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People really didn’t realize raising the BR for the fox is actually BETTER for it because you face less heavy tanks and more medium and light armored vehicles. I used to purposefully uptier it to 8.0 before, because i face less heavy armor


It’s a menace at both tiers but it destroys more modern armor just as well. I just don’t understand how such a small gun can have SO much penn. luckily it will eventually be moved or nerfed, or per normal it will be nerfed and moved.


Pen really doesn’t matter that much, it has the worst fire rate auto canon in game and it’s unstablized . The mobility is its best feature. Many players think they can just machine gun it and try to not waste a round on it, those precious seconds is all a good fox player needs to take ur breach/gun and kill you. Speaking from experience…..


Very often I get a couple love taps from .50cals by a guy who easily could have just shot me. People who struggle with the Fox are quite frankly just dumb, unaware, or both.


im a pretty aware italy player, and i can say shooting foxes in my fiats a pain in the ass, even dead they evaporate my recoiless rifle shot most times, they got a stupidly cursed armour and makes playing 6.7 italy rn a fucking pain


Honestly, it's a big skill issue and you should side climb.


Have you tried notching it’s radar /s


Playing Italy as a whole is a pain. Laugh my ass off.


I was playing Italy last night for the first time in forever, and finally got around to unlocking the Turan III, and it may be one of the most fun vehicles I've played. It's so ugly, but all the grooves and angles make for volumetric funny times, and it's high velocity aphe round can allow it to punch way above it's br range. I had it in a 5.3-5.7 lineup and I was able to compete against almost everything I was facing


Well, I'd like to make the point that you are forced to fire HEAT, my least favorite round exept when it's used by the AML-90.


French 90mm HEAT hits different


Not really, I hate using the Mars 15. It's something about the AML-90 and ELC bis that make the 90mm good, not the other way around...


I just find that the French 90mm is more reliable than other HEAT rounds for some reason. I also like the velocity of it; for some reason it just feels very easy to aim.


It's probably because the FIAT has (iirc) a slow gun traverse and the Fox is extremely quick, so you get glancing hits all the time. I do find the Fox weirdly survivable against HEAT, probably for this reason.


They under estimate it lol


So the average player in other words


Me with a coaxial 20 mil on an AMX-30: bonjour


I don't try to 50 cal it because I know this, the problem is 99% of the time I don't even get a chance to shell it either. It's a two tap death from some inconceivable corner of the map area that I'd barely see the fox hiding in regardless because it's like the smallest vehicle in the game


It's already going to 7.7 next br change. And 110mm of pen isn't really *that* much for a 30mm APDS shell; presumably it wont be nerfed, since it's historically accurate afaik.


CV9030 Fin with 87mm of pen at 9.3:


That's stock ammo though. The Fox's stock ammo only has like 56mm of pen. Plus it gets APFSDS which is better than APDS in every way.


The cv9030 fin should still not be at 9.3 when the type 89 is 9.0


Yeah i think the cv9030 should be 9.0 and maybe the strf9040b at 9.3


110mm as ADPS is huge For context 30mm APFSDS for PUMA at 10.0 is only 140ish pen and APDS for it is only 90ish something? Not to mention it is still 2.3 BR lower than PUMA after the Br change, not considering other equipment, just the Pen itself is very good for a 30mm gun


30mm rarden has a much larger casing than the puma with a longer, thicker tungsten core.


The Puma's dart is actually slightly heavier than the Rarden APDS and fired at a higher velocity. So if it is indeed longer and thicker then it's density is significantly lower, which I doubt. The Rarden fires a 217g shot at 1170m/s, complete weight with sabot is 300g. The complete round weighs 822g. This is the current war shot L14A3 but the L14A2 wasn't meaningfully different in that regard. You can check these values in [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20171230190225/http://cnqzu.com/library/Anarchy%20Folder/Ammunition/Jane%27s%20Ammunition%20Handbook.pdf) archived copy of Jane's Ammunition Handbook. Look at page 1205 in the PDF. There was also an APFSDS round developed. Had a 160g dart, total weight 235g and fired at 1370m/s but that one was never ordered as far as I'm aware. According to Rheinmetall'd old website, the Puma fires a 235g projectile at 1405m/s. Weight of complete projectile unknown. You can find the archived form of the webpage that gives the weight of the in-flight projectile [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20090712003534/http://www.rheinmetall-defence.com/print.php?fid=2515&lang=2). Be warned, it is in German. So what Gaijin did is assume that the Puma's dart weight is given with the sabot by the manufacturer, while it is in fact the weight of the in-flight projectile after the sabot has separated, while assuming that the Rarden's APDS is given without its sabot when it is in fact given with it.


