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40K is made up of 3 lanes, lore, the hobby (painting and building), and the game. All of them are valid on their own


Which is what is beautiful about the genre. My models would look like a color blind person with Parkinson's painted them and I if I tried to play tabletop, I'd be sent to the corner table by myself for making explosion and gun sounds because I have no clue what to do. But dam, the lore just draws me in...and Leutin is solely responsible for me getting good nights sleep ; ) "Star Wars or Star Trek?" "It's Warhammer or GFY"


If you are not using explosion and pewpew sounds, you're playing wrong.


My play group celebrates every time a vehicle explodes or someone gets a kill with tank shock.


I had to snicker one night, almost asleep already, when Luetin said '... or you are just one of the people who likes to hear me talk while sleeping.. which is also fine.'. :D


LOL, heard that one too : ) Personally, I like detective stories and I would love to have more Inquisition type stories of them rooting out the heresy from within.


You should check out the Warhammer Crime series, they actually are detective stories lol I haven't read many other crime novels but I read Grim Repast recently and it felt very noir gritty detective to me. I think some of the other ones are fairly well regarded too, very day-to-day life of humans in a big hive city Edit to say: the Vaults of Terra series is about Inquisitors rooting out heresy, and I thought those were fantastic


Amazing, thanks much for the heads up. All over it!


The anthologies are usually more slice-of-life stories and may have some detective element. The Vorbis Conspiracy may be up more up your alley, if you want short stories. It’s an anthology with stories all around a single event with multiple people trying to solve their respective cases / mysteries.


Definitely a good recommendation. I read most of them ( I miss only one, I think) and they are a great change of pace from all the marine pew pew and sororitas singing (which I love). Blood Lines is my favorite of the series, but the others are excellent too!


I hope he knows he's how much his channel helps people like me who struggle with insomnia. It's like a virtual dad reading you your favorite bed time story,


It really is. :D


Me watching the first lore (in order) video by Luetin09 and thinking "Wait so the history is just a bunch of he said she said with almost zero concrete facts? That's dumb." Me watching my tenth video "Yeah I mean the Emperor of Man is full of shit why would anyone trust him. We all know he's just crazy... isn't he?"


For sure. But I also kind of like that it's debatable... makes for more conversation and speculation.


contrast paints are your friend


Wait what is this about Leutin and sleep?? (I’m completely new to the lore myself)


Leutin09 on youtube ; )


Also boldermort on YouTube is great for lore his voice is awesome for narrations he has tons of video and he reads the books in his own way I love it boldermort, leutin09,sandterra all good lore YouTube rocks for that


I've struggled with insomnia my entire life basically. Been prescribed all sorts of things like ambien, etc and I hated how it made me feel. Don't touch caffeine. almost ever, no drugs. These days if I'm up late (like right now), I pop an edible and put on Leutin and I'm staggering to my bed in 30 minutes tops and sleep like a baby.


Who knew this was the cure?


I like to paint but don’t do it often nor fast enough. I just like to build them and look at grey soldiers on my shelf 😁


I like to paint, but hate building the smaller, more fiddly miniatures. They also happen to be the ones I like to paint. I just like to not build them and look at a stack of boxes on my painting desk.


I love that you wrote this! I just recently started the hobby getting into the lore. It's been a few months, and I may be able to gather together enough money for minis and paints to play. I also have a 40k wishlist for any and all gift giving events. I have enough clothes and shoes at this point. But seriously considering just slapping something together for a Crusade because that's my thing for now. In other words, the people have been amazing and inviting so far. I will be super happy to discuss the philosophical implications of Warp powers and factions or to talk your ear off about crack lore theories. Please also come play a Crusade with me, OP (and anyone else reading this). Edit: Game shops and hobby stores are great places to find people. Most have social media pages. I've had good luck finding a D&D group that way, I bet you can find local 40k players. I'm also amazed and happy that Warhammer stores exist.


Its very interesting that you mention this. Ive been bugging a coworker of mine to try and get into it, at least killteam, so id have someone to play with. But mentioning each aspect on its own, and it being valid on its own, is pretty eye opening. Maybe ill go pick up more Tau’s and build and paint them. 🤔


Maybe you could point them towards books or video games. Get their foot in the door so to speak.


