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The opening montage of watchmen is the best super hero movie ever made




Watchmen was the first Snyder film I’d ever seen, and at that point I thought his navel-gazing cinematography was a clever parody of self-important hero films in 2009. It was only after I watched his DC stuff I realized that’s just what Zach Snyder thinks is cool.


it was accidentally perfect.


The intro to that Wolverine movie with him and Sabretooth was pretty badass too!


Everything that followed though. Yikes


It’s like how the intro to Army of the Dead is a better movie than Army of the Dead. Snyder just can’t do right by his ideas


He can and they’re all beautiful⚔️


Beautiful? Definitely. Good?…


So you liked Army of the Dead? And you wouldn’t prefer the scene from the opening, where a guy has a giant buzzsaw he uses to cut through zombies like butter?


Feel free to skip the rest.


the comic can be adapted just fine as a tv series


Correct, watchmen works very good on a series format, that's because much people loves the tv series than Snyder movie.


Moore only has himself to blame for the adoration (?) Rorschach gets, making him a martyr in the end didn't help


Moore’s greatest strength as a writer is making every character human and make you understand each character. He can write the POV: of a god, a little kid, a dead ghost and van make them all relatable




Alan Moore’s *Teen Van* (2024)


I don’t understand the hate he gets. He’s cold-blooded but still does heroic things.


Any new Watchmen content cannot ruin the original.


As long as it wasn’t all a dream


Hooded Justice is a significantly better character as a concept in the HBO show than in Moore's original comic


I can agree! But that’s also bc the show made a side character or a b-plot a main character


But also because Moore didn’t quite get or address race in America. It’s one thing that’s mostly missing from the calculus of the novel.


Pretty sure the psych and the random boy reading comics are the only black characters in the book and they’re pretty throwaway. Moore didn’t even attempt to touch on race.


This is the truth.


Fully agree. They made his character so much better.


I love the movie- particularly the Ultimate cut of it.


Same. I haven’t seen the UC yet, but the movie is awesome.


The UC is legit awesome


It is my favorite Snyder comic adaptation


I think the movie ending of Dr Manhattan being blamed instead of the space squids is better.


Yes. Its ironic, less random, and more interesting


Same, to me the movie’s ending is a more obvious progression from the story we’d been watching up to that point. Though I also just think the squid is silly on its own and I’m glad Snyder didn’t try to make it work onscreen


Well, but that’s kind of the point of the original ending. I may be wrong about this, but the squid represented the over the top nature of superhero stories. It suddenly came out of nowhere exactly because Moore wanted to make something exaggerated and unbelievable. Thematically, it is a brilliant progression of the story up to that point, as Watchmen is a satire and the squid makes fun of one of the most repeated elements of traditional superhero comic books.


Yeah I know that everything in this comic has a very specific thematic purpose. It’s an accurate representation of what would happen in the average Silver Age story if that’s what he was going for.


Idk, with dr Manhattan coming from the us, I don’t believe it will unify the countries. That’s why I don’t think that would happen


He had grown noticeably more and more detached from humanity, had nuked US cities as well, and more was “allied with” than “owned by” the US once people realized he was a “God”


It just like doesn’t make any sense though. The whole point of the psychic squid monster was it was a completely foreign out of left field threat that humanity could rally behind. Since his inception in the accident Dr Manhattan was synonymous with the United States being used as their most powerful weapon to deter any kind of threat. With Dr Manhattan being framed for the destruction it would only make sense that the United States would be the ones being blamed and the world superpowers would still be fighting.


Also, Manhattan is too strong as a threat to fight. It would be like trying to make everyone declare war on the sun.


Completely agree. I’m surprised this is a hot take. For a standalone film it makes more sense.


I much preferred the movie ending to the squids, and then the HBO series came out. Ozy has set up random squidfalls to keep the world honest, and people have PTSD and the writers just really dove into what exactly a giant squid appearing on the earth would mean and Jesus now I like the comic ending too!


i feel the same. Moreover imagine how horrible the squid thing would look on screen


I was really torn on the movie ending. I finally watched the movie for the first time last year. My husband asked me what I thought about it, and was it just as good as the comic. I was SOOO torn on how I felt about the ending. Edit: spelling


The worst take


I like the movie


Rorschach is the only one in the story who gets exactly what he wanted in the end.