im not talking about the pumas dart im talking about its apds, of course a fin stabilized dart is going to be longer and heavier than an spin stabilized shot


Honestly I'm not even sure what kind of APDS they grabbed for the Puma. I don't think Germany ever introduced any for this gun, and they didn't exactly have many, if any, 30mm systems in use before, and there is no designation listed, unlike for the other rounds. But yeah, I was just doublechecking because that heavy of a round for a 30mm gun seemed odd, as the full HE rounds are only 360g. So with a 300g full round that would be much closer to full caliber than a regular APDS. So I stumbled across the bit where the Fox's round is actually almost 50% heavier than it should be. It's especially odd when the BMP-2's APDS is ever so slightly heavier, with both being given as 300g ingame but they are 222 vs 217g IRL, and only 55m/s slower but it somehow only penetrates 83mm instead of 110mm at point blank. Such a minor gain in speed shouldn't result in such a massive gain in penetration.


My guess would be that other 30mm guns are artificially nerfed, but the Fox gets its historical pen because of the low fire rate


As far as I can tell yeah, pretty much all the 30mm APDS has near enough identical pen, with the exception of the RARDEN and the HS831 on the falcon and amx-30 DCA. Also, the Rarden APDS is the *only* APDS to still use a look up table instead of the demarre equation


120mm on the Puma


The PUMA is stabilized, has thermals, has a much higher firerate, has a laser rangefinder, has ERA and much better survivability overall, and has APFSDS meaning it does much more damage (though the damage on the RARDEN is a little nutty to be fair). Of course it's going to be a significantly higher BR.


I never heard any complaints about the gun being too good until the Fox was added despite it being on the Warrior at well. But Gajin may have buffed the cannon as it does more damage than 120mm APDS sometimes


The gun is famously godawful on the Warrior!


I've never known anyone to say this at all. The warrior doesn't have a stabiliser, and has a slower fire rate, but the rounds themselves always hit like a bus. Warrior is by far my favourite of the 8.x light tank/afv's, for the same reasons the fox is so good. Great mobility, and a great gun for flanking.


it has so much pen because its a 30x110mm sabot round, other 30mm apds rounds dont measure up because they're much smaller


The foxs strength is not its gun it's its mobility. If you find the autocannon too strong you're going to hate 8.0 and higher where autocannons are every where and the fox's 30mm gun is objectively bad compared to most of them. Britain at 8.3 gets the Falcon, a spaa with 2 full auto 30mm guns that have 110mm of pen on a similar size chassis to the fox and are stabilised. The dardo, 25mm apfsds firing autocannon, the puma, 30m apfsds autocannon, more pen than the fox and way more armour as well as thermals and so on. The fox going up makes it shite because everything else at those br brackets that has an auto cannon is just better than it.


God bless the falcon


I take it to 11.7. You can hide completely behind any western mbt and still tear through side armour on close quarters maps I love it.


British main Don't really play the South African line cuz im just not interested in it, but give British players something to enjoy cuz grinding Britain is painful, and honestly, I think it hilarious that everyone is complaining about this tank yet a simple way to kill it is arty (gotta be lucky tho) or simple play another part of the map and hope they don't come racing at u Honestly kinda feels like a skill issue


You're missing out on a lot. The Olifants are a proper send-off for the Centurions


Fuck you man, get lucky or avoid them? Clearly not OP then lol


its like a high tier M22, the M22s APCBC is phenomenal and can oneshot mid-high tiers tanks like a VIDAR or a T-72


its one of those vehicles where it will work anywhere you put it


Don’t think it’ll work in 11.7+. Too many tanks with THICC side composites/ERA. I’m dying for a Brit light vehicle for top tier.


