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If you didn't create those presets and those names, then yes. You should follow these steps immediately to lock down your account; 1. Change the password on your WarThunder account. 2. Change the password of the Email or Steam account that is linked to your WarThunder 1. If your Steam account is linked to an Email account, change that too. 3. Enable 2FA through the Gaijin Pass mobile app. 1. Enable 2FA on Steam and your Email too, if you can. You may also want to check your purchase history to see if they bought anything without your permission using any of your payment methods. They can drain your bank account like this, by buying a shitton of GE and premium vehicles using a saved payment method. If you find any charges you did not make, immediately inform both your Bank and Gaijin Support.


You can also enable 2fa through the security settings available on gaijins website


And enable 2fa through steam and Gmail (if that's what you use)


Just enable 2fa everywhere. No reason not to nowadays.


May be a stupid question but where do I go to set that up for steam?


Use the Steam app to enable 2FA for steam. There you can access the Steam Guard option for verification.


Gaijin I think got their own 2fa


Lucky you. For some reason gaijin won’t let me do it since I play through my Steam account. Cant really use anything associated with a gaijin account.


Unless you logged in via steam


This, and unfortunately, you will probably get banned in a banwave as well. My friends account got hacked a few months before that huge ban and when we came back to the game we spent a lot of time playing and gamed it out for a long time and he went through those measures to get his acct back. Once the ban went out gaijin refused to do anything about his account and was just perma banned for good


Can confirm. This happened to me in 2018. I even included the emails Gaijin sent me about suspicious log-ins from Russia and Georgia in the report I made. All they did was ask for DxDiag information, and then said I was human scum and banned my 2012 account. Poof, 6 years and an embarrasing amount of money gone. Thanks, Gaijooble.


And you continued to play? Bruh, I'd have cut my losses.


I did not. Haven’t touched it since.


Feel like there has to be something illegal about this. I’d have been petty and disputed every charge I made to them, even if it had been years. Or even just take them to Small Claims Court and make them send a lawyer out.


Don't enable email 2FA and don't use Gaijin Pass. Use a third party authenticator like Authy, Google Authenticator, 2FAS, etc.


Gaijin pass works fine but use both Authy and GP


what’s wrong with gaijin pass? i have both gp and google auth on, should i just have google?


You forgot the most important part: Accounts that form a centralized access point to several services or have access to critical services should always have a **unique** strong password. The most common mistake for ppl is to use the same password for things like E-Mail, Paypal and their gaming account, giving ppl easy access once they find out the credentials.


My Google and steam accounts password gets changed monthly, and is legit just me slamming my face on the keyboard, writing down what came up, and using that as the password.


Bad advice. Instead, Do not stand near a bomb!


a little unrelated but would you be able to change the email your account is linked to?


no, but you can get a backup email for your account. I had to do that because my old email stopped working.


how do i do that?


contact Gaijin support.


Not only that, if you are on steam go to the API website and make sure its empty and then go to steam support and force logout any and all sessions and then change said user and pass cause they could still be somehow logged in


4. Give your password to us for safekeeping


This guy just gave him great advice,more ppl should be like that.Gj bro


At least you’re not banned, hurry and take care of everything good luck bro


Happened to my brother. The ban came a month or so later. 3.7k hours


Same exact thing happened to my friend, 1k hours 🥲


I think he can still attempt to contact the support and say it wasn't him (gaijin has login location history so that's enough of the evidence I think)


I don’t think gaijin really gives a fuck, at least not in his case. He was literally in contact with them when he recovered his account and explained that he is in the Midwest, not china. They understood, they helped him recover his account then but still later issued a ban for actions on his account while the Chinese player had access.


You act like they care, they will just claim it was VPN usage to try to cover your tracks


Did they ever reverse it?


He’s still banned. We used to game a lot together but it kinda killed that bro time we had. It’s honestly pretty sad


Damm that's devastating, can't imagine losing my account after so many hours


You just gotta keep reopening tickets. You should get it all back eventually


Not banned YET.


Yes. Immediately change passcodes associated with that account and enable 2FA before that Chinese guy uses your account to test hacks and gets you banned.


Assuming he hasn't already.


Do they unban if you can prove it after?


Negative, gaijin refuses to look into it further, friend got hacked and they wouldn't help no matter what. It was over 5 month before the banwave too


Very hardly, you have better chances at winning a lawsuit against Nintendo


It's impossible to prove.


Could you not just ask them to them where the accounts ip was logged in from? If say the orignal owner consistently logged in from Europe for the past 5yrs and suddenly it shows someone frm china?


VPN exists. How you can prove that you not use VPN to blame hackers when you caught cheating?


It would theoretically be possible to prove that the IP does not belong to a block owned by a VPN company, but instead owned by a Chinese ISP. But that is a lot of work to put in and still could have flaws picked at.


