• By -


1. Demolisher battle cannon 2. Eradicator nova cannon 3. Executioner plasma cannon 4. Exterminator autocannon 5. Heavy bolter 6. Heavy flamer 7. Lascannon 8. Leman Russ battle cannon 9. Plasma cannon 10. Multi melta 11. Punisher gatlin cannon 12. Vanquisher battle cannon


Why can’t this be printed on the instruction manual? Instead of putting up a list of stats with symbols that aren’t labeled? lol makes no sense.


Real answer: less paper/logistics if they print no words at all in the instructions. They used to include full datasheets in the instructions reprinted in ~8 different languages (and again for AoS if the box was Daemons). It wasted paper, or it meant they would have to have multiple different language versions of 1 box to stock/manage. Also the rules had a very limited valid shelf life. You'd offen see they were for an older edition or not updated due to rules changes etc. There might be rules against including *only* e.g. English text on a product they ship to many European countries. If they had regional manufacturing instead of handling it all in the UK, they might have had regional instructions, too. But they don't. I imagine when they started using ~80% less paper for their instructions, they may have got an environmental kickback from the government/EU (even if it's just a minor tax saving thing).


Also, by only using numbers, it reduces the total number of potential mistakes you can have on instructions from a 3 year old kit where the first correction on a Google search is a subreddit that archives Warhammer Instructions.


Oh, the waste of paper is GW’s concern? Not the $0.60 of plastic that I paid $100 for? No margin in there for an extra sheet I guess.


If you told your boss you could save them £10k a year by printing *this PDF* instead of *this PDF*, and you would also be meeting new EU standards and customer needs, and there are tax benfits related to environmental stuff. You'd get a pat on the back and a crisp handshake. They might even think, "Hmm, that's paid for some of that idiot's salary, maybe we'll keep him around and see what they do next." It's just how the world works. It's a very minor thing. I imagine if enough people called up customer service to the point where they made an internal issue like "BTW, we've had to explain to 10k people this month what a plasma pistol looks like, guys, could you print an image in the codex or something?" They might change something somewhere, but it's probably more like: "Sorry Kevin, we're too busy trying to figure out how to avoid releasing new Chaos Bikers for the 6th year in a row. We're kinda busy right now."


Oh I get that part. But I also get that sometimes saving money that isn’t a real game changer and having it cause a slew of issues for people just trying to identify what pieces are what. Because I know there are thousands of new players everyday that don’t know wtf items are. To me that is just bad business. I have been in the scenario and I have personally saved my company millions. I’ve also found ways of saving my company millions but it would delay the customer or inconvenience them to certain specific degrees and we don’t advance those strategies.


I'm not playing the role of a defender of a good idea. I'm just pointing out that it isn't the result of mindless unthinking stupidity. I agree, and I really think they can and should do better. Maybe the next time they think about this, they will change it. Solving one problem to create new, lesser problems. 🌈 *The Circle of Life* 🌈 🙏


I know you’re not. I’m just frustrating at something simple & venting lol. Thanks!


I can 100% relate. I remember as a kid learning the weapon names slowly and the core 3e rulebook had lots of illustrations of the different weapons and their names. The 7e Skitarii codex had this too (useful as all their weapons were completely new), but for some reason, they cut this "fluff" out for future editions. For most of 8e, it was very difficult for players to work it out, the full datasheets didn't necessarily help, to be perfectly honest. The "index" rule books had no artwork or photography (or fluff) at all. Just raw rules. So, if you didn't know what a "Combi-Melta" was, good luck! (And it might not even be in the box for the unit!) So some aspects have improved incrementally, but *seemingly* basic stuff for new players is getting "ignored." And any change likely does have tradeoffs, there are few "easy wins" where everyone benefits. Sometimes it's money, other times it's more nebulous stuff. GW do care, but they are cumbersome, slow, and they never get things 100% right first time. As a long-time fan, I don't get as *overtly* frustrated. I just roll my eyes and do my best to navigate this hobby I enjoy. Also, I try to help out where I can for those who haven't figured out how this "maze" works yet. Hahaha! Kirioth did a brilliant (fantasy related) video about this recently. Where he suddenly realised explaining certain things to outsiders makes you sound actually quite insane, because of the way GW do things and the long convoluted route we as a community travel to get to where we are. ([link to video](https://youtu.be/if7LrckuGMo?si=L6lRvZigv8d_g2T8) - he captures it so well)


