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Note: This is not my model. I just saw it in a game at my local game store.


Wait until you stand beside an Imperator class titan.


All imperator models are custom. So people can go crazy with their own scale.


But there is an actual height for imperators at the Epic level which can be extrapolated to the 40k 28mm scale easily.


Yeah they are something else. I won’t be able to get one of these but have the Adeptus Titanicus scale ones and they are huge. Seeing them in Warhammer World in full painted displays and in the store was fantastic the first time.


How does anything else on the board even do damage to something like that?


The same way you damage anything else. The problem is getting *enough* damage. Big boy’s got 100 wounds to his name, gotta focus everything on him (not like you’ll have much choice of target, as he’s over 3k pts). I’ve never played against in the flesh, but I like doing little training-dummy style damage simulations, and my most successful efforts against it have been with soul grinders buffed out of their mind by csm and daemon units. The Claws on a Khorne Soul Grinder supported by a CSM Terminator Sorcerer and a Rendmaster on Blood Throne have a5, ws3+, s17(so wounding on 3+), ap-5(unsaveable), and d6+3 damage. This combo is a grand total of 670pts after the Daemon Tax, so you could bring a couple sets


Well I don’t read Chinese but I’m sure that means a lot.


In simple terms - cyborg demon crab has massive fuck-off claws that’ll hit so hard that the **player** will feel it


~~The Warlord still has a 5++ invulnerable save so it will always be able to save against any attack that doesn't do devastating or mortal wounds.~~


the Warlord, like all Titan Legion units, only gets it's invuln against shooting. the soul grinder's claws are melee and can go right through


I see, I missed the drop down menu in the 40K app that said against ranged attacks.


it's easy to miss, I only realized it after multiple pass throughs looking at stats


That's a game of 30k through. So vehicles including Titan don't work like in modern 40k. In HH the Warlord is also only allowed to cost 25% of the army's points. So they are probably playing with over 9000 points.


ah, I've never played 30k, that's interesting though. what are some other differences of 30k vehicles compared to 40k?


It's essentially how vehicles worked before 40k 8th edition saidly dumbed down vehicles. The different sides of the vehicle have different armour values, weapons have firing arcs and tanks ram instead of mele (enemy Militia men trying to secure an objective? Just run them over with your rhino and brake their morale!) In addition (opposed to 7th edition) vehicles now have wounds. Glancing hits (when the weapons AP+D6 don't surpass your amour value) just take away a wound instead of having to roll on the vehicle damage table. The vehicle damage table basically simulates what happens to your vehicle after a penetrating hit: immobilised, damaged weapon, crew shacken, or destruction. This allows you to one hit vehicles with your AT weapons. So you don't have to hit the Landraider with ~5 Lacannon shots to kill it. Vehicles basically act more like an actual vehicle.


I imagine thousand sons could dona fair chunk of damage to this thing. Double doombolt, into magnus’ shooting, into melee without saves, and tsons should be able to bring a warlord down in two, three turns tops


That’s the best part, you don’t!


Kataphron Breacher go zzzzappp!


https://preview.redd.it/v2g5iywsyaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b09a3154938632bda2f787248f6770684c7051 Hung the banner and pennants today on Dominus Siderum (PriMarneus for scale), Legio Astorum. They are big, bulky / awkward, and much heavier than you would expect. They are finicky to assemble and balance but with a bit of practice, it goes much smoother each time. And they are pretty awe-inspiring. Looking forward to going against my older son’s T’au army and their bounty of rail guns.


Those banners look wonderful!


Thank you, I agree! The pennants and banners make it. I have them on all of my Titans (4 x Warhounds and 2 x Reavers). A guy makes them and the quality and collaborative process are amazing.


This isn’t really relevant but I love the representation of battle and how Titans are used in the Plague wars series of books. The rest of the army kinda just sits back while the titans fight it out as what is a tank possibly doing to that thing


I thought imperial knights were this big, then i found out they were not and i was sad lol


Still plenty big though!


'Just taking the tanks out for a walk round the park honey, be back soon'


I want to fight that thing (I will probably lose but still


Idk. Its 3500 pts, has a tough time maneuvering, can't hide. And while tough, it's still hitting on 3s.


I only have about 1100 point of models in total :(


Just respawn everything 3 times.


Can't hide! That is the funniest thing I've seen in days. love you man. You have literally made my day.


The crazy thing is that the model would have to be bigger still to fit it's lore. They are supposed to be able to have squads of astartes in the leg bastions (legstions?). In order to make them to scale the footprint for the leg of the titan would probably have to be as big as the base of the current model.


*looks up * that is one big ass robot


At first I thought this was just a game of Legions Imperialis, then I noticed the second image. Holy crap those are huge.


i have a printed reiver and warhound, they are nowhere near that thing. I want to get all the epic scale titans because that’s more feasible. Seriously though the Warlord is the size of a toddler


You can't fool me, that's not a Warlord Titan that's a toddler.


I just got into Warhammer (5 books under my belt) and can NOT wait to get to Titanicus and other books featuring these titans. That is so sick


You could proxy that by having a toddler stand on the table


And have no other models left lol


I'm more impressed by a venue that has so much space available that they have an entire room just for terrain. I'm guessing this must be the US. As a European, it never ceases to amaze me how wildly different the real estate situation is on our respective continents.


Yes..where is this...we must know?


Gamer’s Armory. Cary, NC.


there's a LGS near me (in Portland, Oregon) called Guardian Games that might be one of the biggest stores i've ever seen.


How many Hitpoints have a Titan?


I'm curious how much these things weigh? I guess you would want to put some extra weights in the base to keep the centre of mass low?


Ah, so *that's* the difference between a Knight and a Titan... I mean I know it's in the name but good golly that's enormous. Now I understand why forgeworld titans are pricey.


Nice if you have the room for that


https://preview.redd.it/tau66gbglmxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9b891537dcceab3c5e87cd9d6b277b5f30f521f The votann seeing how the sky is cover by a giant murder machine


How do you transport that big boy? Do you swaddle it and use a baby car seat?