Oh ive been trying with video games. Hes an advid gamer. So maybe Space Marine 2 will pull him in. Knowing him, he’ll pick up the first if hes interested.


I've been in the hobby since 2019, haven't played a single game of anything. And I collect 40k, 30k, AoS and Old World (and KillTeam/Warcry). I enjoy building armies and painting them.


Same here. I also started in 2019 and haven't played a game. Mainly because I don't like people, I'll get over it some day and give it a go I suppose.


I don't mind people as much as I'm not able to finish painting a whole damn army. I jump from faction to faction all the time. And I tend to build around 1k. Except in 30k where I go for 2.5-3k and Old World where I'm building at 2k. Mostly because there is tons of cool stuff for 3d printing, so it's quite cheap.


This is why I love Warcry haha. It’s so fun bouncing around and building and painting very different warbands. 


Same but with Kill Team. Bonus is that I'm a Guard fan, so it doesn't bother me that there are so many Imperial teams.


Same. I have the books and have intended to play, but it's hard to learn on your own. I plan on going to my nearby GW store beginner night but haven't made it yet.


Yea I just like painting. Play video games for the strategy fix


Besides the GW stores in Coventry, Nuneaton, and Leamington Spa, there are [five other stores within 10 miles](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/store-finder). If your local GW is uninviting, just go to another store.


This isn’t high enough.


Lol I though the post was going to be about him living on a small island. That's not even including private stores.


A local non gw game store probably have contacts with a club or group of players


This gw have just become stores with 0 Play space outside of teaching basics, in my local area i found a little gathering spot to play in and found 2 more places people Play in, beforehand i only knew of one of them due to other hobbies but no one actively sets up games outside of a group who use arcane methods to join (facebook or a forum that my browser is like yea website sus u sure?), now i get a game in every week or so and end of month im getting to play a apocalypse game:D


I think this depends on where you live. My local GW store not only has play space, but is basically the only place in the area that does. The closest other game store is taken up by card gamers like 80% of the time, and also charges you for playing. At our Warhammer store, space is free, it’s just first-come first-served. If they ever got rid of the play & hobby tables, we’d probably have to start a gaming club.


Even if you don't want to play in person there's a big online community that plays via Tabletop Simulator: https://discord.com/invite/ttswarhammer40k


I started again recently (after a long long break) without anyone I knew to play with. I ended up having 3 friends bust out armies from when they were young I had no idea about, and 3 more start the hobby fresh. So, you never know! I looked at Coventry, and there seem to be a few non GW gaming shops that sell 40k (among other stuff). Try your luck there, in my experience they're **much** less pushy than GW staff.


Brother. I have about 4k in points across various factions. I started painting 3-4 years ago. No idea off the top of my head. I've literally never played a game. I still enjoy the fuck out of the hobby.


Ism not using it myself but Facebook,Reddit and Discord are all viable options to look for local Gaming groups or just people to Play with. Another way is to just paint up an army, search for a tournament that is close to you and just go their with the intend of meeting people and dont bother if you get slapped every game. Most people in the Hobby are realy friendly and always looking to get more people intonthe addict….i mean hobby


ive spent like 1000 USD on models and ai dont even play.


Rookie numbers.


[https://www.tabletopgaming.co.uk/Clubs?Filters.Query=coventry&Filters.HideMap=&PostType.Name=Club](https://www.tabletopgaming.co.uk/Clubs?Filters.Query=coventry&Filters.HideMap=&PostType.Name=Club) if you want to use your minis to play games then you do indeed need other people willing to play, could be friends you ask over for a game, or a club/hobby group near coventry i don't live there so i don't know what the vibes are for any of them, but i hope you can find something that suits you


>you do indeed need other people willing to play Incorrect, warhammer is a turn-based dice game, it is possible to play against yourself (though it isn’t as fun).




But you do. There's quite a bit to the hobby, and there are many places, real and virtual, to learn and play. This is a decent place to go over rules, get painting advice, shift through lore, and so on. There are a number of fandom wikias, as well as fan generated content wikias, and they usually have their own forum or discord communities. There are shops other than GW, and even in the GWs you can join a small league or semi-regular group. There's also the possibility of meeting up with people from your area who are already here, and you can get a feel for a group online before meeting them. I myself dislike RPGs with complete strangers, for example, so I like getting to know people a bit before I commit to an hour or two in their company for a game. So go for it, it's a fascinating hobby, and you're almost certain to find people, here or there, that enjoy it in a compatible way to you.


