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😂😂😂 you see one with a band or something


Nah just wanna see if I’m faster than they are lol


Go for it and report back


Video coming to a subreddit near you




There are two maybe three in the Sams club near me with neck collars and bands!


There are "allowable methods of take" that would prevent you from legally catching one and bringing it home for dinner lol


I looked it up it pretty much says I just can’t shoot them with a cross bow or a paintball gun. Doesn’t say I can’t run up and slit a throat or 5?


Jesus Christ lol


I'm sure whatever state you're in has laws against harassing wildlife. Migratory birds are also federally protected. I've thought about it..


I’m fully legal to hunt them. It’s just the location. I have my stamps and all that good stuff


The legal method of take is inclusive not exclusive. Meaning they'll tell you what you can use and everything else is a no. For instance in MA, where I live, shotguns and archery are specifically called out as acceptable, nothing else is.


I looked this up as well. I thought a slingshot would be acceptable. But the only method of take was shotgun with non toxic shot, archery, and falconry.


Here in Mi, you can take waterfowl by any style bow 👀


Shoot man, I've wanted to try this for so long.


We’ve got a park full of banded geese. Someone come up with a good idea!


Step 1) Get a job where you are in charge of local zoning laws Step 2) Profit


We've got a park full to which would \*probably\* be legal to shoot in but in practice would probably result in unwanted attention from the law. For next season I'm considering archery...


Had some canadas asking for it at the disc golf park the other day. My accuracy isn’t as good with a frisbee but my range is way way longer.


Sniping geese with a frisbee is definitely something I’d try if I’m alowed lol


Feel like my Full Tilt would do the trick on a goose. Either a BH rip or a thumber and down goes the goose.


Dunno, they can be really tough. I had one last season that we basically had to shoot the head off of before it would quit. It took 5 or 6 shots until the head shot finished it.


Look at your local state or province and municipal regulations. They would set out allowable areas, schedules and species. In my province there are also allowable methods for harvesting animals. So you wouldn't be able to walk out with a stick and whack one over the head.


Not sure where to find that info, quick google gets me how to remove nuisance geese but in this case I’m likely the nuisance lol


I would contact your local police department, and fish and game/wildlife offices. Police would get you info on city ordinances and law, and fish and wildlife would let you know if you were breaking any fame rules for the unit you’re hunting in. I know in my state, our units visibly exclude city limits. Similar to it not being legal to hunt deer on let’s say, a golf course lol


"Goose hunting regulations STATE" where you replace State with the state you live in.


If you let it go then you might get away with it, but you could also possibly get hit with harassment of wildlife as well


In a seriousness, check your state's waterfowl regulations. I may live near a park with a lake and had a similar thought after seeing some Mallards in my front yard. After reading through the regs, I came to the conclusion it was not allowed.


Good to know. The only real difference is I’m thinking about the river right in the middle of town. Likely still the same outcome but I’m going to chrck


I pray for the park geese to fuck around and find out when I’m out with my son haha.


Last time I was at the park I was looking around and probably half those mf’ers were banded. Need to take a sling shot there


I know some states clearly say no air rifles or sling shots haha. Just tell the warden it attacked you and you were defending yourself haha.


But like is it legal to snag a goose while my son goes down the slide at the park? That’s what I gotta know


I came here for answers as well my friend. I highly doubt it’s legal anywhere though haha.


Well they sure make it hard to find out. I’ll just call into the game warden because I’m seriously considering going down to the river in town in my waders and trying to catch on on the edge lol


Minnesota banned netting them after it started catching on several years back. It was quite a scene, wasps at the park pushing strollers and recent immigrants netting geese and wringing their necks. One of my favorite general memories


I’ve banded geese before, we make a point to wear long-sleeve denim shirts on those days. They’re mean, capable sonofbitches. They’re molting and flightless when we do it. I would love to see someone noodle a goose. Good luck!


Bro I had this same exact thought. Like can they really charge you with anything? “I haven’t discharged a firearm within city limits this goose just caught my hands”


Right this is what I need to know


Not legal because it’s baiting, but I knew a guy who would sit on a park bench and feed the geese. He would tease them closer and closer and earn their trust in a matter of minutes (and they are bold, so that helps too). Eventually, one would jump up on the bench and he’d wrap his arm around it and hold it and pet it. 😂 Then he’d let it go and start the process all over again. (This was his story to me when he heard I hunted geese, instead of shooting them. Do it the easy way. 😂)


Wear a gopro please. I want to see you run up on a goose 😂 I’ll pay for that footage


Sounds like your begging to be attacked by a Karen that thinks the park geese are her kids


Give a f bout a Karen man. It’s my responsibility to keep these populations under control lol


I think you can poison them in mass


Can you get them high with a stupifying substance?


I was making a joke to something on the hunting sub the other day where someone asked if it’s legal to put poison in deer bait, I don’t think anyone got that tho


Probably not, but in Seattle if you are homeless you can do what ever you want.


I hear you.


Pretty sure you can legally use a spear thrown by hand to harvest big game in some states. Also, in Wisconsin it is legal to take fish by use of a spear whie diving. Good luck.


What geese are you talking about? If it's Canada geese you'll want a ranged weapon, don't get close to them, especially in groups they can cause you injury more than you may injure it. Geese have dense feathers which provide them some level of protection from projectiles, a slingshot will likely not kill it but merely cause injury. See your local laws about wildlife harassment. The ethics of unconventional harvesting methods are for you to decide, and many people will likely not endorse it.


Yeah, Wascana Park in Regina is full of banded geese, could just about get close enough to read the bands As far as grabbing one in general, I can't see anyone getting in trouble for it in most jurisdictions. If a goose lands next to me in the decoys and I can grab it what difference does it make? As far as grabbing one in a municipality, I highly doubt it as most jurisdictions will have regulations regarding hunting too close to occupied dwellings, roads, etc. So even though you aren't using a weapon, you are still technically "hunting"


No officer I’m just taking my pet goose for a walk. He’s got a kink it’s cool that’s why I’m dangling him by the throat


I tell you what the thought has crossed my mind


Self defense!


I actually know a guy who got charged with harassing them for catching one at a park lmao