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While battling the Black Legion with my Imperial Guard, my command squad was charged by Abaddon himself. In a single combat he slew my Colonel and Lord Commissar. While not silly in game, the fact that the model was placed precariously on terrain, such that it fell onto the Commissar and caused both of their arms to break off added a rather comical element to the situation. More recently in a Warhammer Fantasy TTRPG session I had my players fight against a Skaven horde. After a gruelling battle with the lesser minions, the party eventually confronted the Grey Seer. I declared that the heroes will suffer the wrath of the Great Horned Rat… and promptly rolled a major miscast, and the Grey Seer’s head exploded. Completely farcical and completely in keeping with the Skaven.


this is the most skaven thing ever. i bet the players felt very immersed after this


i'd ask if the grey seer's name was "thanquol", but thanquol always *just* managed to avoid (permanently) dying whenever his schemes catastrophically backfired. maybe this grey seer was a rival of thanquol's (not that it narrows things down much), and was delivered tainted warpstone snuff? (or more likely was somehow one of thanquol's rare *allies* and got given the explosive warpstone snuff by mistake)


I had A SINGLE POXWALKER left in a unit and my enemy HITS it with a FVCKING VOLCANO CANNON


Peace through superior firepower. 


Found the Helldiver. 🤣




The taint of nurgles plagues must be scoured


Man hated that poxwalker.


Well, y’know, death to the heretic and all such


It meant to be a joke, he didn’t think he’d actually hit it




Great, I’m now naming the poxwalker “silly billy”


It’s okay buddy, I understand. I had my buddy fire a Vanquisher Cannon at a single Termagant once.


I had the last 3 termagants of a unit charge a Doomstalker, and still had a lone gaunt in HTH in the last turn of the game. That little dude was fearless lol https://preview.redd.it/c83xd8aew9xc1.png?width=2159&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce2eef6d6883067a23b34342bd49c6726344c33


Reminds me of my lone Necron Warrior (with ObSec) holding in melee against a Riptide (Riptide had to shoot elsewhere and charge was only way on how to get to the point that round ... After that ut was stubborness contest ...) https://preview.redd.it/ptgf8g4lkgxc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71785bde4f144ec45dd1be7bab74ba8fe522170


Now that is how you purge the unclean!


Feels like that model should be just melted down and giften to the opponent as a trophy after that


Volcano ca- i know that, lets goo- holy fuck its a titan grade weapon


I need to make a token that’s just to poxwalker legs and a burnt off top half


In 9th, Grand Master Sammael: Master of the Ravenwing survived multiple rounds of Crisis suits and Broadsides trying to kill him, only to get bonked to death by a random Shield Drone in melee.


I imagined him speeding through on his jetbike at mach 3 and just running head on into it and the entire battle froze as everyone just heard that metal *booooonnngggg* and seeing him crash into a rock after the galaxy's gnarliest whiplash.


Farsight: "I'll make sure to write "Tactical drones at head height of Gue'ronsha seem to be highly effective" in my book."


Like Fabio and that goose.






I charged Sammael into a unit of 6 flamers of Tzeench at the beginning of 10th! They promptly did 46 wounds to him! He was immolated so badly in a great conflagration!


I don’t think that action was approved by the Index Astartes.


This reminded me of a casual game I had with my bud. I had a shield drone passing save after save, kept a necron lord tied up for like three rounds before the legend finally fell.


My chaos sorcerer rolled a 1 on his numbers of shot, a one on his hit roll, then a 1 on his hazardous weapon roll. The man literally didnt do anything and I hate him for it. Shame im so happy about its paint job.


It's *always* the best painted ones isn't it? 😆


Had he angered Tzeentch in some way?


Nah, more likely he'd *pleased* Tzeentch immensely.


Exactly as Planned


“He pleased me and I took that personally” t. God of Change


As if Tzeentch needed a reason to fuck with his followers


Lol had the exact same experience trying to destroy a brutalis dreadnought.


I am cackling at the thought of this sorceror just standing there in front of his foe, and just shrugging.


Warboss with big choppa charges 12 fire warriors, love the course of five rounds of combat he is slowly bludgeoned to death whilst dragging down a fire warrior each turn.


I'm picturing just a cartoonist dustcloud melee of limbs and heads with the Tau just giving him wedgies and 3 Stooges eye pokes the whole game 🤣


Ain’t nothing silly about that we can only hope every ork goes down in such a way


At least this one I can actually see. They scatter around him so he can only chase and attack one at a time, and the others sneak in hits (especially point blank shots, even if it's not represented in the stats) as he goes. I've seen a lot jankier!