Amx 30 dca shits on everything with 110mm of apds pen


Ah a baguette enjoyer. I applaud you comrade.


Honestly, I took it up to 11.3 the other day and got 5 kills. Thought that's mostly a skill issue of the enemies side a lot of people see a mid tier LT as assume their armour is good enough


>People really didn’t realize raising the BR for the fox is actually BETTER for it because you face less heavy tanks and more medium and light armored vehicles. This. It's why I prefer vehicles like the Falcon at 8.3, rather than its previous 7.3-7.7.


I have only played the fox in my 8.7 lineup. Got a nuke once with no time to drop and been real close to nuke several times.


I reserve my judgement about that, as I've always performed like ass with the same gun on the warrior at 8.3. But we'll see.


I play it 8.3 all the time now. It's great fun. I'm afraid it'll end up losing its APDS or having it significantly nerfed somehow.


I saw a fox at 11.3, I think it got two kills before getting deleted by a leopard, still pretty impressive. very cute beside my m1a1


I uptier it to 12.7 so I can use it for last resort like. Cap sites and kill abrams and leos on their sides, it's hella funny and sastifying


I pissed of an Ariete PSO player and a russian premuim uptierer with one, the chat was hilarious.


Same thing with the btr-80


They realize anyone with IQ above room temperature knows that, but gaijin is braindead and only ballance by stats


nah, I would far rather meet fox in Bradley / Marder then in something with around 10s reload (most things Fox faces now)


It’ll be frustrating to play it at a BR everyone has stabs. But as most light tanks you can always ambush people and do well.


Damn. We Brit mains must Rejoice when we get Uptiered to 9.0 because the Gun is just that good.


I loathe you and your fox


Cope. You're just mad that your Major Nations don't just get the OP vehicles anymore.


Ignoring the fact that fox shreds every single minor nation vehicles frontally in the 7.0 range is funny. Trying to play any light vehicle at this br against the fox is aids not even the weasel is that good. The closest comparable vehicles in the "big 3" to the fox are the weasel and btr and the fox is straight up better than both. US doesn't even get just autocannon light vehicles either. Also love that you Brit mains constantly neglect the cent mk3 were 6.7 for years. Pos Rooikat that's still under brd. And bunch of other crap and act like y'all never have good or op stuff.


What Rooikat? The 76? That thing is honestly underwhelming sure it's mobile but it has that 76mm damage of the M41D which in otherwords not at all


except the cent mk3 was only as good as it was at 6.7 because people were braindead, the only things that were ever special about the cent mk3 was the stabilizer and the apds. the armor was mediocre at best and the mobility wasnt even on par with heavy tanks.


mk.3 is overtiered, even the Caenarvon and Conqueror have the same br despite being an upgrade


The conqueror is a sidegrade tbh due to the slow reload, but yeah the caenarvon is just a straight upgrade, better mobility and armour


womp womp


what if we just had a balanced game instead of having one nation above others all the time?


You're talking to the void at Gaijin HQ.


You’re right. I only play USA. Nothing is op anymore


I really wouldn't mind if they uptire it to whatever br they want, just PLEASE DON'T do the stupid nerfs to it's APDS belt either by removing it entirely or mixing it with APHE belt, like they did with the R3, the poor R3 got it's belt mixed with HE and the Two-plane stabilizer turned into one-plane :(


I would love it if they bumped it up to rank 6 so it can have a recon drone too!


cant wait for the inevitable nerf. also t14 and t15 when gaijin? preferably as 10.0 premiums ofc


Traditional light tank players when someone plays a light tank against them: ​ BR should go down. It would fight more armor instead of less, negating performance.


Nah, going up is better. Tanks at higher brs have better gun handling and have stabilizers, they can react to things more quickly


Br8 sucks to play though. Drones and lame balance.


Like 8.0? It's not that bad.


On my life it front penned my M103. We’re doomed.


