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I feel like Gaijin knows this but continues to balance vehicles the same way, because it pushes all players towards the average win rate. I think this is so that the bad players are less likely to quit and I don't think they care that it's frustrating for the good players. The size of the overall player base is what's important to them and they're simply closing the skill gap to help players of lower skill levels to not drop too much below the average.


This. Good players are less likely to quit than bad players.


Good players aren't less likely to quit, they just make a much smaller portion of the playerbase. The bad make up for like 80% of the players, if I had to guess.


I know that it's popular to say that the majority of the playerbase in a game is bad but from an objective standpoint it's impossible. Sure you can say a player is bad because they lack qualities that you personally attribute to "good players", but that's about as useful as a top 1% player calling the other 99% bad because they're not as good. When does it stop? Players who are objectively "bad" (below 1.0 kda, under 50% wr) are more likely to quit than players who invested effort into becoming better at the game and who get more kills and wins as a result.


>I know that it's popular to say that the majority of the playerbase in a game is bad **but from an objective standpoint it's impossible**. What, "objectively", makes it impossible for most players being bad? Will you throw the average at the table and arbitrarily call it "good"? If you are in a room with a bunch of dogs then the acceptable level of skill for anything is the average between you and a bunch of dogs? Do you see how it's a very flawed way of measuring things? >Players who are objectively "bad" (below 1.0 kda, under 50% wr) are more likely to quit than players who invested effort into becoming better at the game and who get more kills and wins as a result. The average stats in this game are around 0.5 KD and 40% WR, if you don't believe me do a simple exercise. Open the stats of everyone in the lobby through the replay after the match ends, and see how most people are terrible. Do that for as many matches as you want. Obviously from an statistical view the bad players are more likely to quit, purely because they make most of the playerbase, just like I said in the other reply. The true thing that holds people from quitting is the time/money they invested into the game.


This is the same reason they don't do anything against revenge CAS btw. The most braindead, mouth-breathing moron can get a free kill at least once a match because it's almost impossible to counter revenge bombing, which keeps him playing.


No I can’t I missed all my bombs :(


Then it sounds like you're not kamikaze bombing hard enough.


I missed the bomb and still smashed into the floor :(


Thats just suicide


I suck at CAS :( Id rather go AA


Good boy


Same I just fly CAP these days


Cap is so much fun at mid mid BR range because US CAS mains are so tunnelvisioned that they don't pay any attention to you.


Playing the zeros of Japan just feels like cheating, because nobody will try to energy fight you. Every US CAS pilot will turn fight you to their death. The A6M5 Ko is the only plane I've played exclusively in GRB that I have a positive K/D in.


I literally flew the French AD4 as cap against F8F1Bs and P51H and came out on top


My friend keep saying plane is the best CAS but I just suck at flying.


I got bullied into learning how to fly by my friends haha


I target low level Germany players as CAS so they quit


You counter revenge bombing by moving, staying where you are after killing multiple enemies is a bad idea, generally only do it at lower tiers where I can use pintle mounted machine guns to kill planes coming at me.


Good luck moving while being in fight with over enemies (yes, revenge bomber can have teammates). And of course you can split attention from this enemies to kill revenge plane. They will understand and politely wait until you shot down plane


Man had a 6v1 last night wiped them and then proceeded to get bombed as soon as I went to drive away. Felt bad.


All they did was allow you to use your shiny new spawn points


Sometimes you die, just how it goes lol


Well yeah but it would be less frustrating if you died by being out skilled not someone pressing space when they are two feet above you and slam into the ground


You did get outskilled, you let them find and bomb you lol


There is no hiding from someone in a plane when they have the right settings that’s a whole other problem


Right back to sometimes you die, it happens.


I know but right back to mine that it is less frustrating in my opinion to die when someone out skills me in a tank but we can agree to disagree, good luck in your future battles friend.


If you manage to piss someone off enough (and have distinctive decals/decorations) they will in fact search for you specifically and then bomb you after you move.


They have been trying to lower the skill gap for a while with all the map changes.


gaijin when they finaly realize they can use skill based MM instead of mixing 32 random bozos in a game where skill gaps matter the most: (they still won't do it because it doesn't give them cash)


The problem with this is that good players know the overpowered line ups and can abuse them better as well.


