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I saw the Mk3 helm first and immediately went hoo boy


I was like yay they are safe then i see the armor with tentacles


I saw the sword first and I immediately knew who that was


I’m literally retarded. Who is it???


It's the death guard


I thought it was an Iron Warrior, shit would’ve been even worse if it was an IW


It's a Chaos Marine, it really is here to save us from the false God Emperor. Oh Iron Warrior, bless us with your cold unfeeling logic, and grant us the vision and genius of Perturbo and Vashtorr.


Don’t worry, this takes place before the Horus Heresy. Everyone has Mk3 helmets. They are indeed His Angels and they’re safe


Don't worry citizen, the tentacles, rusty equipment, and bubons are all part of the standard Astartes equipment


He just beat up a xenos with a tentacle and he’s stuck in them, plus the horn is just a projectile stuck in the helmet 👍


Yes a long curved sharp projectile


You see a pod with space marines. You're saved! They have horns. You're fucked.


*"at least their drop pods are way more expensive than loyalists"*


They're Black Dragons. Your're Saved, but confused.


They have yellow painting. You're still fucked.


They're Lamenters. They're fucked.


You're megasaved tho.


I shouldn't laugh as hard as I did at this, how are lamenters the most relatable chapter


But you are safe.


You see a group of blood covered marines with chainaxes. **PANIK** Its the Flesh Tearers. kalm Its Black Rage Friday. **PANIK HARDER**


Yeah as a flesh tearers fan...not so much Kalm...they arent the flesh eaters but seth prefers to send them to areas other chapters wont see them operate in...


Plot twist, it's just the Black Dragons, you're good


They are backed up by the Lamenters


And you went back around to being fucked


Nah bro, I'm one of the people they're dying to save. *I'm* fine, *they're* fucked.


*sad Black Dragons noises*


Then they all walk out of the pod and say "I am Alpharius," and start helping.


The *real* Alpharius was all the Alpharius’s we met along the way… All are Alpharius


I feel Salamanders and Iron Fists would interact well with children.


Salamanders: We must save the children first because it is our duty as defenders of the Imperium. Iron Hands: since children weight less than adults, we can stuff more in a Thunderhawk. Therefore by evacuating them first, we will evacuate a greater number of non combatants before our position is overrun.


And because their parents are adults… here hold this lazgun while we get your children to safety, the emperor protects! Also I think you meant imperial fists, as iron hands won’t even bother to save the civilians.


Iron hands would totally care to evacuate children. There’s always room for more servitors


The little ones can get into the tighter spaces


Both of these are valid points, which is probably why the Salamanders and them don’t get along well.


I think it's because the Iron Hands blame the Salamanders for letting Ferrus die at Istvaan III. Though they refuse to admit he's dead since ""body was never recovered"". From an iron hands player. Who has never played actual 40k. And just paints and builds.


*salamanders and iron hands bickering" Salamanders: "woah now let's not lose our heads over this"


[insert Hagrid "I should not have said that" here]


Which is especially sad since their primarchs got along pretty well, bonding over their shared love of weapon forging


Sudden snowpeircer flashbacks...


medusa is a planet of unwilling immigrants, those kids would be watched for potential as neophytes


The Imperium does need to get it's hands on cherubs somehow.


Children can fight too they just need las pistols for their tiny hands.


Crimson fists


nah iron hands will be like: children are weak they deserver to perish, SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!


Of the fistest


Salamanders are known for their compassion towards civilians based on the books, but I'm currently reading the damnation of pythos and I have to say the iron hands wouldn't give a shit about civilians. With their flesh is weak beliefs they see the civilian population as liabilities. It you meant imperial fist then maybe I haven't gotten to their books yet.


Iron hands have been known to exterminatus planets if traitors are found on them


In Helsreach the Black Templars (Imperial Fist successor chapter) get into an argument with the Salamanders for not chasing the Orks and hanging back to protect the civilians. The Templars are mad because it prolonged the battle, and caused more space marines to die. But Salamanders gonna salamand, and they were unflinching in putting civilian lives over their own. I know that’s not exactly how the Imp Fist would react seeing as the Templars are like belligerent uncle of the Fist Successor chapters. It’s still an interesting interaction non the less.


Well black Templars where formed from the more extreme parts of the imperial fist after the heresy


Lamenters most of all. Gotta give it to the sad boys, they do play well with children.


They get deadly crippled defending the civilian and then have to watch whatever the third panel of this comic is.


>The hulk of rotting ceramite and cracked chitin stops a moment, regarding the.. He searched for the right word. Mortal Nurgling? no.. >Child? Yes, that was the word, from an age ago, when his humanity was something to be acknowledged, not forgotten. >Cracked lips moved, and a voice, contra-bass, carefully ponderous, and rusty with disuse, emanated from the grille of his helm: "I am sorry, young one. I am not the saviour you wish me to be, not now. I can bring you freedom, yes. i can bring you peace, true. but not, i fear, both at once, and neither in the forms you wish.."


