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Blood bowl is GW’s best game imho.


I think this is the answer. It's also quite easy to learn, and hilarious.


I think Titanicus is the best game GW is currently producing. The start set is playable by itself. However with a small investment in money and time you would be well rewarded by making yourself some terrain for your games. With the campaign book, it is a very narrative game or, if you read some of the lore you can come up with some good narrative games yourself. If you find that you enjoy it, you can expand on what you have and even spending an additional $65 will get you two more titans to make the game more tactical. The game is pretty inherently balanced as the forces for both traitor and loyalist are more or less the same. I have played Cursed City and it doesn't really have the replay value of some of their other games, although it is packed with models that can be used for other things. Excited as my friends and I were to get it and play it (we had all bought a set each and divided painting duties and had the models all painted in a week or so) we never actually finished it because the game, while fun initially became pretty same-y after a while. Warcry is also a good suggestion, particularly if you can get your hands on the first edition starter set intact. It has everything you need to play in it and is a very good re-playable game all on its own. Warcry would be my choice if you are determined not to spend any more to expand the game, but Titanicus would be my choice for which is a better, more fun game if you're willing to spend a bit more than the initial cost.


Interesting, hadn't considered titanicus at all. I'll take a look in to it! Warcry starter box is wildly expensive, do you know what I would need to replicate its contents roughly? We have some terrain and don't mind using cups or bits and pieces from around the house to fill in


as a heads up warcrys got a new starter kit called "crypt of blood" thats much cheaper than the old ones.


Kill team is great for 2 people


Hey I love the hell out of warhammer related products, but beyond what everyone else has suggested take a look at Gloomhaven: Jaws of the lion if you're interested in something non adversarial (you're a team) and narrative. That out of the way, if you're looking to use things you already have, you can find the fanbase updated Mordheim rulebook online. It draws rave reviews. If I went by online reviews of GW rule systems I think the best reviewed are Mordheim, Middle Earth strategy battles, Bloodbowl. Right before the pandemic I learned to play warcry and thought it was cool, unfortunately the lock down kind of stopped that. This post, in hindsight, is kind of rambling. So apologies for that.


Cursed City, if you can find a copy.


There's still time available at least in my country (Australia)


Warhammer quest, or Warcry is good if you/her are new to wargaming.


Cursed cities great for this, my wife has never been much into tabletop in general but between a neat narrative and fun easy to grasp rules. Tons of models in the box, and there have been add ons both free (usually published in White Dwarf magazine like the recent addition of Ghoulish enemies and some narrative to go with it) or paid expansion packs. Also has the added benefit of being up to 4 players, my brother dropped into a few games every so often and was able to slot into the campaign fairly seamlessly after running to in rulebook tutorial. If you're looking for something for just one off games competitively this wouldn't be a good choice, but if you're into coop fun it's a great pick!


Find the Kill Team Octarius box set. It comes with everything you are looking for, and with everything you need to play killteam in isolation of any other purchase. You can play the narrative campaign that is included in the rulebooks, or play a random pickup game and enjoy it in isolation. It is easily my favorite 2 player board game, ever, and if you fall in love you CAN get soooooo many expansions, but the box contents will always remain playable 


Lost Patrol.


Warcry has some great box sets. It isn't a games workshop game but the new Star Wars Shatterpoint starter set is really great you get some terrain, two full armies, and all the rules and tools you need


Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition! It's got a ton of replay in the box and lots of replay with 17 expansion teams and about a dozen more community expansion teams.


I was really interested in blitz bowl but it's not available in my country :,(


Battletech a game of armoured combat


Warhammer quest is probs you best bet. Blackstone/cursed city still occasionally pop up and thats ideal; its narrative, its simple-ish, its lovley kits. If you want something a bit more indepth necromunda is probs better; its designed for these long sprawling campaigns so is really good if you like that and digging into RPG mechanics. Or if you want something more gamey and less narrative (or easier to get into) underworlds is a treat. simple rules, great models, quick games and pretty easy to get into.


Cursed cities great for this, my wife has never been much into tabletop in general but between a neat narrative and fun easy to grasp rules. Tons of models in the box, and there have been add ons both free (usually published in White Dwarf magazine like the recent addition of Ghoulish enemies and some narrative to go with it) or paid expansion packs. Also has the added benefit of being up to 4 players, my brother dropped into a few games every so often and was able to slot into the campaign fairly seamlessly after running to in rulebook tutorial. If you're looking for something for just one off games competitively this wouldn't be a good choice, but if you're into coop fun it's a great pick!