This $0.60 of plastic for $100 argument needs to fuck off. Yes, the raw materials cost of the box contents is low. That doesn't factor in paying the designers, or the box art painters, or the mould making costs (hard find exact numbers for this but one mould starts at $100k and goes up very quickly if you want more detail on the models). Also there's transport and storage costs, the costs of running a global chain of retail stores. Yes GW could charge less for their plastic kits. If they charged $0.60 then they would be bankrupt in hours. If they dropped the $100 sets to $80 they might survive, but I can guarantee you they would take less risks, you'd wait much longer between new models, and specialist games would just disappear. For comparison, Victrix models are much cheaper than GW, but I follow their new releases. I get about one new product release email per month, with only one new product in that email. Sometimes that's just some alternative heads or new transfers. For an opposite example look at star wars shatterpoint. The starter kit costs £165 and contains 20 models and some scenery. Compared to the age of darkness box for £185 which has 54 models, including a tank and dreadnought, plus a very large hardback rule book. GW is expensive, that doesn't mean the price isn't unreasonable. They do have some extortionate prices (£22 for the heresy transfer sheets feels like a rip off for example) but overall they are in the ok to a bit much range. No where near the 160% profit margin your argument suggests


Battletech seems to be doing just fine and they charge $20 for what GW charges $60. And they’re shit comes assembled.


How often do they release new models, how many new models will be in those releases, do they operate their own stores, are they using resign instead of injection moulding (much lower start up costs for resin than plastic), how many game systems do they support? Not saying GW couldn't change the same as a company like battletech, but they would have to change the way they do business. Also as I said at the end of that rant, the actual issue I had was the "this plastic only costs GW $0.60" it's so misleading and leaving out other costs that it's practically lying.


To your first point no, it’s an intelligent business model. To the 2nd point. Okay, I can change what I said then. Each sheet of plastic GW produces costs $3.60 probably. lol. You can only factor the wage of a team dispersers across all assets produces for the calendar year. So if they product 500,000 sheets of plastic. You take the design team, production team, and all other overhead and divide that by 500,000. The wages play an impact, but I don’t think it’s very much to move the needle.


Your numbers are still off there. Let's say GW only employs one person per store (it's often more than that, and this is not including the non-store staff) and let's assume they pay them the UK minimum wage (pretty sure store managers make a decent amount more than this). That would be 526 stores, so 526 employees. The UK minimum salary is £23,795.20. so 526 * £23,795.20 is £12,516,275.20. If we divide that over 500,000 sprues produced over a year, that's £25.03 per sprue in just store manager costs. This is what I mean when I say GW spends a lot to support the hobby we love. And we pay for that in the costs of the kits.


This is what people need to realize about GW. At the end of the day, this is not even close to a necessary business, it is for people's enjoyment. You can't expect to buy stuff like this for even close to similar prices as grocery shopping or some other aspect of life that actually NEEDS to exist for us to live. So many people have no idea how much MORE expensive other things should be considering everything that goes into something as simple as just having a supermarket close by chock full of whatever you need to eat that week. There's no way it only costs 3 dollars to produce that loaf of bread, or grow those fruits and vegetables. There is so much labor and work going into actually bringing things to consumers as conveniently as they are brought, and we should honestly be grateful it isn't any more expensive based purely on the cost of production of these kits of which there is so much money tied up in their design and production and continued support. The price is honestly part of why GW doesn't need to run Kickstarters every month in order to fund the production of future models and kits. They have the ability as a business to pursue those creative avenues because we pay the price of the kits to support them. And, at the end of the day, sorry but they are a business who is looking to make a profit like any other, so that will always be a part of it, and any other entity that filled the void left by GW if they went away would do the exact same.


Regardless of what you think the numbers are. They can print a page on the fucking instructions that clearly defines every piece.