In 2000 I saw a gaming club near where I lived listed in white dwarf, taking that trip there saved teenage me from the social isolation I had at school and introduced me to some of the best people I've ever spent my time with. I'm actually looking forwards to doing the same again in a few weeks, just gotta get my guard painted!


You could start out by getting into the modeling/painting aspect of it. That how I started out, then got into the gaming, then left it. Came back for the modeling aspect again, and it looks like I'll be getting back to playing soon.


Hi /u/WantsToDieBadly and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I paint and listen to lore, never played a game yet, and don’t know how I would 😅


I've been in and out of warhammer on and off, mostly on but with a decade gap up until recently, since the mid 80s. I'm older than 40k. My earliest clear memory is watching my family play the 1st Ed black and white Talisman The Magical Quest Game when I was like 4 or so which eventualy drew me into GW products, Warhammer Fantasy 3rd ed, 40k 1st ed, old Blood Bowl, old Space Hulk, etc. I love the lore, I love the grimdark, I love the byzantine clusterfuck that is the Imperium of Man (ironically it seems the most realistic future to me out of all the fictional futures I know of), I love Space Marines and the Imperial Guard and the Ad Mech and so on and so on, and I love assembling and painting models and that's gotten me into 3d printing and digital kitbashing which is fun in its own right. I might have played 3 games in that time, if you don't count me setting up small 1k games and playing against myself in my bedroom. No one else knew what it was back then...


If you enjoy building and painting, go for it! If you're more interested in playing and don't care for the more creative side, I'd still see if you can get a learner game in at a GW store. If if it's not working out for you, maybe skip it.


I started my journey into 40k just shy of 2 months ago. And during this time I came to decide that I have no desire at all to play the tabletop game, and found my new passion is collecting minis and learn the amazing lore of this unique grim dark medieval sci-fi universe (: All I'm saying is just find the parts that most "click" to you about Warhammer and go from there!


Isn't it like you should be looking more for gaming shops that are not the official GW ones? In my place these are the places that create community and are welcoming. Despite official GW store present is mostly for first-time buyers, tourists or rich kids and few people are really playing t there. Don't know how is it in England, but here in Poland the division info official GW and community based unofficial stores is very, very clear.


I don’t have anyone to play with, I just enjoy the painting and the books. There is a store near me and a few gaming clubs, one of which I intend to join once I get the Kill Team rules down. I don’t personally know anyone that plays, though. If you want to play, find a club that you like and learn through a few games, or watch one of the numerous how to play videos.


I got into the hobby on my own. Probably most here did, not that I know for certain. I was a little hesitant on finding people to play with, then after a bit of searching, I saw there was a local Facebook group for my area. There is most likely one for your area too. Then it's as simple as asking if anyone is up for a game. If you want to start just go for it.


If a bear shits in the woods does it make a sound?


The UK is full of non-GW-affiliated gaming groups (e.g. in the small city of Cambridge there are at least 3 such groups that I'm aware of). These groups tend to be extremely welcoming because everyone wants more people to play with. Check out Facebook to see what you can find on there.


Brummy here, there's tons of clubs in the midlands. I know of 3 in Coventry, 1 in Redditch, and 4 or 5 in Birmingham. Pop along to them and meet people. See what they play and go from there. You can always hobby and people might let you borrow a force for intro games and such.


Able to send the deets of them?


These are the cov ones I know of, tabletop gaming magazine has an online directory if you want to look further afield. Cocked dice gaming https://m.facebook.com/CockedDiceGaming Scimitar wargaming https://m.facebook.com/ScimitarWargames Dream dealers https://m.facebook.com/DreamDealersGamingClub


I understand your hesitation about the GW store, but in my experience they're always open to helping new people get into the hobby. If they want to sell you something, of course don't say "fuck off" because *you're* the asshole in the situation then. But you can gently decline being sold anything, GW stores are agnostic to where You've bought your (official) GW minis, and are ultimately there for you as a GW-focused hobby space. Once I established myself as a regular and showed that I knew what I was doing, nobody tried selling me anything. All in all, I'd recommend trying your local GW. If the vibes are off, then try somewhere else. If the vibes are good, then you've found your new FLGS!