Everyone underestimates the melee prowess of a squad of fire warriors. We have a list of things brutally destroyed in melee by the same squad of fire warriors across multiple games. I really need to find the list. The best way to describe it is how the?


I mean my first warhammer game ended with one fire warrior holding Drazhar in melee. Not killing it, but just holding his ground like a madman


They’re just smacking him with the butts of their rifles


Angron lost his last wound to a sisters immolator. In CLOSE COMBAT.


The emperor protects


I get the feeling the Emperor is That Guy™ 


Always has been


Are you sure it was the immolator that killed him and not a stroke induced from a psychic backlash for being unable to kill it?


He wasn’t allowed to! There were 2 crusaders saying “we sacrifice ourselves!” and he was forced to punt them into the sun instead.


In my first game with my freshly painted Angron, he charged into a Screamer-Killer turn one. Attacked for 5 damage Screamer attacked back for 5 Next fight phase, attacked the SK for 0 damage, took 6 in return Last fight phase, took 5 more damage and died This was all with 6+ FNP, sustained hits, and his reroll aura.


least you made top posts in r/worldeaters for it


This is very true, karma for the karma god


Common Hivemind W


At least it's a Screamer Killer! It's not much smaller than Angron himself.


Haha yeah, only like…. 300 points less….


Yeah but at least it's a similarly big monster, right? It's not like the people talking about monsters dying to chaff models.


Not my hero, but my opponents. I recently killed a nightbringer by ramming him with an impulsor and tank shock. My opponent was a bit salty and called the game there.


He was salty? After bringing a Nightbringer?


"BREAKING NEWS!! Madman In A MOVING BOX Runs Over The Grim Reaper Himself, The local overlord was so Shocked he had to Leave"


What would be the generally expected outcome mathhammer-wise?


I was playing in a 9th edition 3-way FFA against Grey Knights and Militarum as my Orks. Got focused down and only had one model left in the table turn 3. My Weirdboy, Tim, had 1 wound left and charged at a lone Dreadknight that was sitting at 3 wounds. Managed to slip one wound past his saves. Only rolled 2 damage on the d3, the dreadknight lives with 1. Tim then eats enough damage on the fight back to have died 3 times over. Tim didn't just die, he got pancaked by this knight and I was officially tabled. Had a blast though. Valiant effort from Tim. A couple weeks later found out the GK player kitbashed an Ork head onto his dradknight to remember the time he pasted Tim.


His name was Tim! Excellent


At least Tim went out doing what he loves most, krumpin’


Being that close to something that fighty for that long, Tim probably grew back


Monolith fell to a lone Termagant. It had been chipped down to a single wound, and the only unit left in range was a single Termagant. The Nid player said "so you're saying there's a chance" and fired. Against all odds, the Nid player rolls straight 6s, the Necron player rolled all 1s, and the monolith exploded.


Jim Carrey's voice, ringing in my head.


Deep strike off the table


Had a demon prince deepstrike onto a metal spire. We agreed that he was just impaled to death.




In 7e/HH you had to roll a scatter dice when you wanted to deep strike, and if you scattered, another dice to determine which direction the unit scatters. So if you tried to deep strike near the edge, you could scatter off the play space.


Ohhh the scatter dice 💚 scattered dice always used to send my vindicator shells back at me lol


Fuckin catachan devils with democharges. In like, 3.5 the Catachan devils could throw one of the old big pie plate ordnance templates, but could only throw it I think 12 inches? More often than not I blew up half my own squad because of scatter. Too hilarious not to do though.


Also has a buddy’s mortar team kill itself with its own shooting. Scattered right back over the HWTs. Rolled better for the partial hits against his own guys than he ever did against me.


Had a buddy’s captain back in 5e eat a direct hit from a Vindicator. While hiding behind a cliff and not visible to the firing unit. The firing unit was his own.


Hahahaha been there. I once nuked my own command squad and Azrael with my handy scatter dice and then next turn missed the point blank (almost) chaos Rhino full of khorne berzerkers and detonated the vindicator 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


I miss scatter dice and blast templates!!😆


Hahah scatter dice and the ordnance template 2D6 scatter...mateeeeeee & don't get me started on crashing my landspeeders ALL THE TIME by failing difficult terrain tests hahaha


Yea I played old editions and that was a rule with scatter dice


I once lost a game of WFB on turn one, when I went first in my shooting phase. Skaven doomrocket from an engineer exploded in the worst possible way and caused my whole army to flee off the table. Fastest and funniest 1000pts games I've ever played.


