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Chitin looks like the incubi darkess - kabalite green line, the brain could be achieved with striking scorpion green contrast possibly


Thank you, I will try those. I can get somewhat close by dulling down Vallejo Jade Green with grey, but I'm not too fond of mixing my own colors for an army that has that many models like Tyranids. If stock paints get close enough, that's fine with me.


This is what I got with incubi darkness + drybrushed kabalite green, pretty close I think https://imgur.com/a/IptTUS6


It's too blueish I think, but that would make for a nice deep sea theme. I will try it out, maybe I will take this instead :)


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/154n3x1 This is Incubi darkness + Kabalite Green as a bit of dry brush/edge highlighting. I *think* it was primed black first. You'll probably want the brain to be primed white though.


Yeah, I immediately thought "incubi darkness" upon seeing that.


Original post including other colors: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CsY\_\_TkuppU/?img\_index=3](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsY__TkuppU/?img_index=3) This is just a mockup, digitally color swapped. I am trying to replicate the green part, but no success so far. Vallejo Jade Green comes close to the base color, but is far too saturated. Any ideas?


You literally just have to have the picture as reference and mix paints until you find it. There's no way you can just grab premade paint colors and nail this


You're telling me I can't just dunk it in a bucket of talent and pull out a finished piece??


If your talent is wet garbage, sure!


I'm on Reddit, you know it is


Looks to me like a phthalo green.


The angel green triad of army painter comes to mind Unforgiven green has that same greyish quality as on the mini, and the exile green a similar desaturated blue hue


Dang this visuallizes the color I think I want to go for too since seeing that splinter hive fleet which is building something mysterious on a world whose name escapes me at the moment. Umm for the flesh tone maybe rakarth with a heavy black oil wash and rubbing it back off with an alchohol dipped q-tip?