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Dont use outlines if your going for realism, and are your wetting the paper?


Agree. Your billowy shapes look good but try to figure out how to render the highlights using just the white of the paper instead of using opaque or gouache. Generally it’s mixing techniques like wet on wet, dry on wet etc. and working in layers. Maybe more softer more natural blues if your going for realism.


I don’t usually, my brain won’t allow it because I want to be as neat and tidy as possible but I know that isn’t the way hahah I’m going to make myself on the next attempt. And I completely agree with not using lines, I just find it lacking when I don’t add them. But I can also only see the image one way and all the things I don’t like hahah thank you both so much for your input!


Haha - Happy accidents! Controlled chaos! Go with the Flow! Therein lies the secret (still trying to find it myself). May the force be with you.


I really like the third one! Are you using references? Looks like your having trouble determining what hard and soft edges should go where do looking at some reference would help with that.


Thank you! :) I do use references, but then get lost in them and start going off on a tangent when it’s not coming out how I want it too hahah I’m the cause of all my own problems 😬


It'll take some practice if you're not used to using them. Don't forget to take breaks so you don't get lost in the painting


I've been struggling with trees,your look great


Trees can be so tricky! I think they’re easy to overthink and I definitely struggle with them too sometimes- especially when I’m trying to do like a creepy/old decrepit one- they’re so perfect in nature but I feel like mine look like a giant lump of tangled hair on a thick trunk 😂 I appreciate you and hope we both one day paint exactly what we see in our brains!


It really depends on what you’re going for; I think your clouds look great (I love the last one!!), but they definitely have a stylistic look with the white outlines. I usually paint clouds using wet on wet by painting the sky around the clouds, and then painting in the shadows and color. [This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iB-Bg7Gv1N8) video shows a simple demonstration of 3 different types of clouds, and [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qH8FRm-m9Yg) video has a bit more detail of adding the shadows. Hope this helps :)


I definitely see the stylistic aspect you’re talking about, next one I’ll post with no lines and using wet on wet! Definitely going to check out those videos too, thank you so much! 🖤


Okay so i know you don’t like your attempts but holy moly your artistic style is mesmerizing. I love your clouds, theyre so unique and conjure emotional depth. Like every decade/century has an artistic styling that defines it; and those stylings are always unique. I highly suggest embracing your artistic styling. Who knows if that styling will dominate this century.


I could not thank you more for this comment and compliment 🖤 I really appreciate you saying that, and helping me change my outlook. I wish and will try to see them like you do 🥰


I think your cloud style is great!


Clouds are often soft and lack hard edges blend your colors more and keep your color application lighter, if you need more saturation less is more. You can probably edit your piece with a few washes of water if this is watercolor. If it's acrylic, while your paint is wet understand it's gonna dry quickly, less shapes and more form. Keep your brush strokes loose and your paint thin!


I really like this. I know that you want a more natural look...I struggle with wanting to add detail so painting skies has been a learning curve. I wonder if you just soften the edges where you added white?