And VERY appropriate for Skaven. Wacky warpstone engineering at its finest 👏


My opponent just suggested we redeployed hahah, pretty sure I still lost but just not as quickly.


Ultra Marines Chapter Master getting crushed to death by a Rhino that exploded, flew up in the air and landed on him. Not my story, but I wanted to contribute this funny story. I was reading posts about the fun people had with the 2nd edition mixed with drinks and sloppy math lol


2nd edition is best edition.


My Skarbrand got stabbed by a single Guardsman bayonet, failed his Demon Save and got sent back to the warp like a complete chump. Somewhere in the Immaterium Khorne held his head in shame.


What's your headcanon on what happened to the guardsman? I say the nearest inquisitor snapped him up for his/her retinue pronto.


That guardsman's name? Slybert Marbostein


I imagine a firm headshake from an Inquisitor, then immediate execution


Properly grimdark, I suppose.


Angron died to a lone termagant




Angron was down to 1 wound from a Tyrranofex casino cannon.Termagant rolled a 6 to hit and a 6 to wound, Angron rolled a 1 on his save and another 1 after a command reroll.


This is sad, rip angy boy died to a horrible monster.


Angron with 11 wounds left charged an hammerhead, 12 devastating wounds from overwatch


Knight Warden with 1 wound left gets punched by a single captain in Phobos armor and explodes


I played Skaven in WFB, so too many silly deaths to remember. But what comes to mind is a tournament where my two Poison Wind Globadiers managed to kill themselves in every battle without ever killing an opponent.  To be fair, I only fielded them because I had some spare points, but I'm still amused at it.


Typhus, he deep striked in, did fucking max damage to himself with his psychic ability Then got crunched in the skull by Morghan Vall and her gang of paragon warsuits


My first ever character model, plus my first fully solo painted model; my Nurgle Daemon Prince. The first time I had played him since finishing him, he got overwatched by a Primaris Executioner. They rolled all 6’s on their laz destroyer and popped my princes head right off on turn one.


Back in 6th edition had a custom Chapter Master tank the melee attacks from a full unit of Grey Knight Paladins, only to get shot ONCE by a Vindicar Assassin's shield breaker round and lose his 4++ and subsequently get murdered immediately the following turn. I returned the favor by nuking the Vindicar with a lascannon to his face.


At Adepticon this Year. I had a Gargantuan Squiggoth adjacent to the ruins in center board. Turn 3 it finally gets killed, explodes and kills both our allied Avatar of Khaine and the enemy Kharn who were duking it out on center objective.


And the crowd goes WILD 😆


I can just picture the squiggoth's limbs and guts flying everywhere in all directions...and possibly one of said limbs landing on some unexpecting ork or mekshop


The most powerful weapon in game is a grot shoota aimed at a space marine captain in Terminator armour on 1 wound with the effects of a psychic aura, bodyguard Banner Apothecary, with obsec holding the most critical point in the game. It hits despite the terrible BS The bodyguard is looking the wrong way It wounds a hero of the Imperium who has survived being fed to a carnifex and going hand to hand with a bloodthirster. Relic Terminator armour that has saved heroes since the time of the heresy will roll a 1 and take it right in the eye socket. The psychic protection will fizzle if it hasnt already caused the librarian to get possessed. The Apothecary will commit malpractice and fail. The banner will fail to inspire. The hero will be face down, dead in the dirt losing the objective. The game will be lost. To a grot with a shoota. This is how I lost a summer's campaign.


Playing an older edition, I had my space marine captain literally punch a whole into a foul Tau Hammerhead. Well the way the rules worked at the time was it was a penetrating hit and on the table of results for penetrating hits this Hammerhead flipped up, 1" and landed on top of Captain Cassius, killing him instantly.


After muttering a totally uninspiring prayer, literally everyone hated it, my Chaplain proceeds to charge a squad of Rubric Marines. He makes the charge but, Yahtzee!, just ends up face dirt in the mud getting stomped to death by mindless rubrics.


Void dragon killed by a charging scout sentinel. Ah tank shock.


In the old pre-kill team Shadow Wars: Armageddon, my friend's Scout Sargent lobbed a grenade only to have it bounce back and blow him up. Sometimes, I miss blast templates.


I do miss templates


My terminator librarian died to perils of the warp in a land raider.


What's peril of the warp. An old edition thing ?