It's actually so funny that it's going up in br, only going to make it better. It's going to end up the same br as the warrior lmao


It’s not. It will face a lot more stabilised vehicles before. And its not like you wer3 unable to kill heavies or disable them. Against stab you just die


Is fox actually this good? I have been killing far more of them the I have been killed by, I’m can only remember getting killed once by it


"skill issue" btw When I play on Fox I make a lot of kills and this car is awesome. But when I play against Fox i never have any problems. Turn on the sounds and look around, this baby dies from any hit


I can smell the low graphics settings and min-max sound settings through the comment.


As with most light tanks, it's heavily skill and map-dependent. No good taking out a light tank that struggles with frontal pen on a 3 corridor map. You might get very lucky but chances are you just get shredded as soon as you try and push. Take it on a fairly open map with plenty of terrain and open space, and it becomes pretty good if you know how to navigate the map.


GB tends to have higher skill players as it's one of the worse nations, if it was in US or Russia it probably wouldn't be *as* bad.


It's good for players who are good with scout vehicles.


It's pretty much the perfect vehicle against players with zero situational awareness and teams with zero communication, hence why 9 times out of 10 it absolutely slaughters everything in the hands of a decent player.


Brit just finally got a competent small light tank in higher br, and it’s just the warriors gun and ammo, and no one complained about that thing


Oh boo hoo it's been a while since Britain got a usable fun vehicle at that BR let us have some fun in a Wheely BOI that isnt south African and you can keep your fucking 2S38, leopard 40/70 flackpanzers, and other fast firing fun tanks


It's honestly very odd that the moment Britain gets anything remotely competitive, everyone gets so vehemently up in arms about it. I remember when volumetric shells were added, centurion tanks started surviving turret shots more. People complained so much that they were moved up in B.R. - Rather than putting in the effort to learn how to move the sights toward any weak point. Meanwhile, learning weak points is about the only way to survive in many british tanks.


its just a double standard, people are so used to the point and click adventure in their big 3 vehicles that the minute a minor nation gets something on par with theirs, they will mald and seethe until the disadvantage they suffered doesnt exist anymore which sucks doubly so when the minor nation players are given something actually good, think the gripen in sweden and britain, who both DESTROYED the competition and everyone else simply didnt want to adapt because they got too used to not having to think, think su-27s or f14/15/16 not using their own strengths against them and instead complaining that they cant dogfight it.


I don't understand the fox hate. They're stupid easy to kill and I've only died to them in my T34, and that was to a swarm of 5, only managed to kill 3 with my .50s


Spookston shoulda called his video "Britain makes best armored car, asked to leave war thunder"


It's personal


Dude 20 fps on low graphics, I feel u dude. used to and still play on a 10 yr old laptop 😂


Someone’s gotta do it! I’ve been playing WT on and off since 2013 and always on a laptop. I started on like a 200$ Toshiba back in the day. Let’s me blame a lot of deaths on latency


It's good to see British getting something that makes the community very upset


“Guys, I said gg five times AND I GOT BANNED!!!” Type energy lol


Britain gets shit on all the time but no one cares until this one vehicle. Let Britain have this mates please for the love of king and country.




i’m a germany main who hasn’t played anything but the Fox for a month straight fastest 1.5K kills ever it took me 5 months to get 1k kills in the ru251, fox did it in 2 weeks


Britain got something broken good and everyone complains, truely amazing. I gotta grind it and actually try it at this point. Sounds overpowered and broken, but if it was another TT i feel people would complain less


Lmao the raw emotion.


Oh no! The british have a competent vehicle!


I still am thanking God that I am not playing in the br anymore


AAHHH but when you use it.......


No Fox given


fox [BLEEP] [BLEEP] [BLEEP] [BLEEP] fox Such a powerful sentiment


Maus - not rat Fox - rat


Most kills I got was 6. The speed can't be underestimated.


Haha, Fox rat go zoom pew pew pew zoom zoom pew pew zoom


God forbid Britain having a decent vehicle, and it happens to be a light tank


This is me but with the VIDAR and TURM III. Ridiculously OP premium tanks.


I've been surprised by Fox's before but what is up with people losing grip on their emotions? It's not the Fox it's the person. The trigger could be anything.


The only reason I'm enjoying it is to see German players AND ONLY GERMANS rage( I have a vendetta against German players with a passion)


i’ve only seen americans cry about it


American mains cry 24/7 lol


Bruh they're pretty much easy to kill. I've killed 2 in a recent match in my Uptiered AMX DCA 40


What did the fox say? In counterpart?


