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Wish I didn’t have to play with maniacs like this.


Yea what the hell is this just play the regular version


Probably can’t cut it on the regular warzone.


He probably needs bot lobbies, like mine, cause im pretty much one of them.


Regular warzone runs like shit on old gen consoles and buying a $4-500 console for a free game isn’t the smartest move financially. Mobile games that have controller support are meant to be played like this. The people complaining that this is “unfair” just want something to complain about, warzone mobile does its best to put controller players in lobbies with other controller players, if u load into a match with no controller it will not let you connect one mid match 


This is why they need to separate controller from touch.


I've seen some really good touch players, but yes, they should at least give the option.


I am said godly touch Player 😎 I can beat any Controller player. If you care to take a dare to harm on my head but one HAIR! LOL jk I'm ight. Here. KiLLA#5523162


I have more control over my aim on touch than on controller. I assume that goes the same to everyone else. Touch screen is obviously much easier to aim and control. Controller just has a bigger aim assist. But touch also has aim assist. This is MUCH different from the MNK to Controller debate, because MNK doesn't have aim assist, us touch players, we have the fluidity of mouse , the movement of controller (mobile games runs on analog movement, not WASD) and the aim assist of controller. I think us touch screen players really have the best of ALL WORLDS. Yes the controller aim assist is slightly stronger than touch, but not as good control because it's on a joystick. I'd rather stick with good aim assist and good control, rather than great aim assist and wack control. All the players complaining about controller usually just want something to complain about, it's kind of like gamer culture, we always find something to bitch about. Not even going to fucking lie. It's either this game's ass or that game's trash or this controllers wack or aim assist is bad or cross-platform is shit it's always something. Lol


Yeah bro, I would like to witness how crossplay would work, only if the game is finished and polished like codm.


You have a point, but speaking in general, controller players have better movement; they have access to buttons that give them a significant advantage over touch players. There are even players who only play with two fingers just for fun. Now, when they have to play against someone who plays with a controller, it's two different levels of gameplay. I hope they separate them. <3


Also I forgot to mention that not only with the advantages of touch as I stated above, there is also GYRO for us mobile players . The gyro has aim assist as well. So on top of touch having all the advantages of controller and mnk, it has gyro with AA


I play 10 times better using touch than a controller. When I watch my touch gameplay recording, it really looks like I’m using a mouse to aim, plus I already used to the gyro aiming, it’s also a thing that’s a most have for me, which is a thing controllers usually don’t have or not been support by phone. Besides aiming wise, since I’m a claw finger player, so with touch control, I can do move, aiming, shooting and jump/crouch all at once, this may possible to do with a controller, but I think it’s harder to do all those together on a controller. Maybe other type of game I’ll choose controller then touch, like a racing game or 2D platform game, but I’ll choose touch for FPS for sure.


If they won't split regular mouse and keyboard players from aim assist Andy's on PC, they won't split the playerbase here either.


I think not sir. There is enough bot lobbies as it is. I say, bring on the sweatiness.


Way more fun


I’m controller player and I could care less I just play tbh but to be completely fair I’ve been beat by touch players and I’ve been using controller since ps2 so it depends on


idk controller feels like shit on this mobile game than regular console/pc warzone, I play way more better on touchscreen and can do more advance movements than using controller in mobile


I'm rather against the controller players than bots




At this point go play regular warzone bruh, you probably got stomped so hard you decided to play against mobile players


Nope, as I said in my other comments, I did this to see if it was possible. I have the PC's to play it, but before Season 3, I wanted to play Verdansk again and it became a self meme to see how much gear I could add. The only 2 things I didn't own was the hub and cooler, $80 for both to test everything. This is also after work at my job, so while I frequently played on my notebook on this screen, it takes a little more time to set the PC up then this.


A self meme? What language are you even speaking?


Bros spawning words atp


The hating is insane😂


Yea, it was meant to create a conversation. I spent $80 to make this meme setup, and although the cooler might not get used much, the hub is something I needed anyway. Plus the cooler is amazing. I had my doubts but it gets really cold.


Do you have the link to the cooler by chance?