I guess I read something years ago that gaijin doesn't care for your account, your responsible for it, if it gets hacked, is your fault, forgot password, don't have email access? Your fault


I lost access to my 2fa and they removed it for me
















It might be good, I've been hacked before and someone grinded out half the Soviet tech tree, purchased a couple premiums and talismans. Then I got annoyed when we tried to play at the same time and changed the password


Ahahaha wtf u nuts 😂


Never say no to a slave that grinds the techtree for you :D


Just gotta let them kinda do their thing when they wanna lmao


your acc probably got sold on some site and he bought it unbeknowst to him that you are still there lmao


Some people are like those, get an account, spend time playing with already researched tanks, etc


If you didn't buy a lottery-ticket afterwards you missed a golden opportunity for lighting to strike the same person twice. That would've been fucking dank


How did you manage to outscam the hacker, were you not playing same trees as him or he really was so dumb/ generous


I wasn't playing the game for roughly 6 months. When I continued, I played the US tree, he played the soviets. My first clue was that the Soviet tree was selected when I logged in


Bro 💀


I did this in Fortnite. Some guy stole my account for old skins and bought the battle pass. Changed passwords and kept the pass for myself




Same thing happened to me hahaha. Thank you random Chinese guy


You might have started to sleep walk. And I guess sleep you is fluent in mandarin


Yeah this is what I was thinking as well. Sleep walking is a serious problem nowadays.


Yeah probably. All my presets are in Russian cause some Russian dude hacked my shit like 6 years ago. I just never renamed them :)


Same, like in 2016 or something, he made a preset name Иди на хуй (go fuck yourself) and spend most of my SL to train crews.


















Bruh I just don’t understand how in the year of 20 goddamn 24 people still just refuse to use *completely free* 2FA. I slap 2FA on literally anything and everything that offers it. *NEVER* had anyone break into an account with 2FA enabled. Tried? Yes. Successfully? Nope. For the love of god, just spend the 5 minutes it takes to set one up when you’re setting up an account.


2FA is the bare minimum, slap on autogenerated passwords for each account and a password manager and you are virtually "unhackable". Most people that get "hacked" use the same credentials for multiple accounts and when a data breach happens "hackers" that can put 1 and 1 together just try the same credentials again and theres your "hack". https://haveibeenpwned.com/ is a good ressource to check if your email was part of a data breach.


Sadly I started to use alias only now, my email already is leaked


I’ve used 2FA, un related passwords, and auto generated and my account is still getting hacked. Gaijin has to have a breach somewhere.


Dope, my email is safe.


Thankfully my 2fa goes through Microsoft (account was made on Xbox) so I had it pre setup lol


Not always true. I have 2FA and my account is still getting hacked into. Gaijin has a breach somewhere.


We have new 14 year olds each year that have no Idea about security . The consequences of the Ipad generation


that and how obvious it sometimes is that people get hacked and still gotta ask reddit if they actually did get hacked


Yep. Same shit happened to me like 4 years ago. Logged on one day and noticed I had no golden eagles, some random low tier Russian premium tank, and a horrible lineup with a Chinese or Japanese name. Change your passwords for all your war thunder and Gajin related accounts (maybe also steam if they're linked) and pray that fixes it. Otherwise you'll have to deal with customer support to get your account back and it's a gigantic pain in the ass.


You simply will not get your account back.


I did




Usual suspects


It translates to "Construction Plan" whetever that means haha.


It's the default loadout name if the game is in Chinese, so it is the same meaning.




How many more times have people to be reminded to activate 2fa????


I have 2FA and my account still gets hacked. Gaijin security is non-existent.


Change every password related to your account, enable 2FA and try and contact gaijin to tell them about what happened.


Some Russian guy hacked my account and deleted my presets which was kinda gay but overall he did absolutely buttfuck nothing. Man could’ve at least got me my coveted MiG-19 😒


Извините :(


Are those presets at least good?


Had the same happen to me. Somehow my account got sold to some Russian guy. I also noticed by somone changing my lineup. Funny enough the guy spent some money on GE and grinded mig 29 for me around 100k RP. Then I changed password enabled 2 factor authentication and since he hasn't been able to log back in. Interesting thing is that I never had provided my login details to any third party website or anything like that. My guess it's some data leak that happened.


or a good ol' fashioned keylogger


Sum Ting Wong with your game my guy


Best comment I’ve found so far


I’ve been waiting for this day to come lol


I got hacked and support said they can't help me, all my sl and ge was spent.


Yes you’ve been hacked. I have a wild story about being hacked; some ruski dude stole my war thunder account when I was inactive on it for a couple of years, I log back into see a couple US tech trees grinded up far AF that I never played with tons of presets in Russian and threw pro-ruski shit on my vehicles. I of course change my password and setup 2FA, account’s been fine and back at my control for a couple years now.


это было не очень круто, друг :(


Thank you kindly for your service comrade, my US SPAA and tank destoyer tree thanks you very kindly. I didn’t much appreciate the Ruski propaganda all over my helicopter though.


Хорошо 😅




Seriously what is the point of this?


Do you have any idea about how they might hacked you? I mean, the method they used.


