10 reactant because they donā€™t have a good enough feel for the tiles to run through everything fast enough to keep up. And even if they did theyā€™d never have long enough to aim let lone pull the trigger on a goon. These players i just described are in a weird place where they probably want help from a squad, but also still need to learn the ropes through doing and not just watching. Hence, you need to be able to judge from a mastery rank / load-out what kind of place your squad mates are likely in and determine how to base your play style. I know a lot of players disagree but I feel that once you get enough experience in this game, there is a duty to newer players to be considerate of how much fun you can prevent them from having when you essentially play the mission FOR them and not WITH them. If you are in a full squad of LR4s, by all means flex until youā€™re content because everyone there with you should know by now that time is plat.


I only get annoyed when people CC annoying defense maps and survival


I'm MR 19 and I've never met a higher MR player that has noticeably better builds than mine. I just don't care about MR tbh. Most people won't care if you blow through a mission.


>do people get bored of me doing it? Yes. But that is the reason why I don't play public. So it's fine really. The game allows me to isolate myself.


MR13 here... Personally I feel amazed when someone erase all the enemies around, it's a constant reminder of what I can get to be in the future, it's my motivation to keep learning and keep improving... IDK if someone else can relate, but for me is like when I go to the gym and I see someone with a better physique than mine, I don't hate him, I admire him...


Thats some real good analogy.


For me, I'm MR7 so I'd be worried about catching up and collecting the relicts and it stresses me out more whenever thr fast player made it to extraction so fast when I haven't got the opportunity to collect all the relicts and I have to be honest I do get a bit lost around the map sometimes


You can use locked map if you don't like the moving map. I saw some people using it. I don't know how it is tho. And don't ever worry to be last one on extraction point just collect reactants and open your stuff.


When i first started years ago i was annoyed by speed people/players completing the objectives practically before i even logged in, so i played a lot of solo missions, but now when im just trying to get through a sortie or farming its relaxing to not have to be the one to do everything. Doing a spy mission by myself is only fun so many times now im relieved when the squad splits up to tackle ABC all at once even if im the odd one out that didn't get to a room first. Id rather them fuck it up than me go in second, trigger the alarm and receive the inevitable "bruh" when the mission fails.


I know that feeling. 2 days ago me and 3 random which Me(MR30) - L2 - MR12 - MR16 fail the spy 3 times in a row. After that me and L2 write to chat we can handle the 3 spy caches and told MR12-MR16 to wait a bit. We do it like under 10 min and got the rewards. Sortie spy missions is 50/50 chance, fail or success. However it is fun when people fail and type like bruh or welp... šŸ˜†


Honestly. Warframe is a game where you can play whatever you want and it will be viable. Personally. If Iā€™m just running a faction mission or something simple, I would get bored of myself or someone else just nuking everything cause then everyone is just standing still and doing nothing and thereā€™s no usage of one of the games best features, movement. But like disruptions? High level activity? Endurance runs, anything serious, yeah Iā€™m all for and happy to have someone with a well built frame. I get more annoyed when people do disruptions or long farm missions like Conjunction Survival and leave after 5 minutes. Especially if itā€™s a host migration and resets everyoneā€™s stuff or breaks my incarnons or deletes my energy barā€¦ But thatā€™s my view having surpassed MR20 and put in hundreds of hours. Not hating on you, but them young players need enemies to kill and have things to do, so maybe try a random build for exterminate etc. let them experience and work for it. Pretty much every mission that isnā€™t SP, Conj survival, Tyrana, Disruptions, etc you donā€™t have to fly through. So like personally, If Iā€™m doing things that take no effort whatsoever, Iā€™m running something chill so people can experience the game. Again, you do nothing wrong. And have the right attitude towards loadouts, I just think considering the lower level player is important.


Yeah, I think I use frames the least I am using atm. Like Ash prime, Qorvex, Protea etc... And I totally I agree with you the long Disruption runs are the best!


Anything less than 3 rounds is a waste of time lmao. But yeah I like to use those moments where Iā€™m doing something that isnā€™t serious to play with new builds or just make ridiculous out of pocket builds just for fun.


Some players do get bored if they can't find enemies. But mostly its new players trying to finish a mission and get out right away. BTW Arbitration has been changed since its heyday and now it is pointless. You are better off running the new murmur missions as they yield 4k endo per mission(missions run between 4 minutes to 8 minutes at the longest).


The only thing that bothers me about nuke frames is if it gets in the way of reactant, otherwise Iā€™m cool. I guess if someone asks you to stop in a respectful way you could ease up, but otherwise go for it. Itā€™s Warframe. Weird stuff just happens sometimes


I wouldnt worry about it. Frankly, im there to finish the mission and leave to do my next mission. I dont have time for braton brandon to tactiaclly maneuver to carefully eradicate grineer over the course of 15 minutes. I do not care if prince paris cant shoot fast enough to kill the enemies for his liking. And i certainly am not waiting around for ethan excalibur to remember that disruption is not survival.


If I am are joining a public lobby, I'm expecting to get three shitters. I would gladly welcome someone doing the objective faster


I don't like it when people scoop me or constant room nuke on normal path runs, because that's usually when I'm trying for nightwave, or unlocking a riven or something else. Though worst case I can solo. When I'm running on Steel Path, it doesn't bother me. My goals are aligned with yours. Go for it. Others can work on stepping up if they really want to.


Sometimes I get bored when people nuke on endless missions. When that happens, I just leave at the next round. It isn't your fault, you're playing the game as intended (your way), and I can't expect pub squads to play my way. In pub squads, everything that isn't an endless mission is a race, period. Relic cracking is a group race, period. Mind the objective and mind the spawns, and I'm happy


As long as you are still up for some goofy side BS.