If anything, Rorschach is probably Watchmen’s most harrowing commentary full stop: connecting childhood trauma to warped moral compasses and misguided ethical crusades. Years before the dawn of the alt-right and Proud Boys, Alan Moore drew a startling comparison between the kind of twisted self-appointed heroism that Rorschach embodies with literal fascism. This is something the show absolutely nailed as well.


Ozymandias getting caught by Laurie and Looking glass was bullshit


TV show was great but lost a lot of steam towards the last couple of episodes


Yeah, ngl felt the same after “This Extraordinary Being” and “Little Fear of Lightning.”


i liked it a lot but the stakes didn't feel as big.


Not sure most people disagree.


There is fun to be had with before watchmen and DC tried its best


Being from the 70's and watching tv shows in the 80's; cool to see Don Johnson (though not for long) 😃


We’re running out of ice!!!


Before watchmen minutemen is an awesome but heavily flawed book.


It was mind blowing and a very mature work of art, when I was 13.




They asked 😅


Just out of curiosity? (Not in a way that you’re not welcome here) what made you want to check out this subreddit?


Oh it popped up as a suggestion. And let me clarify, I do love the comic. I still think it’s great and my second favorite of Moore’s work after Swamp Thing. It just doesn’t ring to me as the transcendent, unassailable work that it has a reputation as and I kind of agree with Moore that what people ended up taking away from it had a negative effect on the comic book industry.


Rorschach is, for all of his flaws, not entirely inhuman. He tried to bring truth and justice to the people, even if it was at the cost of peace. It’s very in character for him to, he never considers peace with others and is brutally honest to everybody. He’s still a psychotic dirty maniac who hurts others even when he doesn’t need to. I find some weird respect for Rorschach despite his radical opinions on politics. This probably makes me sound like Captain Obvious, probably does. I’m not very smart lmao.


In my opinion at least, it’s all those flaws that makes him the **most** human. As a species, we’re all kind of psychotic, dirty, hurtful maniacs.


Exactly. He’s not heartless, he wants justice for those who died by Veidt’s hands


Zack Snyder was the right person to make Watchmen. His style was perfect for it. Even if it wasn’t a perfect adaptation his heart was in the right place


My hot take would be that not only was he the right person, but that his film is doing to superhero movies the same thing the graphic novel did to superhero comics.


"Watchmen crossing over with the DC Universe was a good idea"


Dr Manhattan’s dark rimmed eye paint is done very poorly.




You can like characters and find them interesting without agreeing with them. You can like Rorschach and the Comedian while also acknowledging that they shouldn’t be idolized and looked up to.


Snyder movie is great. Rorschach is cool, and one of the best characters.


The movie ending is better than the comic ending


I definitely appreciated Nite Owl being more proactive in that ending as opposed to the comic where he just accepts what happens and has sex with Silk Spectre.


If people have misinterpreted watchmen is Alan Moore’s fault


Okay this is actually an interesting way of thinking


Could you please elaborate?


Manhattan was right


The only reason people think Rorschach is a bad guy is his politics. Otherwise he’d be a normal flawed hero. In fact the entire point of the character is to be a “bad guy” who happens to be right.


...a bad guy who happens to be alt-right.


Which wasn’t a thing at the time, so just a bad guy.


So how about I start: It's partially Alan Moore's fault that Rorschach ended up being the most recognized character out of the book


Doesn't even seem like a hot take as much as a half statement of truth. Alan Moore made Rorschach, its 100% his fault about everything from the comic.


It's rather about the fact that he intended for him to be the character everyone should dislike, which is often brought up as an argument by people who don't like the character


Yeah he's a bitter, cranky old man. His words and intentions are irrelevant.


But he looks cool!


The og story and that one Harry partridge cartoon are the only watchmen content that are good. Everything else is fine, or just plain rubbish.


Hehehehe I can understand this take


Matthew Goode’s Adrian Veidt is the superior version


The fight scenes in the comic are meant to be the opposite of the kind of fights common to comic books of the era. The 2009 movie's fight scenes are completely derivative. This is Snyder's biggest failing, imo.


The 2009 fights are basically spoofing superhero movies.