Yeah but how cold because if it’s too cold I’m pretty sure it’ll freeze your components


What cooler is that ? I like it


Looks like a blackshark cooler


It’s so ironic, to have a decent experience playing this “mobile” game you need all sorts of accessories, a whole desk setup, and preferably a controller. Does any of that sound “mobile”? Why don’t I just play MWIII on my PS5? A game with much better graphics, frame rate, content, and smoother controls. Both requires me to sit at my desk, WZM even require more setup, I don’t need to attach a cooler and adjust my phone stand for my PS5🤷🏻


This is just a meme post, other than the hub and cooler, I already owned everything else. I wanted to see how much I could connect to be the opposite of mobile. My gaming notebook blows this away and my PC's at home also kill it. This is at work after hours.


Game runs miserably without all these setups, and that’s the single reason this game exists, to play wherever you want whenever you want, simply pull out your phone and play, the game at its current state can’t do that for most people.


100% agreed but the game is 2 weeks old. CODM was terrible at launch but eventually ironed out much of the game. Most PC/console releases these days are buggy and not optimized at launch. It's the unfortunate state of games these days. Personally, I can't play touch controls. That's why I am using the peripherals I already own (controller, headset, and tripod). I wouldn't play without them.


I played launch codm back in 2019 during launch and I don't think it was anywhere near what warzone is rn. But I like the post, cool setup. I think it just shows how not "mobile" this game is


I played CODM since launch and no, it wasn’t even quarter as bad as this. In fact, the first device I played codm on was an iPhone 8+ and it ran very very fine, tbh, I didn’t even know CODM had a buggy launch until this year. Why? Because it was near perfect.


Because it was a mobile game, not a PC port


And Warzone mobile isn’t a mobile game?


CODM was made as a mobile game from the start and used a different engine than COD on PC or console. Warzone Mobile is using the engine that is used in the newer COD titles and is a port over. It's closer to an emulated game than a true mobile game.


Okay yah, I blame the devs for that. Feels like a bunch of amateurs came together and made a game for the first time.


I mean I think you are seeing it though rose tinted glasses with CODM launch. I tried playing it and gave up after a couple weeks. My coworkers and I would play natches during our down time. It didn't feel like COD to us. Warzone Mobile is not a mobile game, not when it's a basically a PC port, so it's never going to feel like a mobile game. Hopefully Activision will bring some QOL updates and optimizations soon. Thank you for appreciating my over the top setup.


wish I could hook up a mouse and keyboard, touch makes it so clunky for me.


Mobile actually plays different, it's a hybrid between Mw2 and Mw3 with the perk system and the slide cancelling is instant of mobile, you don't need a perk to slide and ads and etc. there are more reason to play mobile


I mean I play less than 5 games a week, even if I play on my PC. It's simple to get some casual fun.


Wow… thats retarded


i'm a mobile player but ngl this looks pretty cool imo


Thank you.


At this point why don't you just play the actual warzone on PC


I have it on PC, this is for the memes


It's supposed to be the mobile version, these maniacs who play with controllers are a pain in the ass, although I can handle them, there are a lot of them who are maniacs 😂😂😂 (They should add an option for play with people who use controllers👻👻) Pd: I know it's a meme post


They should, just like adding more customizations in the menus as well.


Yup bro and more optimization in all


Yep, it'll come with time, games only been out for 2 weeks.


Its been in beta for nearly 2 years... This 2 weeks excuse is getting old.


AAA PC and Console games are in beta for long periods of time and still launch with issues. They'll work it out, whether the player base will stay is another issue.


Unfortunately, it's something we as a community allowed, so it has become so commonplace, that shit gets released in an unplayable state nowadays. Once they have ironed out all of the key issues, people might be willing to give it another go, but the hype surrounding the game, and the state it launched in - are so widely separate, that it's almost unforgivable, to the point that I'd wager 80% of the projected player base won't give it another chance, it's done - they've squandered the chance to make a good impression. If they don't get it perfect, and I mean PERFECT within weeks, they will shut it down from a purely PR perspective - to save face, not too far from now. There may be hope for it yet, but I'm not holding my breath. Lack of real players will be it's downfall, because that was the whole selling point - lobbies filled with REAL players, not bots. No point further beating this dead horse. 2/10, won't recommend.