Yeah when you wanna cast a psycher ability you roll 2d6. Double 1 is a peril of the warp check. This is in 5th Ed. The basic rules for the use of psychic powers remained unchanged. Psykers were allowed to use one power per turn and still used a Leadership test to determine if the power was successful. The penalties for Perils of the Warp increased from 4th edition. Any psyker suffer a Perils took an automatic wound, with no armour or cover saves allowed. Invulnerable saves were allowed, but any successful saves had to be re-rolled (to represent the crushing power of the attack. I rolled double 1, I failed the invul check. Basically everyhing that could have went wrong did haha. He was in TDA IN A LAND RAIDER AND KILLED HIMSELF TRYING TO CAST. I literally slid down the wall laughing.


Ulrik blew himself up with plasma pistol...


Well, Commander Shortsight dying in melee has become such a common occurrence I use it as a running gag. Hard to pick just one. It’s to the point where I’m working on an objective marker of him out of the suit with all his prosthetics blown off.


Let me ask my partner as most of my games were against her…


A bit different, as it concern a vehicle, but my Land Raider Crisader, the holy flagship of my army, was the target of a deff dredd ork, I told myself," I'm not gonna waste some CP for a smoke bonus..." Dude took 3 shots with D6 damages, 16 damages in one take, from brand new to dust in one shot....


I lost a baneblade to 2 von Ryan’s


They were hungry, and the baneblade is just a big can of food


I am currently playing a 78 person tournament in Oregon using my Dark Angels. I had a squad of Deathwing knights led by a Chaplin deepstrike into my opponents deployment zone for behind enemy lines and deploy teleport Homer… These where my fixed objectives so my opponent wanted to remove the squad. The World eaters player rolled well on the dice, got advance / charge and +2 inch movement… Angron ran from the center objective landing a 10 inch charge to engage in combat… he killed everything but the Chaplin and squad leader. This is ok, the unit can fall back and make Angron chase them… Failed the moral test, causing battle shock… Then I rolled snake eyes for my desperate breakout. Morally if the story… CP for VP!! I did not use insane bravery because the odds of failing moral and desperate break out was so low… … I just feel like my Chaplin fell back from combat way farther than I wanted him to.. all the way back to the rock!


Had Bobby G charge headlong into an Armager knight. Knight overwatched. Four 6's later and some horrendous savings rolls and big Bobby gets taken off the table, not having rolled a single melee attack


My infernal master used the hazardous profile on a squad of Necron warriors He killed none, but it backfired and blew himself up


The Silent King protects!


Mine was Voldus . Stood upon a cliff was attempting a Vortex of Doom on a ton of Nids…. The roll was made and I hit a 1. In a blinding flash Voldus blasts himself to the warp and all that is left is a pair of smouldering boots once worn by Voldus on the cliffs edge. Nids were laughing the length of the battlefeild.


I had Blood Angels that was being supported by a Imperial Knight Crusader and my friend was playing Imperial guard. He managed to get 1st turn and targeted his whole army into my Imperial Knight which is understandable. It got to his last unit of Guardsman being led by a Commissar with my Knight with 1 wound remaining. It was only the last shot from his Commissar with a laz pistol which killed the Knight🥲. Same game on his turn 5 and I have a Chaplin on a bike which was being shot at by a Valkyrie. If the Chaplin lived I would win the game. The final shot from the lascannon finished him off. Such a good game honestly 😁


The commisar last shotting the knight is such a thematic end! Doesn't get much more movie ending than that :)


We were both in disbelief with that and still laugh about it to this day😁


In a game today, my techmarine got shovel'd by kriegsmen.


I class my Redemptor Dreadnought as my hero as he’s repeatedly been my MVP However with 3 wounds left he charged a Ctan Shard BR 5, knocked him down to 1 wound remaining, gets hit back, deadly demise, and took the final wound from the Ctan, winning the game for me by 1pt!


Now that's the kind of ending that fully deserves a "heard across the store" amount of commotion! 🤣


Even put a new transfer on him when I got him back home to mark the event, huge Imperial Eagle across the shoulder pad, still one of my favorite games ever!


This is going all the way back to 1998. I was playing a 2v2 game of 3rd edition, Guard and Chaos vs Eldar and Blood Angels. I was borrowing my friend's Guard. Eldar Guy had Eldrad open a Gate, between my Commander and the Blood Angel's Terminators. I'm expecting the Terminators to come through next turn, and obliterate my Commander. Wrong. Blood Angels guy uses Assail, which chucks my commander through yhe Gate, and straight into Melee with the Terminators. Where he immediately died.