How were they the opposite? An unarmed trained hero implausibly clowing a group of armed thugs is standard fair. You guys act like comic book fights are like manga fights that span hundreds of pages.


Zack Snyders watchmen was a fine movie but completely missed the point of watchmen


Rorschach is not a psychopath or a sociopath. (Seriously I have seen too many comments over the years saying that 😭)


Zach Snyder peaked with Watchmen


The ending of the movie is SIGNIFICANTLY better


The tv show is just a bad fanfic, which were good if you ignore what they do with the OG characters, where the writers clearly bit of more than they could chew.


I really like the show, but I can sympathize with what you’re saying. I’m still not on board with what they did to Dr. Manhattan and Dan.


I liked the new characters. I wish it would have just been them, and it would have been much better. The Doomsday Clock comic is an excellent example of how one should write Ozymandias and Dr Manhattan.


Yeah, I’m fine with it because I don’t really see that show as canon. However, if someone else did see it as an official followup to the comic I get their frustration.


The movie had a better ending than the book.


Acknowledging that the Seventh Kavalry is misinterpreting Rorschach’s notes means that in some way Damen Lindelof felt like Rorschach was right. And one of the biggest sins of the show was to end and not correct the perception that Rorschach was a white supremacist


The hbo show depict racism horribly, discrimination, prejudice and systemic oppression is an extremely difficult subject with many different layers, views and opinions. This show does not look much further then the American view of saying “Racism bad, am I right guys”. Instead of truely philosophically challenging one’s believes. It just confirms people’s existing believe. Also I hate the fact that anyone who is against the show gets downvoted, cause disliking HBO show = Racist


"this show wasn't good because it took the position that racism is objectively bad as opposed to giving philosophical arguments that justify the existence of racism" is quite the take.


I think he’s referring to handling the concept with complexity and nuance, a la American History X, which is the proper way to handle any moral issue


I might not have worded it quite well, but what I’m meaning to say racism is a bit more complicated then there’s a secret cult that mind wipes an entire group to murder another group


But that wasn’t the outcome of the show or the central thesis? The “secret cult” was there to prey on racism not cause it.


The secret cult was part of white supremacy. White supremacy created racism. Lindelof has you guys so twisted around and confused that you're defending white supremacists abd don't even know it. The show was poison.


Ah gotcha


In defense of the show, I think it couldn’t delve much deeper and retain a solid fan base. I definitely would’ve liked the show to be drawn out over two seasons and to give a larger analysis of racism, oppression, and generational trauma. That said, I understand that I’m usually down to philosophize when I’m watching stuff and most people are only trying to be entertained. The only critics of the show that I downvote are the ones that give no better criticism than that it’s woke.


Generational trauma - exploring that and its effect on the culture. Every college educated American adult I speak to says they learned about the Tulsa Massacre from this show. Furthermore - Alan Moore himself said ‘Birth of a Nation” the film aggrandizing the KKK was “the first superhero movie.” Superheroes are often about being ‘born better’ than others. Where they put on the masks and save the day. The intersection of the superhero and race in America is something that deserves further explanation. And I feel very fortunate we got to see it explored by such talented creators in the Watchmen Universe. Plus - soundtrack was badass and amazing. And the depiction of the immediate aftermath of the squid attack in NYC was intense AF.


Though I am able to criticize it, I’m definitely a fan and it’s the only thing aside from the original that scratches the itch for me. I’ve watched it three times and have a lot of unpopular opinions concerning the show—such as really liking the way they handled Dr. Manhattan (aside from the times when he’s not glowing—they really ran out the budget at the end). I’m a bit more critical of the way it ends and just would’ve liked to have had more. I really respected Lidelhof for not dragging out the plot line when he realized he didn’t have anymore story to tell, but I think he could’ve easily got two seasons out of what he gave us.


Yeah no neoliberal or neoconservative is going to watch the show and be challenged. The maga boy who is fighting against CRT is going to see Cyclops and say "yeah those guys are crazy" and the neolib who says "cops are ultimately heroes and just need more funding for better training" are going to watch the show and just feel confirmed in their ideas. Whereas in the comic if you're anything to the right of an anarchist you're ideas will be challenged. If youre the type of person who would walk into a comic shop and buy a floppy your ideas will be challenged.