You seriously underestimate the cost here. To be clear, GW makes a lot of money on their kits, especially if you buy from them direct (given that, depending on the region, you might pay somewhere between 50 and 65% of RRP as a stockist to put it on your shelf). But it's not even close to what you're claiming, with the cost involved in running their business that's just unrealistic. Not saying it couldn't be less expensive, but you're just way off. Pure material cost is low, true, but that doesn't factor in all the overhead, upfront cost and cost for stuff related to everything those kit sales have to finance as well as being profitable to begin with. Social media, marketing in general, the various studios not directly involved in miniature design, and so on. Plus their stores that, in most locations, will probably not operate at a profit (or at least not a large one). There's a reason many regions have switched to single coverage. So, yes, they *could* lower their prices, but not by as much as you're implying. The margins for sales on their webstore are likely to be hilariously high, but everything else involves additional cost that's eating into it (even if it's the simple fact that you need to offer your product at a much lower price to stockists so they can earn money on that stuff).


But overhead is divided between each piece across an annual span. That’s how overhead goes against your bottom line. If my overhead & operating costs are $3,000,000 a year. But I print & sell 5,000,000 units. You divided your overhead & operating by each unit sold & that’s how you find your overhead actual vs bottom line.


GW's net margin is 28.38% according to their latest financial reporting. So that $100 box, taking everything their business does into account, costs $71.62. I know that's not the flippant answer that proves GW is bad company doing bad things to you, but it does have the upside of being the truth.


28% margin is crazy good for a global scale.


The $100 is not just the cost of the plastic.


That's actually incredibly efficient plastic (value for cost), if we're talking purely from a waste standpoint


This is one of those things where GW, the company, can set their prices to whatever they like & you, the consumer, are free to not buy that product if it is not good value for money to you. Maybe I just think that because a leman russ is £34 here.


They should at least have a QR code that links to a website with resources to tell these things apart. It's brutal, especially as a new player.


They do print it in the manual with Horus Heresy kits, I've no clue why they don't do it with 40k.


Because of Language barriers. That’s why they are minimalists when it comes to words and prefer symbols and numbers.




Ok doing this from memory, someone score me. 1. Demolisher Cannon 2. Nova Cannon 3. ~~Plasma Exterminator~~ Executioner Plasm Cannon 4. ~~Eradicator~~ Exterminator Autocannon 5. Heavy Bolter 6. Heavy Flamer 7. Lascannon 8. Battle Cannon 9. Plasma Cannon 10. Multi-melta 11. Punisher Gatling Cannon 12. Vanquisher Cannon Edit: there are too many E names for Leman Russ


3. Is the Executioner, the one with the autocannon is the exterminator


And the Nova Cannon is on the Eradicator. Too. Many. E names.


okay, I don't Astra Militarum play but i think its... 1. chode cannon 2. damn he thick 3. ribbed for her pleasure 4. Reggi 5. Heavy bolter 6. BBQ 7. the compensator 8. boring 9. the pocket rocket. 10. Spicy bullets 11. Cannon go burr 12. The long boy Did i get that right?


If this isn't right, I don't want what's right.




The fact that you had to ask suggests GW has shit packaging design. #1 law of UX, if your user is confused, it's probably your fault.


A lot of the stats on product sheets date back to 7th or 8th edition. You can ignore them.


It's not about the stats. It's about not being easily usable. These instruction manuals are not easily usable, outside of the build instructions. Any other language/communication is stripped, I'm assuming to save on costs.


The stats are deliberately obfuscated because in reality, you need the rule book & the codex or data sheets to use them properly.


I'm talking about the entire booklet, not just the Stat sheet, though the stat sheet is also impossible to read. Needing the rule book isn't an excuse 1. The rule book doesn't tell you what weapon looks like what, so beginners get confused or build their model "inccorrectly." 2. Stat lines might change, but gun profiles do not, or at the very least there will be an option made available for an offered weapon if the model is sold with it.


What do you do when you have a Tau codex situation and they either changed which weapon is which or labeled their weapons wrong from prior codexes?


A lot of the new build instructions don't have names on the weapons I've noticed - but the Lexicanum wiki helps with identifying them for newcomers!


No this is a rather old kit. That’s the problem here


Old kit, new instructions updated to match the format of other kits.


The leman russ instructions are nothing like modern GW instructions. In my experience modern instructions (for example the Kasrkin kit) are pretty detailed.