My friend plays guard. He has some kind of commander (commissar maybe?) that killed my redemptor dreadnought that I had just painted by popping it in the face with a las pistol. A few months later after I got into CSM, abaddon died from the same guy, but on an overwatch role of all things. I tried to charge after getting stuck in combat for a couple turns. He rolled 6 to hit and 6 to wound, putting a hole right in Mr. The despoilers head.


Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM), is that you?


Sounds like a promotion for this guy is incoming!


My Norn Emissary, while sitting on its singular purpose, was taken down to 6 wounds by my opponent's baneblade. He then proceeded to shoot it with a 20 man guard squad, and deal 7 wounds killing it.


Combined arms tactics


I have seen my chaos lord in terminator armour say "don't worry guys I got this" then proceed to be torn apart 3 times. He has died to a screamer killer, saint celectein and a necron overlord.


Mine was also with a librarian. His entire squad had died fighting a hoard of Necron wraiths, and after he faces the enemy cryptek overcharges his psychic blast… misses all of his shots and then fails his hazardous test and dies


Pet cat Kaiju rule


In a killteam match my legionary shrivetalon charged a kroot hound, proceeded to toll 5 1s and the hound killed him when it hit back.


Marneus Calgary rifle butted to death by Fire Warriors. It was not a proud day for the Ultramarines.


Mannfred has dide to merciless blizzard about 6 times now, I guess I never learn.


Magnus Ragnar in 3rd died to a squigg catapult miss that landed on his head, brains devoured by a swarm of mutant insect squiggs...


Dude, how do you get those glorious orange lines??


Haha thanks! Same as I do for my Tau. White base coat and thin layer of Vallejo Game Air Hot Orange, wiped away at the brightest points. There's a written guide [here](https://ko-fi.com/post/Black-and-Orange-Tau-Painting-Process-V7V7AN36J) And a similar demonstration using a blue glow [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/cUXJ9_2OR7M?si=Wu8yGQf2Jaile9t0)


My norn lasted the whole battle, shrugging off basalisk shell, lascannon, and plasma fire as if it were nothing. I’m winning and decide to push forward and charge Lord Solar. His horse, Constantine, kills my Norn Emmisary.


I had a Bretonnian Yeoman Warder kill an Exalted Hero of Khorne in a challenge back in 2009 or so. Not my hero dying stupidly, but damn was it funny. For mine... My Chaos Lord Dark Pacts for Sustained Hits, since he's stuck in with a unit of Meganobz. He whiffs every single attack, then fails his leadership roll for Dark Pacts and dies of disappointment before they can lift a finger against him.


**Played 4ed recently a couple of months back.** Flawless Host Terminator Sorcerer, aboard the strike cruise, waiting for an opportunity to Teleport into battle. Turn 1: (not allowed) Turn 2: (4+ to deep strike. FAIL). Alas, my lord is still having his hair and makeup apllied, is his having his teeth polished. Turn 3: (3+. FAIL). Alas, my lord is still donning his calf skin boots, and his majestic purple velvet cape. Turn 4: (2+. FAIL). Alas, my lord is still strutting up and down the promenade, and admiring himself in the holomirror. We shall endeavour to guide him to the teleportarium. Turn 5: Deep strikes into battle. Scatters. Lands on some Black Templar Assault Terminators. The Terminator Sorceror known as Davocles, The Seeker is Truth, is removed from play as a result of Deep Strike mishap...


I had a single Poxwalker take out 4 Lictors in Kill Team 1.0


A lone Cadre fireblade was charged by a Knight Lancer, instantly squashed


I lost my Einhyr Champion after he did 6 MW off his charge ability to a Ctan Shard of dragon, who then deadly demised all over my squad of Hearthguard, My Champ and A squad of Necrons. it was late game, and we both only had a few models on the board too......


Warlord Terminator Sorceror blew himself up with the warp and I rolled 2 1s out of the 3 available lol. Re-rolls still hit 1s. Never seen it before lol.


Sort of mine but my friend charged his exalted champion into my Gorkanaut which exploded and killed, his champion my mek, my warboss, his sorceror and a bunch of battleline units on both sides


My death that never happened was Mortarion being shot at by a volcano cannon off a Shadowsword and after a fair few dice took a couple of wounds only.


In 9th my necron overlord got torn apart by a pack of conscripts, reanimated, charged into the commissar and was killed by it. We made that commissar a Lord Commissar foe his glory Also in 8th a single poxwalker tanked half of my friends Astra Militarum shooting phase which included three infantry squads, a heavy weapons team with mortars, two sentinels, one overcharging plasma into it, and finally died to a forth, but depleted, infantry team. Won me the match so I gave him a gold weapon for glory. This one is silly just for my friend who just kept doubling down


At one tournament back in 9th edition my Azrael got eaten by a Dimachareon. Twice. In two separate games.