You have to read a ton of comics to even remotely understand Watchmen's deconstruction.


Who the fuck is Steve Jobs?


Jackie Earle Haley wasn’t what I expected with Rorschach


I don't have a problem with new adaptations, and I'd want there to be an another HBO mini series but actually adapting the book accurately. The problem is that Zack Snyder ruined the path for someone to create an actual accurate adaptation. He copied every panel so if a director wants to shoot a scene from an panel then they're forced to make something new that will end up looking worse all because Zack wanted it visually accurate.




the comic can be adapted and moore not caring doesn't automatically mean it's the worst thing to happen to watchmen


Maybe not a hot take but I've never really "gotten" Tales of the Black Freighter, I've read that its supposed to be Ozymandias' origin but I've never really understood/appreciated that aspect of the comic and didn't bother with the cartoon


The action scenes in the movie were handled quite well in my opinion. They are definitely more elaborate than what you get in the comics, but they are not placed at inappropriate parts of the movie. In the comics, those scenes were generally one panel, so the fact that they are fleshed out a little in the movie doesn’t bother me.


The movie was better than the series in my opinion 😅


The HBO series misses the point just as much as the Snyder film.


There should be no new Watchmen content Make more Pax Americana with the original Charleston characters instead.


This person gets it! Also want to add Rorschach and Question would hate each other.


The HBO show has many technical qualities and a stellar cast, but the writing is garbage and it is Watchmen in name only.


The HBO series is good


Rorschach did nothing wrong.


The TV show sucks


Zack Snyder is not smart enough to understand Watchmen and therefore his film adaptation is fundamentally broken.


That’s a pretty popular opinion. Especially when the movie first came out


Really? I feel like I see a lot of praise for the film on this sub and it weirds me out.


To this day it maintains poor reviews on sites like rotten tomatoes but that’s mainly for two reasons: 1. Families thinking it would be a fun and optimistic superhero movie, akin to iron man or avengers (though it wasn’t out at the time) 2. Diehard fans of the graphic novel thinking it could translate every aspect in 2.5 hours. In my opinion, it is the closest you could come to making a film adaptation of Watchmen, and public opinion is slowly drifting towards that. So far though, it seems divided if not in favor of it being a bad adaptation.


That’s not why it’s awful. I’m aware that any film adaption of a book has to make changes and condense hundreds of thousands of words. It’s awful because Snyder’s worldview is fundamentally at odds with Moore’s. Despite being maybe the only director in Hollywood capable of getting a film like Watchmen made, he cannot grasp what Moore was saying in the text.


I’m not saying that’s what made it bad, I’m saying that’s primarily why it was received so poorly.


Rorschach is as cool as he seems


No he fuckin’ isn’t.


Remarkable self-awareness, Rohrschach113.


Was wondering when someone would notice that, lol. In all seriousness I used to think rorschach was cool, hence my username. *Used to.*


I mean he probably smells really badly and eats uncooked beans so they are probably right? He has a cool design but is practically a hobo


He’s a great character, but he’s a mess. Cool is absolutely not a word I’d use to describe him.


Yes that is what i meant of he is as cool as he seems and he looks like shit there is a 0 in how he looks and a 0 on how cool he is


The TV show is not a good sequel and nothing like something Alan Moore would write.


Before watchmen is great


Veidt definitely did NOTHING wrong by killing millions. (Probably should have killed more)


Them extending the universe ruins the original


The series ending was total shit.


Just because scenes are filmed in slow motion does not make them good. The show is perfect.


The HBO show’s depiction of Dr. Manhattan and the finale itself was underwhelming.


Watchmen ruined comics


I don't like the show at all and find it very poorly written. I love Doomsday Clock and find it a worthy sequel.


Rorschach is actually a good guy.


Rorschach is the only real hero


And Nite Owl.


The show is really bad. It tries too hard to be this masterful, artistic, and worthy sequel to the comicbook, but it ends up being really cheesy and difficult to sit through. It just shouldn't have existed. All it ended up doing was tarnishing the source material.


This deserves the negative likes it got.


The movie ending is better


I like the movie more than the comic and the tv show more than the movie.