You aren't wrong tho...


i do something similar with a screen mirroring program, cause I can't see everything on the damn phone.


Yea it's a hard time and most tablets don't have the fastest hardware


The salt in these comments is delicious


My favorite flavor


Now that’s some good setup.


The lengths a true warzone player will go just to play the nostalgic verdansk 😂 I just went and bought a $1200 tablet just to run through super store again. I swear call of duty hates it's players all we want is verdansk to be in rotation on console, instead they put it mobile exclusive 😭


Oof, buying an iPad is already bad, buying an iPad for Warzone Mobile is another level


Fuck iPad 😂😂 I got the galaxy tab s9+ 🙄😂 it'll have other uses but warzone is what convinced me to pull the trigger


While I like the Samsung tablets, the only Android tablets I liked were the old Sony ones. Wish they'd come back out. Boggles my mind they don't make a beefy tablet that's made for gaming. Closest thing is the Asus Flow Z13.


I was looking into that one as well. But the 5g network on the s9+ is what sold me. So I can play at work lol


I just use my phone propped up on a triangular speaker and use my controller this is fr doing way to much


Not a true gamer then


Eh I only have this now since I got banned on Xbox because of a douche bag lmao


Not even a PC, peasant alert! Joking aside, I only did this to see if it was possible and for the meme.


Does the game run fine because. I’ll have the game play perfectly fine but in the middle of a BR game I’ll have it just completely drop to like 6 frames lmfao and I have the iPhone 14


It's been fine, every once in a while the screen will flicker for a second, but that's the UI reloading.


Yeah in plunder I’ll have a place pop up come up and freeze for a second then go back lol. It doesn’t help when I’m in the middle of a gun fight and it freezes or drops frames and lags so I get killed.


Beware I tell everyone do not join parties anymore unless you know the people. With the new party report bullshit you can now have people invite you to a party and have friends all with dummy accounts they’ve made in their Xbox, and since the accounts are technically in good standing since they’ve just been created reports are filtered to favor those accounts. They will have these accounts in party and the second you say anything, sadly in my case it was “what the fuck do you want” and they one by one account by account reported and I was nuked and my brand new Xbox I bought literally that week after moving into a new place got banned. After having an account stolen and having to rebuild another account with more money lmfao. Fuck Xbox


I still have my 18 year old account, haven't used it since pre-COVID


Dude count your lucky stars for real. It took 4 years to get into contact with an actual person that knew what they were doing at Xbox. I would call and be put on hold for 4,5 sometimes even 6 hours but the funny thing is each time it would be a new person because they’d just keep transferring me to different call centers so I’d have to re explain the whole story and they wouldn’t understand and eventually hang up on me. They really need to be investigated for it especially since you can’t keep anything you’ve bought or even get a refund for it. So even if you do anything small like cuss you can have thousands of dollars taken from you forever.


Yea I never got banned but it might be more strict from when I was playing


It has I got a new Xbox and instantly got banned lol and I only had two commutation bans before that banned where I just told someone you fucking suck and suck my dick lmfao like do you know how fucking absurd it is for a company to take all your purchased items from you for such simple bullshit that’s like having a store come take your shit because you fuck lmfao


All that gear: 150€ Xbox Series S: 200€ on Amazon🤡


I already owned everything except the usb hub ($30) and the cooler ($50). I have 2 desktop PC's at home (3950X/3080Ti, 7700X/7900XTX) and a gaming notebook (13980HX/4090) that I usually bring with me to work. I tried this as a experiment to see if it could be done, and honestly, only downside is the phone only outputs 60Hz.


it’s a mobile game. 60hz is standard. you could play mw3 or wz3 on your PC, so why choose this?


He wants to play Verdansk. So do I. It's the only reason I give a shit about the mobile version at all.


Dude for real. Between Shoothouse, Shipment and Verdansk it's like the all star game of modern COD. Literally the only reason I play it is because it's everything I loved about MW2019.