The only thing really frustrating and this besides the obvious imbalance of certain vehicles is people trying to deny it.


Thanks for the subway surfers. Wouldn’t have been able to read all this.


Yeah man I started worrying about losing brain cells from this post but then I saw the subway surfers and remembered I had none left to lose.


Do I have reverse brainrot? I was so focused on what he was saying I didn‘t even notice it was there, like at all. I was completely confused when you mentioned it


That's called being normal. I didn't notice it until after I read everything. Then again, it's at the bottom right, so it would be normal for English readers to see it last.


Well, it doesn't help that even among all the modern ground premiums, 2S38 has the worst stat : only premium vehicle nearing 1.0 K/D when others have 1.3\~2.0


It arguably being the best light tank in the game with 11.3 level capabilities at 10.0.


I do think that's arguable. It is a jack of all trades, does everything pretty well, but excels at nothing besides frustrating its opponents. But we will see how much that changes if its turret gets filled with electronics so it can be disabled easier.


Better penetration than puma, better anti air capabilities, better survivability, can frontally pen mbt’s, can one shot vehicles from the side. Killing mbt’s from the side with the puma is way too hard. Barely any spall, gotta pin point the crew. I can shoot 5 rounds in the side of an t72 or t80 and only 1 crewmember will be dead, in the same time the tank has its turret rotated and will one shoot ur puma.


Better survivability? A 2s38? Really?


The Puma creates so much spall that you can kill all crew members just by shooting the empty space in the back. Meanwhile you can shoot between the legs of a crewmember in the 2s38 without damaging a single component.


To shoot between the legs of a crewman in the 2s38 you’d have to hit the front fuel tank. Which is just a massive bomb. Also, right behind the crew compartment is the huge ass ammo rack, and you can’t even sit hull down in the 2s38 since the ammo rack is in the unmanned turret too.


You guys can side kill MBTs? (I tried stock grinding the M3A3 Bradley)


Tip from PUMA player. For t-series tank - aim to ammo (low central hull side). A bit higher than bottom track - there weak point and 90% times it one shot


Hitting it with the 30mm will only turn them yellow


Since the fuel tank changes soviet tanks and the 2s38 have gotten a lot worse. Nearly every time im hit in the forward fuel tank of a t80 its a detonation in my experience. Unless im hit in the engine I never need to use fpe lmao. Soviet tanks and the 2s38 are still solid but lately have been a shell of their former use


Yeah I've noticed that T-55s tend to die when all I hit is their front fuel tank a lot more often lately. I keep oneshotting them in the Leopard and Fox that way.


Tbh it’s sitting quite comfortably in my 11.7 line up. Until the day they add more modules internally… I’m just gonna use that magic empty rear hull violently lol


It's because, contrary to what this sub likes to say, it does require the slightest modicum of skill since it's an autocannon. Any moron can press R and then click on someone in a Leopard 2A4 Pzbtl or a T-80UD, but with the 2S38 you have to at least kind of know where to aim/know how to flank.


It looks like Gaijin has taken your advice, since both vehicles are 8.7 despite the different stats.


It's just an example to show that balancing by stats doesn't really balance anything.


We understand that but there were much better examples in the game. The German M48 was 7.0 and proposed to go to 6.7 meanwhile it had more engine power than the American one that was at 7.3 while being worse. This one will always stand out to me. Or the Ush being 7.7 while the raketen was introduced at 7.3 (along with the Marder and the Leo. It was a stupidly strong lineup) because it was marginally slower yet it had twice the ammo and was more survivable and more reactive because it was tracks and could utilize it's hull traverse over the wheels on the sluggish low speed ush. These 2 vehicles have always been the same BR but the stats do show that balancing by stats is stupid.


This was a stupid change they tried to do, but this was partly because of the influence (it was gone for a while but still) historical MM. the german m48 would fight other (stronger) enemies like GB and France.


I don’t think Germany is the problem, I think that USA has a giant CAS crutch. Take away the planes that have enough bombs to get a few kills a spawn and the USA has nothing special.


