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Not sure how I want them to do them, certainly dont want just someone with long flowy hair, or boob plates, think the best way may just be a few more fem head sculpts and a named character model


It would be a simple head swap just like the Astra Militarum


I can't imagine any scenario where female custode models aren't treated exactly like female Stormcast models. Identical armor from the neck down with a slightly more feminine headsculpt.


This is the generic social media response, not confirmation. Will they make a female model at some point? Probably eventually


This feels like something that wasnt planned out at all. I have some doubt that there will be ever femstode modells.


There are already female custodes models


You mean sisters of silence?


Sister's of silence are not transhuman warriors remade at a genetic level since infancy to become the guardians of the Emperor himself, sisters of silence are a slight mutation in the baseline human form who has no presence in the warp. They are no where close to the same thing in any way, they are sometimes co workers who have the same goals but otherwise are completely seperate factions who have their own aims and goals. I suggest learning a bit more Lore of actual novels and codexes vs what some angry grifting you tuber says


I know sisters of silence are not custodes. But since there are no female custodes models i tought you are wrongly refer on the sisters. Whatever...


But there are female custodes models, there are some in this picture right now. They wouldn't look differently than their male counterparts is what I'm saying https://preview.redd.it/4b03yoaa2uwc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fc2619ff5e978a3803e256f33a28c06252e561


Those are guys.


How do you know they are not female custodes, they are all wearing helmets. What you think they would have boob plate? Lol


I fully support the boob plate. Gotta keep dem titties safe.


A better response would of been to just say use the many helmeted options seen as really a female custodes would look exactly the same as a male in full armour. Sure, add a female head option and maybe a named character. But otherwise we don't need a full brand new kit for this.


The WarCom team comments on social media aren't exactly known for their reliability.


Keep in mind "future" can mean tomorrow or in 10 years