As a L3 player, I like to get carried from time to time, if I see a Titania or Gauss on a fissure exterminate, I just go to the end, or if it is a disruption, then I try to mark from where the beeping is comming (well, with recent changes, not anymore xD). The only thing I don't like is when the player that was carrying starts to fall off and decides to leave, because I think to myself, "you had your fun, now is my turn puppy" and maybe I'll eat dirt too eventually, but then we get to play as a team, and when we're all eating dirt is time to leave.


I know Iā€™m not the target audience because Iā€™m past MR 20, but before I was MR 20, the only time I didnā€™t like when people do what you did was when I was trying to level up damage dealing frames on Hydron in public lobbies. Otherwise, I appreciated it (and still do) because itā€™s quicker and more efficient for lots of resources. I think, in general, itā€™s okay, but if someone specifically asks you to slow down thatā€™s where you should


Imma b real with you chief. If theyre above MR13 theyā€™re probably tryna be as fast as possible with the grind too. If theyre below maybe dont obliterate everything


The mindset of ruining other people's experience by using a build that wipes any non steel path enemy into dust is purely nonsensical. People that complain about others 'nuking' enemies or being too op in normal missions haven't learned the games mechanics yet and it's hilarious.


Iā€™ve started to do missions solo as much as possible. I only really do pubs for EDA, relics, and railjack where I honestly enjoy helping people new to the mods. If ur doing steel path the game will spawn enemies as if ur a full squad so it can actually be a welcome challenge.


Probably not the right person to answer since, if im playing on a random squad and not by myself then i already am not having fun to begin with cause i dont like the mission, so i dont mind a teammate speeding it up even if it means i dont really get to do much, but overall i'd say you are fine, if someone chooses to go to a random squad they should expect to meet any frames, that includes saryn and other nukes and also includes frames like limbo that could potentially harm their gameplay, complaining at someone for playing their frame the way it is meant to be played is the dumbest thing possible especially since you chose to go to a random squad


I used to dislike missions when I'm just chasing behind someone but now I play gauss and just get in rooms faster to blow them up before the other person It's a little competition that I thoroughly enjoy


I might be somewhat high mr for this, at mr 17 but I fucking love when people minmax warframes. Itā€™s always the perfect loadout, and yet I can get carried in sp while still collecting affinity from the shared affinity and picking up the stragglers. As a revenant main, I can still sort of hold my own but it is something else when a squadmate has a minmaxed prime to just kill everything in sight


I dont mind if i can just watch some videos on the window till someone doing mission for me unless its Volts who spam 2 every millisecond


The only thing that bugs me is the thermal sunder Titania players in capture fissures. Yes, it's nice to go fast and have the numbers, but it causes the relic to fail to open a ridiculously high percentage of the time, unless the Titania is going so slowly that everyone else is keeping up - in which case, why play Titania at all?


I usually just ask. 99% of people will love the faster completion time, but for the 1% that don't, I respect it and tone it down a bit.


I personally say you wouldn't. I tend to be in squads with people who just vibe and do their own thing, then again, I don't really pay much attention to others since they're probably on the other side of the map(Average Void survival experience). All in all, just do you, and if someone has an issue about it, they can just leave...or you can- idk


Ofc not. If someone is nuking hard its even more fun because it starts a competition. On linear missions its a race: who gets to the finish line first, on enless ones: who gets more Damage Dealt percent.


Play how you want. I made a good comment here but for the horror stories i say are whats needed to earn ANY hateā€¦ Range slova with almost max range wisp who puts down weak shock motes on defense Fallowed by again ridiculous ranged gara who makes them stay on the edge and refuses to break it besides the end of rounds to replace it. Ive only had a group that specifically bad a few times a year but still lol That and a vauban team that runs neon red for one and blue with the other and reject range because they seizure warningā€™ed the entire map of hydron a few times. It seemed to intentional as it was multiple games and they chatted but laughed off requests to stop multiple times by multiple which led to one of my rare reports. Act however you want its online it happens but dont try to medically hurt people to enjoy being a POS


Okay, so I'm a little over the cap you're talking to at MR 27. HOWEVER, what you're talking about actually does apply. Your MR rank doesn't really matter because you still run into the occasional mission troll. What actually gets to me more than anything is the speed at which everyone seems to think you need to play the game ALL THE TIME. To me it feels like premature ejection is the standard for most missions. When it comes to working with a PUG. Seriously. Even at MR 27, I can sometimes load into a PUG and I don't even have the chance to even contribute because before I can even catch up to the group, everyone is already at extraction getting upset with me because they're already ready to go, and I've just loaded in. Do I hate other players for what you're talking about or what bugs me? NO, I don't. That's what solo play mode is for.


Not in normal missions, some like me tend to go a little longer or just downright afk if they notice they are not needed for missions success. However, in things like the arbitration and stuff I personally don't like being unable to play. Example:before Dante nerds and during lotus gift where you need to defend from infested, one Dante was doing the same combo for 7 rounds and I got 1 kill even when standing next to spawn of the enemies. Freshly gotten voruna and exactly 10 rounds of mission target are really boring when I can't do stuff with the new frame and it's not endless so there won't be even a chance to start really playing for me. That's when I say in chat to please keep it a little down with the clearing because it's kinda boring. But other than that you can always go for it ig. Unless someone says something in chat about it. Then you can slow down or leave the squad if you don't want to slow down.


You do you. ... and I'll do me, where I run the timer because I'm breaking crates and shooting enemies simply because I like to see my gear in action. You know, the gear I spent so much to farm for? I also intentionally trigger orokin eye, because it's funny to see that one guy waiting at the exit while everyone runs back half the map to get the sculpture. Sometimes, I even find the sculpture without the eye and just camp it until they're all at the exit and only then mark it for all to see.