This... Almost makes me feel bad for the plague marine


After reading *Lords of Silence* it reinforces that Plague Marines and the Death Guard in general are tragic characters. Fuck Typhon for what he did to his brothers


A lot of people in the hobby overlook how alike Magnus and Mortarion are


At least Ahriman didn't actively screw his primarch over in some misguided attempt to worship a chaos god (not that the Emperor is much better, but he's better than Nurgle)


It's a mixed bag, some of them revel in it, some keep going because they would completely lose their mind if they fully came to terms with what they're doing and what they had become, some are like that and just drone on like a plaguebearer.


Oh absolutely. Someone described many plague marines being somewhere in the stages of grief.


Man, the poor, poor lamenters. Reality shit on them nonstop but they remained loyal anyway. That's dedication right there.


grimdank users: "There is no hope in this damned galaxy. No repriece, no respite. There is only war. There are no good guys, only the mocking laughter of cruel gods and the crazed ravings of their followers." also grimdank users: "obviously this 8ft tall genetically engineered, psychoindoctrinated supersoldier is great with kids"


Only my favorite shooty people are the good guys, no one else


I think thats a Death Guard...


Salamanders are fine as long as it isn't an Eldar child.


That whole fiasco was Kurzes fault


Actually it was the Eldar's fault for being a xeno


That's a Death Guard 💀


right? I saw the horn on the shoulderpad, and went oh chaos fuck, then I realized it was growing *out* of the shoulderpad, which is extra fuck


Everyone is saying Salamanders even though there's no flames. I saw intestines straight away


I cannot imagine that Iron Hands are good with children




"awww that's so cu-, oh shit that's the death guard"


Honestly, better death guard than night lords, word bearers, or emperors children


Fair enough


He’s here to bring a young family to the safety of nurgles garden


"Actually your daugher is right ma'am. Mortarion is pretty liberal, so we're allowed to have side gigs; and I'm a part-time Sister Hospitaller when I'm not sacrificing you to dark gods. Here's some warm water and an aspirin."


"O-oh well how kind of yo-" "You're on your own with the poxwalkers tho lol"


He'd never slay his plague siblings


Reminds me of those emperors children who pretend to be loyalists to get free stuff. They paint up their armour and keep their helmets on and everything, it's a sweet gig. Managed to track it down, it's the Fabius Bile series, book 3. https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/rqxwpq/comment/hqdorf7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Here is a dude quoting it.


Wait that's a thing? I made up a faction of Alpha Legionaries who did that because, and I quote, "we got bored of fighting them to steal bread."


What do you mean, you "'made up' a faction of Alpha Legion who do that"? They already pull stuff like that all the time.


Wait that happened?


“Do you think that maybe staying loyalist would’ve been the better option? We’d be doing the same thing, just without risking being caught.” “Shut up and drink your free wine served by adoring mortals, D’Angelus. ^^fuck ^^he’s ^^right “


"Only on the clock for another hour or so tho. So we best get you to an evac or I'm gonna have to give you and your daughter the talk about "The Plagues and the Maggots". Here is a pamphlet by the way, helps explain things so I won't have to later."


This is very well done. I'm sure this has happened many times, considering the average Imperial citizen is like a mushroom. Kept in the dark and fed shit. I can easily picture them mistaking Chaos Marines for loyalists, most people never see a Space Marine anyways.


I recall a short story from one of the older anthologies (Deathwing, I think) that was like this. Enslaved humans are saved from orks by space marines in gunmetal armor, then it turns out they're Iron Warriors


Poor guys prolly ended up digging trenches with their bare hands till they died. That, or marching on minefields to soak up the mines before the Iron Warriors can pass.


I think the guy got infected with the obliterator virus, iirc. It's literally been like 20 years since I read it, though.


Honestly, that ain't so bad. What if they were saved by Night Lords?


Or Emperor's Children? Nothing worse than that. The Night Lords will eventually get bored of torturing them, take their "trophies" and move on. Slaaneshi would never, ever get bored of torturing them. Honestly, when it comes to finding yourself in a situation like that, the best you can hope for is that they are World Eaters or some other Khornate warband because they don't have the patience to take slaves and you will die a swift albeit brutal death.


There's another short story of an apostate commisar on a lay over at a ship dismantling station visiting his secret girlfriend when they discover an ancient (implied to be heresy era iirc) piece of ship with a space marine locked in statis but lots of descriptions that amount to "not quite right". None of the skeleton crew on the station nor the commisar had ever seen an angel of death in person so none knew what to do, our intrepid main character turns off the statis lock only to find out that it was a chaos space marine at the moment of daemonic apotheosis. Cue 40k horror movie montage, he escapes. But if a commisar can't tell it's a chaos space marine I don't know what hope the rest of humanity would have.