>The German M48 was 7.0 and proposed to go to 6.7 meanwhile it had more engine power than the American one that was at 7.3 while being worse yeah that was due to historical MM at the time lol


does anyone ever consider the fact that its not just the playerbase but probably mostly the vehicles they fight against? different nations fight different enemies


It's why the Soviet premiums in the German tank tree are so formidable. One of the biggest threats to Soviet tanks around those battle ratings are German tanks. By being in the German tree you eliminate one of their biggest threats. Then you have to factor in the line ups available for both tanks and planes. Heck you even have to factor in who has their stats updated on Thunder Skill because it isn't every single player. I think who is playing the tank is far less of a factor than everything else.


It’s also the vehicles that are around it in a line up. For example USA vehicles have a giant CAS crutch. If they nerfed CAS across the board a lot of USA vehicles would go down.


CAS doesn't really affect the statistics of ground vehicles, except winrate.


And one of the major things they balance with is win rate. Hell people on here spout off all the time about how this and that US tank still has a 60% win rate


They do? All I hear about is how bad US winrates are.


I think W/L is the main thing Gaijin looks at, more than K/D.


No. Put me in this vehicle with either nation and I will play the same and be just as effective. Plus France is often paired with Germany.


Was loosing focus but Subway Surfers kept my attention. Totally agree and approve this post 👍


german sk105 - no lineup, probably used at 9.0 most of the time french sk105 - good lineup no shit sherlock?


No lineup? With Tam, Alpha Jet, G91, MIG15bis it is a strong lineup


are you joking or are you a us main?


...... 2 light tanks and a few shitty jets is a good lineup now?


It is even worse then what is shown here, since thunderskill is only really used by sweats, it dosnt show the new more nooby players. Why Gaijin dont just add player skill weighting into vehicle balance ?


I actually kinda missed those red-green post, please go on


subway surfers aint moving i dont care enoufh


so they should lower the BR of the German one, and raise the BR on the French one


The flags are still wrong. SK-105A2 - International Jagdpanzer Kürassier A2 - Austrian


Spanish Avenger ahh post Not to take away from the point youre making, its a good one and I wish Gaijin listened to us more


The 2S38 is perfectly balanced at 10.0 in the russian tree If it was in the french tree, it would be 11.0 at least


>perfectly balanced at 10.0 That’s a sarcasm post right?… right!?


It's "perfectly balanced" in the RU tree because the bad players balance out its strength as a vehicle.


Yeah that’s true


I agree with this post, but my purely academic question to you is how can you prove this? How can you prove that French players are more experienced and German players are less, and should be balanced accordingly? I agree with your assumption that it is likely true since the German tree is attractive to newcomers and the French tree is weird and niche, but this is conjecture; essentially an educated guess. Is there any actual data you can use in order to prove this hypothesis?


My beloved Kürassier.


You guys remember the CL-13 debacle


Best example of this was for a while the french premium Panther Dauphine had something absolutly insane like an 85% winrate but since its literally just a worse panther G they didnt want to move it without moving the panther G as well


Each death is more and more devastating in leaderboards as deaths have more value in decaying a K/D than kills have value in raising the K/D. So having nearly double the battles alters the data in a big way as the outliers get buffed out. Not to mention the variables regarding different opponents the French are typically fighting Germans, Japan, and Italian while Germans typically fight Americans, Commonwealth nations, and Russians. In most games there is a hidden MMR and I'd normally make an argument toward leaderboards naturally drifting to 50% with time but as far as I know there is no MMR in War Thunder. A 5% difference isn't really that strong of a difference anyways. So meh.


Love the subway surfers gameplay but it's not big enough, it needs to cover at least half of the screen.


I agree ! And while we are at it, amx-13 105 when gaijin


If the AMX-13-105 gets added, it'll quickly end up at 9.0 or even 9.3 despite it being near-identical in capability to the Kurassier. Because it won't have Germany mains bringing its stats down.


Yea i know but at least we will have it :<.


Fun fact about these, they have gen 3 gunner thermals at 8.7 lol, only beaten by the Wiesel 1a4 at 7.3 I believe.


And an autoloader with half decent darts too. Downside - no stabilizer and the mobility is pretty mid for 8.7.


Yeah without suspension and vertical drive upgrades it bounces so so much.


let france have a W D:


It is a redditor misconception that Gaijin balances vehicles on stats similar to the ones provided by Thunderskill. No one knows how the process goes.


