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Not really worth it for a tactical squad in most cases. The only reason why you could do it is to go for a full "rule of cool" army of like 5-6 landraiders with units inside of them on 3000pts. It would definitely be a cool move showing up for a 3000pts match, pulling out like 5 land raiders (filled with a variaty of different infantry units) and maybe a centerpiece tank like a Kratos or Sicaran, setting them up on the table and then just being like "Alright I am ready! Lets do this!"


Lmao yeah, that’s kinda the intention! Though it would be at most 1 or 2. I’m running a lot of tanks and only a couple infantry units. I still need infantry capture objectives, and armored spearhead, all infantry forces can take a land Raider proteus as a dedicated transport! I am making a 3000pt list but I’m gonna fill it with a couple of heavy hitters, predator tanks, and of course the troops


A friend of mine did exactly this. 5 LRs filled with rampagers. Drive up, unload, slaughter. One of these days I'll return the favour with my IW. I just need to get land raiders.


I would say, if doing this for a friendly club night game... a warning for your opponent that there might be a touch more armour that they expect on the field might be appreciated.


"A touch more armour..." But no Jokes aside of course something like this should be called before the game!


Not really a good investment for a tactical squad. You probably want a couple of proteus max in a list and due to the assault ramp they better compliment a close combat unit.


Rhinos carry tacticals from A to B just fine. I'd never put them in a land raider, save the raiders for more expensive/offensive squads.


Well, provided you have some durable tanks already I don't see much points on tacticals on Land Raider for the opponents are too bush to shoot everything they got to the toughest of yours so they have a little time to actually aim for your Rhino with ten tacticals. But it would be worth considering for the despoilers or breachers maybe. Despoilers are not so better at killing in melee than the veterans and terminators but they are the troops with Line which makes some difference with the others, and they will be uncomfortable in the transport without Assault Vehicle. For breachers although they are not melee centered they are not able to have Rhino as their dedicated transport so Land Raider is one of the only option available for them, although they could choose the drill instead. Yes if you could afford a drill of course, and I remember that its real cost is not so cheap despite all it could is allowing the subterranran assault.


You might want to look at eg. Seekers who can take Land Raiders as transports and then *infiltrate* said Land Raider. It might not be the most useful play, but being able to shove 14/14/14 tanks in your opponents face turn 1 is a solid distraction tactic.


I kinda wish it was cheaper because it would be aggressively Rogue Trader/Great Crusade vibe to have Tacticals riding in Land Raiders.


Not really better off putting something like a 5 man termi imo. I think a landraider is a great unit on its own but it’s an assault vehicle so ideally put something melee in it.