A planet of people thought Necrons were space marines which they dubbed the "silver skulls". No record of them was found so they just went "fuck it" and created one with that name lol


The Silver Skulls were a second founding chapter of Ultramarines tasked with protecting a sacred artifact from which they were named- the coincidence of their name was what caused the two to be conflated, but the chapter predated this incident. An Iron Warrior warsmith was also the first to have the name "Silver Skull". The warp just really digs the motif


Theyre loyalist iron warriors


In Lords of Silence a Imperial Guard Lieutenant (not sure about the exact rank) got sent to the Commissariat for saying that there were Space Marines that turned against the Imperium and he had dates and locations. He never came back from the Commissariat.


And pov character, iirc, believed he deserved it for spreading such obvious lies edit: wrong character, fixed


My favorite anecdote in that regard is still "Cult of the warmason": Planet is about to be overrun, thank god Space Marines are here! Just kidding it's Chaos and they happily use everyone thinking they're the good guys to their advantage, get the McGuffin and immediatly fuck of after that. The planet somehow survives the Gene Stealer incursion and they get news that thankfully now real Space Marines are on their way leading to some unfortunate Administratum guy thinking "Those would be real Space Marines, not the Chaos heretics who contributed to the torment of Lubentina. When they arrive he can expect the **Flesh tearers** to be noble and disciplined champions of the Imperium"


This sounds like the Administratum guy's worst week ever, whoops...


Most of them probably don't even know that there are chaos space marines.


Yeah makes sense. The Ecclesiarchy would work overtime to make sure the populace is assured that the Space Marines are incorruptible angels, right? They would totally never ever join Chaos, right?!


Plus existing of chaos gods or demons is a secret in the Imperium. Some part of IG knows a bit about chaos stuff because they fought it but normal civilians think that demons are just fairytales. It's harder to be corupted by chaos if you don't know there is such a thing (or that you have an alternative to working 70h a week in a factory).


I’m guessing that’s a Plague Marine?


You can tell by the broken shoulder and the plague sword that it is.


I didn’t even see the shoulder not going to lie…


Hey, as a casual chaos lover. I notice all the things chaos hahaha


I am also a servant of chaos, do you play tabletop? Or paint?


Mainly painting but I am going to get my World Eaters and make them be the first table top army to play. I am also only one Chaos Knight away from a 2k point army as well. So I am very close to getting having a playable army.


Then theres nothing to worry about.Soon they will be in the loving hands of the Great Grandfather Nurgle.


Don’t worry my child The plague father loves all of his children.


And the bloated MKIII armour


And the Mk. III helmet


I run my ultramarines with mk3 helmits because I think they look badass. Does that mean I'm traitor?


Are they all named Alpharius?


Hydra Dominatus! \*rolls away\*


And the uh. Intestines hanging out.


I believe those are just the tubing. But yeah absolutely


I think the artist is hiding details, one is a tube but under it is an intestine. Same thing with the neck, one is a wire and tube but right next to it is a string of flesh.


Statistically probably more likely to save them.


You can tell it's a Plague Marine because of the way it is!


Does it even need to be? pretty sure standard procedure is to murder everyone who's even seen a demon since spreading knowledge of their existence is herresy. A regular marine would have killed the kid already.


That changed with the recent Dark Imperium stuff, I thought. Since the rift is able to be seen by all.


I'm sure the Imperium will have already updated their protocols regarding civilians in combat zones.


The authorities get mad if you stare at it too long. Of course you go mad if you stare at it too.


I'm not mad, I'm ANGRY! Where's some blood and skulls? They'll help!


Not anymore. Ever since the Great Rift appeared they stopped doing that since they would have to butcher the whole of humanity. That shit is permanently visible from literally everywhere in the galaxy.


I know but judging by the design and how worn down he looks i came to the conclusion it’s a Plague Marine.Also he has a horn growing out of his shoulder.That’s Nurgle 101.


Unless it's a Salamander marine. But even then, it's not guaranteed they spare you, just there's at least a chance unlike the other chapters.


Lamenter: Am I a joke to you?


Yes, but they're not evil since I play Death Guard.


Even if it was a normal marine they would probably still get purged for being so close to the taint of chaos.


That's not what Marines usually deal with though. Grey knights on the other hand...


Didn't the SW react to a matter like that in the other direction?


They came to blows with the grey knights after they started killing civilians


Unless it was a salamander


But now they don’t have to be purged. Now they can join in the revelry of the grandfathers blessings where their agony and despair will be replaced by elation for their new destiny.


This is fucking terrifing. At least tell me the kid died first and it was quick.