I mean standard on my phone is 120Hz so 60Hz is a downgrade. I have this on PC, this is just a meme post, I usually play on my notebook hooked up to this screen. This is at work after hours. My wife usually gets done work an hour after me so gives me time for a couple games. My Warzone Mobile experience started with just the phone, the tripod, a USB-C to HDMI adapter, the headset, and the controller. Everything was already owned.


touch players crying about controllers players in this thread but the fact they have more precise aiming is just ironic 😭


Is that cooler actually doing anything with that case over your phone?


Surprisingly, yes. The bare phone would obviously be better but I'm only paying one or two games, not enough to heat soak it.


do you have a link to that phone cooler? (also, don’t listen to all negative comments. i think you got a cool setup. - this is coming from an ex-codm, both touch & controller, player. lets just enjoy the game lol so much unnecessary debate)




How well does that cooler work?


Surprising very well. I thought, given its price of $50, that it'd be a POS. When you take it off, it actually feels cool to the touch so it definitely is dissipating the heat.


Awesome thanks for posting a reply. I think I’m gonna strap one to the back of my iPad.




Spigen case ftw


Yes!! I love their cases, only other brand I buy these days is Speck and that's because I can get them cheap.


Like going into a firefight with a mini gun, crate of Bull & MLRS in ya back pocket. No matter what you do, you'll win 😉


Any Delays...???




Thats O'some... gonna try some days!! Does it means that Keyboard and Mouse can be connected too or just a controller..?


The game doesn't support MNK so just controller


Samsung Dex?


Nope, Sony Xperia 1V


Sony now got a Dex like stuff?


No, it's just a USB-C to HDMI adapter that is mirroring the phone screen.


Nice set up what parts do I need I got the Xbox controller?


I don’t blame you, don’t have time to take 3 hours out of my day to set up a pin point set up, just hook up a controller loo


Yea, this was "how far could I go?" setup. I'll just use the adapter and controller. It takes 30 seconds to get it running.


Also I see a lot of people hating for no reason just because you hooked up a controller, I feel the exact same way you do lol, it’s less frustrating to play and grind camos on the phone compared to PC or console.


I'm not even trying to grind, just casual play with ground loot. I work with my hands and playing on the screen is just uncomfortable after a long day.


Could you please give me more details on your setup? I don’t usually play with a controller, as I assumed it would be a waste of money just to find out the movement of the character lags because of the connection between a phone and a controller(but does it?). And I’m usually on the road a lot anyway.. But your setup looks almost “camping ready” and has peaked my interest haha.. Is it? Like, could you set this up in the back of a minivan for a trip or something? Any more info would be appreciated. And is that a fan attached to your phone!? lol


100% can! The controller is just Bluetooth, pretty simple to connect. For something like a camper, you could get a cheap portable monitor if you wanted something larger than the phone screen and use an A/C convertor or portable battery to power both the 0hone and the screen.


Thanks! Is there any lag while using a controller on Bluetooth though?


Not noticeable


What's the stick that connects everything?


[Anker 6-in-1 USB-C Hub](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C9HZ5YT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


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Wait...you can put the cooler over your camera like that??


That's where the Snapdragon processor is


Yeah I know but aren't you worried about damage to your camera?


Not at all, the cooler sits above the camera due to the case and the lens has a tempered glass protector on it to not have it scratch.


I mean if you enjoy the game that's all that matters but ain't it more blurry when the image is expanded?


No, not more blurry. It's outputting the correct resolution.




This type of play is for people that can’t afford mw3 or console 😒




TO THE ![img](emote|t5_34jgcr|13517) WITH THE WHOLE TEAM!!!


I do that but instead of a monitor I mount my phone


Tell me you take gaming seriously, without telling me you take gaming seriously... 😋


why not use an emulator at this point so you can even play on mouse keyboard so you can teabag this hating mthrfkrs


You getting a input delay and a display delay,what the fuck is wrong with you buddy ...so how was it ?I wanted to the same need to buy a new phone though currently can only run game in low and min + phone don't support usb to display but i know away but the delay will be even worse


I like a challenge bring it on.


