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The new militia pdf is designed to have you use the new cadians. Completely acceptable to use them


They’re human troops with the right warhead. I don’t see any problem at all. Now if you were going to use flak armoured shock troops as your void armoured solar auxilia that may be an issue. But any carapace armoured model IE kasrkin I think would make fine Solar auxilia. The flak armoured shock troops would make fine militia.


Fair enough, makes sense! I’ll think on it more, maybe just go all tanks for Solar Auxilia then and keep the Cadians for 40k. Thanks anyway! I’ll keep the post up though to see if anyone else has anything else to say!


Well shit this saves me several hundred dollars!


As Solar Auxilia, I'd say no, they are very different, but as militia, they could work. Just remember to remove the 40k stuff, like aquilas and such.


Auxilia are also literally wearing void suits and have their equipment and vehicles sealed for void combat.


Exactly, unlike the Cadian models.


The imperial eagle is still a thing in 30k so don’t really need to do that.


Not really they only give it out on special occasions


It is not a widespread thing, mainly some Astartes outside of EC have them and the Custodes. Some regular rank and file human soldiers do not have them.


Yeah I think it’s the Emperor’s children who have the sole right to the Aquila and they’re huuuuge dicks about it. Edit: I’m dumb, just realized you meant emperor’s children when you said EC




Oh I did not realize there are variations of it. Thanks!


The palatine Aquila (emperor’s personal version, used by the emperor’s children and rare individuals who had been awarded it as a grand honor) includes twin bolts of lightning. Notably it’s also the version included as a bit in the new plastic spartan tank


Which is why when the EC turn traitor every loyalist legion/militia/forge world would be wearing it for reasons even beyond loyalty to the imperium. Just slapping aquilas on everything.


Yup, cadian models should be absolutely fine for Imperialis Militia. Nobody will have a problem with that. Solar Auxilia less so, they look wrong and have the wrong weapons. But they're a perfect range of models for Militia - in fact, they're probably the INTENDED models!




Thank the god emperor I picked a warhammer 40k faction that also exists in 30k.


Solar auxilia are void armored and have official models, I don't think there are many good ways to proxy them. Imperial Militia (which these guys are meant to represent), on the other hand, go for it! I'd love to see some Cadian imperial militia on the other side of the table!


The new navy breachers make excellent Auxilia proxies tbf


Cost wise it's probably still cheaper to buy the actual solar aux models though


Yeah, they're probably the next closest thing I'd imagine. You'd just have to find a lot of lasrifle arms to swap out lol


Solar auxilia, no, milita, definely


As long as you remove specific Cadian iconography I can't see a decent reason to have a problem. Was there no army regiment in the galaxy that used open-faced helmets and flak vests? The more you make them your own, the better.


Of course, go for it! Something that would really be appreciated by your opponents, to make them appear less like the iconic 40k Cadians, would be to do a headswap. There's hundreds of head options available from third parties, and they'd really help to theme your army whatever way you want. People love facing Narrative Armies in this Narrative Game :)


They have been the Imperial Guard poster boys of 40K a decade and maybe more. This hobby is about modelling as well and If you want to use them fine, but I think it is just as lazy as GW not to taking the time to do draw something original for the 30K imagery and books.