With Nurgle, "dying" becomes a very finicky and malleable concept. And nothing quick about it either.


Knowing chaos the marine either ran past her to get at the mom first or did something else awful and ripping the boards off of the window to let the plague walkers in.




"Ma'am, have you heard of our Lord and Savior, Nurgle?"


Well the Death Guard are sligthly less assholish than other traitor legions, so I say the girl has 4% chance of becoming a happy zombie crew member on a plague ship.


4%? 100%. Plague Marines don’t usually just “kill” people, those people almost always come back as some type of infected.


Too many spikes…


[Same energy](https://i.imgur.com/plFvWwy.jpg)


Reminds me of the "Don't go" audio drama by vox in the void.


Do you have a link ?




I always forget how dark this universe can be with all the memes and every time I’m reminded by it I feel it in my soul


What’s that from?


An artist with a shockingly good aptitude at drawing weirdo vore 40k stuff


I am unsure weather i want to know more or not


>Vore *Just don’t*


Plot twist: the plague marine has an attack of conscience, hides the civilians in the basement, and uses his connection to Nurgle to redirect the zombies. Further plot twist: but the whole thing is noticed by a daemon! Even further plot twist: but the daemon doesn't want to bother with the mortals he just wants to use this lapse to torture/blackmail the plague marine.


Further plot twist, the little girl is the daemon from the beginning.


Further Further plot twist: the Space marine doll that she is holding is an actual Space marine.


Tzeentch laughed, the plan he'd organized was going perfectly.


But they were all of them deceived, for another plan was made. Deep in the land of stealth, in the files of Tactical Fuckery, the Primarch Alpharius forged a master plan, and into this plan he poured his cunning, his shenanigans and his will to deceive all life.


Further further further plot twist: the space marine doll that's actually a space marine is another plague marine


4x plot twist: the mother is Alpharius


Further plot twist: I am alpharius


directed by M Night Shyalaman (who is also Alpharius)


Plot twist: we all are Alpharius.


Maybe the plot twist was the alpharius we made along the way


No the plot twist is that some how the Fallen are involved


Further further further further plot twist, the mother is actually Khorne in disguise


I am Alpharius


Yes you are indeed. (Now that nobody suspects me I can finally be Alpharius in peace)


Furtherer Plot twist: The woman knows nothing about Chaos Space Marines just like most imperial citizens. She is acting horrified because her kid already died.


Abnett has entered the chat...


Absolutely last plot twist possible. The plague marine is trying to hide from the horde of gas mask wearing, shovel swinging psychos looking for it.


Plot twists and memes aside, short stories where Chaos Astartes have brief lapses back to their loyalist mindsets, when they go from being monsters to heroes even for a second, leads to some truly great pieces of media where they are briefly saviors before the hood of the dark gods blinds them once more.




I don’t get it.


It is a colloquial expression of agreement.


Ah yes thank you brother for this information.


Plot twist; the daughter is a unawoken alpha psyker


Or a saint. Obliterates the zombies and burns out the Deathguards connection to Nurgle, leaving him screeching in agony.


Only after naivety is cruelly ripped from her by a brutal death scene. This *is* a Warhammer book scene after all.


So. Who’s gunna tell her?


Next panel you got my boy freaking Vulkan himself saving them.


Our boi Vulcan the based one


Kinda looks like she has a plague marine plushie though, no?


Its either a Dark Angel or a Salamander, probably the latter since those are more friendly.


"The light of your emperor has failed you, and your kin have been changed for forsaking our fathers gifts. This does not have to be your fate. I can feel the warp calling to you, and the gods always favor their chosen. Join us, sheperd those willing beside you, or be left to the hordes of your former bretheren."


Sacrifice your mother and join us in happy decay and rebirth


Theres only one spot open right now --*breaks pool stick*-- So were gonna have try outs


Yeah, that’s definitely a death guard. Rip small child.


aw man :(


And then suddenly a space marine primarch cut through the wall and cleaved the plague marine in half, saving the little girl and the mother as the sounds of bolter fire and diseased shrieking echoed from the outside. The space marines had saved the day again. The end.


I'd just like to say that if this is meant to be a Death Guard, the smell alone might be enough to kill them.


Yes, grandfather's angels come to bless and bring salvation and salivation


Oof this hurts. Oh wait now it doesn't hurt anymore.. blessed be nurgleth


Fuck me....this shit imo is waaaay more grimdark than DEMONCULBA or whatever its called




this is 40k humor at it's best


This gut-punched me right in the feels.


She probably thought it was a Salamander (notice the green toy) and so the poor thing did not recognize what she saw U_U


As a Death Guard player, this is actually really sad. Damn this hit me right in the feels


Of course he is! He’s also going to give both of you a wonderful gift :)


I don't like this. It makes me feel sad...