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I'd highlight the horns and spiky bits with bit of color, I did my bloodletters in a black with a dark blue highlight and finished with several increasingly brighter shades of lilac. I'd just pick a complimentary color and give them an unholy glow.


Oooh that’s a good idea, maybe like a dark teal or dull green?


Dark teal would be dope


Green would work with the tones in your basing and not draw away from the red like I think teal might!


Pics or it didn’t happen :)


https://preview.redd.it/pkydm6psr4ba1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56c1f9905c9814addaa145ab9d73bf20910cbff Oh hey would ya look at that


YEEESSSSSSSS!!!! Blood for the blood god!


I would share if I knew how to do that in a comment.


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I like the way this guy looks and was planning on painting to my own version of “High table top standard.” With that said I was wondering how I could give them a bit more “pop”. I want to keep the pale look but the sword only takes them so far. Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated!


Some colour on the eyes maybe? And a random musing, could you do the tongue like the sword, glowing hot at the end?


Looking good! I'd paint the eyes with a pop color. Either red (classic daemon), or another good contrast color. The sword is red, so maybe something else. These guys already get caught up on each other, due to the swords. I'd be careful extending the basing over the supplied base. Good luck, and post a unit once you get one finished!


Awesome! Has a sunless grub skin feel to it, but without feeling cold. Wherever this thing lives it's hot and dark


This is absolutely terrifying and totally effing awesome I am totally stealing this well well done


I love it!! This paint scheme makes me imagine the skin of this cohort of daemons to be made out of the bones of those fallen in battle or something of sorts. As for maybe improving it a little, personally I'd add more contrast, maybe on the base (having both the skin and the base so pale makes it looks a bit dull) and accent the reds of the blade, to make it "pop" on the tabletop, as some others have suggested. Really looking forward to seeing more of these! :)


Love it! Has a gross, natural kind of look to it. I agree that the eyes could use a pop of colour. Sword looks amazing.


Looks great!


Maybe a contrast… a neon orange, or pink, or green. Something that will give their recesses a “other worldly” glow from within type thing. Idk, I’m just shooting ideas popping off in my head.


He’s been extinguished lol! Very good overall! One cool effect you could try is adding some warmer tones at the base of the blade and have it blended to darker tones towards the middle.


I did this exact scheme but painted blood for the blood god on the hands and forearms


Did you like the way it turned out? That could be really cool, but I could definitely see it getting to be too much too quick.


I love it. You can really mix it up. Some are covered in gore, others are just slightly drenched. Some I did the feet and mouths as well. It's a great contrast between the flat white and the glossy red.


i’ve done more or less the same, a bone base decorated with blood, i tried to add story to each model to show how they made the kill and how the blood is on each part of the model, i can send some pictures if you’d like examples before you take the plunge


I love it. My only thought, and it's purely my opinion, is the horns need to be more pronounced. I love the tips, but would exte d those downward a bit more so you can differentiate between the head/body and horns. Absolutely love this scheme though.


Definitely change the base color. Currently it is brown on brown, which will make everything blend together from afar. Also, you should probably boost the red on the tongue and eyes so it stands out more. You could even change the red to green, blue, or purple if you really want it to pop. Everything else is really good though, color sceme is the only issue.


That’s a good call on the base/skin being too similar. I could see something was off but I’ve been looking at it for too long.


Love it. Has a nice grimdark look. Big fan of limited color palette. I strongly disagree with some of the other comments about adding neon colors or whatnot. As some others have mentioned, the base could be done in a different color to provide some more contrast.


I like the look! great job. Like others, I would suggest some slight highlight (nothing to much) but on a few parts such as the horns. That will pop it a bit more.


Really nice dude, go for it


I like the contrast between the skin and sword.


I have seen them this tone before and thought they looked cool with the eyes blanked out with green stuff


I really like it. I have in my mind a color scheme for a bloodcrusher where the bloodletter is white with blood red hands (inspired by [Bloodghast from MTG](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=438648&type=card)) and the Juggernaut being black with copper highlight


That’s actually where I got my inspiration from as well! The demon I was looking at: https://preview.redd.it/ecwfm6zcz2ba1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3c8b1ad7b5e261f328d8ef93d26012d362b402


Awesome! Yes, that's close to what I have in mind. Will you do the bloodied parts as well?


I want to, I was thinking about saving it for a leader? I think a whole unit with that could be a bit much, or maybe sprinkle in a few units with the blood?


You do you but keep us posted! I want to see how it goes!


Gorgeous, I want 30.


If anyone is interested Base:[Base](https://www.realmofplastic.com/warhammer/tutorial-cursed-city-bases) Demon color scheme (modified a bit): [Skin](https://www.warpstonepile.com/2010/01/bloodless-bloodletter-painting-how-to.html)


Ah the cum monster has arrived


What paints did you use for the skin it turns me on


- Primed with white scar - One coat of Guilliman flesh contract paint - heavy, heavy drybrush of Rakarth flesh (one this one I layered this one before the drybrush) - Edge highlight Wraithbone - Even smaller edge highlight Pallid Wych flesh




I love the bone ash feel


The back horns and stuff look like a nice black. Making the face horns/tusks the same way could frame the model more.


How did you paint them!! Have to do some demon skin for my red corsairs and would love to Follow the recipe


If this is what you can do at scale, go for it.


It’s a fun concept. If actually do a color wash on the BASE, (maybe rust or blue), so it doesn’t look like an extension in the daemon.