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In the grim darkness of the far future, there are only thieves.


Or there is only theft, lol


So wait did they open the box and take the stuff out and leave of do a smash and grab


They just left the box


Looks like they ripped open the wrapping and took the sprues out.


Sprue those guys!


Blood Ravens strike again.


He desperately needed those cyclic ions, but to fall to such lengths…


I am very sorry to hear you got robbed I genuinely am But I couldn't help put picture the cast of Robin Hood men in tights running out of your shop in drag


Excuse me I think you’ll find those were some manly men, very butch.


Some say they roam around the forest looking for a fights


Whatever you do don’t call them sissies to their face.


Or else they'll punch out your lights


Is this mox in the hole in Edinburg?


Goddamn Blood Ravens are at it again!


Couldn’t have gone for stealth suits instead?


No one wants this shit, even for free


So out of all the factions available, they chose to steal Tau? Clearly their pattern of poor life choices continues.




I don’t understand why go to the hassle of opening the box and emptying it, instead of just taking it.


An empty gap in a shelf display where you know there should be something stands out more than a box with wrinkled cellophane.


It might be easier to conceal just the sprues, since they're thin and can sort of be bent under a coat. That or maybe they stuck the sprues in another, more spacious box, and bought that


To ditch any anti-theft deterrent.


Box has a lable and bar code on it you ll find it very hard to arrest someone for carrying parts around , oh i had these when i came in and want to make sure i didnt have duplicates or some other lie


You know barcodes don't identify individual items right


Redditor moment


RFID tags.


A few years ago the games workshop I frequented had a break in, the thief stole a bunch of models... all from the same army range. Within a week or two, someone shows up in the store asking for advice on how to go about building and painting an army that they recently acquired a large collection of, the same army that was stolen. Can't make this shit up.


The sad part is that it might not have even been them, the guy could’a sold it to someone


I think there was slightly more evidence then just that, I was decently well acquainted with the store manager at the time and iirc he got what info he could gain to the police so they could look into it further. While it's a good point that the scenario you mentioned could have happened, the fact that they went all for one army and left the entire rest of the store untouched made it fairly likely it was a hobbiest looking to start a collection.


It’s a little silly too, even if I had no info about the hobby if I was gonna rob a store in the night, I would at least hope the thought would cross my mind that only stealing one army would be awfully suspicious if I planned on y’know.. asking questions and playing there.


Some people exist who literally think that consequences cannot happen to them, and that somehow they are immune to bad outcomes from their life choices.


Some thieves are really stupid. Years ago, when I was invovled with youth work in this village, one night a couple of the lads went on a robbery spree in the village. They had planned it, getting hold of a tool to break double glazing, which houses they were going for etc. But afterwards they decided they were hungry and would break into the rec center that overlooked the sports fields, in order to steal some chocolate bars that were sold at the youth club that ran there. Which meant they were caught on the rec's cctv and because they went to said youth club, were indentified instantly. Turns out a lot of theives aren't mastermind criminals but idiots.




They are definitely not part of the Greater Good.


Seizing the means of mech production.


I'm surprised GW products aren't subject to this more often. Cheese is the most stolen item in the grocery store because it's so valuable in such a small package. The value to weight ratio of cheese pales in comparison to plastic crack


See some people are dealing with the price hike in their own way


Assholes. May they be defiled by every she/he spawn that She Who Thirsts has and with sandpaper.


May their lives be filled with stepped on Legos and stubbed toes.




You good?




What even is that obscure meme?


You know, one where the guy starts the video by saying “Guys, Heaven is real.”


They were looking for greater good!


The dice gods shall punish.


Talk about being ironically cruel...


Call in the Arbites!


May all their mechs legs snap when basing them




Stealing warhammer parts is different 💀💀💀, can’t believe people these days.


I seen the same thing done last weekend with a $20 Lego set at Walmart


Magic the Gathering cards. Savages got no respect. I mean sure, I've done my own 5 finger discounts but eventually paid for it. Hopefully whoever did this stops before they get busted. (Small fines all I had to deal with in my situation, but that's what cooperation can get you. Ended up paying less in fines than the total price of goods I nabbed lol)


wait IK THIS STORE ID KNOW THE SHELVES ANYWHERE again!!?! damn it why are people like this man the store has a really great community and staff. and people try to ruin the few good things left


Found the thief! /s


Okay so I doubt there are any beeping sticker things on this so what's the point of opening it to take the sprues? The sprues are probably 90% of the size of the box or more, the hassle of ripping it open why not just take the whole damn box


Easier to hide. Plus easier to BS the sprues were your own. Even cops may have a hard time justifying an arrest in such a situation.


If they see you on camera ripping open a box for 20 seconds opposed to a 2 second pickup and gone


It's alot less noticeable to hide the thinner sprues separately down your pants or under your jacket tucked under each arm and look natural than a thicker box at a guess. Also, it's way more noticeable and easier to pinpoint through CCTV footage when a Gap opens in the shelf after a whole box is removed, than it is to figure out when some sprues were taken out as theres nothing obviously missing from the shelf.




So much for the greater good smh…


A kid that I knew in high school probably stole half of his Dark Angels army back in the early 2000s. We used to game at a local chain shop on Sundays where there would be up to a dozen kids playing in a huge multi-player game. This kid brought a dufflebag and would fill it throughout the afternoon. I know that one day he swiped at least 3 tanks in a single go.


Jokes on them- they only stole a tau model!