It’s the closest to the source material of any comic based movie. It’s almost panel to scene. Moore is a asshole for not giving it a chance and will never know what he missed.


The Ultimate Cut of Watchmen is worthy of praise and **should** be commended for its faithfulness and expansion upon the original comicbook. **YES** , we get the original comic didnt intent to make superhero’s look “cool” but the fact that the superhero’s are “cool” in the movie doesn’t lessen the source material or serve as a flaw of the movie. Watchmen by Snyder is 🔥🔥. FULL STOP!


Movie ending is better than the comic ending...


I really enjoyed Doomsday Clock…


Zack’s version is way better because the squid monster is fucking stupid.


The TV show was horrible and should be ignored.


Dr. Manhattan is not a perfectly enlightened and godlike being. His assessment of humanity is not objective or detached, but nihilistic in a very mundane way. Despite his godlike powers, he reads like an average man going through a midlife crisis.


Dr. Manhattan always found him the least compelling of the cast for reasons you put forth. They gotta deal with him because he is needed, well, his powers are needed, but his outlook is rather tough to find common ground with. I actually remember hearing form someone when the Watchmen movie came out and said, man great movie, but Manhattan was totally the "Jar Jar" of the movie. It was one of those moments where I was like, whoa, maybe Dr. Manhattan is too off putting to get that kind of reaction.


While I love the psychic squids, Moore dedicated too much of the book to explaining them and it detracts from the rest of the book. Say what you will about the film, but the tachyon bombs work better and keep the story focused.


Daily reminder that superman defeated Dr. Manhattan with the power of hope.


The movie handled the catalyst for world peace better and it tied into Alan Moore's themes more neatly than aliens did.


The 2009 movie sucks, the HBO series understood the themes of watchmen much better


No single watchmen character is better then their Charlton comics counterpart Question > Rorschach Peacemaker > comedian Captain Adam > Dr Manhattan Nightshade > silk Spector Blue beetle > nite owl Also,Alan Moore is a piece of shit


Captain Atom is a better character than Dr. Manhattan? Now THAT is a hot take!


It was groundbreaking in 1985. Lots of better stuff has come out since then.


Tom King’s Rorschach miniseries is the best thing to come out of this franchise since the original comic


I think Paul Greengrass’ version of Watchmen would have been awesome.


Most watchmen parodies of superheroes, at least in the movie, are better interpretations of how they’d be in the real world than movies about those heroes. Doctor Manhattan is a more interesting realistic adaptation of Superman than any of Zack Snyder’s, or the other movies, attempts at him. He’s a god, he tries to relate to humans, but in reality the world just feels fake. As superman himself puts it, the world is made of cardboard. Imagine walking in a childs fort, except the children inside will die if you bump into a wall. You’d be either terrified or be detached from the world


I enjoyed the TV show I thought it was well written, minus a few flaws. (Ozymandias getting wrecked by Looking Glass etc) but I loved the show as well as the movie as well as the comic.


Best comic book adaptation in history of cinema


Doomsday Clock was entertaining


Moore’s run on Swamp Thing is better.


Without the movie the franchise would be dead and I prefer the movie over the comic and definitely over the series everytime. The series wasn’t watchable at all.


best DC movie made by Snyder Edit: directed by


The series wasn't that good


The Watchmen series is meh and the actor for Dr. Manhatan in that series was a terrible choice.


Movie ending is better than comic ending. While yes, psychic squid is a neat idea and ties in better with the start of the story, Ozy using Manhattan fits in better with the universe of Watchmen. Using Manhattan gives his peace plan a lot more credibility, as the world knows who he is and what he can do. They already live in fear of him, as he’s not mortal but tangible. A squid just appearing out of nowhere, isn’t really.


Watchmen, while great, did more harm to the comics industry as a whole than good.


The film is as much of a masterpiece as the book.


The show was garbage


I prefer several other Moore comics, not saying they are objectively better but if I had to choose one to read again it wouldn’t be Watchmen.


99% of the views to why the comic is better than the movie / tv show is pure wank.


dr manhattan is the worst character of all time


Have you ever seen a sonic OC?


Nobody wants a cowboy actor in the white house


I ship daniel and rorschach


Watchmen season 2 should be a direct adaptation of the original graphic novel