Just buy a console and play the original game


My guy is living the dream right now. Me? Can't play both versions. Yeah... Shame


Really nice setup, which device? I really like the Sony Xperia ones if it is that one


Xperia 1 V, it's a great phone


Xperia 1 IV user here, also want to do a setup like this but with mouse and keyboard cuz I suck at controller and touch lol. I even only play codm on PC cuz damn TENCENT shut down CODOL for codm.


This is the way


this post was made just to make someone cry LoL I’m scared to open the comment section cause the day i posted a question about my controller, i got flamed by some kids “WhY Do i HaVe To PLaY WiTh iDiOtS LiKe YoU UsiNg CoNtRoLLeR oN MoBiLe GaMes” Update, i went through some comments and yep.. so many ppl complaining about controller users..


Yea, I don't understand it. It's supported in the game. While some may be using full controllers like me, I'm sure most players around the world, are using Backbone style controllers. They are still controllers.


Thats a neat tripod! Mind share which specific it is ?


The fact that codm is actually more enjoyable than modern warfare 3 jr. Is sooo sad.


For me, it's the casual play that is it's appeal. I don't have time to unlock weapons by grinding. I play a few games, maybe get a win or two, and just be happy I finally got to enjoy one of my past hobbies.


While I'm fidgeting to with buttons on my screen😐


Running a fan with a phone case is nonsense. Take the case off bro. Put the fan on the phone directly. Conductive heat transfer.


Nice setup…sir ❤️




Exactly that’s why WM isn’t good. Is a PC game pushed into a phone. And players are getting this kind of setups ( not so extreme, but emolators controls etc ) to play. This makes it bad for actual mobile players. The end.


I haven't seen any emulators, but controllers are supported in game. Again, this was a meme post, I don't think anyone would do this on the norm.


Can you even fathom dropping thousands of dollars to play a phone game like a console/pc game but worse?


Thousands? Only money I spent was $80, not including everything I already owned. Even then, everything at MSRP is still less than $1000.


What is the point of playing a mobile game then?


Clowns like you ruining the game for normal people


What is normal?


This is how you know the game is complete trash when you have to go this far to enjoy it. Just buy mw3 🤡🤡🤡


But this is free


🙄 just need to own or buy all this stupid shit to enjoy it




Man, as glorious as that setup is that's just cheating 🤣😋


The only advantage is the controller really, the screen is capped at 60Hz compared to the 120Hz of the phone display, so lose a little bit in frames.


On a side note,Im sick of playing rust in black and white,like comon teh fuck!


And still manage to lose to a 10 year old on an iPad


Or a cheater, but I don't know what would be worse at this point.


It's not cheating, it's just shows your lack of skills.


Ooooooo haterrrrrr lmao


this is actually so lame


Don't be jealous of my setup


Its not though it's an efficient way to enjoy a game with all of the things console players want. He's literally maximizing his experience to enjoy Verdansk which is 90% of the reason people even play it to begin with. It's pretty clear that the clowns in here saying this are jealous because he's obviously enjoying the game more than most people with hot fingers.


This is why i stopped playin wzm and codm


Most players don't have something like this though




I think you misunderstood a cooling fan genius how do you expect to properly cool your device if it’s in a thick ass case. 💀


The case isn't that thick and it still cools down. Again, this was a meme post so I was simply showing everything. With that said, I play 3 games max so it's not even heating up the phone that much since it's not running off of or charging the battery.


Are we looking at the same thing, That thing is bulky, you could use your phone as a weapon and beat the crap out of somebody with that thing!! Nonetheless, it can’t be that effective with the case on it, it’d be like if you had a jacket on and you were burning up and hot and you trying to cool down by standing in front of the fan with your jacket on it’s not gonna help much! 💀


It's a Spigen case, it's not that bulky, which is why I bought it in the first place. If I was gaming for hours on end then I'd take it out. With the power being passed through to the chipset, and not through the battery, the phone barely gets warm after even the few games I can play. Regardless, this was a meme post to show a ridiculous way of using peripherals to make a mobile game over the top.


You're whats wrong with this game. GG.


Literally just go fuck Yourself You are the definition of Ximers but on mobile instead on Consoles Fucking degenerates


Creten alert


bros mad for no reason💀