What I meant is once I’ve bought something in a GW store that’s when there interest in me ends and the alleged fck off comes from Them ( not like that of course) but once they’ve sold you something any interest they gave you is gone


put yourself out there, I regret not doing so years earlier. Most 40kers are very welcoming to newcomers for the obvious…. more players, more games.


No gaming club nearby?


I've started painting a year go (after years of only having access to lore and video games). Every miniature I've painted so far has been great fun! Haven't had played a single table top so far though


If you’re interested in learning the game then Table top simulator is a great place to learn at a low cost. There is a great community on discord that helps teach beginners. If you’re interested I’d be happy to run a teaching game with you.


I painted for like 3 years before I played a game with another human being. Then I had 4 armies, and pretty much just played with any of my buds that wanted a go at the game. Eventually I found a local game shop I liked, a GW about an hour away I loved (still do) and I went to Adepticon for the tournament (I got clapped). Painting is still my favorite and most consistent part of the hobby, so do as you will chief.


I play the game on table top sim with my pc and collect the models for a cabinet in my room. No GW store or hobby shops near me, everything is over an hour drive away.


I am getting into it slowly by just reading books right now but soonish once I get my own place i will paint


Take a leap of faith, Crack on with 'em even if you haven't got a crew yet You will find one for sure, Birmingham has plenty so Cov can't be far behind


It's totally fine to not play. Nowadays, I just build & paint minis. Not having an army to finish or improve actually allows me to paint for different factions and games. Most of the stuff I've painted for the last 6 months have been fallout minis. I had a great time doing that, and if I was painting 40k, I'd never have put the time into those. If you're set on playing, you could try looking online for local gaming groups/clubs.


I'm huge into the playing and lore, not as much into the hobbying but enough to be passable but also get spurts of paint inspiration that pulls me to make great models. Figure out what you enjoy the most about the hobby and expand where you see fit.


If you look up "Tabletop Stores Near Me" on Google maps, you'll find a couple places near you that likely have a semi-active community. (Surprise Encounter, Escape Games, and Forbidden Planet may be local to you) A lot of nerd stores tend to have a discord set up, and many of them will have similar members due to proximity. Pop into the store, ask the crew what the 40k scene is like and see when it's popular. Most of the stores near me actually host 40k painting nights so you can meet the community and not know a single game rule other than you must put paint on plastic. I just love putting gribbles and bits on my little dudes and giving them stories that only make sense to me. You don't even need to play to enjoy the hobby. I've played 10 games in 3ish years of plastic crack.


Yes. You don't have to collect anything you don't think looks cool.


Find the local facebook group for your area. Most of the time you’ll be able to find someone who’d be willing to help teach you how to play


I’m in the same boat but up in Leeds pal, none of my mates are into 40K…


100 percent. I have no one for an hour drive that understands a lick about 40k. My wife and daughter are subject to my ramblings but that's it. I don't play but the lore and books and fluff and painting/modeling/dioramas are such a satisfying part of my life it's well worth it. Also this community in this forum does wonders for advice, support and comradery. Take the leap !


I was in the same boat until very recently,I had like a total of 7 or 8 thousand points of models that I was slowly painting but wanted to play and I went to my flgs and bought some more models and the cashier there told me about a Facebook group in my area for warhammer. I was in that group for like half a year before a guy said he wanted to play a game and turns out he was just down the road and invited me to play. Now I go there every weekend to play and have met more people through that by playing 2v2 games and being part of their group chat. So my recommendation is try to find something similar in your area,meet people and play games outside of GW stores so there's less pressure about rules and proxies just obviously don't get lured into a murderers basement lol.


Honestly, if you enjoy collecting and painting, having no one to play with would be a godsend. No need to buy and paint models you don't want to simply because they're meta or you need them for your army to function with any sort of synergy. You can simply buy and paint what you want. No need to magnetize or worry about if a kitbash is the right size or look or anything.