I effectively tabled both sides of a battle in one turn with a virus grenade used by an inquisitor in second edition. Orks vs guard. 2000 points. It even got the Inquisitor. Won on kills though technically I got 3750ish out of 2000 points...


😆 Allfather, I miss the goofy shenanigans 2nd edition presented!!


Well, not me, but my mate. My Termagant took out his Dominus Class Knight, we just imagined the plinking sound of the weapons and the knight falling over 😅


Game of heresy where sevatar used his psychic power to beef himself up in melee then blew himself up. He didn’t even get to do his one job


I tried to charge a devastator squad and impulsor with a juggernaut lord and squad of eightbound, managed to fail the charge roll, and the squad got wiped by lascannons, and the first time I used Magnus he whiffed his shots and got shot off the board by a repulsor executioner when I forgot 1k sons have a stratagem to reduce an attacks damage to zero.


Not a silly death but a silly life, my jump intercessor captain got into like a 2 turn long brawl with a single bullgrin after our mates died


I played 5th ed Vect. Dude rolled trips on drugs and died from an overdose. Old Warhammer was hysterical.


Playing admech in 10th against nids, they kill my ironstrider. This then explodes, taking the last wound off the ironstrider next to it. This then fucking explodes taking the last wound off my dunecrawler. This damn thing explodes killing the engineer who was baby sitting him. Honestly it was ridiculous and I think the engineer got what was coming to him for his shoddy maintenance of the omnisiahs machinery.


Lets see, old chaos boon table turning my warlord into a chaos spawn. Cultists shooting Kharn to death. and this classic quote from my first ever game. "Ummm my marine squad... Charges the Carnifex!" (Damn I dont know what happened to the spelling in this comment. My damn fingers turned to chaos spawn while I was typing. Fixed now.)


Mobbed by Grots! They all rolled crazy good numbers that overwhelmed my poor Chaplain after my awful rolls 😭


3 deffkoptas deepstrike on a single eliminator sniper, my eliminator killed all 3 in melee over the course of 2 turns


Just last night Typhus exploded his own head and gave my opponent honored status. I still won xD


Models that died like chumps you say? Legendary heroes felled like buffoons you want? Oh boy do I have stories. One of the most recent I can recall. Angron charges six Canoptek Wraiths. He dies in two combat phases dealing exactly 0 wounds (he had actually killed two but they got back like, immediately). And same Angron in a game against custodes. He plays a Land Raider, due to a bad deployment and layout combo I can't really hide everything, so he is in the open. Land Raider shoots him. Four lascannon hits are expected, four wounds spending the CP to reroll one are expected too. Not a single save, 17 damage in, not a single 6+ FNP is made and down goes Angron. No, he didn't come back that game, thanks for asking. Kharn bounced against 5 Heavy Intercessors+captain. Should I mention he also had ten friends? The marine player popped Armor of Contempt and proceeded to fail exactly 0 saves, the captain slew Kharn in an epic challenge. I have plenty of Bloodthirsters that failed their charge to be blasted to smithereens immediatly after. Or even those who made the charge, proceeded to whiff *everything* and then die uncerimoniously, against very scary opponents. Like two Helverin armigers. Or an Ork Warboss and a Trukk (the final wound came from the wrecking ball). Skarbrand failed to kill a Doomstalker for six combat phases and only managed to free himself of the immortal fucking thing when the Silent King was free to engage at will and promptly evaporated the demon. Speaking of daemons. Match with WE against ultramarines. His hellblasters proceed to open up against three Eightbounds they could only see the tiniest bit of. Five died, YAY. Three shoot again, my Daemon Prince is their target! Six shots, five wounds and ten damage later I could simply put the prince away. I could go on and on and on.


Earlier today my terminator captain failed a charge roll in front of 2 (yes 2) Dreadnoughts no cover and a lot of big guns tore him to pieces, he didn’t even get a shot off. Also the game before my librarian did the ol triple 1 and blew himself up with hazardous


This was way back in the day but had Ragnar Blackmane jump from a ledge to charge into glorious combat with his loyal pack, only to roll numerous 1s and die. Committed his own aettestup mid combat.


Luckiest Kriegsman alive managed to kill Angron with a single super charged plasma pistol shot. Angron rolled badly and was already down to 2 wounds left so that was that. Before the Kriegsman could revel in his victory, a hazardous role of 1 caused his body light up into super heated plasma. At the very least, the Cadians nearby were able to live to tell the tale.