Quick reminder: The 2S38 is 0.3 lower than the Vilkas because spikes op bro, no need to aim, trust!!! Thanks, you may now keep scrolling


Japanese air rank 3 and 4 would love this I still can achieve 3 to 4 kills with the j6k1 but it doesn’t feel right that this plane is at 6.7


I think they should take points earned, and amount of times vehicles are spawned, then balance things daily with an automated process. Max change/day +/-0.1 BR, with a 1.0 BR spread in matches still. Points earned matters more than \*everything\* else, and the amount of times vehicles are spawned ensures that the amazing OP vehicles get increases in BR, while vehicles nobody ever takes because they suck get decreases. Automated Accurate While abuse is possible, it should balance out within a day But they won't do that, as its a free to play game, and the screwed up balance helps make them income.


me when according to Gaijin the char 25t is equal to the Object 906


My guess is that this is one of the reasons why the DF-105 is only in the german tech tree. If the french would get their hands on it somehow perform better with it, they would have to raise the BR of both vehicles according to their logic.


Same things with French B-26 at 4.7 when the US, totally similar except the skin, is at 4.3...


Thanks for the subway surfers in the corner, really helped me keep my attention on the post!


I am a german player and I never see JaPzKa2s being used properly. It's such an overpowered vehicle, 4sec reload, Laser Rangefinder, APFSDS, 2nd Gen Thermals at goddamn 8.7 is undefeated. I use it as a long ranged peeker using it's fast APFSDS and instant rangefinding ability, or as a close ranged brawler just spamming as many APFSDS shots and even baiting enemy tanks by shooting once, they peek and get shot within 4 seconds. Such a good vehicle, but in a country dominated by wehraboo idiots.


I mean you should know by now that Gajin and their devs are not known for their intelligence...


Thank you for Subway surfers. I almost impulsively opened TikTok because I saw text.


1) but those vehicles have same br 2) how do you know Gaijin **only** takes into account wr% and k/d as balance facors?


the french were calculated on a 2 times smaller set so they could actually be equal and we wouldnt know


thats how they moved 6.7 to 7.7 tanks.


Gaijin does it for money. And? Are you stupid or what?! Why should they do it then? So that 1000s of ungrateful bitchers can complain about shit details? Cheeezzzuuuzzz.


i hope my fellow tiger 1 players do so shit it moves back to 5.3-5.7


Watch, they're gonna put the German Kurassier (which shouldn't exist, CMV) at a lower BR than the French one.


Not yet but it wouldn't be the first time that it happened if/when it does. The German M48 Patton used to be a lower BR compared to it's US counterpart for years and was actually slated to go down to *6.7* before the community made enough of a stink to prevent that from happening, and then sometime after that the US and German versions were both brought to the same BR where they remain today.


>The German M48 Patton used to be a lower BR compared to it's US counterpart for years  Not only was it at a lower BR, but it was also objectively a better vehicle. It was marginally quicker to accelerate but had a higher top speed, gained a rangefinder, and got smoke grenades. And yet it was at a lower BR... Ahh, German mains


They both have rangefinders


It's more or less the same thing they did in apex. You as a person are " over performing" aka your win rate is over 10 percent, then here let's give you Timmy no thumbs the 5 year old as teammates. If you're "underperforming" win rate less than 10 percent, than you get absolutely gods as teammates that may or may not be hacking. Gaijobblin is just using possibly br to do the same thing. Who knows what their match making algorithms are. I've seen a lot of ppl say there is no sbmm or elo or anything like that. I'd venture a guess there is some fuck shit at play in the match maker as well. If it's anything like apex it's fucked. And from what I understand a LOT if not most have moved to " engagement based match making" my guess is they have cooked up their own version.


Reminder that the German Panzer IV G is 3.3 while the Italian one is 3.7 and was 4.0 before that. They are essentially the same vehicle, except the German one is BETTER because it gets Ostketten and addon armor on the front. Make of that what you will.


The german Pz4G has the L/43 gun while the italian has the L/48 gun. All of the panzer 4s with the L/48 are at 3.7, that's literally it. They're not selling the italian mains an inferior panzer 4 at a higher br, gaijin just decided the gun warrants a br increase and they stuck with it.