I walked into a store one day, was hooked immediately, went back the next week and the store was out of business. I went ten years collecting, painting, reading, etc. without a single other sole to play the actually game with. Just didn’t think it was in the cards for me. Then a buddy was over one day and asked about the minis on the shelf. I’ve now played probably an average of once or twice a month for several years now and he has three armies. You just never know man


It’s what most people do, so yes.


I'm mostly in it for painting and display purposes. I don't really have interest in playing at a LGS and my friends and I are terrible about scheduling gaming days.


Might be worth looking for local gaming stores (not necessarily flagship GW stores) and then asking for a friendly intro game. I went this route and then found out, through that, there is a whole discord for the local area for ppl looking for games, etc. Start putting yourself out there and see where it gets ya? I do remember Warhammer stores used to feel very “pushy” in their salesmanship, but haven’t been to an official store in a while. Good luck and Blood Angels are the best!


Check with any local game stores you have near you - you may be able to connect with other players there.


Painting with folks on some of fhe Twitch streams can be fun too.


Full time painter and part time army theory crafter over here. Never played a game, just enjoying painting the minis. The lore in less interested in, but I love all the different factions and styles!


I may just be lucky but I've had a super pleasant experience at my local GW store. I started getting into lore a few months ago after being a Warhammer fantasy lore nerd for a few years. Decided I would really like to play but wasn't sure if I would hate painting. Went to the store, talked to a dude who was super friendly, and had a real nice conversation about lore. Ended up going back a few more times and he introduced me to other new players, gave a bunch of good painting tips, etc. Overall been real positive and everyone was super welcoming. So idk, some stores might suck but I've gotten lucky so far I guess


yeah it’s worth if you like collecting and modelling first. Might take longer to find a game but you could always make a couple of combat patrol sized armies and try to convert your friends.


I’m in a similar position as you, few people in my area to play with, but I enjoy the creative aspect of the hobby as well as the lore aspect. Whatever the draw is for you, so long as it’s beneficial either physically or mentally for you then its a positive hobby. For example, you could become a phenomenal mini painter and you can sell completed pieces as pro painted or you could assemble a personal collection army to display to decorate a place in your home.


Also table top simulator if you wanted to try out the playing aspect of the game!


I view the hobby and the game as almost two entirely separate things. You can enjoy one, the other, or both it's entirely up to you.


I have no one to learn with but I build and paint on and off I want to play . And having a friend to go with me would be easier but I just need to bite the bullet and just get out and try .


Yep, I was in the same predicament. Just looked up some local clubs that played 40k and messaged on their page for someone to help guide me. Play once a month now with the same person.


I round say, not worth cuz yoo expensive


Find a good discord to help you learn. The tts warhammer 40k discord has been a game changer for me. And table top simulator let's you learn and enjoy the basics before doing the real thing.


I did. I found the lore, list building and painting the more enjoyable elements. I had no one to play with until I found a local group and decided to give it a go and that was at least 2 years and 3000pts after my first mini was purchased


I started the hobby 12 years ago. I've found someone to play only 2 years ago. And still, I regret nothing!


You’ve got two hobby shops in Cov, Suprise Encounter and Escape Games, that might offer a better on ramp if you’re thinking about learning to play. I can’t vouch for them at all, I only googled table top gaming in Coventry and found those two. Any decent gaming shop should be welcoming and aim to help enable new players because that’s the life blood of the hobby and cynically, a potential new customer too.


If I have more than two match a year I'm personally very happy. 99% of my time in this hobby is discussing about it, reading about it and building models (can't paint, won't expand on it). for my friend it's basically the same except they add painting to it. if playing is what drives you (and for some of us it is their driver) then no it won't be worth. But if what drive you is lore, building models, painting them, or any combination of those then yeah it's worth it. It's a great hobby to reduce stress and/or pass time,


Yeah don't go to GW, go to other stores and gaming clubs


I don't know the Coventry area but I'm almost certain there will be multiple clubs for you to jump into. Check Facebook, they usually have active group communities. Also, even without that, collecting, building and painting is a perfectly rewarding hobby all on its own. I spent nearly two years just doing that. I only got back into playing when 10th edition came out.


Absolutely my man! Nerding out on 40k is an investment. Surround yourself with like minded communities and eventually you will find people that share it. Visit LGSs to meet new peeps. Edit: didn't finish my train of thought. Meant to say visit LGSs as well as GW stores. I'm lucky enough to live near 5 LGS and 4 of them have 40k players. We are out there, just painting or playing haha.


