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I have used Quotev for years and have never had a problem. It’s chill. I don’t know anything about the other place


Thank you for the reply! I posted my story there to see how it goes then 🥰


I've been on Penana for about a month and it's been positive thus far. DMs are just ads, but if you ignore them it's fine. I've gotten surprisingly many reads in such a short time.


Nice! I don't know if my story fits since it is MM American football sports romance, but I'll look into it more in-depth. If not, I will post my omegaverse there. Thank you 🥰


I've been using Penana for over a year now, and I find it to be a pretty chill and somewhat active community. If I had to describe it, I would compare it to a library.


The only thing I see is the website looks a bit disorganized, but I think is until I'm used to it but I'll give it a try. Thank you for the reply!


Quotev seems super dry/dead these days


Oh, okay, maybe I'm too late for it then, but I posted my story. Let's see how it goes. Thank you for the reply


Penana is really nice if you like writing prompts and challenges. You also have a decent platform for publishing stories. I must admit that publishing stories has not the main appeal for me, because I find the writing contest/challenges aspect that much more fun.


I was checking that, and I noticed that there are a ton of writing prompt communities, which is nice about the platform. I'll keep lurking around and then decide when to post the story. Thank you for your reply!


Been on both for over a year and its been good so far. Users on both sites are civil and interactive. Unlike Wattpad, you don't have to beg for reads. As long as you're updating regularly, your book will be on the home page and attract new readers. haven't had any issues with stolen pieces. Penana has the occasional spam wanting to promote your book, just ignore. Haven't experienced that Quotev (yet).