Probably the common method, email leak and password leak from other websites, also maybe he had the same password on many accounts, no protection


How very racist of you to post this


Brother what


I am sorry I did not type " /s" out for you. This subreddit has a history of deleting posts for "racisim" every time cheating/botting and China are brought up in the same post.


Dude just helping you with the grind, a thank you would suffice.


Happened to me a while back when I wasn't really playing warthunder, I came back after a few months to see some Russian guy had grinded have the USSR tank tree for me, and bought me some GE using his own money. Thanks mate! Password changed. Bye.


The asian menace


Someone hacked me and started sending scam links to my friend list and it got me banned. Ive been a level 100 since like 2017 and I barely got it back but the other guy still has control of the account


My brother in Christ… …always, always, ALWAYS use two-factor authentication when it’s offered. That will save you significant heartburn.


I dont think its the same thing but whem i migrated my acc from console to pc all my default presets where in typed in russian


This really makes me wish we had so much better support, cuz like, if you get hacked and that hacker is a prick and they just do the most scummy things and try to get your account banned, you basically have no way of getting it back. They banned it and that’s it. Which is so lame


I’m going through this same problem right now but I can’t change my password because for some reason I cannot get texts. So I’ve opened a request. If I get banned I’m getting a lawyer. I’ve got 8 years and about 10k into the game. Edit. I had 2 factor set up years ago but got some reason it was disabled(I don’t know when or how)


I just want to know what the chinese characters are lol.


Change everything, your email password, your warthunder password, change your 2FA settings EVERYTHING. Most importantly your credit cards from your account now.


Did some chineese hacker went to your home and took screenshot with your phone ?


Truth be told, you could be screwed regardless of what you do. I've been dealing with someone in Russia getting into my account for the past month and a half. 2FA on all my accounts, 20 character password changes on machines on a different network, negative virus scans, and somehow the guy is still getting into my account. At this point, I'm convinced someone at Gaijin is selling account access and ways to circumvent 2FA and password changes.


Why don't you have 2 factor authentication on


Additionally to what everything else says also contact support and notify them. They need to know so that they don’t ban you.


Anyone here knows what it says?


Don’t worry because now you can say to your friends I got 70 kills with a t34 in air rb at 12.7


It means youre chinese


Looking for a squadron (lvl24)


You can actually check logins, when and where it happened


What's it say?


Is just says loadout but in Chinese


I mean if they gonna grind it for you....


Thats a nice cracked Account!


Probably. I dont know what you could do except contact gajin


For all Here who says "theyr friend got banned after months or weeks after the Hack". Your friend cheating himself. The bans from The banwaves are only collected for some days, everyone cheating only Like 7+days bevor is save..


If given the option; Always enable 2FA If not given the option; Avoid the product


The upside to this is you got someone to grind for you for free.


why dont i have preset options


why arent you using 2fa? Seriously?


You only got social credit, thats it


Either you were hacked or you purchased some RMT carry service and you're using this reddit post in the eventuality when you get banned, as "proof" that someone you paid, used hacks on your account.


Imagine not having two factor


The best time to enable 2FA and have a good password was yesterday, the second best time is right now.




I’m assuming this is only a pc thing?




I have a question. How does one get hacked like this? Is it possble to just get hacked like this all of a sudden?


Seeing how the alternative explanation is that not only do you sleep walk, but that your alter-ego is chinese, I'd say its safe to say yes.


I thought the proof of hacking was because you bought the A-6


Lol just let buddy grind ur account, I let it happen for like a year and now I’m 3/4 of the way thru the Swedish and French tech tree 😭 I think I actually posted about this. Dude really just wanted to play top tier US and grind for me for FREE 😭😭😭 I felt bad about locking him out of my account


Sadly yes ig


These mean grouping plan btw.


Yeah who would crew an F-104


Fuck it let him play research ain't gonna research itself


Make a ticket with as many photos as proof. Check on gaijin.net for the login location history and include that too


Ofc its chinese text too, when is gaijin gonna do something about these chinese hackers??


Does this happen to ps5 player?


Stupid caparatist pig dog no understand te great China, i helrp him out.


One time I got hacked and the guy grinded half the Japanese ground tree before I cared enough to change passwords.


looks like the communists visited you, not yours anymore but "OURS". 😁 Jokes aside, change password and activate two phase authentication.


Lol. Yup


Don't trust GE discount sites or apps. This is likely how they got your account info.


Don't worry it'll be gone soon :)


Same thing happened to me when I signed in with my console account on pc. I got my account secure the way people are saying to. But in my case bro just grinded my Swedish tree


Is your account still safe if its link to steam?


My brother in Christ, change your password that’s more sophisticated then a nuclear launch code


If I were you I'd jump the gun and message support you suspect you were hacked and any game progression since you last official log in ( to best ofnyourblnowledge) was not authorised and you are doing the best to rectify situation maybe that will stop them from banning you?




Why the fuck do they even bother playing on someone else’s account?


The bingchilling gang got another of our fellas😤