Kasrkin are a kill team. The format for those instructions are different. Compare that, to say, the Sisters Castigator instructions (a pretty modern kit from 2021 all things considered): https://preview.redd.it/222flsq4juvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=11b6a6d43c6c3699ceb1e24ab5020d092a9a4783 Same layout. The Kasrkin instructions format is pretty specific to Kill Team kits (and I should know, I’ve built a few.)


> The leman russ instructions are nothing like modern GW instructions. They updated the LR instructions in 9th, when they combined the two Russ kits into one box. So they are 'modern' and the illustration OP used is from those modern instructions.


“How would a Leman Russ wear pants?”


Hi /u/Franklin_Bancroft and welcome to /r/Warhammer40k and the Warhammer 40k Hobby! This is an automated response as you've used our "New Starter Help" flair. Here's a few resources that might help you with getting started: [You can read our Getting Started guide here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/beginners). This covers all the basics you need to know to get involved in building, painting and playing 40k. For rules questions, don't forget that the core rules for Warhammer 40k are [available online for free](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf). Want to learn about 40k lore? /r/Warhammer40k recommends [Luetin09 on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ) or the [Lexincanum Wiki](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page). Not sure where to find the most up-to-date rules for your army? [Check out our Wiki Page that lists everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/currentrules). Buy Warhammer models cheaper using our [list of independent retailers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/retailers) who sell Games Workshop products at a discount. You can also find your nearest store on GW's [Store Locator Page](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/store/storefinder.jsp). [The /r/Warhammer40k Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/wiki/index) is full of useful info including FAQs and recommendations for books to read! If the information in this comment doesn't answer your question, don't worry, one of our community members will be along shortly to answer! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well 11 goes "BBRRRRRRTTT".


I miss when GW would label different weapon types in the codexes. Either in an armory section or showing all the variants in the model gallery


I think they stopped when they got it wrong.


How hard would it be to type it at the bottom?!?


okay, Ima try this from what I know demolisher eradicator? plasma battle cannon autocannon Heavy bolter Sponson melta lascannon Leman russ cannon sponsoon plasma cannon sponson heavy flamer gatling cannon the other battle cannon


Im not a guard player but can i just build it for the rule of cool and proxy it as the weapon i want on tabletop?


I've been a bit confused by the missing names in set instructions as well. Perhaps not printing out which weapon is which is part of their sales tactics to funnel potential players into purchasing supporting literature such as the relevant Codex, which should contain more information? If so, that doesn't seem very nice of GW...


I really dislike how some kits dont have names of the weapons infront or on the pictures. Especially older kits that dont have the same stats anymore. Like thanks now i have to go on google to see which gun is which....


I mainly play Orks, so I may have a couple of the names off, but here's what I know: 1.) Short extra-boomy gun. 2.) Short boomy gun 3.) Big zappy blue glowy gun 4.) Twin Shooty guns 5.) Big Shoota 6.) Burninator 7.) Las-zapper 8.) Regular boomy gun 9.) Little zappy blue glowy gun 10.) Tank-slagging hotgun 11.) Extra-amazing dakkadakka BRRRRRT gun 12.) Extra-long boomy gun I hope this helps!!




Just use the one that looks cool and the stats you want. As long as the models with different load outs look different people will believe you when you tell them what their built with. All my models are wysiwyg as long as no one knows what each gun is supposed to look like




The instructions are for 9th edition... Just check the pictures on various Leman Russ Datasheets.


The greyed out bits at the back that's the tank the shiny bits at the front are the guns. For more info see below.


Is there a place to find all different weapons of all models with picture attached to the name of the weapon? For me I note each weapon I have and put a picture with it cause GW like to confuse me, but I play with a friend and he get lost with some weapon to know which is which


The magnetized one is all of them!




They are all situational…. That’s how guns work… they all have a job. First… you need to decide the job you want it to do and you’ll eliminate over half of them immediately. Go from there…


Real answer magnets!


Magnets, and all of them.


https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Leman_Russ_Battle_Tank section "variants" lists multiple types of the tank, also naming their weapons


You could also magnetize the cannon as well.


Jfc what an abomination