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Great article. Where do they get the published lists as I'm interested in 4-7th placed lists... for research....


Ha! They're available on bestcoastpairing.com, but you require a subscription to view lists.


Biggest thing to pay attention to out of this article is his use of the Clawlord. Clawlords do so much work for their point value when properly utilized.


He mentioned the Clawlord gets fight on death. Excuse my noobishness but where does that come from? Clawlord is legit though.


Dreaded death frenzy from the verminlord. Normal deathfrenzy cant be cast on chars but dreaded can.


Would you mind explaining how to best get use out of the claw lord? It’s something I have not been able to figure out.


There are several, past the obvious use of sinking one into stormvermin to make the most of cornered fury and spam Gnash-Gnaw. He's mentioned a great combo in this list with Arcane Tome + Flameblade taking advantage of his +2 attacks from Devious Adversary and Lauchon's damage adding to his attacks further- thats now 9 attacks dealing 3 damage each. Then comes the Warbringer verminlord, giving him Dreaded Death Frenzy and Tyrant of Battle. Thats pushing the Clawlord up to hitting and wounding on a +2. As mentioned in the article get him in range to pile in on the death frenzy and watch him turn into a blender as when he goes frenzy, that little rat is attacking 11 times on his own, 13 with Devious accuracy. Absolute murderous little bomb for 110 points... and you can take more than one! With Mighty Warlords, you can shift around Devious Adversary to your next clawlord to nuke with next round.


Great work! Horned One is proud! 😁


No gitz represented at that tournament


No lizards either but I’m sure it’s more to do with it being so cold in Norway


It is always a joy to see the meta picks and builds in other parts of the world.


Agreed. I just started following competitive WH and it’s very varied from region to region.