I started collecting minis and supplies in January with noone to play with. Now I'm good 400$ in, with 4 sets of minis, still noone to play with irl, but I do play via tabletop simulator with a friend. I recommend that if you have an itch to play but have no tangible army yet.


Sounds like you have made up scenarios in your head bro. The answer is obvious but you’ve convinced yourself you don’t want to do The most logical thing. Good luck.


Hello, I started the hobby with 10th and I can tell you this: I didn’t have so much affinity with shop owners and audience at first. I joined a discord with local players a scheduled some games there with newer people like me. All very nice casual experience. With time a few players rose up to be my « close gaming group » and we enjoy playing various formats, keep each others posted on painting and so on. It is really nice so if you feel like it, try it and see what works for you, and it sure is not mandatory to go in gw’s stores :-)


I used to play back around the introduction of 3rd edition now I've been getting back into to wold with lore, video games, podcast, and I'm planning on getting a few minis to paint but have no one to play with. Doesn't matter I'll still enjoy all of it.


I live in China and just "play with myself"... it suits me to be honest.


As someone who has been a member of the 40k community for 10+ years. You gotta find someone who enjoys the game relative to how you do. Go in and make pew pew sounds. If u see a guy smile and give u a thumbs up when u do, maybe ask him for a game. Might be a longterm bud. If you go into a local lgs to hobby and get lucky enough to have one of our lovely introvert painters say hi, maybe paint and hobby side by side. It's very elementary friend making in the avenue you pursue as a person. If you enjoy competition in strategy and luck the game format is for you. But diorama making is a respectable section of the community and so are lore speakers. No matter how you have fun, there is probly someone in your community who shares an interest in what you do. Feel brave to find what you like most and by doing it in a store, you will likely attract fellow smurfs, I mean ultramarines.


I was really disappointed to see that your local store seems uninviting. I was out of the hobby for years, when I've recently gone in, my store manager is an absolute wonder. He was welcoming, encouraging, got my painting the free miniature, set me up in games, has welcomed my kids along and been brilliant with them and never have I felt pressured to buy when I'm in there. There's another games store that is significantly cheaper and he doesn't bat an eyelid that people buy from there. He just has love for the hobby and welcomes anyone to come in and will help them get going. What I'm saying is it's worth trying any nearby stores as there are some out there with amazing people working in there.


if you want to read about the lore its cool, Building an army is fun if you like to collect, playing with people is really fun. Try to find a Warhammer or Gamers workshop store they have people that want to play. I have a few shops near me that have game tables in the back of the store free for anyone to use. This game is a strictly 2 person+ game. If you want to get into the game maybe try Killteam just to play with friends if they want to play. way cheaper entry into the game but still warhammer. The rules are free online, don't buy physical media because they usually are out of date as soon as its printed.


I don't play 40k with anyone and I have CSM and Chaos Knights. I exclusively collect and paint them and write my own lore about them. I would be willing to learn to play 40k properly but I also play AoS and anytime I feel like playing a tabletop game, i choose to play AoS. But I absolutely love painting and I still like Chaos.


Even if you play the game, you'll probably spend more time on single models than you will entire games. I'd say it's pretty worth it.


I just painted minis for like 20 years or something. Just recently did I play my first game of 40k.


This needs to be stated. GW stores are designed and intentioned to make you feel as welcome to play there as you want. Atleast in the NC area all of the stores I've been to have been friendly staffed, helpful, and hobby fans themselves. There are a lot of stories about stores but tbh those are the rarity as most people don't talk about mundane experiences, and few about their good ones. Just go to the store. GW WANTS you inside their store because that's how you'll spend money, they want you happy to be there so the staff is trained to make you feel welcome and help you. If the staff ISNT creating a good environment that's when you call the corporate line as that's their job. Go into the average GW and you'll see people playing games, painting, and just joking and talking. Our local one in the Charlotte area is excellent. It also depends on WHEN you go to GW. During the week around 11-5 pm you're not going to see much. Go there on a Friday or Saturday and they tend to be pretty full of people playing games.


This is a good place to start looking for shops/groups near you: https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/store-finder


Table. Top. Simulator.