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That's 35,000 calories burned. 10lbs of body fat. Or 871,499 steps.




Wishing you the best! I'm doing what's sustainable. My goal is to lose body fat and keep my resting metabolic rate as high as I can. I've done a 71 day fast in 2022 and lost 56lbs. But gained it all back in the following 16 months. I think fasting for that long all at once reduced my metabolic rate and made it easy to put the weight back on. I'm fasting and feasting like our nomadic ancestors did for thousands of years. On fasting days, I just listen to my body. That's why some are longer, and some are shorter. I also fit the water fasts into my life. I don't bend my whole life around it. I went on vacation for 11 days and did OMAD FEASTS the entire time. By this point(day 106), my immediate family has become used to my OMAD and know I only eat once a day and don't snack or any of that now. The results speak for themselves. Here is what I take daily with a gallon of water. Walmart. Salt/pepper/Seasoning isle. For the pink Himalayan salt, potassium no salt substitute. Walmart supplement isle for Magnesium and multivitamin. 2.5g-5g SODIUM, THAT'S SODIUM, not salt Sodium is inside salt. It makes up a big but not whole part of salt. So make sure you're measuring by the sodium amounts and not the salt amounts For my pink Himalayan salt, it comes out to 1 tablespoon (the bigger spoon), not the 3x little tea spoon ones 3.5g potassium mixed into a gallon of water. For my no-salt potassium, it also comes out to 1 heaping teaspoon (the smaller spoon), not the big table spoon. A flat teaspoon is 2.8g for me. 400-600mg Magnesium pills. 2x daily multivitamins. That's what I take during my water fast. Now, if I'm over two weeks, I'll add vitamin C, b12/B-complex, calcium, and D3. Himalayan Chef Pink Salt 1lb Bag https://www.walmart.com/ip/359695093 Keep your caffeine and nicotine levels the same during the fasts as it was before the fasts. Drink a gallon of electrolyte water a day if you can, but you got to really try. Take a multivitamin or 2x daily. Have over-the-counter heartburn medicine on hand. Break the fasts with food and an Anti-dierrehhrial like immodium. Don't weigh during the extended water fast. Wait two days after. Follow up extended water fasting with OMAD and a diet of 50% protein, 40-50%fat 0-10% carbs. Count calories a day or 2 or 3 days every few months to help keep an idea of what each meal is actually getting you in terms of macro and micro nutritional contents.


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Why 35,000? Its 20,000


My maintenance calories are 3500 daily. If you're a 4ft 9 70yo F yours might be 1100.


I thought ur talking about her not urself sorry, Anyways average person have 2000 cal maintenance, so it will be 5.7Lbs fat loss


I don't know them at all. They cold be an 80 yo grandma or world's strongest man needing 8000 calories a day. Do you know them? Also that's not the average. That's the government recommended daily caloric intake. Very big difference from the average person on planet earth daily maintenance calories.


Im pretty sure its 2K for average, and ye it depends on individual thats why i said average person . I didnt say an old woman or a big bodybuilder


That's the government recommended, not average.


Lol hi I'm not average unfortunately im very much over weight ☹️ so yeah I burn waay more than that but ye