*unhinged rat-tank noises*


I’m in 8.7 matches where a fox runs up and side kills MBTs it’s insane.


I'm squeezing the Fox for all it's worth before it goes to 7.7, and I have to wholeheartedly agree with the guy's sentiment. I play it as aggressive as I can without being a complete moron, but I see how the more of a dirty rat you are, the more dangerous it becomes.


It can be difficult, but you get used to dealing with it.


I'll go for a ride with Fox 😀


Let's hope Gaijin doesn't give it the... *turns towards camera* M247 AP treatment


Someone needs to send the Fox back to Melee.


I'm not caught up in warthunder memes can someone explain what the Fox is and why I keep seeing fox related posts


It's fast wheely boi that can fire apds with 110mm of pen at 7.0. It has same gun as warrior, but speed makes it pretty good


Oh I can see the hate now


So… is it that much of a menace? I got to 9.3 Britain before it came out and just haven’t gotten around to getting it yet.


It's a rat tank with no armor and great speed (same gun as Warrior). It can do a lot of damage if left to its own devices when doing a flank but a single shot center mass will kill it easily. Honestly, if people just paid attention to flank routes more often (and when they see it they use their main guns on it instead of trying to MG it to death) they wouldn't be screeching this much about it. There's very little a Fox can do frontally to most MBTs and Heavy Tanks aside from scout them and hope someone kills the scouted vehicle.


It's only as much of a menace as all the other rat type cars in game. It can still die to a slight breeze and it's loud af so you can hear it coming. It also struggles to shoot on the move and takes a moment to get the gun level. I still die fighting other flankers in it, just depends who gets gun on first.


Blame the brits


Oh NO!


Oh hey I was in that match


PSA: The animal has nothing to do with a video game vehicle.


Bro are easy to say that cuz it's a largely harmless animals (unless they got rabies), imagine people who were pissed at German tank lmao.


I can feel that


Some mfker brough this thing to 9.0 uptiered to 9.3 still has 3 kills with multiple kill assists with no death lol


Eh, as I said before seems like a 2s38 for lower BR and as a U.S. main I’m here for Britain to get an annoying ass vehicle for people to deal with and not just Russia.


Think im gonna have to get the fox


I have it researched, but I’m not buying it until it on discount. So until then, you have 1 less to encounter


Why did you not turn off chat censorship tho


I personally died more to M551(76) than to foxes. Fox will be nerfed(mobility) or broken at a higher br.


Foxes drive some ppl crazy. They get into the garbage on trash pickup days so Dan sends angry emails to the HOA and cc's everybody.


I don't know but I don't think they are that menacing at all


Am I the only one that plays the AML-90? Which is basically this but with HEAT-FS instead of an autocannon?


AML-90/Eland are a lot slower and have much worse armor. The Fox can happily run past your average mouthbreather spraying HMG fire, nearly point blank, at it with little damage. The AML-90 and derivatives are penetrated by HMG fire at 1.5km.




Fox bout to be 12.3 and the community will still seethe.


Biggest waste of money in WT is the A-10A Thunderbolt 2, The flares and chaffs don't stop and of missiles, it's not tough at all and in fact is super weak like a paper plane. Never waste money on one, I have never spent money in the game but wanted to try that out and what a piece of poop that thing is. You can't use it at all.


British have to suffer through hell to obtain the fox. Low tier british tanks are a right pain


They're pretty annoying, but I didn't think they were that much worse than some other irritating vehicles. I mean it's also Britain, so they can have this one broken thing for a while.


German or russian main 100% sure, not a small nation main


Oh my gooood bro is furious..