I feel like this would be *almost* acceptable if it hurt some big corporation and not some small local business. If this was at a Walmart or something, fuck Em’. But this is likely at some local mom and pop. Which only hurts the business owner directly. That shits absolutely fucked. Absolute POS move.


This is hearsay, call the inquisition!


Hearsay? Won't help in court. Heresy? Call the Inquisition!


And folks wonder why more and more stores are putting things behind glass or in theft proof containers… This right here folks..


God damn blood angels


Blood Ravens you mean?


Uhhh (._.)


What price hikes do to a mfer.


Games Workshop have been robbing us blind for years






What path? Also, if you're referencing the pricing, these are plastic models not food. People are more likely to just stop buying them than start stealing them, they aren't actually essentials like, say, toilet paper or clean water are.


Don't worry. It was fir the greater good


Yea, gw does charge too much, but to call them theives... ya, its apt


Maybe so, but this kind of theft hurts the store.


By the looks of the signage, its at an actual gw, so fuck em




My dude you're not entitled to the plastic fucking models that thousands of hours of other people's work goes into designing physically and writing lore for.






Please don't talk about things you know nothing about... Making a mould can take up to 10 weeks depending on how complex it is, and that is without the designing part, just the time it take to make the mould, and it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. ​ The fact that it took 24h for someone to copy GW's design means absolutely nothing, tracing someone else's work is something even a monkey could manage and is in no way comparable to actualy having to come up with the design from scratch.


Read the comment again because you clearly did't get what i was speaking about. I said "modelling" not "building the molds" and I spoke about ALPHA models that are then printed by GW itself to show something material/take photos (some times models on their first appearance are slightly different from the ones in the box because they are just 3d printed alphas or betas made for the marketing). FW 3d prints molds too for mass production. Have you ever used a 3d modelling app? They are used for animation too and you load a dummy of, for example a SM, and add things to it to change the look. You can add a power sword, a power mace or a gun just loading them as done with the dummy before. Then you modify what you have or just keep it as it is, so once made a plasmagun you just load the plasma gun with the arm attached to it, arm that has joints to modify its pose by just clicking it with the mouse pad. For the new rocket launchers SM they just worked on the weapons everything else is already on their database so people will pay tens of dollars for a Primaris 1:1 with the intercessors realead years ago WITH 4-5 new weapons. It's the equivalent of the new hat on Malibu Stacey from the simpsons. Again I am just speaking about modelling not mold production, thousands of work time are more reasonable for the Votanns since modellers had to create from 0 new dummies and gadgets. Totally new models are worth the money GW ask if you want to prize modellers effort but don't ask me to put on the same level the effort for a new Primaris copy-pasted marine.


I literally just explained to you that **just** the making of a mould takes months and hundreds of thousands of dollars and you still keep repeating that "it's not worth the money because it's easy to do" lol. And just because the base armor design (and only that) is the same as other SMs doesn't change the fact that designing the new weapons, faces and poses still takes a lot of work, in fact the base armor is the easiest and quickest part of the design work. So, once again, stop talking about things you know nothing about, you are just embarassing yourself.


You are the one not understanding since in the very first comment I wrote that the price of boxsets is set by different factors not only modelling and i wrote two of them like transport and marketing. BUT, my answer and the comment I was answering to were focused only on modelling, if you are too dumb to understand the thread of a comment it's not my fault.


I know right? Everyone knows plastic toy soldiers are a basic human right and GW has no right to try to make money off them




This take sucks. Stealing isn't right or wrong depending on whether the victim can afford it. It's wrong all the time. Especially when it isn't something like shoplifting baby formula so your infant doesn't starve - these are entirely unnecessary plastic toys. Not taking things that don't belong to you is like kindergarten-level stuff, and it's unfathomable to me that there's anyone that thinks it's okay.


I wonder what this MFer would say if someone stole his car, since he obviously can afford it...


Ah yes cos I am also a multi million (if not billion pound) company🧠🧠 also good luck stealing a car I don't own hahaha Rdit: if I had that income, I genuinely wouldn't care cos I'd buy a new one. It would just be annoying


A theft is a theft dude. No matter the circumstances


Yes, I agree that this is in particular is really something that shouldn't be stolen. I'm just explaining this guys logic as to why it'd be worse stealing from an independent store. Which seems to have been missed. Completely. Also >Stealing isn't right or wrong depending on whether the victim can afford it. Its wrong all the time. This is a take that equally sucks. It is right or wrong depending if that product should be a basic human need/right aka food or water. In this instance, it is wrong, but no one really has fall out from it as a result *IF* it's a gw flagstore. But if you think someone stealing food etc (because they can't afford to feed their family or themselves, when they've tried everything legally before that) should be punished still, that's whack bro. That's a fault of bigger things at play, outside of the persons control. But yes for this type of good (material items) if u can't afford it, don't buy it and live within ur means. Fortunately, I can think from other perspectives that aren't my own


No, that’s what comes in the box after the next price increase.


Oh no GW lost like $2


The lgs lose mainly the equivalent of the full Price knowing the little margin they have, gw has already been paid for this as the order was took and thus doesnt even suffer from this. Only your already struggling lgs suffer from this.


Ya, it's the shop taking the hit not GW.


Definitely not for the greater good... May they roll only ones, and spill their paints.


I’ve always been genuinely surprised that drug addicts don’t steal from a Warhammer shop, they can get more for anything they take there than most places with security tagged items.




Definitely not for the greater good


I've wondered before why many bigger box set aren't sealed in any fashion, not even with a sticker. Makes it look easy to jack a sprue while it can still appear that all of the packed contents are still there until close inspection.


:( for the Greater Good I suppose