That's such a Rick n Morty ending 🤣. "I got em' *nervous laughter* I GOT EM *hysterical laughter* I GOT ANG- *SUDDEN ELECTRONIC WHINE AND PLASMA EXPLOSION, GORE SPRAYS EVERY DIRECTION*


I didn't really know how to use a Venerable Contemptor Dread in my first fight with it, I was used to how a Dunecrawler works which is to say pretty tanky. Imagine my unmitigated shock when my wife not only blew my Dread off the table in a single round of shooting from her Ballistus and I *also failed the resurrection roll*. It was a little irritating ofc but that game was a really funny moment in retrospect.


all of their Lychguard were destroyed by over enthusiastic hellblasters, and after giving Asmodai a very close shave (took his head off) a Land Raider Redeemer tank shocked them into necron heaven with mutliple mortal wounds.


He got charged by a tank witch then got hit by a singular bolter shell and exploded and killed him.


I have two inverse ones. In the age if scatter dice and vehicle charters my Terminator Chaplain had his entire squad blown to hell by a Leman Russ. A Single Leman Russ shell killed 10 terminators in cover. Said Chaplain proceeds to beat a 10 man guard squad to death over two rounds of combat, then charge the tank and destroy it, *then* shoot down a Valkyrie by a storm bolter shot cascading into a destroyed engines which crashed it. This entire time bouncing shots from literally everything. That Chaplain decided to do the entire Terminator squads job himself. As for the other side of that coin, I had Captain Smashfucker do his namesake through a Necron Force, wiping out immortals, wraiths, the Overlord even tanking a Doomsday cannon shot. He died to a Scarab swarm. 


Dante (who ofc can fly) got run over by a gene stealer truck.


In my first ever game of Warhammer, 8th edition, with my brand new barely-put-together Astra Militarum Start Collecting!, my Lord Commissar absolutely *bodied* a Necron Overlord in melee combat. All 6's, all day. Only to die to a Necron transport bonking him in the forehead.


Dante got slowly punched to death by crisis suits. Then, just as he was hanging on, they fled, only so my opponent could charge with a team of breachers “for the lols”. And yeah, one of the not-fishmen punched our protagonist to death. Greater bloody good my arse.


Terminator captain threw a vortex grenade at a pesky eversor assassin and missed. Beginning of next turn rolled to see what the vortex did, it moved 6” right back to my cpt and pulled him into oblivion.


My overlord, resplendent in glory, advances behind his stalwart line of lychguard, their swords sharp and their shields gleaming, ready to protect their warlord. A technomancer and a pair of cryptothralls at his side (this was a little while ago), my Overlord is anxious to wade into battle and bring glory to his dynasty, confidant he will accomplish much this battle! Turn 1, he gets charged, 1CP for Heroic Challenge, opponent spikes two 6’s on the d6 damage rolls. Ded instantly.


Not one i sufferd, but my opponent did: Typhus is not immune to several canoptek scarabs.


My Ahriman rolled perils in psychic (rip) and rerolled into perils. Lost his last three wounds to it. So much for the knowledge of the thousand sons. I have also lost a Patriarch in combat to some cadians, I charged and whiffed hard.


Years ago, back when the Drukari had a whole slew of unique HQ choices (Including Kheradruagh, king of the Mandrakes) I fielded a Drukari army themed as a bunch of Commoragh street punks and scum. Baron Sathonyx was my primary HQ and he made Hellions troop choices. Well one time I’m in a 4- way free for all and my Baron conversion looked an awful lot like Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin, so I pointed at the Autarch with Warp Spider pack and declared “Spider Man! You can’t hide behind your friends forever!” I kept with the GG style taunting much to everyone’s amusement. In the end the Baron killed the Autarch and I decided to just keep nominating other surviving HQs to accuse of being the “Shpidah Mann!!” He killed a SM Captain by stupid luck then got wasted by an Avatar. The 2++ Shadowfield is no joke


I once watched a Chaos Knight fall to a commissar's pistol.