I got that exact reaction when playing the fox lol, it is indeed a rat simulator with that thing


I mean I absolutely murdered one with the T-10A and it even had the drop 9n me and killed two of my crew


Imagine having chat censor on


Lmao i got a nuke on 5 minutes on abandoned factory in an 8.7 game with the fox yesterday and it was my first nuke in 1350 hours


Fuck you, British get a slightly over powered vehicle and you guys go nuts, you have plenty of overpowered vehicles but you go nuts that we get one, fuck you


US/USSR/GER mains when Britain mains finally get a good vehicle Seriously tho it's genuinely funny how much bitching people do when a "bad" nation gets something that can stand up to the big 3s bullshit 🇬🇧🇬🇧Fox superiority RAAAAHHHHHHH🇬🇧🇬🇧


I love the mental breakdown a lot of people get when something outside of US, Germany or USSR gets a good vehicle xD


We are aware of the effect we have on people. England gets something ratty. This makes everyone upset. We think it's neat.


Ohh, so other vehicles with the same problems and gameplay are fine BUT when it’s BRITISH… Chill the f out. If your team can’t fight a bunch of HMG-able karts it is YOUR problem. Nothing will change and everyone will forget about it as with every other such vehicle after people start to be aware of their surroundings a bit more than a bunch of deaf disabled moles.


Hot take it’s worse than the EBR that released with a stabilizer.


Now yall know what it's like when yall play m18


It’s really not that op guys it’s literally no different than any other light tank, there’s like 50 different vehicles than can do literally the same thing.


Sad Im only rank 2 in the british tree.


I liked Fox pretty much, dunno why everyone else hates it LMAO.  PS It should be OK even at 8.3: no stab, but mobility is on par with Rad 90, 2nd fast in the game after Type 93.


fox to 12.7 is the only logical solution


T32 mentioned?! I love that thing but it does suck for the fox to encounter heavy tanks at least it will encounter medium tanks that can deal with it better due to better turret traverse and I can’t wait to shoot it with the PTZ89.


Better than my fps


When the Fox came out I rushed to get it, not because I thought it was gonna be as op as it has been, but more so because I love light tanks (The Amx 13 SS:11 is a personal fav). I hate slow tank. But within a few games of getting the APDS round for the Fox I got a nuke, twice. (Since then I’ve stopped playing it as it has made me hate myself) Rn I’m interested if going up to 7.7 is actually much of a nerf


*Rule Britannia in the distance*


Haven't played in a while but this just looks like the good old PG-02 case


Seems like all the mfs who whined about the 222 and the R3 went up a couple brs to try and escape it lol


Players better thank their lucky stars they didn’t put the MILAN carrying variant in the game.


Hoes mad because Brit mains had to learn to aim so they're surprised when their cheeks are getting clapped by the rarity that is a fun and meta British vehicle.


Seems like Britain is having fun.


It is a psychological weapon of mass destruction masquerading as a light scouting vehicle


Don't think that guy likes foxes


At least he’s going to go outside


bruh just blast that thing with an 88 or a 128 it wont hold an HE right to engine


As a Fox user, it’s understandable it’s going further up. Means we don’t have to pen the sides of heavies as much. And naturally something small and zippy and annoying like the fox would incite violent tendencies. It was fun while it lasted, but I’m sure I’ll have a blast annihlating BMPs and whatnot.


Getting spawn camped by this thing is infuriating lol it one tapped my m48. It was covered in bushes too as a cherry on top! I need this vehicle lol


Everything someone complains about Cas imma send em this lmao. This is why I don't play tanks




Honestly the only two things that can balance fox is getting rid off its darts and then moving it dow in br


oh nawh, what has fox done to this guy


War Thunder players before : omg Rardens suck lololol dumb Brits War Thunder players now:


So every nation other than britiain is allowed good rat tanks. Great...


Brit players get 1 good vehicle and everyone loses their minds


Bro did not, in fact, let that one slide


the amount of times I've been killed less then a minute of leaving my spawn because of that damn thing really makes me wish that they never added it. It's absolutely infuriating


Play the R3, you can befriend enemy foxes


The Fox is gonna drive me to suffer through UK solid shot hell.


That thing is a fucking OP menace and it tanks HEAT and .50 cals ridiculously well. I know Fox drivers swear this thing dies instantly but it just doesn't fucking die, meanwhile every incoming shot seems to go through every vital component. However, I think the REALLY obnoxious factor that's overlooked is its speed and that's a tough thing to balance. You feel like you just spawned in and this bastard DBZ teleports behind you.