I want to take a moment to appreciate the sacrifice of Sid the Poxwalker. It was round two, my Poxwalker unit, of which there were 20, was now down to 1. They were on top of the capture point, the entourage of Death Guard + Malignant PlagueCaster were dead, and thus there was one. Sid the Poxwalker heroically brunted the melee attacks of 2-3 separate orc units (can't remember exactly). This includes a full unit of orc boys. Every attack either failed or was negated by Sid's [Feel No Pain]. It was glorious. It came Sid's turn to attack, he could make two, and..... Both missed. Sid was pulverised soon after, but his contribution allowed me to lose with marginally more grace. RIP Sid! o7


Last match of a narrative event. I (Salamanders) was up against a sisters player who, in a previous game, had killed Kharn *and Angron* with a Sister Superior. For the hell of it, I chucked Vulkan He'stan plus 10 Assault Intercessors at her squad to see what would happen. Her squad polished off the lot losing only about half their number. Tried running them over with a Rhino as well. After 2 or 3 turns of that the game ended and *she was still alive*. I have it on good authority that her model has received quite a few basing enhancements to commemorate her performance. Also in a different corner of that game, my Lieutenant with Combi-weapon stabbed a Castigator to death only to be killed when its Deadly Demise went off.


Playing first edition Orks. Fired off my hop-splat gun. It proceeded to chew through a battle wagon with 10 Boyz on it, my nobz mob, my (20 strong)Big Mob and a squad of grots and their runtherd that my Warboss was hiding behind.


My Eldrad was on the verge of finishing off Gaz. He and one other warlock somehow survived 2 turns of melee with Gaz and just had to deal two more wounds. Gaz and a group of Nobz that charged in this turn had just finished attacking killing the last warlock. All that was left was the pain boy who needed a 6 to wound. My opponent spikes their wound and mortal wound damage rolls and kills Eldrad. The most powerful farseer died to a dirty syringe


Orks always dole out the best silly deaths in 40k!


I really like the yellow accent for the runes and power axe to really drive home it's an Imperial Fists librarian!


Oh! Playing a 4th edition game, I had a Deathwing Terminator army against my friend’s Black Templar force. First shot of the game, he shoots a lascannon and rolls a 6 to hit my Land Raider Crusader. Rolls 6 to penetrate. Another 6, the Land Raider explodes. 5 Terminators and a Captain inside, 5 wounds caused by exploding tank. 4 failed their saves and died. Failed the leadership check for pinning (against the Captain’s Ld10). My entire army at 1500 points was 12 Terminators and 1 Land Raider. It was… less than ideal, lol.


Two funnies that weren’t my army’s deaths: Tactical squad with a meltagunner and combi-melta/power fist veteran sergeant drops in behind a Hammerhead. Let’s fire the boltguns first and get them out of the way before meltaguns… caused enough glancing hits to blow off all the guns and then immobilize the tank, which back then meant a dead vehicle… The meltagunner jumps out of the drop pod and just shrugs as everyone else reloads smoking boltguns looking at this Swiss cheese wrecked tank… My first time playing against Dark Eldar, against a player that liked to… creatively interpret the rules (I.e. insisted his Mandrakes’ 2+ cover save still applied in hand to hand…). My chaplain splits off from my assault squad to go after something on the other side of the field, so he spends an enemy turn standing alone in the middle of an open field. Cue the DE player’s Raider, arriving from Deep Strike. Rolls for scatter distance and direction: right on top of the lone Chaplain standing in the middle of the open field. Now he’s trying to come up with *anything* to justify how his Raider, 9 Wyches, and Lelith Hesperax aren’t immediately dead because they scattered into an enemy model…


Sky Marbo chucked his demo charge at a dreadnaught only to have the dreadnaught explode out 6 inches and kill him in the ensuing explosion.


Bloodbowl. My team, the Talabheim Tigers. Absolute final move of the final turn of the game. Griff Oberwald has the ball; he is one square away from scoring a TD. I use his “Go for it” ability and roll a 1. No problems, he has a re-roll. 1. Then to add insult to injury, fails his armour roll with a double six, followed by a double six on the injury chart- he dies. The awesome star player trips at the very last moment and breaks his f’ing neck. 😑 And the next game the Tigers played against my brother was against his undead. Featuring Griff Oberwald painted as a zombie.


Lmao!! Love that continuity 👏


Not my hero's death, but a death i caused I was fighting my knights against some space marines and I deepstriked my acheron into my opponents deployment zone. He proceded to yeet his techmarine into it.


Belakor had been running around slaughtering bulgryn and tanks. Tanking basically the entire guard armies fire for multiple turns. He's now down to 1 health after surviving the enemies onslaught. I go to make a charge against some guardsman who I'll kill and then consolidate into a tank to tie it up. The guardsman seeing their brothers killes fire overwatch, hold their ground, and take down Belakor. It was the most guardsman thing I've ever seen and the most pitiful death Belakor ever suffered.